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Altogether, I mean.
Still -__- you're rich
Uh it's $ after all
No, I am not rich.
So it seems high to me
I use €
And I use something which doesn't have a unicode representation at all. =P
There was once I threw away all my books. Now I only have 8 books on my shelf.
@JasperLoy Whacchoo do that for?
I have 2. All full of exam exercises
@BalarkaSen I had many useless books, and I wanted to start afresh getting only useful books.
@BalarkaSen Want a random problem from one of my books ?
@Hippalectryon Let's see
I think I may have found the perfect set of 12 books to study next year, 1 for each month.
@BalarkaSen Do i pick a hard book or a medium one ?
Of course, I have said that a million times in this chat.
@BalarkaSen Compare $\sum_{k=0}^{n-1}\frac{n^k}{k!}e^{-n(n-k)}$ and $\frac{1}{\sqrt{n}}$
Not interested.
What are you interested in
Number theory.
Integrals ?
@BalarkaSen Modulos and stoof ?
@Hippalectryon That's just elementary NT but OK
OK @BalarkaSen wanna know my 12 books? That will give me an excuse to type it out again, lol.
@BalarkaSen Oh idea
@BalarkaSen Solve $|5x^2-y^2|=4$ on $\mathbb{Z}$
@Hippalectryon Looks good.
Can't we just remove those absolute value?
$5x^2 - y^2 = \pm4$
This is just a Pell equation
Do as you want
So continued fractions would be my first line of attack
I'm interested by any method
I know nothing about continued fractions.
@BalarkaSen To be a hopeless pedant, it's only a Pell equation when the RHS is $\pm 1$.
@MikeMiller le sigh
Lenny where are you
Of course, one can make a transformation between the two, but solving the transformed one in integers isn't necessarily equivalent to solving the original in integers.
I know nothing about Pell equations.
@MikeMiller Indeed.
So this will not fall to such a simple attack, I think.
PARI returns a lot of solutions. good stuff.
There are more than I'd expect
since there are more than a few, perhaps there are infly
Riemann is an enigma. We must solve him!
@MikeMiller I'd guess so
No way. It's been way too long, @meer2kat! ^_^
to hell with this stupidity
If there is a ...
sup khalil
Double l, i, l, @meer2kat!
Where have you been? It feels like ages since we last spoke.
it has been ages. i don't have much spare time anymore. i work nights and am taking a full load at school while also exploring who i am and all that growing up crap
@meer2kat Nobody ever fully grows up.
The challenge is retaining the best characteristics from when you were a child, whilst maintaining a mature facade.
@Khallil wat
I think most people grow stupid as they age.
lol i know. i'm just exploring reading, writing, poetry, art, world cultures, music. developing myself
Open your mind, @BalarkaSen.
@JasperLoy don't tell that to @TedShifrin :O
@Bal can't open his mind
Preach it, @JasperLoy! Our man Erdos got that written on his epitaph!
@Khallil what's that supposed to mean?
@Khallil Really? I am so proud to be like him!
@BalarkaSen We've found a closed form for your mind
@Hippalectryon My mind is closed, not open.
Well, it might be clopen I guess
Clopen and circline are 2 cute words.
In topology, a clopen set (a portmanteau of closed-open set) in a topological space is a set which is both open and closed. That this is possible may seem counter-intuitive, as the common meanings of open and closed are antonyms. But their mathematical definitions are not mutually exclusive. A set is closed if its complement is open, which leaves the possibility of an open set whose complement is itself also open, making both sets both open and closed, and therefore clopen. == Examples == In any topological space X, the empty set and the whole space X are both clopen. Now consider the space X which...
@Khallil google clopen sets
What's so funny
yeah, nothing so funny
it's just @Khallil's ignorance
Here it is, @JasperLoy!
*Végre nem butulok tovább*
Finally I am becoming stupider no more.
How does one get $1/2 + 2/3 + ··· + n/(n + 1) = n + 1 - \sum_{k=1}^{n+1}1/k$ ?
I actually really like that song, @meer2kat. ^_^
@Khallil LOL
@khal really?
The auto tune does it justice.
@Khallil I've stopped getting dumber, in plain speech
it's an awful song
I thought we were bros, @meer2kat.
@khal not about miley cywhore. other than that we can be bros
I think I know, @Hippa.
Not anymore (ಥ﹏ಥ) @Khallil xD
@Khallil what is it ?
I'll write it up.
You just need to do a partial fraction decomposition in the summand after writing the general term as $\frac{k}{k+1}$.
$(k+1)/(k+1) - 1/(k+1)$
patently obvious
like $k/(k+1)=1-1/(k+1)$ ?
and then sum them togather
oops i got to go
Oh i got it :D
You da real MVP, @meer2kat. ^_^ $$\begin{aligned} \dfrac{1}{2} + \dfrac{2}{3} + \dots + \dfrac{n}{n+1} \ & = \sum_{k=1}^{n+1} \dfrac{k}{k+1} \\ & = \sum_{k=1}^{n+1} \left( \dfrac{k+1}{k+1} - \dfrac{1}{k+1} \right) \end{aligned} $$
oh dear lord
There you go, @Hippa. I was already half way though so I had to finish it!
anyways, i'm back to chilling in the english room and writing
Sayonara desu.
@Khallil Thanks :)
Ja, mata ne.
@Khallil What does that even mean ?
I love simple questions like that, @Hippa.
Oh, it just means bye, see you later.
Oh i thought sayonara was like farewell rather than goodbye
That's almost all of the Japanese I've picked up from anime. =P
@Khallil And Aligatou :3
with flawless orthography aligatou gozaimasse :c
arigatou gozaimasu for real
I take that back, @meer2kat. Da real MVP is @Hippa, master of emoticons and Japanese.
It's called google :c
I've only learnt Chinese a bit, not Japanese
Google gets the assist. You're still the scorer!
6 mins ago, by Balarka Sen
patently obvious
@BalarkaSen is something else.
@Khallil Have a good day/evening :D ( ´Д`)ノ(´・ω・`) ナデナデ
I'm back!
I accidentally closed my browser. T_T
@Khallil Please don't translate the japanese characters :P
You've been warned
I take that warning, and I raise you a translation.
Maybe my translator is (really) bad, but it says nadenade.
I wish we can have a friends list on here
Oh yea. I thought this might be cool, @Hippa.
@nablablah Hi Bart. I have been thinking hard of which calculus text to get to prepare for GRE.
Hi @Jas
Have you tried Spivak, @JasperLoy?
I'm not going to use any textbooks
I've heard it's great. I personally couldn't get past the first three chapters. Total snoozefest.
@Khallil I am already using Rudin for analysis. I want a calculus text with lots of computations and applications instead.
Stewart, then
I found Marsden and Weinstein's Calculus 1,2,3. Looks good.
It's much cheaper than Stewart too.
I saw a few pages of Stewart on Google. It doesn't seem that good.
I hated Marsden's Vector Calc
@khal your words are blasphemous
@Khallil I think there is no need for colour.
You can just use crayons
OK guys this is my reading list next year.
BLASPHEMY by Khallil?
I heard it's an excellent read
Marsden's Calculus 1, Calculus 2, Calculus 3; Cohn's Classic Algebra, Basic Algebra, Further Algebra; Rudin's Mathematical Analysis, Real and Complex Analysis, Functional Analysis; Lee's Topological Manifolds, Smooth Manifolds, Riemannian Manifolds
Such a weird coincidence that for all 4 gen. ed. classes I have this semester, I have to do presentations for every one
You're going to cover all of that in a year?
That's basically all of the subjects I'll have to go through to get a four year degree in mathematics.
That sounds tough.
You're really smart, @meer2kat.
@meer2kat I will try to. I intend to study 8 hours every day next year. I have no work or school.
Review, I think it could be possible
@khal screw you too.
What did I do, @meer2kat?
Only 8 hours without work or school?
@meer2kat That will help prepare me for GRE, algebra quals, analysis quals and topology quals for grad school.
@khal i've had five years of calculus. back off.
@jasper good luck!
@nablablah I am afraid I may get tired.
Well, I don't get tired easily but I am pretty slow at math
Took me almost 2 weeks to read the first 9 pages of Rudin
Math requires a lot of thinking, and after a while you feel sleepy.
And that's all I did all day
true that. or boredom.
like statistics. statistics is SO FREAKING BORING
I am not going to study stats, yay!
lucky you
i'm in stats right now
they made me backtrack since i switched majors
What are the chances of me finding statistics boring, @meer2kat?
@khal i dunno. maybe BLASPHEMY has a quote on it
Yea, maybe ...
i have a quiz in it tomorrow. i'm just irritated that it's mostly vocab and not much math
I hate doing presentations on topics I know nothing about
what's your pres on?
And I hate researching/memorizing topics I hate
meer2kat various topics throughout the semester...I have to do like 10 of them for all my classes
@nablablah I memorised so much stuff to take exams at 16 years old.
I don't mind doing presentations on like math or something
i feel your pain. i had to do a chemistry presentation over the effects of gold on rheumatoid arthritis. i didn't understand a single word in my presentation.
you've got this!
But stuff like urban culture, South African drama, poetry, etc. No thanks...
@nablablah My GPA got pulled down because of this kind of courses. I only got 4.4 out of 5.
your GPA was out of 5?
What's a GPA?
@meer2kat Yup, I am not from the US.
@khal grade point average
they take your grades
say a 99 is an A
and that is equivalent to 4 points
I see where you're going with that.
if you get an A, a B, and another A, your GPA would be a 3.7
I did badly in some math courses too, because of my mental illness.
i did awful in calc. 3 because of anxiety and stress. i understand @jasper. it sucks
@nablablah What text did you use for calculus?
Which calculus
Any of them.
We used Apostol for calc 1-4
But there were a bunch of supplementary texts
Stewart for the computational exercises
i wish i had a normal book for calc
our teachers wrote our book
Could you glance over a test paper for me and tell me if you could have done 4 questions in 3 hours at the end of your first year of college, @meer2kat?
uh sure?
do you have a link?
error 404
Ah. -_-
@Khallil STEP papers are hard, lol.
copy the link to bit.ly and try again
Yea, STEP II 2014. The one I did.
I probably can't even do it now
i don't like the picture in that error 404 link
Are you at university, @nablablah?
Ooo, in the UK?
what state?
New York
i'm in kentcuky
number 1 is super easy. 5-10 minutes
Paper 2, @meer2kat.
(I still haven't even looked at the questions I didn't try.)
i figured :P give me a minute to look through it
@nablablah You should change your username to Bart.
How come
Easier to identify
Why do I want to be easily identified
Is that description deliberate, @nablablah?
@nablablah Because I often have to think twice about who nabla is, lol
Pretty smurt.
Who is nabla?
i wish this could have been an exam i'd taken. this doesn't look hard at all. 3 hours you said? i think i could finish in an hour or hour and a half at the end of my first year in college. a lot faster now that i'm in my third year.
How about before you went to college?
College in America is analogous to university in the UK, right?
Ok. Then, how about before college, @meer2kat?
yes and yes. i could have done this at the end of my third year of high school no problem. i may have been able to figure it out at my second, but it would have taken a long time since i have very limited knowledge of calc back then
so i could do it when i was 15/16 easily. 14/15 possibly
has anyone ever had galub jamun? it's so yummy!!!!!
Wait, is it an orange sweet?
like brown in a honey colored sauce
Yea, I've had it!
It's pretty awesome.
it's soooo good. i had it for the first time today
I think I've only had it once in my life.
i also tried chicken biryani, kheer, and ras mali today. i didn't like the ras mali....it tasted like i was eating a sponge dipped in a yummy sauce
Anyhow, before I doze off. Good night, everyone!
It was nice talking to you again, @meer2kat.
Keeping nablaing, @nablablah.
Become Erdős, @JasperLoy!
night khal
What are you up to this evening @meer2kat
@nab writing a story, watching movies, and studying for my stupid statistics quiz. you?
All simultaneously?
I am doing homework and working on my papers/presentations for gen. ed. classes
fun! what gen eds are you in? i'm on my last one now.
and two at once. it's hard to write a story and study math at the same time :P
Urban Diversity, Comparative Politics, Poetry, Anthropology, and Acting
anthropology is a lot of fun. what's your major?
I guess many people in here are
all of them that i've met
except the young ones
the young ones are going to be though most likely
@Chris'ssis on $\left[\frac12,1\right]$, $\left\{\frac1x\right\}=\frac1x-1$
I am back.
Welcome back sir
I just ate two bananas, lol.
Just felt like eating them.
I will go to bed in an hour's time.
@nablablah I downloaded Marsden's calculus 1,2,3 legally from authors.library.caltech.edu
Did you have to log in with your Caltech user/pass?
No log in needed.
I don't have one
Which ISBN did you get
They look ok
sup jasper
@meer2kat Do you still paint?
@nablablah I am going to sleep, good night!
Off topic If $f:\mathbb{R} \to \mathbb{R}$ satisfies $|(f(x)-f(y) / (x-y) | \ge 1$, then I can conclude $|f(x+r)|\le |f(x) + f(r)|$ Can this be generalized to the case that $f$ is a function from $\mathbb{R^n}$ onto itself if I use the standard metric?
Q: Consistent Augmented Matrix

FractalHandWell, the linear system which at least has one solution is called "consistent" linear system. Find an equation involving g, h, and k that makes this augmented matrix correspond to a consistent system: $$\begin{bmatrix} 1 &-4 &7 &g \\ 0 & 3 & -5 &h \\ -2 & 5 & -9 &k \end{bmatrix}$$ Alright, ...

Someone answer my question , please.
Ok, what do you get after you apply gaussian elimination?

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