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@Jonas: Perhaps you could try phrasing it this way: there are adjectives that don't describe other adjectives and there are adjectives that do describe other adjectives (commonly called adverbs). One could make an adjective that means that an adjective doesn't describe another adjective (perhaps adjectivial?) and similarly for adverbs (adverbial?). Now...is "adjectivial" adjectivial? :P
I don't remember where I read something like that, but I sure remember it. :P
1 hour later…
@ElendiaStarman I am afraid that ain't work either
2 hours later…
@Jonas: is that your first date with your date? Yeesh. Did your date ask precisely about Russell, or you brought it up?
2 hours later…
@JM I just brought it up. I guess I'm a too big nerd.
@ElendiaStarman That is interesting... :P. I'll try that or just don't try that at all.
Hiya! Jonas: I always do that mistake when I used to have dates, to talk about mathematics too much. There was a time when I really was into GEB (Gödel, Escher, Bach) and talked a lot about it, so every girl I met for dating purposes got to hear my rants about it. Then I found a girl who actually, after I had my rants, bought the book, she's now my girlfriend!
Great, so I just must be more persistent.
Yeah, find nerdy girls!
1 hour later…
If my opinion counts for anything, @Jonas: if you don't know the gal that well, Russell ain't exactly in the short list of "stuff I can casually talk about on a date". Anywho... sometimes you can get lucky like Dedalus, but after all this is effectively a lottery.
So have I noticed...
It's not wrong to be "too big a nerd", but you shouldn't be too surprised if it puts off dates either. As long as math doesn't carry the same level of "cred" (for whatever value of "cred") as, say, knowing the coolest party places, well...
But maybe someday you can have Dedalus's luck. In the meantime, carry on. ;)
Heh, I hope so :D.
5 hours later…
Heh, we're now doing dating advice here? Before getting into a long discussion about technical subjects, make sure that one of the following two applies (a) your date/SO has shown interest already by having read some of D. Hofstader, Brian Hayes, the more pop-sci'ish Roger Penrose, or something similar; or (b) you've made sure to have her undivided attention for the next three hours (say, driving a rental with a broken radio in Connecticut on I95 S after Labour Day Weekend)
...ech, I can't stand GEB myself. I suppose it's really person-dependent. In my case, it was sorta easy to discuss geometry with a date with artistic aptitude.
"say, driving a rental with a broken radio in Connecticut on I95 S after Labour Day Weekend" - and what's to stop her from tuning you out? ("I'm in my happy place; this guy isn't blabbering loudly, lalala...") ;)
math.stackexchange.com/questions/57252/… is this question even valid?
i am not so good at L.A , so kinda hesitant, but going by the definition of a projection operator is one if T^2=T .
@WillieWong I really don't think this is all that necessary. You just need to talk about mathematics with such passion that she'll get sucked right into the conversation. I've done that with random chicks, dates and even random conversations with people who despise math.
sounds like homework
hehe, well i was thinking the same..
Asaf's gotta point there. Gals dig passion... ;)
dig passion.. lol
I once talked to this girl I knew briefly during the army service, and I explained to her the axiom of choice, Zorn's lemma, and the well ordering principle. I also explained how they are sort of equivalent.
I approved an edit on that question; it seems the unregistered user neglected to add crucial details.
Took me more or less an hour.
...she didn't walk out on you Asaf? Yeow.
I even walked her home.
wow.. seems like another nerd u went out with ;)
Not that I'd do anything. She wasn't for my taste and I only had like three shots of arak.
I did not go out with her.
whats arak?
oh! ok
Just an example of how girls dig passion.
Arak is the milk of lionesses.
in my case whenever i tried eent laking something remotely related to math, they had always try to get away as far from the discussion as possible
well asaf, i googled it ;)
The point is, in a nutshell, that you have to talk about it with this sort of spark in your eyes that says that you will give your life and soul to find a proof that PFA is consistent relatively to something weaker than a supercompact cardinal.
Well, you need to have a feel for the girl... figuratively, that is.
@JM I disapprove of the way the question's asked. But it is a mathematical question.
wait Willie, what are we talking about now? :)
I had a lot of fun last night, writing that counterexample in that answer about countable union of continuum sized sets.
@JM click the little left-turn-arrow sign, it will point you to the topic that it is in reply to
I worked for several hours trying to write a proof from ZF, but then I remember that this is a case of "try to show it can happen", so instead I went for an explicit construction :D
Finished it around 4:30am
@JM If you speak French or Italian, I think literally may also be an option.
@WillieWong If you know how to be poetic in any language, then you can be literal as well.
Well, "literally" would be if you've already meshed well... which hopefully you already know within half an hour or so into the date...
Also, do you guys think it's fine that I keep dragging questions into [axiom-of-choice]?
@AsafKaragila It is easier to sound poetic in a language the gal doesn't know.
...I don't think the gals I know would take kindly to me suddenly speaking in Latin, for instance ;)
@WillieWong Well, if you have a poet's heart then you can be poetic in quite the simple way. I have T.S. Elliott's heart in my closet.
Whereas French and Italian just sound poetic regardless.
@Asaf: In a jar?
@JM Nope. In a pita!
With some mustard, tomatoes and pickles!
"poetic" - I used to think that it had something to do with the languages being somewhat nasal, until I remembered Chinese...
@AsafKaragila I have Edgar Allen Poe's somewhere under a floorboard
@WillieWong Yeah, but that's just creepy.
I mean, you start citing The Raven to a girl you're trying to impress... if she ain't a goth chick, you're not getting very far.
all of you people are graduates?
Do you mean like Dustin Hoffman in that movie?
Well, I'm not in school anymore... :D
@Asaf: would you have accepted her proposition? ;)
@JM I have to admit I have no yet seen that movie. I will probably do a screening after I'll buy a TV. Either way, I have a girlfriend now. So no.
@AsafKaragila Ah well, try to, if you can tear yourself away from constructing counterexamples... ;)
@AsafKaragila Yes, but that's ironically creepy. And Poe wrote more than just the Raven. Think parts of "Eulalie" or "To Helen".
@JM It's hard! I mean, these things are tantalizing....
...eh, I'm more "Annabelle Lee" myself...
@WillieWong Yeah, like the Black Cat.
@JM But wouldn't the gal think you are cursing her death?
Or "The Pit and The Pendulum"...
.. or perhaps just plain Emo.
Well, something along the lines of "I can't tear myself away from you, I'll compose something like Annabelle Lee when you're gone..."
...of course, not first date territory ;)
So... when are you guys sending me cases of alcohol?
...when they invent a digital way of sending alcohol.
Can I use existing ones?
...when it becomes feasible for your box to squirt arak directly into your mouth.
at the push of a few hotkeys
I think that can be arranged quite easily by hacking some USB stuff.
Right, but alcohol still doesn't go through well on coaxial cable... ;D
Good thing I use DSL and not cables!
On a site-meta note... why couldn't they just have had all those auto-edits be Community's?
Hear hear.
Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go write a proof for the Magidor's covering lemma.
somehow I misread that as "Magidin"...
I have to submit this assignment two weeks ago... and the time portal closes tomorrow.
Nah. I took a course from Menachem Magidor, which is not only a wonderful mathematician but also a great teacher.
In the last question we need to cover the changes from the proof given by him to the Jensen covering lemma, into a proof of his covering lemma.
So, I bid you adieu. Please don't ask many questions about the axiom of choice in the next two days :-)
That's a tall order... ;P
Well, one question about cardinals dragged me into an all night proof and constructions...
And I was hoping to finish this other question I haven't finished on that assignment!
...I suppose I can sympathize with that; I think I had one answer that took me a whole day and three letter-size sheets to formulate properly.
I sometimes look at the tag statistics on my user page, and I wonder.
I have 100+ on the set theoretic tags (except [ordinals] which is not yet rich enough ;-)) and like... 50 or less in most of the other tags.
Am I really that useless when it comes to other fields? :-)
...you say that like it's so perverse to be a specialist... :)
If you are specializing at hooking car batteries to nipples... well, yes. It is perverse ;-)
facepalm ... who does... on second thought, I don't want to know...
(this is from somebody who used to hang around /b/)
For shame... /b/? Tsk tsk tsk.
"used to", okay?
Fine fine. ;-)
I'm hungry.
I should go make dinner... I promised my girlfriend that I will cook shakshuka tonight.
@AsafKaragila ...now there's a problem even arak can't solve... :D
@JM You'd be surprised. Arak solves all problem, except the problem of how you smell after a night full of arak.
tsk... can't compete with the expert... :D
Have you ever had shakshuka?
Could you describe it to me? I've had Hebrew food, but can't be assed with the names...
Hebrew food, hehe... more like Mediterranean food.
You pan fry some onion, garlic, add tomatoes and let it cook for a bit. Then you add a few eggs and eat.
Ah, yes, I do recall eating that some years ago.
I remember once seeing a recipe on some government office page, as an attempt to show how great our cuisine can be. Oh lordy loo, that was the worst recipe I have ever seen for shakshuka :-)
...what kind of atrocity did they post?
Something tasteless, with copious amounts of onion.
Maybe you were reading their "How to get rid of a bad date" page...
Haha... nah, I recall the site was to give the wonderful shakshuka to the world.
The Israeli cuisine is a very interesting cuisine indeed.
okay, maybe you could help me understand the appeal of hummus...
Since most people's parents and grandparents came from abroad only 30-60 years ago, a lot of the cooking still has traditional roots. However things are starting to mix up into something with less of a concrete identity. Hopefully in 10-15 years the Israeli cuisine will have a rigid face and identity.
So far every national food in Israel was "stolen" from some other nation. Except Bamba and Ptitim.
Hummus is great... but most people don't know how to prepare it so it's not so good.
so maybe the people who prepared the hummus I've tried botched it, then?
It is possible.
I am a wonderful cook, if I ever get to wherever it is that you live I could probably cook you some hummus.
It's very easy to ruin a batch of hummus, it's not too hard to get it decent. Most people are clueless about how to make it awesome.
alright, when we meet, you handle dinner; I'll do desserts :)
I am a fan of the desert.
Hummus is lovely
Heh. I'm more on the baked goods than dinner myself; my gal does dinner.
I'm not that much of a cook either.
I hate when one gets stuck on some particular detail when one reads a text, and can't resolve it.
I never read cookbooks.
I thought of math texts
At most I read some recipes online to get a feel of how much heat or so is needed.
...generally men don't read cookbooks :)
I did read some of the things in "The Anarchist's Cookbook" back at the day I was young and whatnot.
in my case, helping around in the kitchen allowed me a feel for what's "right" and "wrong".
@AsafKaragila well, the chemistry portions are either utter crap or will tear you apart
When I was a kid I had "Donald duck's cookbook"
we used to call it the "Crapbook".
@JM I never tried it, to be fair.
@Dedalus: I meant the one Asaf was talking about, not yours. :)
You know, the local hardware store does not know me. So they sold me a 1kg of caustic soda. I did play with that a bit.
...for soap?
Somehow I always get around into cleaning the pipes with it when I'm only in my underwear or so... safety equipment is for chumps who rely on something other than luck!
ah, the trick to getting lye to really work is to mix in a few aluminum strips, but you need to be careful.
I'll be sure to remember that.
and definitely you can't use lye if the drains are made of aluminum to begin with.
Oh yeah.
If the drain looks like plastic, I don't care much.
hehe. "Would this drain cleaner be safe for my plastic drains?" "Well, it's in a plastic container..."
I mean, I wash it pretty quickly so it won't ravage the pipes right away, and in a while... if they break? Who gives a damn? I don't own this place.
...well, hair doesn't exactly dissolve that quickly in lye.
takes about four, five minutes tops
unless you're shedding hair like there's no tomorrow, in which case, you have worse problems than a clogged drain
Nah, when we moved in here I tossed like 400grams down various drains :)
you're nasty... :D
It cleaned the pipes good.
so the dorm you are in was pretty dingy when you first came in?
Me and my girlfriend moved into this apartment last week. The previous tenants lived here for three years.
They left it dingy?
Half dingy, we also told them they don't have to clean (aside painting the walls and whatnot) since we'll clean anyway.
That's rather kind of you...
We were gonna clean after them again anyway...
And time was of the essence.
Okay. I am going to cook, eat and then work.
see you
This user seems to have a fascination with the Cantor set.
@BogdanLataianu ?
In this question the whole proof from AMM was given. Is that fine in your opinion?
I am not even sure what is it that you ask me.
1 hour later…
Well, all that was quite amusing to read. :P
1 hour later…
I was thinking of getting a haircut. Is that fine in your opinion?
Now that I see you are the authority here.

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