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Qs: if $\{p_n\}_{n=1}^\infty$ is a sequence of polynomials and $\sum p_n$ approaches $f$ uniformly on $\mathbb{R}$ as $n\to \infty$ then is $f$ a polynomial?
@user52932 no. It is continuous, however.
unless the degree of the poiynomials is bounded, in which case, $f$ would be a polynomial.
@robjohn example of non polynomial $f$ ?
@r9m actually, I was speaking in general. If the functions converge uniformly on all of $\mathbb{R}$, then eventually, they must all be the same polynomial modulo a constant function which decreases with $n$ (in which case, their degree is bounded).
@robjohn yas .. :)
got it ..
@r9m on bounded domains, polynomials can converge uniformly to any continuous function.
@robjohn the stone weierstrass thm ?
@r9m indeed
@robjohn I'm glad to see you survived the great network crash of 2014 ;-)
@skullpatrol It seems that I was out for longer than others. I could see answers appearing while I was still seeing a read-only main
Me too.
@robjohn is there a simple counter example?
@robjohn the question says nothing about the degree of the polynomials
Hey @robjohn, are you busy now?
@robjohn or more specifically, lets say the polynomials do have a bounded degree then firstly how do we know that the partial sum of the polynomials must converge uniformly to a polynomial (if it uniformly converges)?
hola @KarlKronenfeld
@MikeMiller ey yo
tensor is a stupid word
Does anyone know where I can find a proof that if random variables are independent, then the moment generating function of the sum is equal to the product of the moment generating functions?
@KarlKronenfeld I'm annoyed at calling elements of certain tensor products "tensors"
it makes me want to punch a physicist, who are almost certainly to blame
off topic. hi. I'm trying to categorize all of the basic group constructions (such as subgroups, quotient groups, direct product). Perhaps it's debatable whether subgroups are a construction. I'm not looking for examples of groups (such as the integers with addition), but I'd like to know if I am missing any relatively basic constructions.
semidirect product
free product. free product with amalgamation
those are probably the most generally useful
thanks Mike
@TheSubstitute What sense of "categorize"?
@KarlKronenfeld I should have used the word "collect"
I wasn't sure if I was going to get called out on that :)
there are some other important constructions but you won't see them for a while, probably
most constructions are just specializations to groups of things that work for lots of categories
4 hours later…
@MikeMiller Wikipedia mentions that: The free product is the coproduct in the category of groups.
And: The more general construction of free product with amalgamation is correspondingly a pushout in the same category.
But there is a warning in the same article: the free product is not the coproduct in the category of abelian groups.
Oh, sorry, I wasn't reading carefully enough. I thought you were asking about categorical versions of these constructions. While in fact another user was asking just which are most frequently used group-theoretic constructions.
@MartinSleziak Ah, it's alright.
I actually wonderful, is the semidirect product also a general categorical construction? or some analogue?
I do not know @MikeMiller. But the same question was certainly asked by others before.
I was serving through questions and I saw something like "Galois group of $\pi$ is $\Bbb Z$". The question is also cross-posted to MO and there is an article there, but it doesn't convince me (which I suspect is because of the informalness of the argument). Can anyone explain what's going on here?
It seems more doable to me what Arturo Magidin said, namely, that galois group of $\pi$ over $\Bbb Q$ is equivalent to galois group of a transcendental $x$ over $\Bbb Q$, which is the well know $\text{GL}_2(\Bbb Q)/\{\pm 1\}$
1 hour later…
@ಠ_ಠ Are you here?
@JasperLoy Yes.
@robjohn I have to prove that product of 5 consecutive integers can never be a perfect square. So, in those integers one factor would be 5, but only one, so its not a perfect square. Is this correct?
@Sawarnik what if that multiple of 5 is 25?
@robjohn Oh ok :(
@Sawarnik I believe that Erdös proved that no product of 2 or more consecutive integers is a perfect square.
Hello everybody! Hi @robjohn @Sawarnik @ParthKohli . I am new to this chat, what do you do here?
@robjohn Ah sorry, my internet is damn bad.
So in the process I clicked send two times, and it posted two times :|
@karp2345 aha :-)
@robjohn Does your blue name means you are a mod? Then you can delete it :-)
@karp2345 mainly math, but sometimes we are social (but this is a math chat, so the social part is often entertaining :-)
@karp2345 you can delete it, too.
Ok :D
@robjohn Its 7 minutes now.
@karp2345 hover over the comment and a triangle appears to the left. click on that
@karp2345 oh, too late for that one.
@karp2345 I knew someone by the name of Karp. Do you know me?
@JasperLoy Nah :O
@karp2345 Phew!
@robjohn I just watched both The Amazing Spider-man 2 and Godzilla in the cinema, both are very good.
@JasperLoy getting into the summer movie season
Yes, no need to delete, lol.
This room has the most deletions I believe.
That's because most of the folks here are crazy, lol.
I just answered a lhf, lol.
@JasperLoy Haha, nice answer.
@BalarkaSen Thanks.
@JasperLoy And you get 25 points for that ... arghh.
I am tempted to downvote your answers. Its not fair :O
@Alyosha Uh, for what?
1 hour later…
@BalarkaSen Answering my Galois-notation question.
Fun fact: $f \in C^\infty(\mathbb R,\mathbb R) \; \text{and} \;\forall n, \forall x \in \mathbb R, |f^{(n)}(x)| \leq 1 \; \text{and} \; f'(0)=1$ is enough to say $f=\sin$
That seems implausible.
How about $f(x)=x$?
That's not bounded.
oh, $n\ge 0$
Well, the Lagrange remainder of such a function tends to $0$.
@Alyosha Oh.
@Karl Did you see my question on galois theory posted in chat?
you've posted a number over time
I'll translate the proof for you guys if I have some time
@KarlKronenfeld "this ain't my first rodeo"
5 hours ago, by Balarka Sen
I was serving through questions and I saw something like "Galois group of $\pi$ is $\Bbb Z$". The question is also cross-posted to MO and there is an article there, but it doesn't convince me (which I suspect is because of the informalness of the argument). Can anyone explain what's going on here?
@BalarkaSen If the answer lies in what Qiaochu was suggesting, then it is beyond me at this point, though it is where I'd like head soon enough.
@KarlKronenfeld Yeah, I am not familiar with fundamental group vs. galois group duality either. (I was asking for a more understandable argument, actually)
It's Grothendiek's dessin de'nfant, isn't it?
From what I gather, yes. Though, it is just a term to me.
@KarlKronenfeld Terms seems important while reading Grothedieck. I have heard from several people that loads similar things are out there like dessin de'nfant, anabelian geometry, grothendiek's galois theory which actually focuses on the same thing, but from different perspectives.
I am not sure which one actually works with Etale FG and GT duality.
@GabrielR. Nice question.
1 hour later…
Nitish Kumar has resigned ... :( :'( ... sad day for Bihar.
@Sawarnik thanks pal
@Jas yes
\int_0^1 \frac{\mathrm{d}x}{1+x^4} \sim \sin \left( \frac{\pi}{3} \right)
1 hour later…
$$\sum_{n=0}^{\infty} \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{\Gamma(k+1)\Gamma(n+1)}{\Gamma(k+n+2)}(\psi(k+n+2)-\psi(n+1)) = \frac{ \pi^2}{6}$$
(newly created)
hmmm, did I miss the starting points for $k$ and $n$? It seems so.
It's this way $$\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{\Gamma(k+1)\Gamma(n+1)}{\Gamma(k+n+2)}(\psi(k+n+2)-\psi(n+1)) = \frac{ \pi^2}{6}$$
Everything is just fine now!
1 hour later…
@ಠ_ಠ Are your exams over?
@Jas No
@Jas I have 3 more next week
@ಠ_ಠ OK. Will you pass all of them?
@Jas no
how long is each one @ಠ_ಠ ?
@ಠ_ಠ The next name you choose, make it easy to type.
The three squares are all here, lol.
This is a long shot, but given any two elements $a,b\in G$, must there exist an automorphism such that $\text{aut}(a)=b$?
What's $\text{aut}(a)$?. @Alyosha?
@GabrielR. approx. 2 hours or so
The automorphism $\text{aut}$ applied to $a$.
@Alyosha Heh, I'd much prefer $\sigma(a)$
I guess not, but asked just in case.
@Alyosha Yes, this is nessesarily true.
Automorphism are all bijections.
Yes, but the set of automorphisms are a subset of bujections.
Crap, I misread the question.
So you are asking whether there exists a $\sigma$ such that $\sigma(a) = b$
Yes, for every pair $a,b$.
It seems very unlikely.
So you are asking for an automorphism that acts transitively on the group, right?
Hmm, I can't give an off-the-top-of-my-head example, but I feel that this is false.
@PedroTamaroff Give an example of a group $G$ with no element of $\text{Aut}(G)$ acting transitively on $G$.
A counterexample could probably be found by examining $\text{Aut}(G)$ for sufficiently small $|G|$, but I instantly forget most groups I learn of.
@Alyosha Same with me here.
@BalarkaSen see my double series above :-)
There must be some interesting ones, but I've not found any yet (except those that are also fields given an extra operation perhaps).
@Alyosha Fields are easy enough to inspect, for $\text{Aut}(G)$ can be (sometimes) though of as the Galois group.
But I'd much like $G$ not a multiplicative/additive structure of any field $F$.
@BalarkaSen I'll wait for Pedro, then, though there is something on the mathworld page about Galois groups (mathworld.wolfram.com/GaloisGroup.html) I don't understand: why must $\sigma(x)=x$ for every $x$ in $K$?
It's defined that way, @Alyosha
Automorphisms of $L$ that fixes $K$.
Okay, thanks.
So $K$ is somewhat similar to the kernel?
In a group-actiony kind of way.
Well, kinda. Automorphisms restricted to $K$ are identities.
So they are kernels under inclusion homomorphisms, yes.
By automorphisms restricted to $K$ you mean $\text{Aut}(K/K)$?
No, I mean that $\sigma$ is a galois aut of $L$ if $\sigma$ restricted to $K$ is identity. (Note that $K$ is included in $L$)
@N3buchadnezzar Close, but not quite. Not even a coincidence, I'd guess.
By restriction, @Alyosha, I mean to restrict the domain of the automorphism into something smaller.
Does that make sense?
@Alyosha Try $V_4$, by the way.
Darn, it was easy enough to make examples.
@BalarkaSen Yes, it makes sense.
Wait a minute.
Sorry, what's the wordy name of $V_4$?
@Alyosha Klein-4 group.
Hey @Nick
@BalarkaSen: BalSensai, how are you :D
It's been a long time, what have you been upto?
learning stuffs.
Aren't we all :D
But you perhaps learn more than others :D
Not really.
I know much less than others.
I guess by the time you're my age, you'd have already conquered a great portion of mathematics
Nothing can be conquered in mathematics.
I'd, perhaps, have different perspectives of greater understanding. But it's unlikely for me to conquer anything.
:D Yeah whatever floats your boat. How's number thoery going?
It looks nicer this way ... $$\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \sum_{k=0}^{\infty} \frac{\Gamma(k+1)\Gamma(n+1)}{\Gamma(k+n+2)}\left(\frac{1}{n+1} + \frac{1}{ n +2 } + \cdots + \frac{1}{ n + k + 2} \right) = \zeta(2)$$
(in Ramanujan's style)
@Nick I have thrown myself out from number theory a bit. The thing I want to learn in future is equipped with much more tools than just NT.
How many people said they want to become like Ramanujan? And then I wonder how many people said they want to go beyond what Ramanujan was ...
@BalarkaSen: Sounds good.
@Chris'ssis Many people went beyond Ramanujan, though, but never claimed they want to.
@BalarkaSen Many? Which one?
@Chris'ssis Depends on what do you mean by "going beyond". By measure of the works, or the greater quality of the same branch Ramanujan worked in?
@BalarkaSen by both the measure of the work and the great quality of his work ....
Sure. Alexander Grothendiek.
@BalarkaSen He is a God for all ...
Also, Paul Erdos (classic)
@Chris'ssis Not really. One of the great ones, but not god.
Perhaps Neumann, though that's applied mathematics.
@Alyosha +1.
J. V. Neumann was polymathic!
@BalarkaSen Keep in mind Ramanujan was not a human being ... :-)
@Chris'ssis Well, he kinda was.
But, at that time, I think it was a lot to achieve. I mean, he developed the whole theory of algebraic number theory.
He is the father of modular forms, which were refined years after his original works, did you know that @Alyosha?
@BalarkaSen Yes, I found a paper explaining mock modular forms (which I didn't understand) a few days ago.
Ah, I heard about mock modular forms.
@Chris'ssis How am I meant to do that integral you gave me?
user image
After much trial I looked at the answer and I have zero idea how to prove it.
This cat reminds me of something.
@Alizter Which one?
$\int_0^1\frac{\log(1-x)\log(x+1)}{x(x+1)}\;\mathrm dx$ @Chris'ssis
@Alizter This one requires some work though ... Did I give you this one?
Yes :)
@Alizter Oh, I see.
@Chris'ssis Seeing as there are zeta functions in the answer. I didn't think I could do it.
@Alizter I have a nice integral given on a Putnam contest I'm sure you'd easily do.
$$\int_1^{\infty} \frac{1}{e^{x+1}+e^{3-x}} \ dx$$
@Chris'ssis Thank you will have a go now
@Alizter OK
@BalarkaSen That cannot work, since it is $\Bbb Z_2^2$, and ${\rm Aut}(\Bbb Z_2^2)={\rm GL}(2,\Bbb Z_2)$ will act transitively on it. In fact for any vector space $V$, ${\rm GL}(V)$ acts transitively on $V$.
@Chris'ssis $\frac{\pi}{4e^2}$?
Off the top of my head, I cannot think of one. But it suffices every automorphism has a fixed point.
@Alizter Yeah :-)
@Chris'ssis Thank you that one was lovely :)
@Alizter :D
Note that ${\rm GL}(2,2)$ has size $6$, and since it is nonabelian it is isomorphic to $S_3$.
@BalarkaSen I think I misread your question. You mean that no automorphism $t$ of $G$ is "cyclic" in the sense that picking $g\in G$ and looking at $1,t(g),t^2(g),\ldots$ gives $g$?
@Chris'ssis Any more?
@PedroTamaroff Given $a,b \in G$, there exists at least $1$ automorphism of $G$, $\text{aut}(G) $, such that $\text{aut}(a)=b$. Give a counterexample.
@Alyosha Ah, right. Then $V_4$ doesn't work.
How did you come up with that so quickly? Are there only one or two automorphisms of $V_4$?
@Alyosha Six.
$V_4$ is a $\Bbb Z_2^2$.
That's a vector space.
Things are easy with vector spaces.
Could you explicitly sketch how you disproved the claim?
@Alizter would you like a limit?
I am bluffing though.
@Chris'ssis Sure!
Okay. A vector space over which field?
@Alyosha It acts transitively on the nonzero elements. =)
@PedroTamaroff Very nice.
@Alyosha At any rate, the claim is false!
@Alizter $$\lim_{n\to\infty} \left((n+1)^{(n+2)/(n+1)}-n^{(n+1)/n}\right)$$ This one is very beautiful. (no need for l'Hopital or Taylor series)
For any automorphism $\psi$, $\psi(1)=1$.
So the action is never transitive.
Ah yes, thanks.
Maybe you're looking for something else?
No, I'm not really.
I considered using that erroneous claim in a proof I was doing, but I found another way to do it.
So @BalarkaSen maybe you meant something else, because for any group, the orbit of $1$ under ${\rm Aut}\, G$ is $\{1\}$.
@Alyosha What are yout rying to prove?
That $\text{Aut}(G)$ is cyclic $\Rightarrow$ $G$ is abelian.
It's simpler than I was making it.
@Alyosha Oh. $G/Z(G)\simeq {\rm Inn}\; G$ is cyclic.
Consider the generating automorphism $\text{aut}_0(G)$, then there exists a $\text{aut}_1=\text{aut}_0^{-1}$, then do stuff and we have $(ab)^{-1}=a^{-1}b^{-1}$.
@Alyosha Yes, or $G/Z(G)\simeq {\rm Inn}\,G\leqslant {\rm Aut}\, G$ is cyclic.
Very nice. I may have seen $G/Z(G) \approx \text{Inn}(G)$, but I wasn't familiar enough to think of using it.
$x\in G\mapsto \{g\mapsto xgx^{-1}\}$. The kernel of this is $Z(G)$, the image is the interior automorphisms.
I see @pedro has become an expert in group theory, lol.
@JasperLoy Hardly. I know a bit though.
@Chris'ssis To my amazement, after some sloppy application of Stolz-C I get 1. I checked with M and I think that it's right :)
@Alizter Yeah, that's the answer. :-)
@Chris'ssis Anymore?
I keep mixing up alyosha, alizter and amr, lol.
This one is marvellous (I hope you can do it) $$\lim_{n\to\infty} \frac {\displaystyle \cos 1 \cdot \arccos \frac{1}{n}+\cos\frac
{1}{2} \cdot \arccos \frac{1}{(n-1)}+ \cdots +\cos \frac{1}{n} \cdot
My life feels like a math problem whose solution I seem about to get but may never get. Wellness feels so near, yet so far.
I am lurking around the site, looking for low hanging fruits to answer, lol.
One of these days I must learn how to solve the cubic and the quartic.
@JasperLoy The depressed cubic is very interesting.
@Alizter Much more interesting is $x^3 + c$
i.e., the binomial cubic.
Yes factorisations of the form $x^3+a^3$ are interesting.
@Alizter No factorization. $x^3+ c$ is the general cubic and is as much as (more than, in fact) interesting as the general or depressed ones.
Hello, @TedShifrin
Hi @Balarka @Alizter @Jasper
@BalarkaSen I take you read my ping?
@TedShifrin Hey. I will have to go in some minutes, though.
@PedroTamaroff Yeah, I didn't realize that.
@PedroTamaroff I was reading them.
Heya mr @Pedro
Salut @Ted
Salut M @Gabriel ... Comment ça-va?
@Jasper: I'm not even getting thanks for my lovely mhf answers!
@Ted je suis très fatigué en ce moment (depuis la reprise des cours jeudi dernier). On prépare les oraux de concours (Polytechnique, ENS, Mines) et notre professeur nous a distribué un polycopié de 987 exercices (!). Et toi ?
Il ne vous en a donné que 987? Pas beaucoup! :) bonne chance:)
oui oui oui
@TedShifrin medium fruit?
Why not? @N3
Psychic floating fruit has never been my thing
Very punny of you today, @N3:)
Is there a combinatorial way to prove $n^nm^m (n+m)! \le (n+m)^{n+m} n! m!$?
Stirling (inequality form) probably does it trivially, but that's less pretty than combinatorics.
@Alizter are you done? (I was preparing to come up with some more questions to you)
Question : $A_5$ can be realized as Galois group of the covering $X(5) \rightarrow X(1)$. To what extent similar can be done, i.e., can all finite groups be thought of galois group of covering maps of Riemann surfaces?
Keep in mind that one can be elementarily finished.
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