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@Sawarnik you're working way too hard. there's a much easier way
@MickLH @meer2kat did you guys do the Putnam competition?
@meer2kat Asking you?
@GabrielR. no
@GabrielR. I'm not a student :'(
@KhallilBenyattou even easier
Anyone here a numerical / optimization guy?
@meer2kat Give up?
@KhallilBenyattou no. think about it. i had the opportunity to make my own facebook profile page name. what would i make it?
@KhallilBenyattou exactly. hence he should be able to just go to facebook.com/MYUSERNAME
@meer2kat post the link of any of your facebook photo so that I can trace you back
@meer2kat facebook.com/meer2kat @Sawarnik
That was easy :)
@KhallilBenyattou FOund it, I know.
@KhallilBenyattou well done. super easy.
Gah! THat was the first result!
Why didn't I think it was you!
@Sawarnik hahaha,
@meer2kat You walked me through most of the problem. Thankfully I gained an elegant solution!
@Sawarnik dunno. i look different a lot
@meer2kat Your avatar is confusing!
@Sawarnik i think it's cute
@KhallilBenyattou you did indeed. it's a very logical following lol
@Sawarnik for example. my hair is now auburn and cut really short and i'm wearing makeup. i change my look a lot and it's not usually intentional.
Why the hell can't I send you a friend request?
Oh, finally after looking at the older photos I realize its you only!
ok... I couldn't resist, @meer2kat check your "Other" folder
Why are you Faith Weaver?
@MickLH You can't send a friend request too?
@MickLH will do when i get home
@Sawarnik huh?
@Sawarnik i dunno?
@Sawarnik that's my middle name. I have my given name, Alyssa. My second given name, Faith. And my family or surname, Weaver.
@Sawarnik I don't know, actually I didn't see the button but I just sent a message instead because I don't want to impose :P
@MickLH i'll add ya when i get home mick :P
@meer2kat your profile pic on fb and avatar don't match. your older photos do :P
@Sawarnik not that much different. my hair is darker. gained a couple pounds in college. this photo is two years old. my current profile pic is a little less than a year old.
@meer2kat sweet! /me Integrates from $a$ to $b$ for joy!
@MickLH haha! don't get overjoyed.
@Sawarnik i was much prettier two years ago shrugs
@MickLH lol you're silly
and i told alyssa not to reveal her location. mick must be on the way.
@Sawarnik shrugs i'm a gamer. tons of people know where i live
No I'm there, that's what I meant by knock knock let me in :P
@MickLH i'll be there in two hours :P
@meer2kat haha. mick will wait easily. but you don't go away.
awww what strange luck, that's exactly when my wave function collapses and I have to be gone
@MickLH hahahaha
@MickLH ooh :(
drive a little faster!
@Sawarnik it's ok, I think changing that part of our wave function will effect it too
Where is the right chat room for a question about Optimization / Minimization?
@DanielFischer I was wondering if for a given continuous real function on a given closed interval it was possible to a find a sequence of Lagrange polynomials that converges uniformly to this function. More precisely, if I interpolate $n$ points of the graph of the function with the degree $n-1$ Lagrange polynomial, why would this sequence of polynomials not converge uniformly to $f$?
@Drazick None, if you are lucky then you ll find right people here.
@Drazick I think your only chance is to post the expression in beautiful $\LaTeX$ and hope someone is interested
interpolation is such a fun word.
Otherwise you've got the main site
i wish i could work friday. it's a holiday and they pay triple time on holidays
@DanielFischer I think the answer is probably no, otherwise Bernstein polynomials wouldn't exist :P But how to disprove uniform convergence with Lagrange polynomials then?
@meer2kat Why dont I see you in $\LaTeX$ more? I have a thing for that you know ;)
@MickLH what?
oh that's fun
$hi, how are you?$
$\text{I'm ok, yourself?}$
@GabrielR. Good question. If you choose the interpolation points carefully, it might work, I don't know.
$\boldtext{Is this a thing?}$
it's not a thing
@MickLH, Do you think I should post it here or anywhere else?
$\bold{I'm ok, yourself?}$
nope not that either
$$\huge{\text{This is a thing...}}$$
@MickLH Yup! What I was searching.
hehe :)
$$\huge{\text{You're so cool...}}$$
love you guys lol, nowhere else does this happen that I know of
$$\tiny{\text{This is a thing...}}$$
yay! tiny text!
@DanielFischer ok, I'll ask on the main site
ok, ok brb I need to effing get to work
@meer2kat, How come you have an holiday?
@Drazick it's Good Friday
what about this?
muwahaha i did it
@meer2kat $$\textbf{This is cheating.}$$
@meer2kat, I thought something else :-).
dats fancy
lol you guys know there's a manual right?
@meer2kat how are you typing while driving?
@Sawarnik i
@Sawarnik i'm not?
@MickLH where?
ok. you are on bus?
@MickLH plus this is good problem solving
@Sawarnik no? why would i be?
@meer2kat All over the internet, do you want me to find one that I like?
@MickLH please!
@meer2kat Well this is actually my favorite way to write it: codecogs.com/latex/eqneditor.php
But I have a page somewhere with useful commands on it
{\color{Orange} AHHHHHHHHHHHH!}
it doesn't work
you forgot the dollar signs
$ dollars.
doller doller bill yall, damnit I have to get stuff doneeee
${\color{Orange} AHHHHHHHHHHHH!}$
well...it got one letter
${\color{Orange} {AHHHHHHHHHHHH!}$
\color{Orange}{AHHHHHHHHHHHH!} -> $\color{Orange}{AHHHHHHHHHHHH!}$
${\color{Orange} {AHHHHHHHHHHHH!}$
You'd better be Alyssa Weaver :-).
Wow! Everyone is interested in her!
@Drazick sorry i can't open google plus. what is that?
@meer2kat y?
Not really sure...
@Sawarnik work
It comes with your gmail account, don't you have?
@meer2kat you're adding a space between } and {, there shouldn't be one
@Sawarnik wont let me
@Drazick I do have a gmail account. Is it my blog or something?
@meer2kat i should tell your manager to include SE as well! You are always here, it will increase productivity tenfold!
If you have a gmail account you have Google+.
It's like your profile and photos page.
@Drazick oh okay. cool. yeah i have a blog linked off there
@Drazick shouldn't be any photos though
@meer2kat that extra '{' at the beginning is the error now, this is your homework assignment still!
i put them!!
Unless you shared, you're the only one who can se...
oh sorry haha
@Drazick what's the photo of?
@MickLH it just hates me
Whatever you uploaded.
@Drazick um ok
@meer2kat lol I updated my message
@meer2kat orly!
You couldn't open the links?
How the helll.... it's 10:35AM, how did you guys keep me here through 2 schedule blocks?!
You can choose Texas or Pennsylvania...
@Drazick no not from work
I see...
Gah! Why can you open SE then? Your boss is a fool!
@Drazick faith1joy1grace.blogspot.com my gmail should link through here
@Sawarnik dunno
@meer2kat Wow, your blog is the boring-est I have seen!
I see...
@Sawarnik it's not there to entertain you lol
@Drazick i dunno. can't open the link.
@Drazick Yes.
@meer2kat You seem very religious, not what I like!
@Sawarnik Lol okay mr 14 yr old
You trust gid, we trust Google. It's you :-).
@meer2kat Does that change for a 19 yr old?
gid = God :-).
@Sawarnik My point is I'm not here to impress you lol. You can think what you like of me.
for the first time in forever, there'll be music, there'll be lights
@meer2kat Nor I am here to be impressed by you. My point was that too religious people, are not whom with I agree with generally.
@Sawarnik I'm not a bible thumper. I won't push my faith on you. But yes, I am religious.
You know what would be interesting?
@Drazick math?
@Drazick you?
Writing the same question by one of the guys here profile and the other with her profile...
@Drazick how do you mean?
@MickLH it takes big motivation to get out of SE ;)
I just wonder if all the attention you get here translates into people trying harder with your questions.
@meer2kat Very rare type of mathematician you are.
Could you do me a favor, post my question as yours.
@Drazick :) ah you've found my secret :P but no, people on SO for example dread when i post questions.
I'm pretty sure instantly I'll get answers :-).
@Drazick Is it too easy?
@Sawarnik grrr
@Sawarnik and extremely rare in engineering
which question bro?
@meer2kat, Lost you on the second part of your sentence.
I have a question, Optimization, it's pretty hard and no one answered it.
I'm pretty sure once you post it, it will be answered.
Anyhow, it will be a nice experiment to the least :-).
@Drazick Consider drowning 50 points.
I doubt taht @Drazick
@Drazick plus duplicates get deleted.
@GabrielR. this is as long as I could last ;)
some hard questions go unanswered if there is not enough interest, and the right people don't see it in time
@MickLH he's back <3
@EnjoysMath yes indeed
@meer2kat hehe thank you <3
@meer2kat How miserable your classmates must have been, those who ran after you!
@Sawarnik lol you mean boys?
@meer2kat Yes of course!
@Sawarnik back in high school there weren't many. i was shy and people thought i was rude when i was just nervous. i broke out of my shell in college
@meer2kat oh, you couldn't be more shy than me, really!
@Sawarnik i was too focused on my studies for friends. i sat with people at lunch but never spoke. i dunno, the only time i ever talked was at my youth group or with the debate team
@meer2kat, I'd give it a try. Just to be sure :-).
Plus I might get answered.
@meer2kat I don't understand why but I can't much talk to girls unless its something necessary, unlike all my classmates. This shyness extends to speaking infront of large audiences too :(
@Sawarnik, How old are you?
@Drazick 14.
You see, in the cost function of life you optimized towards Math instead of people.
But I'll tell you what, if that gamble will work out for you.
Namely you'd be great at Math, the girls will come.
If you are "So, So", you'd lose on both fronts :-).
But people recognize me as kind of a nerd, due to my heavy passion for maths, otherwise I would have been ridiculed to death.
So you must be excellent. Real excellent.
And girls, they are just like anyone else.
Don't be afraid of them, don't adore them.
@meer2kat "i was too focused on my studies for friends. i sat with people at lunch but never spoke." This is exactly me ...
Keep that to your special one, you'll adore her, she will make you afraid :-).
@Drazick I think maths in general is easier than adoring a girl. Don't you think so?
@GabrielR. Exactly, me too!
Prove me with my question.
Since I couldn't solve it yet met few adorable girls :-).
@GabrielR. it's okay. it gets better!
@meer2kat not really :(
@Drazick that is perfect. i love it.
@Sawarnik girls are difficult until you find the right one
@Sawarnik no. I'm a realist. I hardly believe in all that cute stuff anymore.
@meer2kat wow! me too!
@meer2kat, What do you love?
@Sawarnik that's 14 yr old angst.
I bet she loves ____ while she's in the bathtub
@EnjoysMath haha. Control your hormones!
What? it's fill in the blank sicko! *Take em down!!!!8
@meer2kat No, its my observation.
@Drazick math, poetry, writing, fighting for a cause, debate, guitar, piano, music, reading, sewing, cooking, warm hugs, walks on the beach, sand on my toes, staying up late, going on adventures, hiking, etc.
@Sawarnik okay
sounds like jack johnson song
@meer2kat, You missed my point. You wrote me "@Drazick that is perfect. i love it.". What did you mean?
Math is the only god and @DanielFischer is the prophet
@Drazick oh hahaha! what you said. it links back to what i replied to
I see. Yea, I can write those easily.
The question is did you like it enough to assist me?
@Drazick "Keep that to your special one, you'll adore her, she will make you afraid :-)."
@Drazick man he's determined. i told you if i post it it will just get deleted as duplicate content
From what I have realized, maintaining a relationship is way to pass time for most just like for me its math.
Yea, Now I got it. I'm new to this chat rooms. Pretty sophisticated :-).
@meer2kat, @Drazick can simply delete his...
@Sawarnik angst
@meer2kat Then for you its an observation? What is it specifically?
@EnjoysMath that's true. @drazick, link me to it. i'll copy/paste and then you delete yours
let's see this.... can't wait!
@EnjoysMath I second your statement
@meer2kat people who will read both the posts will sense something...
@all do you like Tom Cruise? Either way, there's:
com truise
dude yes
Someone finally dropped a music video in this channel
put dat chit in your ear hole bra
I'm dj'ing up in dis muf* now, biaT!!!
@meer2kat Please tell.
that was a nice track and I'm glad I broke my no youtube policy to hear it lol
@meer2kat @Drazick where's the post, is it still happening?
That room looks creepy.
Reminds me of mama.
Anyone who still recalls graph theory a bit lurks around?
@Studentmath I may help if it is quite elementary :p
$ \color{Blue}{\textbf{Hey all}} $
I'd say it's rather elementary :P I have some flaw in my logic, or lack of understanding. There's this statement: Every graph G that is 1-factorizeable, has no cut vertex. I know it's true, as it makes sense.
I mean, in general other proofs.
But I keep thinking of the example of a path, say, $P_4$. It has even number of vertices, check on that. It decomposes into 1-factors, if I have it right. And it has two cut-vertexes. I have some faulty here.
The post is actually on a different Forum.
Q: Interpolation by Solving a Minimization Problem (Optimization)

DrazickI will try to give the motivation behind this problem and later the math formality. Given a grayscale image (1 Channel - M by N Matrix). Someone marks some pixels as anchors. Now, you need to interpolate the other pixels (Which are not anchors) by minimizing a given cost function s.t. the end res...

We say that G is 1-factorable if it decomposes into 1-factors
anyone know a good reference to introduce what the tangent space of a manifold at a point is and the cotangent space?
@Studentmath this goes beyond what I know about graphs :(
:/ Thanks anyhow, @gabriel !
will repost after work
Using Geometry, Topology, and Physics by Nakahara... want to have another text to reference
Can a graph be thought of as an imcompletely specified group?
What is an incompletely specified group?
for example $\{a, b\}$ with no edges, is a set of two elements, or a $|G| = 2$ group $G$, with the operation completely unspecified. While $\{a, b, a \to b\}$ says the group $G$ has an element $c$ such that $ac = b$. OTOH that last part might completely specifiy $\Bbb{Z}_2$.
@KhallilBenyattou Hey.
Hm, well, sounds right.
Graphs are extremely useful representing many things.
Yeah, group theory is a subset of graph theory :>
@EnjoysMath, did you see it?
What's a really beautiful mathematical symbol that would fit in a 50px by 50px avatar?
@EnjoysMath @Sawarnik @Drazick @Studentmath @GabrielR. @meer2kat
MATLAB's wave :-).
@KhallilBenyattou Will only equations/symbols do?
Or better, the Sinc :-).
@Khallil r9m user has a great one
$R/\ker f \approx {\rm im} f$
@GabrielR. r9m's one is $ \aleph $ right?
@KhallilBenyattou yes
@EnjoysMath What's that?
@KhallilBenyattou algebraic theory
@khallil Also the first letter in Hebrew
That's pretty cool!
@Studentmath, Yep, indeed.
I recall every time the prof. talked about Beth coming after Aleph someone would pull the joke "we learned this when we were 5!"
3 to be exact :-)./
You from here too @Drazick? :)

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