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@user127001 You are the white square and I am the blue square, yay!
Is that a good thing @will
@user127001 It is neither good nor bad, just a thing, lol
So I have decided on my square and now I have to decide on a username
@user127001 You can only change it once every 30 days
...so choose wisely :P
@user127001 David Kerm
@KarlKronenfeld HAI
@FernandoMartin YAO.
sup @Pedro
@PedroTamaroff hello, how are you?
oy back ted :P
Rehi @Pedro
hi @Karl @Fernando
hi @Ted
Hi @TedShifrin (do you care about the lack of space between first and last name? :D)
Rehi @AmericanLuke
@FernandoMartin What's the news today?
you can skip the last name, @Karl
@TedShifrin I thought you went to make dinner
I did and
@Drazick Peugeot will sue you.
I did and I done ate it
@TedShifrin It was in reference to a discussion you may have missed. chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/14948856#14948856
Peugeot 504?
Not much. Did you get the email on that algebra meeting taking place next August? @Pedro
It sounds cool
@FernandoMartin It says it is for graduates and above.
Not at all, it says "Las actividades son para investigadores y para estudiantes de grado y posgrado"
Pero somos *under*grads, no?
No, estudiantes de grado = us
Oh, cool then.
Let's go.
@KarlKronenfeld @FernandoMartin This is probably very stoopid.
@WillHunting just scored an LHF ;-)
Check the course list, some of them are really cool
@PedroTamaroff: I was looking at your answer, but then it was deleted. Was there something wrong with it?
@robjohn I see, only 5 votes, not too many!
@robjohn I liked yours better.
@PedroTamaroff I think they can't afford that :-).
@FernandoMartin When $f:M\to N$ is a surjection, we know each fiber $f^{-1}(n)$, $n\in N$ is nonempty. Then there exists $x_n\in f^{-1}(n)$. Why does it involve choice saying "Now define $g:N\to M$ by $n\to x_n$?
@WillHunting From what I have been getting per answer, that is a lot :-p
I mean, if I know some set $S$ is nonempty, I know there is $s\in S$.
Well, you need to pick $x_n\in f^{-1}(n)$ for each $n\in N$
That's it.
@FernandoMartin So?
I know I can, since each $f^{-1}(n)$ is nonempty.
@FernandoMartin pick... AC
nvm :-)
$g$ is literally a choice function bro
$AC$ (or some equivalent form of it) says that the product of non-empty sets is non-empty
@KarlKronenfeld Yes, but I don't see what's wrong with using that $S\neq\varnothing\iff \exists s\in S$.
I am not using choice, I am just saying that the fibers are nonempty.
you know the sets $f^{-1}(n)$ are non-empty, but you need to pick $x_n\in f^{-1}(n)$ for each $n$ - that's exactly the same as picking an element in $\Pi f^{-1}(n)$, or as @Karl says, a choice function
@FernandoMartin Right. That's why I never have a quarrel with AOC.
Seems quite natural to me.
I'm on your side @Pedro. There is an $x$, but to choose one for lots of such sets is AC.
I'm off to dinner, brb
I wonder why most set theory texts use ZFC instead of NBG which takes care of classes as well
I don't know what kind of witchcraft logicians pull off to make this independent of the axioms. =P
If something is nonempty, I can pick an element there... done.
No, there is one. But picking is different :D
Anyhow, anyone into minimization problems here?
Am I the only one who now sees words like "modified" and "answered" for edits?
ping @Pedro

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