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@Willie: what're the odds that said questions were asked and tagged before we went wiki-crazy? ;)
8 hours later…
@JM Nope, because quite a few were asked in the last two weeks. The only recent you don't seem them now is because I've been gradually retagging them last night.
@WillieWong: You need to reply my email again :P
And now I shall go finish cooking lunch.
@AsafKaragila I think we need to establish some sort of Hardy-Littlewood rules about our e-mails :) I'll reply to it when I have something to say. Thanks!
"Hardy-Littlewood rules" - so... which of you is the real guy and which of you is the alias? ;)
@WillieWong Sure, but you did have something to say this time ;-)
Can we make it a Cantor-Dedekind rule instead?
@AsafKaragila What are the Cantor-Dedekind rules?
@WillieWong That the reals are complete and can be constructed from the rationals? :-D
right. I thought there may've been a version of the HL-rules that went between Cantor and Dedekind that I didn't know about.
Not that I am aware of. They were very good friends, but I am not sure they collaborated much.
Now go and ask some excellent set theory questions that I can answer with +25 votes.
in MO? :P
No no... here.
I need to be able and vote on deletions :-D
though managing a "Good Answer" in MO would be impressive... ;)
What is "excellent set theory"? I'm aware of the axiomatic one, the naive one, but I've never heard of the excellent one ;p
I have 4 of them on MO, though only one is on a non-wiki question.
J.M. I have such badge in MO, but on a CW question ;-)
I think that one question is also how I earned Mortarboard on MO.
And Guru, apparently...
It's nice how many of the questions I ask on MO get like +14'ish
Now Guru is impressive.
In my experience MO is a lot more receptive to well-written questions.
People vote more often then they do here.
Maybe? But I think the standards here is set also rather high due to the likes of Arturo.
and Pete Clark, an sometimes Matt E.
Oh of course. I can say that the answers given by Joel and Andres over at MO are wonderful.
And of course they answer here as well.
I have a question with +57 in MO.
Well Arturo's set a pretty high bar here, yes... :)
What I mean is that, over at MO, everyone is an expert, so people can more easily see that an answer is great even if it is concisely written, like some of fedja's answers.
But over here, you really have to go out of your way to teach, especially compared with the likes of Arturo. So I guess I am not disagreeing with Asaf, but just trying to justify why that is the case.
By the way, is it me or was that question about AC/AD turns up to be one of the longest threads ever on m.SE?
Most answers or most comments?
I think most total comments.
There are definitely CW qs with more answers.
Three long-oh-so-long answers, 31 comments on the question, 17 on my answer and 19 on Zhen's answer.
It is another case of someone trying to dive into a topic without sufficient preparation
In that case, they're tomes and not answers... ;)
There is even a vote to close and my answer got one down vote and was called "self indulgent" :-D
Ah, now I remember that comment...
The problem is, J.M., don't know if you were there, that the OP asked for an "intuitive explanation" of Axiom of Choice.
I think that he was looking for an intuitive explanation of "what is choice used for", seeing how he accepted Zhen's answer.
Over at physics.SE it is even worse. There are people asking about advanced concepts in quantum field theory or general relativity by beginning their questions with "I am not good with mathematics, so it'd be best if you give an answer without any mathematics."
But asking for an intuitive explanation for Axiom of Determinacy is just wrong. The axiom is fairly simple to understand, but is used in parts rather hidden and advanced in descriptive set theory.
Somehow, I always get the feeling that one's intuitive is another's opaque, for some topics...
nods in total agreement
(to both J.M and Asaf)
I kept telling the OP that he needs to study a bit of set theory and logic to be able fully understand it. Giving "just" intuition of advanced topics is... well, wrong.
For instance, I had a hard time explaining point groups to somebody whose... well, imagination was less than optimal...
I tried to do my best, though. Seeing how I got all these upvotes, I think I might have somewhat succeeded. I wish Andres Caicedo would have answered the determinacy part, he surely can explain that much better than me.
The problem of intuition is that it is built up through experiences. (I am a bit partial to Kant.)
Willie \subseteq Kant? :-]
with the usual rhetorical: "so, where can I buy this "experience" thingie?" ;)
Hehe, yeah.
along with "do they sell "perspective" there, too?"
But Asaf can "cram experience down your throat, just make sure not to gag on it."
Haha :-)
Oh, you use a funnel I suppose... ;)
hmm, that'd be a great caricature: some guy tied up with a funnel on his mouth, and another guy about to pour a gallon of "Experience"...
Drawing is far from being my strong suit.
Wait, you mean to tell me that your PhD advisors didn't do precisely that?
I still have to finish my M.Sc. before I can have that ;-)
In the urban legends thread in MO there is the story of the one who had to have a jalapeño eating contest with his advisor to defend his thesis.
That one was hilarious.
I agree. The entire thread is probably one of the best reads I have had in a while. I enjoy re-reading it from time to time.
Oh? I need an option to star the whole conversation.
alright, finished re-tagging the graph -> graph-theory confusion.
now need to figure out what to do with (transforms)
I mean (transformations)
And mapping.
Don't forget mapping.
maybe i'll do mapping first.
there are fewer quetions there
Hmpf, it shows an empty tag...
Did you do it already or is the system acting up again?
click on Newest, instead of Unanswered
I was on Active, but Newest shows empty tag as well.
oh. maybe you want mappings?
Sounds like a reasonable suggestion :-)
@WillieWong What's the point of re-tagging? search engine results?
some people frequent only certain tags
and there's something nice about "putting things in their place".
As an example that comes to mind, some people avoid questions tagged (homework) like it had the pox...
4 hours later…
After math.stackexchange.com/questions/53350, I'm now wondering if there are any examples of papers/books where the author used a Roman letter and a suspiciously similar Greek/Cyrillic/whatever letter in his mathematical expressions...
2 hours later…
@WillieWong Why is there even a tag for "transformations"?
@JM I've seen a book where the author uses the old German letters plus normal letters, zo he had script-UMD and normal UMD and something in between. I forgot his name, he seems to be big in operator theory.
@JM I think most mathematicians know to avoid that. Though I did recently referee a paper that used \alpha and \beta as coordinate indices, and then decides that they need to define a function called \alpha and a vector valued function called \beta, so you end up with a disgusting expression looking like
\partial_\beta\alpha \beta^\alpha
@JonasTeuwen Don't ask me. I think the tag is a remnant of the olden days before I started caring about cleaning up tags. It looks like it was born during the original private beta
@WillieWong Did you recommend them to change their notation? ;-).
Not in so many words. There were, shall we say, other "problems" with the manuscript.
It seems like that you get more chance to get funding in The Netherlands if you have a lot of "bad" publications than a few very good ones... Is that the same in other countries?
If you think Netherlands have it bad, you should look at China.
Well, the people who supply the funds and the people who check for correctness are almost always different people, so...
@JM Grants are supposed to be peer-reviewed. Emphasis on "supposed'.
I know. :)
Oy, I need to make some dinner. It is getting late.
I know you know. I am just kvetching.
eh, back when I was in the academe, I hear that and other complaints ad nauseam... it's the Peter Principle in high gear.
I'm not saying it is bad, I'm just surprised to hear this :).

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