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@masfenix For any $p$?
yes, $1 \leq p \leq \infty$
Well, if a function is in $L^p$ then its in $L^q$ with $q > p$ no?
I dont remember if thats true for the infinite dimensional case
@masfenix And $L^p(\Bbb R)$; yes?
$L^p(R^n)$ to be more precise, but $R$ is fine also.
Maybe you can ask in main. It shouldn't be hard.
The last paragraph of page 5 gives an argument math.uchicago.edu/~vipul/sometransforms.pdf but I was wondering if you could clarify something for me?
@masfenix OK.
i love real and complex analysis for walter rudin
How to prove that $\frac d{dx}e^x=e^x$ using it's infinite series? I got $\sum^\infty_{n=0}\frac{x^{n-1}}{(n-1)!}$ so far but I am having trouble saying that it is equal to the series expansion of $e$
@Alizter how did you get a $\frac{1}{x}$ term?
Well just so I am understanding this correctly. There is a function $f \in S$ which is multiplied with some polynomial in the form $\frac{1}{x_1^2x_2^2...}$. Now my first question is that what do they mean "outside of a compact set, f is being dominated by..."
@KevinDriscoll Where?
@Kevin: NO. Try $1/\sqrt x$ on $[0,1]$.
@Alizter the n=0 term
$$ e^x = f(x) = 1 + \frac{x}{1!} + \frac{x^2}{2!} + \cdots $$

$$ f'(x) = 1 + \frac{x}{1!} + \frac{x^2}{2!} + \cdots = f(x) = e^x $$
sigh ... I have to write this out
@Ted AH yes. Integrable singularities then become non-integrable. Thanks
The reverse inequality on finite measure spaces is right, though.
@Alizter I think it should be $\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{x^{n-1}}{(n-1)!}$
@PedroTamaroff I posted by question a few posts above
@TedShifrin In the case @masfenix is interested in, the functions are all $C^{\infty}(\mathbb{R})$. Is my claim then true?
@KevinDriscoll $$\frac d{dx}\sum^\infty_{n=0}\frac{x^n}{n!}=\sum^\infty_{n=0}\frac1{n!}\frac d{dx}x^n=\sum^\infty_{n=0}\frac{nx^{n-1}}{n!}=\sum^\infty_{n=0}\frac{x^{n-1}}{(n-1)!}$$
and the $ 1 $ term
@Alizter The last step fails for n=0
@masfenix They mean that there is a compact set $K\subseteq \Bbb R^n$ such that over $\Bbb R^n\setminus K$ your function is dominated by $$\frac{1}{x_1^{2p}\cdots x_n^{2p}}$$ meaning it is less than that. Being positive, it is integrable by comparison.
Continuous would be the issue, I guess. I haven't been paying attention.
@KevinDriscoll Yeah this is where I need help I don't know what went wrong
Then inside $K$ we can integrate the function for it is continuous.
@ALizter if $n=0$ then $$\frac{n}{n!} \neq \frac{1}{(n-1)!}$$
@PedroTamaroff so how can we say that is it dominated? Is it because its a Schwartz function?
@KevinDriscoll Oops
errrr well I guess you could say it does.....but its ambiguous
@masfenix Indeed.
Just make a limit argument.
@PedroTamaroff and because its a schwarts function (lets say $f$) then $f$ times the expression above makes it go to zero fast?
@masfenix times the inverse of that function
Say $$(x_1^{2p}\cdots x_n^{2p}){f({\bf x})}\to 0$$
@masfenix which proves that $f$ decreases FASTER than @Pedro 's given function
Then we out of some big ball $K=\bar{B}({\bf 0},R)$ we have
$$(x_1^{2p}\cdots x_n^{2p}){f({\bf x})}<1$$
@PedroTamaroff Yes, I was trying to think of how to make the argument that SOMEWHERE the product is less than 1 formal
Thus $$\int_{\Bbb R^n\smallsetminus K}f({\bf x})d{\bf x}<\int_{\Bbb R^n\smallsetminus K}\frac{1}{x_1^{2p}\cdots x_n^{2p}}d{\bf x}<+\infty$$
@KevinDriscoll Take $\varepsilon =1$.
@Pedro: Do we know something about $p$ ? Sorry, I didn't come in on the beginning.
@TedShifrin p $\ge$ 1
@TedShifrin $p\geqslant 1$.
@PedroTamaroff eeeeeeeewwwwwww.......... slanty line
Hmm ... need to be a bit careful here.
@KevinDriscoll Damn you. The slanty line is awesome.
@TedShifrin Oops?
I don't use slanty lines.
@TedShifrin You too? Oh, this is a tragedy.
LOL, good, Lady Macbeth can get bloody again :P
@TedShifrin What needs to be taken care of?
@PedroTamaroff thank you. okay so let me recap. We want to show that every Schwartz function (a function that decreases rapidly when multiplied by inverse power). Now, consider some function $f \in S$ where S is the Schwartz space. Now clearly, inside some compact set, f is continuous so that argument is easy. But outside the compact support K (ie, consider some ball with radius R), we have that $f$ times $x_1^{2p}...x_n^{2p} < 1$ is so its bounded (correct?)
I admit I'm being stupid, but I'm switching to spherical coordinates. With trig stuff in the denominator, is it obvious there's no problem? @Kevin... You missed an OUT.
@Ted :-(
@TedShifrin Of course. Fubini ad nauseam?
It's been........ 6 or 7 years?
OK, I'm stupid. Do a big cube instead of a ball.
Time to go cook dinner and vanish.
@TedShifrin LAWLZ.
It's been 46 for me, @Kevin.
@PedroTamaroff so what does the integral say?
@TedShifrin I bow to your superior theatrical ability then
I mean, what is the intuition and interpretation?
@masfenix ?
@KevinDriscoll Eh?
@PedroTamaroff we were just musing about Macbeth
@KevinDriscoll Was I? Never read that one.
@PedroTamaroff I wrote a recap of everything which I think is correct, but I am a bit confused on what the interpretation of the integral you wrote down is
@PedroTamaroff You called it a tragedy!
@masfenix What do you mean "interpretation of the integral"?
@masfenix The interpretation is that all $f \in S$ decrease so fast at infinity that the area underneath them is bounded, even though the domain is unbounded
and we proved that by finding a function that also has bounded area from a large cube out to infinity and then argued that outside that cube all $f \in S$ are less than the function we found
thus their area is also bounded
ahh I see. Also last question and I think I have it then. When you wrote down $x_1^{2p}...x_n^{2p} \cdot f(x) < 1 $ what does that mean? is that what @KevinDriscoll just wrote?
@masfenix What does it mean?
I means the function $g({\bf x})={\bf x}^{2p}f({\bf x})$ is less than one outside the ball.
You're not a math student?
nevermind, $x^{2p}f(x) \rightarrow 0$ so clearly $x^{2p} < \epsilon = 1$.
@masfenix if $x_1^{2p}.....x_n^{2p} f(x) < 1$ then $f$ is less than $\frac{1}{x_1^{2p}...x_n^{2p}}$
@PedroTamaroff, @KevinDriscoll thank you very much.
and $\int_a^b \left| f(x)\right| dx < \int_a^b \left|g(x)\right| dx$ if $\left|f(x)\right| < \left|g(x)\right|$
and the two function are non-negative
there we go
@masfenix No problme.
@Pedro OOOOOOOh!
@PedroTamaroff I have a confession....... I am envious of all your badges
@KevinDriscoll LOL, see other top user's badges.
@KevinDriscoll Look at Arturo, say.
@PedroTamaroff Now that just makes me feel bad...... I have not even 1 silver badge
@KevinDriscoll I reseted, got 4 heavenly cookies.
You know in the beginning I thought this place was just another way for me to waste time, but I find I al slowly learning
@Pedro congratulations???
@KevinDriscoll Oh, LOL, you don't play the game.
@pedro I did once for a few days, but I never got any heavenly cookies I dont think
It just didn't hook me
@KevinDriscoll It does get kinda boring.
I am playing Dark Souls now.
Holy shit that game is amazing!
Where are you?
@KevinDriscoll Currently, tearing over Blighttown.
@Pedro have you rung the 1st bell yet?
@KevinDriscoll Yeah.
OKay cool. You're following the kind of 'recommended beginner path' then
Blighttown is NO FUN
Well...... its actually a lot of fun. But its quite difficult.
Have you gotten to the bottom yet?
Hi, if I have a morphism of vector bundles wich is a projection on fibers, is it true that it has constant rank?
woooooooooooooooosh /me ducks as that question nearly decapitates me
@KevinDriscoll Nah, I am actually up looking for the Eagle Shield. I keep dying in silly ways. I lvl 41 so the guys are no match.
@KevinDriscoll Heh.
@ADR Ask @TedShifrin
@PedroTamaroff Oh okay. Eagle shield is quite nice if you're strong enough for it. Eventually that it lets through 5% dmg gets really annoying though
@KevinDriscoll Oh. I am using the Spider Shield ATM.
totally reasonable considering where you are
I think the only 100% physical reduction shield you couldve gotten at this point is the Black Knight Shield
@PedroTamaroff ehmm, How can I do that?
@ADR Ted will probably be around later
You could always ask on Main as well
@PedroTamaroff I beat NG++ a while ago. Gonna go back and get all the boss weapons at some point
@KevinDriscoll LAWL.
@KevinDriscoll Ah, I fought some of those, even being a thief, no loot whatsoever.
And being a theif gave me awesome loot.
I have a full Balder's set.
Except I am using the Gargoyle's Helmet.
@PedroTamaroff Ya drop rates for Black Knight stuff is pretty low. THey drop Titanite somewhat regularly but the weapons and shield are all <10% I think
well, base <10%
is the dimension of $\Bbb C^3$ over $\Bbb R$ 6?
@Twink Yes.
uff :D
Think about how $\Bbb C^3$ is really $\Bbb R^6$.
Is its canonical basis $(1,0,0),...,(i,0,0),...(0,0,i)$
Asker tagged this question String Theory
hee hee
@KevinDriscoll He did it for the LULZ.
@PedroTamaroff Think so?
@KevinDriscoll How do you fall quickly off ladders?
@PedroTamaroff I played with mouse and keyboard, so I think it was hold space
With a controller..... hold A???
@KevinDriscoll Oh, I have an XBOX controller.
How do I get through the poisonous swampy area?
Fuck, I am dead again.
@PedroTamaroff You just have to explore a bit. You'll find a bonfire down there eventually
@KevinDriscoll Yeah, I did. But to reduce tox. I use the Shadow suit.
@PedroTamaroff Yup. It also helps to have some purple moss clumps
@KevinDriscoll and @PedroTamaroff what kind of music do you like?
@PedroTamaroff if you're careful you can plot your route through the much so you dont get poisoned
@Twink I listen to just about everything except country. Usually clumps of Top 40, Classic Rock, Jazz, and some electronic stuff
cool :D
I have stopped playing the cookie game. Mark this moment.
@Twink This.
@Pedro: You've kicked it? :)
@TedShifrin Yeah.
I was thinking we'd need an intervention!
@TedShifrin We do, but for coffee and real analysis instead
Hi, could it be that the approximations for the Mod. Bessel function of the second kind is wrong here? en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bessel_function#Asymptotic_forms I get K_0(x)/K_1(x) -> -inf here, whereas I would expect 0 (for x->0)
@Pedro has man vices
@KevinDriscoll ?
@KevinDriscoll Grrrrrrrrrr
OH wait sorry at 0, not $\infty$
yes :-)
So, $K_0$ goes like $\frac{1}{\sqrt{x}}$ if I remember corrently
and $K_1$ like $\frac{1}{x}$
well, Wikipedia says $K_0 \approx -\ln(x)$
@quazgar hmmm lemme check

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