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Q: everything CHANGES

rybo111In the fewest bytes possible, change every lower-case letter in a string to a different upper-case letter. There is a twist: it must convert one actual word (5-letter minimum) into another - both must exist on For example: hello > FUNNY is valid. abcde > zyxwv is not valid, as n...

And upper-case letters are left as Test cases?
@DonMuesli You are only changing lower-case, so uppercase and any other characters stay the same.
The twist should be explained better (add your comment below to the post above)
please objectively define "real word"
I still don't understand the twist. Are you saying that we have to find a real word that when run through our program turns into another real word?
FWIW, I don't think this is unclear: it's just too broad (indeed I voted to close it as too broad.) Putting the twist aside, any string transformation with no lowercase fixed point is valid.
what is the word is so long, there isn't any valid english word of that length? You say "an english dictionary" so can I claim my own english dictionary?
@Downgoat I have chosen as a rule, as it accepts American English and British English spellings.
@AquaTart The twist was added to make the challenge more interesting, although if that's not allowed then I am happy to leave this closed.
@rybo111 how are we supposed to get the words then? Do we store a list of the entire english language's words? Are we supposed to use a api (which I don't think is capable of this)? If so, that just seems like a challenge to make the shortest api call.
@Downgoat A five letter word will suffice like in my example.
@rybo111 is there a limit to the size of words? Words in the english language only get so big
@rybo111 Ignoring the twist, all you are asking is for a transformation that turns a lowercase letter into a different one. There are 25^26 such transformations.
The twist can be trivially worked around by picking two appropriate words and if input is equal to the first output the second instead of doing the transformation.
That's why it is too broad.
The limit is pretty much the English dictionary.
@Vihan I think you're misunderstanding the twist. In addition to your submission you are also supposed to submit a word that turns into another word when run through the program. Has nothing to do with the code.

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