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@Cairnarvon I agree with your deleted comment I just saw by chance when adding to the same comment chain. As far as I can tell, opening thoughts to scrutiny is one of the key reasons for wanting answers as answers instead of comments.
There are other reasons, too. The matter comes up with such frequency that it might be worthwhile to rehearse the arguments on meta so that we can point to it.
@JoonasIlmavirta I get that, which is mostly why I deleted it.
In this specific case I still feel like he's throwing a tantrum more than genuinely trying to contribute anything, though, because so many of his previous answers kept getting downvoted and I was often the person to take issue with them in the comments, so it's also a matter of how much you want to indulge that by taking these comments seriously.
I guess you have to assume good faith, though.
3 hours later…
@Cairnarvon I thought as much.
@Cairnarvon Yeah, that's a likely scenario. It's good if you challenge when you see something unjustified, but don't make a burden of it. There have been plenty of users that have been taxing to engage...
@Cairnarvon To a point, yes. But if someone consistently neglects feedback and offers nonsensical posts and angry outbursts, it no longer serves any party well to assume good faith anymore.
Whether that's the case here is another discussion, but as a general principle so. Several users have certainly crossed such lines, and have been suspended or even kicked out.
7 hours later…
@JoonasIlmavirta I did! Seemed like there was a lot of blame to go around for the events on Brendok.
@Adam Absolutely. I had expected the blame to fall almost entirely on the Jedi, but they were far from the only source of escalation.
I imagine we now know all about the backstory and the finale will be entirely in the present. Some things will surely be left unresolved. A second season and other follow-ups are to be expected, knowing how much was invested in this era in publishing before this series came out.
@JoonasIlmavirta I was surprised how little control over the group Indara had, actually. It's not all the Jedi's fault and not soley any single Jedi at that, but half her team basically went rogue includiing her own padawan.
@JoonasIlmavirta Yea, I bet they go back to Qimir and Osha.
@Adam Apparently her leadership style was very relaxed, and that tends to come with lack of control when it's desperately needed.
I dont know if you could fully turn him to the dark side, but Sol seems ripe for the pickings for any Sith lord to make him leave the Jedi. He's clearly struggling with some aspects of being a Jedi.
He's missing the rage and anger, really.
@Adam It would be supremely weird to leave that thread hanging. Ending that branch in a cliffhanger wouldn't surprise me, but the place for that is in the finale and not the antepenultimate episode.
Then again you aren't really seeing that with Qimir. If you take what we see and he's said as the truth, he seems to be using other emotions rather than anger and hate.
@Adam He did things wrong for noble causes and struggles with the burden and consequences. He's imperfect, but I don't sense anything dark enough in him to push him that far.
@JoonasIlmavirta I'm thinking more of what initially caused him to have such a strong attachment to Osha and Mae. He seems profoundly lonely to me, hence why he wanted a padawan. It seemed like Indara recognizes that and understands why he doens't have one, though.
@Adam They pretty strongly hinted at him having been Vernestra's padawan. His scar and her weapon were introduced almost simultaneously, and the match is too much for a coincidence. It may of course be a herring of some color, but there's certainly something to be uncovered.
@Adam Agreed. She was right to question his motives.
@JoonasIlmavirta Yea, they don't seem to be trying to obfuscate that much. Headland said in an interview recently that all the people shipping Qimir and Osha are spot on and that it was pretty obvious what was happening.
Some of the tropey characters in the first set of episodes makes a bit more sense now considering what happened to a couple of them half-way through the series. Trying to not spoil anything in case someone reading this hasn't seen it.
The show is a lot more compelling now, though.
@Adam I like the openness. She's not trying to trick viewers by false leads and the eventual revelations are explicit enough. Of course there is mystery, but not in a way that irritates me.
@JoonasIlmavirta Yea. We still don't know what's going to happen even if you can predict a few plot points.
I think I like Qimir in particular; it's pretty easy to paint any dark side user one dimensionally, and he's more complex.
@Adam That's an issue with a show like this. The build-up can feel odd and it doesn't make enough sense before you get far along. What felt cheap and weird is meaningful in retrospect. Might work better as a long movie or a binged series than a weekly installation.
Not that they haven't done that before, though. Anakin is a lot more complex than the emperor (unless we ever see a young Papaltine and understand his own journey).
Not that I complain about getting my weekly fix!
@Adam I quite like the nuance of him too. It's in both his character and his goals.
@Adam I imagine the stories published about young Palpatine (in books, I think) are no longer canon, so we really don't know much.
Maul also has dimensions to him (despite being halved in one of them), but his default emotion seemed to be rage.
@JoonasIlmavirta I like the parallel that he seems motivated by lonliness as well.
Maybe our newest friend got frustrated with the Jedi, walked out, and was found by a Sith master? Being pulled out by one sounds a bit less likely.
@JoonasIlmavirta haha, yes!
@Adam I'm not sure. He could just be looking for someone to train in order to overthrow his own master. I'm not decided either way, but the goal isn't clear to me yet.
@JoonasIlmavirta Yea. He talked about losing everything and being freed by it, but it's hard to know what that encompasses. I wouldn't be shocked if he wasn't directly trained by a Sith master and is something else.
He curiously doesn't say what he is and only says that the Jedi would call him that.
@Adam That was very noticeable. And the only Jedi to hear that word and still live is Sol. I'm sure that thread will get some resolution next week, even if not in full.
Did you get any feeling that they may have been sent way out to Brendok because they were being punished (in a way like law enforcement can assign people to crap jobs after a screw up)? Or at least assigned to it because they aren't particularly important Jedi.
@Adam I didn't. It struck me as a relatively boring standard everyday mission. It made sense they'd go an investigate such a surprising bloom.
I don't expect everything to go as I foresee, though. It hasn't so far.
Oh, we also watched Tales of the Empire.
@Adam How was it?
Star Wars?
@JoonasIlmavirta I liked it. I am a bit of a fan of Elsbeth even though she's pretty bad. I secretly hope for her to not be dead and have a redemption arc with Ahsoka.
Also interesting in the second half with Bariss and Lyn. I'm assuming that ends after the events of the Obi-wan series. It's hard to see Lyn going back and doing more with the Inquisitors after that as she is shown in that series.
@Cerberus But of course.
@Cerberus Bingo!
Not the most Latinate of topics, I suppose.
@Adam Judging by all the iconography in the Ahsoka finale, something weird is going to happen. Have you seen the Mortis arc of Clone Wars?
S3 E15-17
@Adam I quite like the idea of an anthology like that. They can do a couple of stand-alone episodes on a topic, connecting to the rest of the galaxy. Some great stories don't merit a full show, and this provides an outlet.
@JoonasIlmavirta Yea, I have seen that where they visit what I assume is another planet with a vergence of the force.
@JoonasIlmavirta I'm always torn on anthologies. I have enjoyed them but sometimes I want to stick to a longer narrative with the same characters. However, at this point I'm pretty happy to watch either format.
It doesn't seem like a coincidence that we have a show exploring flaws of the Jedi that lead up to their eventual fall, and then there's a film coming out with Rey starting the order over.
Today, I made a YouTube video against gun control in Latin, attempting to emulate Late Latin (for example, by using "quia"+indicative where possible instead of AcI, by using "quoniam" for "because", and so on): youtu.be/Lh3qBwQcSEo
@Adam Yeah, the themes are similar. I hope the stories connect, too, if only slightly.
@Adam They have limited resources, so my general view is that these stories either come short or don't come at all. I much prefer the former!
I wouldn't mind dwelling on a more detailed story, but it might just be too much to ask. And given the other story potential out there, their judgement has been fair so far.
@Adam With the father, the son, and the daughter? They were shown in statues in the Ahsoka finale.
1 hour later…
@JoonasIlmavirta Yea, that's the one. I thought I recognized the statues!
@Adam I can't bring myself to imagine that they were shown for nothing. They were huge and explicitly pointed in a direction, so it must pave the way for future stories.
@JoonasIlmavirta Yea, I can't see that as being done just for the hell of it. There's a number of characters that I suspect may show up in season 2 as well, like Omega, Bariss (if she survives), Lyn, etc, in addition to Elsbeth if she also survives.
@Adam And with Thrawn's return there will be some interesting imperial activity, too.

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