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@Cairnarvon Not sure if you see the results of your recent flag, but the "Disputed" response was an accident. The answer will be deleted shortly once the user has had a chance to see the comment.
@JohhanSantana Looks about right.
@Adam I decided in lesson 1 I didn't want to proceed with it when it translated ich und du as "you and me."
The person who added that line must never have read Martin Buber.
@cmw It's I and you, isn't it?
I mean, the meaning is the same but considering you can do a very literal translation in English...
I don't consider "you and me" to be proper and object to teaching improper grammar as standard.
Also, Buber's book was translated into English as I and Thou, and it didn't recognize that either.
@cmw Fair, even if it's common in colloquial speech.
@cmw It definitely lacks nuance, and it's very hit or miss with spelling mistakes.
I mistyped ist as is and it didn't catch that, although to be fair it probably thought I was substituting in the English word.
Written composition shouldn't be speedy. That's the part they should slow you down on.
@cmw That's what I've been trying to focus more on for the last few months. Same amount of reading, but active writing.
13 hours later…
@Adam Wait until you hear spoken German, the t is rarely heard in practice...
@SebastianKoppehel Even better!
I'm not sure if it's because it's closer to English or because I had a small amount of german as a child, but it's relatively easy to pick up so far.
Although it's annoying when Duolingo introduces a phrase and gives a meaning, but doesn't explain what the individual words mean.
Like "see you later", "see you soon", etc.
I also wish they would present things in an order that makes it easier to recognize gender and number patterns.
The Italian course is also haphazard in the same way, although the most challenging part of that one is how fast the speakers are. I miss articles because they basically disappear into the word that follows.
@Adam That always gets me when looking up lyrics to Italian songs. The text always contains many more syllables thank I can fit into the melody.
Simple example off the top of my head is Gianna Nannini's hit Bello e impossible where I can't fit the "e" into the melody...
@SebastianKoppehel Maybe in 500 years those sounds which are almost missing in speech will disappear in writing, too.
4 hours later…
Quite the dating scene in Peru...
1 hour later…
@Adam "The man, 26-year-old Julio Cesar Bermejo, told local media …" ← etiamnunc puellas amas Aegyptias, mi Iuli? (Minime vero, vetus corpus Peruvianum esse video.)
@SebastianKoppehel Forsitan Caesar mortuum amat quod is mortuus est

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