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@cmw I'm not sure which dictionary this uses offhand, but I found an online dictionary for Akkadian: assyrianlanguages.org/akkadian/search.php
Ahh, here it is in reference:
> Akkadian

Black, Jeremy A., George, Andrew and Postgate, Nicholas (2000). A Concise Dictionary of Akkadian.
Delizsch, Friedrich (1896). Assyrisches Handwörterbuch.
Huehnergard, John (2000). A Grammar of Akkadian.
Hameen-Anttila, Jaakko (2000). A Sketch of Neo-Assyrian Grammar.
Marcus, David (1978). A Manual of Akkadian.
Oppenheim, A. Leo, et al. Chicago Assyrian Dictionary.
Parpola, Simo (2005). The Helsinki Neo-Assyrian Dictionary.
1 hour later…
@Adam I use that first when I start with the English, but my actual dictionary is the first one (Black et al), so I always check there right afterward. The online version is captures various dialects, so it can be tricky to note use the right word or form.
The difference between Old Akkadian and Late Babylonian is 2000 years' worth of changes.
It is surprisingly conservative, but still the changes are vast.
@cmw I was wondering what era some of the words are from. The CAD includes all eras, doesn't it?
I did find a cheap used copy of Black's so I can check there as well. I'm just playing around right now.
@JoonasIlmavirta We actually did watch the first episode of clone wars but didn't keep up after that. In some ways, the shorter format made it feel too fast. I suppose if I'd been at the right age when it came out I'd have different feelings about it.
@Adam The different seasons are quite different in tone. The show grows up with its audience. Season 6 ends with pretty trippy episodes with Yoda that I quite enjoy.
@JoonasIlmavirta Oh, interesting. I've enjoyed series before that start out somewhat light and get more heavy as they progress.
@Joonas: Q: latin.stackexchange.com/q/19303/1982, is similar to previous Q: latin.stackexchange.com/q/14365/1982; is it possible to link them?
@Joonas: I've just seen a title-linkage in the right-hand column. End of problem. Please ignore this.
2 hours later…
@Adam More than individual vocabulary, the forms can also change.
It's why you see awilu(m) in the dictionary.
@cmw Ahh, I noted the bit in parentheses. I haven't looked at any grammar yet so I wasn't sure what that represented.
Oh nice, my copy of Black's was delivered today. Funny timing. 😂
@Adam So Akkadian it is, eh?
My friend and former colleague is also interested in learning it. She decided to include it in this book she's writing. I don't know how far she'll get, but she is an accomplished classicist, so I wouldn't put it past her learning it alongside me.
@cmw For now, haha. It coincides with my world building, though, as I'd already thought about using something in that realm of the world and time as a basis.

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