@Adam The scope of 'always' is indeed a bit vague...
@cmw That's a great way of putting it! Feynman was quite a miracle in his ability to explain. That was the best non-answer I have heard in a while.
@SebastianKoppehel To me these 'why' questions behave the same in natural science and linguistics. The nature does what it happens to do and owes us no explanation. Our attempts to make sense of it are secondary.
Neil deGrasse Tyson often says that the universe is under no obligation to make sense to us. Accepting that should be step one of scientific literacy.
@Adam Sounds interesting! Did you see this transition coming from afar, or is there an element of surprise?
The US vacations are tiny compared to Europe, but at least my efficiency goes way down if breaks are dropped. I wish you guys had more time off.