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@Nickimite I can't figure out what 'contorplicato' means, so I can't enjoy your joke :P
@ktm5124 Excellent!
@ktm5124 I came across that drawing recently, and I just had to save it for future use.
@JoonasIlmavirta Is that a portrait of Cerberus as an adolescent?
He looks a bit young and small-ish in that photo.
@JoonasIlmavirta I like that you horde things for later. Planning is everything!
By the way, my wife did a DNS test recently and found out she has some Finnish DNA. Surprises everywhere!
@JoonasIlmavirta You know I think the relative paucity of questions at Latin.SE is actually a blessing in disguise.
@ktm5124 So it seems, but it had no context. The style reminds me of Milou for some reason.
It means that every question is valuable, a charm most other SE sites do not have.
@JoonasIlmavirta I think that's a picture from his boyhood. I think he did something well (maybe got an A on an exam), and was given a bone.
@Adam Finns have been quite active emigrants, so it's not a huge surprise. Some areas in the US got quite a lot of us.
@ktm5124 That's true. We can take all questions seriously to an extent few sites can.
@ktm5124 Have you taken a look at our site analytics? They're visible to all users above 5000 reputation.
@ktm5124 I'm not sure whether it's fair to give only one bone. Or perhaps only the middle head got the A and the others are trying to share the prize.
@JoonasIlmavirta Where I used to live in the upper peninsula of Michigan, there were quite a few people of Finnish descent.
@JoonasIlmavirta Compared to some SE boards we get a much better ratio of good posts vs those of no value or that were already asked (assuming that you and other moderators are not moving them so fast that no one sees them, of course).
@ktm5124 Did all three heads do well and they only gave him (they?) one bone? Perhaps it would have been better to give three bones.
@Adam We rarely moderate very fast. Instead, we try to give users time to react and edit.
The questions we get are indeed mostly good.
And there's been very little need for any kind of disciplinary action. Some, yes, but not much.
@JoonasIlmavirta The lack of trolls mystifies me.
@Adam We've had some of them. If it has no visible traces of thought, we'll blow it up pretty fast.
Speaking of that, I'm expecting to have a moderator election this year. SE has been slow, but it'd make sense to get a third one within a year of losing one of the original triumvirate.
@JoonasIlmavirta Who are the current mods outside of you? I don't think I ever actually looked
For history, see this and this meta post.
@JoonasIlmavirta Oh, I had forgotten about that from last year.
2 hours later…
@Adam Whitaker's Words contortiplicatum "compounded" Anglice vocat. "Compound Word" dicere volebam.
'I' neglexi.
11 hours later…
@Nickimite Ahh!
Great post, @JoonasIlmavirta
@Adam Thanks! Now I'm sitting back, waiting for great answers.
2 hours later…
@JoonasIlmavirta Joonas cracks open a beer, leans back, and watches the mayhem unfold. _Cerberus approves._
@Adam I should point out that I don't drink alcohol.
People seem to be interested. Let's hope it leads all the way to some answers.
*ginger beer
2 hours later…
@JoonasIlmavirta @Cerberus I'm about to cross 10k on our forum!
Can we throw a party?
Bring in the musicians... purchase a cake... procure the balloons!
@ktm5124 Oh, my!
What sacrifices would you prefer?
A hecatomb?
Or rather a virgin?
I bumped you from 9994 to 10004!
@Cerberus How kind of you and fitting that it was you who voted me past 10,000.
@Cerberus You also welcomed me to the forum four years ago: latin.stackexchange.com/questions/652/…
@Cerberus As a supernatural being we might need direction from you as to what us mortals will sacrifice.
@ktm5124 Your question was great!
I remember wondering about this in the past.
@ktm5124 Yay! I didn't know that was your first post.
@Adam claps paws Well, I wouldn't mind a couple of hundred human sacrifices?
A couple of hecatombrotes, one might say.
@Cerberus With everyone staying home, it's going to be a challenge finding that many.
@Adam No doubt.
But, if you want to please the gods, and keep them pleased...
Maybe if we just tell people there are free rolls of toilet paper outside.
Excellent plan.
I was reflecting the other day on how Adam has both senses of "man" and "ground" and the word "human" has both senses of human being and ground (from humus, meaning "ground")
So it would seem that both the Romans and the Hebrews felt that man came from the clay of the ground...?
@ktm5124 Congratulations! :)
That could make a good question.
@JoonasIlmavirta Thank you!! :)
It's just a number on a website but it's an awfully good feeling.
I have worked years for this!
Toiled with sweat and groans...
Exerted myself again and again until I...
reached 10k reputation.
@Cerberus Aren't the gods keeping a distance to each other and humans as well?
@ktm5124 I know the feeling! I enjoy my numbers going up too, although they mean little as such.
Perhaps incoming reputation is a signal that others appreciate my contributions, and that surely cheers me up.
In the activity tab of the profile page there is a somewhat mysterious estimate for number of people reached. Mine is pretty close to a round number which is surprisingly large.
@JoonasIlmavirta Perhaps you can help... I wonder what happened to my avatar?
Is there a shortage in Hades, or do the dead just use the second bolgia in the 8th circle for that?
@JoonasIlmavirta When I go to my Latin.SE profile page, my avatar shows: latin.stackexchange.com/users/235/ktm5124?tab=profile
@ktm5124 Indeed! I'm sure a lot of people would enjoy the Hebrew aspect of it too. I'd be curious to know whether the Romans saw any connection between homo and humus.
So I wonder why it does not show in chat?
@JoonasIlmavirta That's true - I was assuming that the Romans had the word humanus, which maybe they do... but homo is more common.
The English word human encapsulates the "ground" aspect but not sure if homo does.
@ktm5124 It's because your chat profile's parent profile is set to a site where you have that avatar. You should be able to change it.
@ktm5124 Terentius wrote: Homo sum, humani nil a me alienum puto.
@JoonasIlmavirta Oh, we are immortal.
And incredibly selfish, as you can read in the Iliad.
So we go whereever it pleases us.
@Cerberus Does that mean you won't suffer from a disease either?
Maybe a little sniff.
@Cerberus Mortals might not approve of that now.
I think cats are affected more.
I don't know whether gods can be disease vectors.
@JoonasIlmavirta Hah!
We do not need their approval.
In fact, nothing they do concerns us.
Lucretius was right!
echoes Rowan Atkinson's famous "Devil" scene
@Cerberus But do you need their money? If you're immune, you could make a small fortune in buying toilet paper for mortals.
No, we need nothing of them!
@Cerberus That's a great one! The verdict on Christians was a good surprise.
@Cerberus So even sacrifices mean nothing?
@JoonasIlmavirta To them, perhaps.
@JoonasIlmavirta Oh, the need to sacrifice is a just a little story we tell them to amuse ourselves.
Do continue!
@ktm5124 So the Romans did have humanus and connected it to homo, but I'm not sure if they saw any link to humus. Two words can look alike without reason too.
@Adam No shortage at all. In fact, the queues are longer than usual. What's going on up there?
@ktm5124 I strongly doubt whether those words are related, but it would be a nice Question.
@Cerberus Public hell sounds like hell. Waiting 4 to 6 months for torment after death is unfair, given the amount of taxes we sacrifice.
As Joonas says, whether or not the Romans thought they were related is a more complex question.
@JoonasIlmavirta I'm sorry, if you want a private Hell, you'd better die very rich.
But figuring out whether they are related etymologically makes sense, given the similarity and the connection you mention in Hebrew.
@Cerberus Where does all that money go to? Is it just that you cause triple overheads?
@ktm5124 I see you have regained your doggy appearance.
@JoonasIlmavirta Have I? I don't see it yet.
Maybe it's my cache.
@JoonasIlmavirta Hah.
Welcome back, concanis.
Oh, the money? We throw it away.
Well I don't see it yet, but hopefully if I clear my cache...
It's just to pester mortals.
"Ooh if you lose your obol, you can't cross the river.:
@ktm5124 It changed for me without reloading anything. But perhaps you're caching more than us.
I see my reflection now!
I didn't need to reload anything either.
I use Firefox.
Canines 4 canines.
I can see my dog ears and my snout.
@Cerberus Why does one then have to be rich to get into private hell if you burn the money anyway? I can see leftist mobs gathering near Avernus...
To spite mortals.
Who says it's true, anyway?
@Cerberus There's no denying that argument.
@JoonasIlmavirta @Cerberus If I start reading Plato's Apology in Greek and St. Augustine's Confessions in Latin I will have plenty of questions for Latin.SE.
But I have to say these texts are hard.
Does it get easier with practice?
@ktm5124 Doesn't that mean you have to ask a question for each sentence? I wouldn't mind!
It makes things more difficult that I am coming back to these languages after a break.
@JoonasIlmavirta Almost, Joonas. Hopefully I won't be that hard-pressed, but close, at least, for now.
@ktm5124 It does. And practice within a single piece of literature also helps. You get used to their terminology and favorite structures.
@JoonasIlmavirta Has Latin.SE had a checkup recently? What was the doctor's report? Are all the vital organs working?

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