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@ktm5124 Ah, I see.
I thought you meant the Perseid link from my Answer.
11 hours later…
@ktm5124 I think our beta is stable. We are not in danger if being closed. Nor of being promoted.
If we keep the current activity up, the site should remain in beta indefinitely.
Our site is not ripe for promotion, and I agree with the numbers. We need more users and more questions.
If a couple of active users decide to quit for any reason, our site is severely damaged. More users will make us more stable and allow the site to live on even when individuals change.
Concerns like this can be asked at meta. SE staff can give answers there for everyone to see, and they know their rules.
3 hours later…
Happy New Year to all. May the year 2017 peak an interest for others to join us at Latin SE.
@KenGraham Idemque tibi!
2 hours later…
Iucundissimum annum novum omnibus, praecipue situi nostro, exopto!
@KenGraham Indeed. This has been a good year of foundation, and I hope the next one is a good year of growth.
Bonum matutinum felicemque faustum annum novum vobis omnibus exopto!
3 hours later…
@Cerberus Have you ever heard of the Greek word epikaria or epicharia? (This question goes out to all others in the chat room, too.)
Actually, I asked a question on the forum :)
1 hour later…
@ktm5124 I'm happy that I've managed to teach you something. :P
It's a nice question. It might benefit from a description of what the word is supposed to mean if you have an idea.
@JoonasIlmavirta Ah, that I am asking my questions in the light of day as opposed to the underworld?
@JoonasIlmavirta That I am resisting the temptation to ask the three-headed-dog in Hades?
@ktm5124 If you refer to this chat room as the underworld, then yes.
I'm not opposed to asking the three-headed dog. He is active above the ground as well.
@JoonasIlmavirta Haha, yeah. I'm in a playful mood today.

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