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@Cerberus Minime. Nescio, an ulla connexio sit inter eas.
Quomodo versatur collega Batavus tuus?
Geomathematica studet problematibus mathematicis, quae Tellurem amplectuntur.
Facilis est collaboratu?
@JoonasIlmavirta Gaea vera!
An 'aea' ut Homerus.
Aut 'aee'.
@Cerberus Facillimus.
Omnia optime cedere videntur.
Novas res facere possumus una, quas nemo antea potuit quamvis complures volebant.
Res novas!?
Non intellegerem quid aea vel aee sibi vult. Sed Gaeam intellego.
Qui tumultus!
Rebus antiquis faciendis mathematicus vivere haud potest.
> ἐκ γὰρ Ὀρέσταο τίσις ἔσσεται Ἀτρεΐδαο, 40
ὁππότ' ἂν ἡβήσῃ τε καὶ ἧς ἱμείρεται αἴης
De geometria algebraica minime scio, sed scio eam longe dissimilem esse areae meae.
@JoonasIlmavirta Id patet.
Habemusne in lingua Latina verbum homerizari?
Sicut Graece homerizein?
Cenabam hodie in quadam popina Italica, et servus (Mexicanus) me Italum habebat.
Ita vero!
Servus Italianus numquam ita diceret.
An forte dicebat spe placendi tibi...
Ille me rogabat, unde in Italia venirem.
Sed fuisse potest, ut ex commoditate rogaret.
Servus ille non Italice loquebatur, sed intellegebat.
Iucundum est Italice quoque loqui posse, nec semper solum Anglice.
Latinitate enim hic haud uti licet...
Scisne ullam popinam, ubi Latine cenare possim?
Adhuc nullam inveni, sed condamus!
Nescivi te Italica loqui posse, eu!
Variis linguis loquor.
Dependet de modo, quo potentiam loquendi definis, sed dixerim me septem fere linguis loqui posse.
Semper dependet.
Exaudio nunc cantica occidentalia Iberica.
Ipse autem Hispanice non intellego. Forsitan legere possum auxilio linguae Italicae et Latinae.
Estne tibi facilis intellectu?
Aut solum iucunda auditu?
Linguae exlatinae faciliores sunt lectu.
Textus simplices ut articula encyclopaedica aut academica.
Ita est mihi quoque.
Italicam et Francogallicam linguam studebam, sed aliis cum linguis Romanicis rerum condicio talis est.
Nescio cur Lusitana Gallicaque difficiliores sunt auditu quam Hispanica et Italica.
Galli simpliciter pronuntiare nesciunt...
Immo nesciunt!
Nec Lusitani.
Sed lingua Lusitanorum mihi minime nota est. Nescio, an intellegere possim.
Ut et Galiciana.
Et Catalana.
Amicus quidam meus thesaurum Catalano-Latinum habebat.
Sed fatebor solum Gallicum librum totum legam.
Raros Finnos talem librum habere credo.
Et nunc nescio, ubi liber sit. Amicus enim diem suum iam obiit.
Senexne fuit?
Si adhuc viveret, plus octoginta annos haberet.
Respectabiles annos.
Ita vero.
In lecto suo ultimo Latine loquebatur sicut lingua materna.
Ita. Vir mirabilis fuit.
Mihi multum placet Latinistas veteres scire, sed salus desidens non iucunda est visu...
Habentne ulli iuvenes Latinam linguam vivam ubi vivis?
@ktm5124 Salve! Iamne quattuor canibus cingor?
@JoonasIlmavirta Est horribillimum conceptu.
@Cerberus Optime!
Athenaeum Illustre hic studebat Latinae vivae.
Utunturne hoc situ?
Non adhuc!
Aut nescio eos id facere.
Studentne te docente?
Te eis hortari posse enim crediderim, ut huc veniant.
Non ego!
Sed initiator A. I. liberique sui amici mei sunt.
At iam diu non eos vidi.
Possisne notam parietalem (si "poster" ita Latine redditur) de situ nostra facere in schola tua divulgare?
Non est necesse, si fieri non potest.
Modos, quibus Latinistas de situ certiores facere possimus, invenire conor.
Propagatio non est fortitudo mea.
Sed adhortor tuam!
Ipse talem notam parietalem Finnice iam composui.
Domum reversus eam praesidi studentium linguae Latinae offerre possim.
Si bene accepta est, forsitan debeo eam Anglice reddere et in meta nostra ponere, ut aliis ea (reddita, si melius est) utantur.
Bene facias!
Hmm... Nonne ibi hora sera est? An estne iam hora matutina?
Semper serus sum.
Nonne mane expergisci debes?
O te fortunatum!
Die solis numquissimam.
Mihi misero solis quoque die conventulus est.
Iucundus enim, sed dormire non licet.
Num matutinus?
Ante meridiem.
animam amittit
Estne porta Orci semper clausa usque ad meridiem, si custos eius dormit?
Est verum!
Cano nunc canticum Lusitanum.
Nonne Orpheus canens quidem intrare potest?
Aut paucos versus quos noverim.
Fac canas.
Orpheus, Orpheus, quis eum resistat?
Laetum est.
Musica populi.
@Cerberus Fas solum?
Solam Lusitanam quam 'loqui' possum est ex canticis.
Non fas quidem.
Nec Pluto.
Linguam non intellego, sed musice placet.
> Ó Portela vem à janela
Ó Portela vem à janela
Que o povo fica contente
Por ouvir de novo a tua voz tão quente
O, Portela, veni ad ianuam (fenestram)
Ut facias populum contentum
Audiendo rursus vocem tuam tam calidam
I'm sort of translating from memory, but I looked it up a while ago and it was something like that.
Modo suo similis est cantui traditionali Finnico, quem nuper Latine reddidi.
You will notice that some expressions are more naturally Latin than Latin!
Habesne conexionem?
Cantus ille agit de virgine in Carelia inventa.
In memoriam venit, quippe quod in auribus meis sicut tinea vivit.
Virgo invento?
Carelia est locus?
Carelia est regio Finnica, partim Russiae amisa.
A, forte olim audii.
Versionem Latine redditam dare non possum, cum eam festive divulgare velimus.
Difficile enim intellectu, credo.
Intellego similitudinem quam indicabas cantico Latino.
Impossibile intellectu.
Nec una vox nec sonus quidem.
Vinum creavit nebulas in capitibus meis, sed non id est quod mihi hic obstat.
Nescio, an hic umquam cantatus sit aliis linguis. Melodia haud nota est ultra Finniam.
Would you be insulted if I said that the Finnish songs Youtube is playing for me now remind of Slavic songs?
Not at all.
Ah, I see one is a polkka.
And the other military.
I suppose the Finnish traditional songs and dances are not that far from Slavic ones.
Oh, really?
I think Dutch folk songs are somewhat like German ones.
I don't really know much, but I can understand if outsiders see a connection.
For a Finn any difference to the Finnish tradition sounds alien, but you might be able to focus more on similarities than differences.
When did the Finns come to Finland?
Or I might just be lazy, grouping songs together that aren't in a familiar language.
I'm not entirely sure.
The Sami people must have come when the ice retreated after the ice age.
The rest came later, but that must've been a millennium or so ago.
I don't know if humppa, jenkka and polkka have Slavic counterparts.
Oh hmm, so they were there before the Germans?
The polka is a Central European dance and genre of dance music familiar throughout Europe and the Americas. It originated in the middle of the 19th century in Bohemia, now part of the Czech Republic. Polka remains a popular folk music genre in many European countries, and is performed by folk artists in Germany, Austria, Czech Republic, Croatia, Slovenia, Switzerland, and, to a lesser extent, in parts of Poland (Clarinet Polka), Latvia, Lithuania, Netherlands, Hungary, Italy, Ukraine, Romania, Belarus, Russia, and Slovakia. Local varieties of this dance are also found in the Nordic countries, United...
Peoples have migrated a lot across Europe, but Finland has been extremely stable populationwise.
I know the polka only as a Slavic thing.
> The Proto-Samic language is believed to have formed in the vicinity of the Gulf of Finland between 1000 BC to 700 AD, deriving from a common Proto-Sami-Finnic language (M. Korhonen 1981).[16] However reconstruction of any basic proto-languages in the Uralic family have reached a level close to or identical to Proto-Uralic (Salminen 1999).[17] According to the comparative linguist Ante Aikio, the Proto-Samic language developed in South Finland or in Karelia around 2000–2500 years ago, spreading then to northern Fennoscandia.[18]
Quite interesting.
A quick sampling of YouTube suggests that the Finnish polkka is pretty mainstream polka, when different countries are compared.
Ah OK.
I can mostly tell Finnish and non-Finnish polka apart, but they're similar.
@Cerberus Interesting. I didn't remember any details.
That's cool, I suppose: an international tradition.
Oh yes. Something common, so everyone can understand, but enough local twists to make it interesting.
Indeed, and it is neither part of imperial propaganda nor of commercial mass culture.
Or so I hope.
So I believe.
One polka had a peculiar military application: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S%C3%A4kkij%C3%A4rven_polkka
Crazy Soviets.
That was actually just the one I was listening to.
Did it have the same disarming effect on you?
Oh, I surrendered myself completely.
My mind was jammed.
I still have Finnish songs on autoplay.
It's always nice to know that the Finns are not forgotten.
Why should they be?
They have a good reputation.
@JoonasIlmavirta Ita vero. Quattuor canibus et uno arbore cingeris.
@Cerberus I get the feeling that not everyone here in the US knows what Finland is.
@ktm5124 Optimum! Canes enim amo.
Certain regions are not known for the breadth of their knowledge.
A polite way of putting it.
@ktm5124 Quo modo vales?
@ktm5124 woof
2 hours later…
@JoonasIlmavirta Valeo. Gratias tibi ago.
Et tu?
9 hours later…
@ktm5124 Bene valeo, sed computatrum meum peius valebat.
2 hours later…
O popoi!
@JoonasIlmavirta What OS and browser were you using?
I wish browsers were better at saving text in forms.
They try to save it, but it's not reliable.
@Cerberus Windows 7 and Firefox.
I do occasionally crash the browser, but this time the whole system went down. I had the question in an external editor but unsaved since I was planning to ask it soon.
I created a new tag for Latin related to technology. I'm surprised that we didn't have one already.
@JoonasIlmavirta Ouch, I see.
You can install auto-save in some editors:
Q: is there an autosave function/plugin for notepad++?

mchlfchrAfter an unplanned system restart, all of my Notepad++ temp (and unsaved) tabs are gone. How can I avoid this in future? I don't want to have to save explicitly every single temp file with a file name. Is there a plugin for NP++, which saves my session every time I'm editing an active tab or ev...

Or I could have just saved it.
I was just so used to having a stable system even if the browser crashes.
But losing a question is not a big deal. I'll rewrite later.
Sed abire iam debeo. Vale!
1 hour later…

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