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@HDE226868 You have a very, very optimistic view of most people.
@JoelDerfner You sometimes need to be like that to not get overly frustrated with the world.
@HDE226868 My strategy is to take the opposite tack.
@JoelDerfner How so?
@HDE226868 I take a very, very pessimistic view of people in general until I get to know them and they prove otherwise. That way I'm rarely disappointed.
Guilty until proven innocent, in a way?
Ita est.
(Of course, for all I know my therapist may think that's completely untrue, but how well can one really know oneself, after all?)
@QPaysTaxes Did he mean Mox redibo/regrediar?
Or did I miss something?
@JoelDerfner By knowing Greek: γνῶθι σεαυτόν
Ah, the lack of te/vos threw me off.
@JoelDerfner And how does this pessimistic view manifest itself in practice?
You don't seem it!
@C.M.Weimer Ah, yes, but just because the Oracle orders one to do something doesn't mean one has the capability to obey, does it?
@Cerberus I'm basically just a very angry person, but I hide it very well by being really nice to everybody all the time.
@JoelDerfner So basically a NYer.
@C.M.Weimer HA!
At least we both start with a C.
@JoelDerfner OK makes perfect sense.
speaking of which, did you hear about the ferry service?
@C.M.Weimer And have two "e"s and at least one "r" in your names.
@C.M.Weimer No—what's up?
@C.M.Weimer Wow. Very nice.
QPays, did you say you also lived in NY?
@C.M.Weimer I think he said Union Square.
That's where I live.
Well, just east.
So many NYers here.
@QPaysTaxes Ah, yes. I knew one of you lived by Union Square.
4 now that I know of.
@C.M.Weimer Who's the 4th?
@C.M.Weimer Oh, wait, it's @cjmacnamara.
@C.M.Weimer Yes?
@C.M.Weimer I suppose it is a civilised place.
So Latinists are expected.
Hold your horses!
You have Gallic dogs?
How many heads does it have?
Pfft. SOMEBODY'S an underachiever.
there's another
James Kingsbery
another NYer
@QPaysTaxes All these high-schoolers! Perhaps there's hope for the world after all.
@QPaysTaxes I don't even know what that is.
OMG so Congress recognizes your importance!
@QPaysTaxes Jesus, the young are exhausting.
:28306151 I will be there to hold you to it.
@QPaysTaxes Wait, now I'm confused. I meant holding you to the promise never to have children. I'm planning to rip them from your arms and cast them into the Hudson.
@QPaysTaxes I'm lazy. The Great Pacific garbage patch is too far away.
It's okay, they'll just end up floating away on a raft or something to be raised by a shepherd and to return some day to kill me and/or save your life.
@QPaysTaxes How do you know?
@QPaysTaxes Talk about the modern decline in morals....
@QPaysTaxes Exactly! The idea of intimacy with one's wife is shocking.
@QPaysTaxes Next thing you know they'll be kissing.
Let me check my notes.
It's Daphne, 1,535-9:
alter inhaesuro similis iam iamque tenere
sperat et extento stringit vestigia rostro,
alter in ambiguo est, an sit conprensus, et ipsis
morsibus eripitur tangentiaque ora relinquit:
sic deus et virgo est hic spe celer, illa timore.
Sorry, I.535-539.
Google is your friend.
I just Googled without quotes.
@QPaysTaxes As well you should be!
@QPaysTaxes I think it's good, but the fact that the former in this case is masculine and the latter is feminine dilutes the example a bit, no? That said, I'm not thinking of another off the top of my head. I'm sure @C.M.Weimer could.
"He is swift with hope, she with fear."
Ah. Ovid Tristia, 1.2.23-4:
Nihil est, nisi pontus et aer,
Nubibus hic tumidus, fluctibus ille minax.
Go ahead!
HA! Yes, nisi is "unless."
Or "except."
@QPaysTaxes "HA!" not meant as mockery.
(Just in case it came across that way!)
Before it comes "quocumque aspicio," so I think probably "there is nothing" rather than "it is nothing."
Ita est!
Am collecting resources to quote—will answer soon.
@JoelDerfner Hi Joel; as always, feel free to revert my edit to your question if you wish.
@Nathaniel No need—I suck at titling, tagging, and gerunds.
@Nathaniel Thanks for fixing.
@JoelDerfner No problem! I appreciate that you don't suffer from paralysis by analysis when it comes to answering questions.
@QPaysTaxes Same thing goes for you Mr. Taxpayer -- feel free to revert my edit if you don't think it's helpful
Oops, I'm resourceless, but posted anyway.
Unfortunately, I do not think it is a good way of thinking about it.
Especially since in English it would sound opposite. "The latter is swollen with clouds and the former is threatening with waves" is unusual. In English, the standard is "the former...the latter", which fits the Greek μεν...δε, but less hic...ille.
et...et... is not at all the same...?
Okay, I posted an answer.
"Valid" isn't really a helpful statement. Does it accurately convey the meaning of the sentence? Using "the latter...the former" in English actually emphasizes the unusualness of the former, while in Latin there is no such connotation.
But again, no!
I think @C.M.Weimer 's point is that in Latin the very concepts we translate as "former" and "latter" work differently from how they work in English.
It would be "the second does...the first does..." and that's just not how English is normally spoken.
I could be wrong, though, as I often am when I put words in others' mouths.
Because it emphasizes something very unique about the former, which in Latin is entirely absent from hic...ille...
The former = the sea
The latter = the air
it just doesn't work.
"The latter swelled with clouds, the former threatened with waves" as a neutral sentence is awkward no matter how you cut it.
The sentence demands the twist, why else would it be subverted?
If you do that, then you're butchering the Latin.
OR, we can just not translate it your way?
I'm not sure why you think we need to improve the sentence at all.
If you want to turn out good English poetry, you can do whatever you like, but if you're trying to convey the meaning of the Latin clearly and efficiently, it's better to educate readers on hic...ille than rearrange something so common.
So much that it actually obscures the concrete aspect of the pronouns.
It seems to me that meaning and translation are getting conflated in this argument?
@QPaysTaxes I'd say the point of translation is to preserve as much meaning as possible but that it's impossible to preserve meaning entirely.
There's a reason for the Italian saying, Traduttore, traditore. ("Translator, traitor.")
@QPaysTaxes I am now completely unable to follow this argument. But I don't mind, because conflict makes me anxious. So I'm going to go watch TV, where I can learn about Trump and Clinton, because THAT won't make me anxious at all.
In proximum!
18 hours later…
@QPaysTaxes Yay!
@QPaysTaxes I'm happy to accept blame.
@QPaysTaxes I take it in that spirit.
@QPaysTaxes Well, I'm in the Dominican Republic, where there don't seem to be many people who care about it.
@QPaysTaxes How's yours?
@QPaysTaxes Ah, well. I don't drink (ever since a party in my sophomore year of college the taste of alcohol turns my stomach) so I'm pretty much impervious to the charms of the vine.
2 hours later…
Out of curiosity—what's the threshold for critical mass (energy? velocity?) we need to achieve to become a real live SE site?
I don't know!
Yeah, it just says, "If a site reaches critical mass, it becomes a full member of the Stack Exchange Network."
In the FAQ.
Hmm. It doesn't answer that question, but it does give some other statistics. By some measures we're doing well (88% of questions answered; 90% is healthy) but by other measures we're not doing well at all (3.1 avg. questions per day; 10 is healthy and 5 "needs some work").

Beta Q&A site for professional linguists and others with an interest in linguistic research and theory.

Currently in public beta.

Linguistics hardly satisfies all those criteria...
@Cerberus And it's been in beta for 4.5 years! But I'm glad that they let that happen—I was worried that they'd just shut us down.
I'm not sure what the advantages of graduation would be, but at least it hasn't been nuked.

Beta Q&A site for those interested in logical reasoning.

Currently in public beta.

Philosophy is apparently more popular.
@QPaysTaxes Oh, meh.

Beta Q&A site for historians and history buffs.

Currently in public beta.

Same story.
We'll see what happens!
I'll post more questions and answers...
Ego quoque.
@QPaysTaxes a) how is this "speaking of SE-appropriate," b) how is it karma, c) what and at whom were you yelling and d) who yelled at you?
How about if we all behaved like the gentlemen we are, if deep inside?
Because deep inside I am a viper, not a gentleman.
A viper in gentleman's clothing.
@QPaysTaxes Then gentle like a boy.
I think that's your imagination speaking.
Hmm perhaps you need some more time to think about it.
Ah, a farm boy.
I mean, horse.
@QPaysTaxes Sleep well, then.
Ow, I hope you get well soon.
Aww what happened to it?
Aren't we all?

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