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noobs will be tricked into thinking that this is chinese
Do you just go from weird obsession to weird obsession and then spam it here?
well yes but actually no
maybe i should stop posting encrypted messages
it's irrelevant if you do or don't since nobody can read them
yes that's true
>(R5QB{U-#U.m9 [:0`9;zS7 HtO)oe8"
so there. I can do it too. That is an actual encrypted message.
here is a shifted message
is it true that if V is a subset of a vector space W, then the span of V is a subspace of W?
@EdwardEvans indeed. just wanted to show how useless it is to try to decrypt a message
@sinclair yes, take e.g. the subset consisting of all basis vectors of your vector space
@robjohn right lol
@sinclair this is a silly example but yeah, the span is the subspace consisting of all linear combinations. You're just taking all the vectors in your subset and smashing them all together in such a way that all of the subspace axioms are fulfilled
i guess that makes sense, I'm just conscious of stating this fact
okay so i should stop posting encrypted messages
That's fine, it's good to ask questions that you think are "silly" because we've all asked questions we thought were silly at some point :P
but but but
188 214 18 70 206 54 76 198 230 170 182 198 22 66 194 70 206 98 226 146 140 156 234 166
Given two programs $P_1$ and $P_2$ executing the same two functions $f_1$ and $f_2$ but with different algorithms.

Say $P_1$ execute $f_1$ faster by a factor of $x$ but execute $f_2$ slower by a factor of $y$.

How do I know which program is faster and how much?
it depends on how often you run the two functions.
the same amount of times
Lets say 1 time
I meant how much time is spent on each function, which may include number of times used.
Quick question for which there is presumably a quick answer: under the DLog assumption, is it hard to determine whether two discrete logarithms are coprime? IOW, given $(g^x, g^y)$, is it hard to tell if $x$ and $y$ have a common prime factor?
Yea so each function is executed once per program.
If $P_1$ spends $s_1$ seconds on $f_1$ and $s_2$ seconds on $f_2$ then $P_2$ would spend $xs_1+s_2/y$
@Eminem that doesn't matter if we don't know the amount of time spent in each function
I just want to know the relation between them, not the actual amount of time.
well, if $f_1$ takes and hour on $P_1$ and $f_2$ takes a second, the factor $y$ is of little importance.
Ok let me rephrase
which is faster depends on how long the programs spend in the various functions.
The problem i'm facing is whether or not to implement an AVL tree for a certain problem I have. Currently it is implemented in a linked list, but obviously insertion to a list is faster but searching is much slower.
usually the trees are built once and searched many times. If that is the case, go with the faster search.
You are right, but I wanted a mathmatical estimation on how much faster will it run
again, that depends on how much time is spent building the tree and how much time is spent searching
If we don't know these, there is no way to compare
What kind of data is missing here?
how much time is spent building the tree and how much time is spent searching
I am guessing the time searching is the major one and so the ratio of speeds would be the ratio of the searching time
hmmm... So if the average size of the tree is $a$, and i perform $m$ searches
If you are building a tree to do one search, then don't build the tree, just scan the data
No no. Im performing huge amounts of searches
so go with the program with the faster search
Ignore the question above, the answer is obvious (at least given DDH, which is enough for me)
the tree building will be a small fraction, unless it is so slow that it takes longer than the enormous number of searches done in the other program
@Marcel great, because I had no idea :-)
Total list search = $c$

Average list search = $d$

Total insertion = $a$

Average data base size = $b$

tree avg search = $\log_2e=f$

tree avg insertion = $\log_2b=g$

Improvment = $\frac{fd}{c}-g$
Is this analysis correct?
it's hard to tell, since the terms are not defined well. are they total time in execution or what?
hmmm... So $c$ will be the amount of times the program actually moves from a node to another node in the list.
Its hard to explain :)
This is like telling me that there are 12 trucks, how many chickens are in them?
the data is not of the proper type to draw the conclusions you want
@robjohn: At least, I think so (admittedly this turned out to be a bit of an X-Y question, since I initially specified a weaker assumption):

Assume $G$ is a group for which DDH is hard, with generator $g$ and order $q$. Consider $(g^a, g^b, g^c)$ with $a,b$ randomly and independently selected from $\mathbb{Z}_q$ where $c$ is either $ab$ or randomly and independently chosen from the same set.

Assume that the decision problem specified above is solvable (in PPT). Take $g^a$ and $g^c$, and check if the exponents are coprime, and do the same for $g^b$ and $g^c$. If neither pair has coprime e
@Marcel This is about the difficulty of breaking certain types of encryption?
(in the end)
Not really, I wondered about this when reading about Schnorr signatures, but it has no direct relation to any cryptosystem I know of
Ah, okay. Usually when I hear "time to compute discrete logs", it has to do with the difficulty of breaking a cryptosystem
In any case, I am not up on the current state of computing discrete logs. I know there has been a lot of work done on that problem, though
so I don't know what DDH or the decision problem refers to.
Ah, I should have explained more clearly. The DDH assumption states that for certain groups, it is hard to determine if $c$ in the above example is equal to $ab$ or if it is randomly chosen from $\mathbb{Z}_q$
can metrics add to 0?
Not on a Riemannian manifold since the tensors have to be positive definite
@robjohn what about $g_1=dx^2+dy^2$ and $g_2=-dx^2-dy^2$
@geocalc33 $g_2$ is not positive definite. You can define any $2\times2$ matrix and call it a metric, but the geometry may not be what you might expect. For example, complex distances.
@robjohn I was under the impression that $g_2$ was the same as $g_1$ just
reflected or something
I don't think so, but ask Ted, he's the expert. (If he dares to enter the zombie room again.)
@robjohn okay thanks. oh yeah if you reflect the euclidean plane the distance still has to be positive. duh. just measured from a different orientation
1 hour later…
When people say compactness theorems (w.r.t proving convergence of sequences) what are they generally referring to?
(convergence of sub-sequences of functions that is)
2 hours later…
stuff like azerla ascoli
they're generally referring to compactness in a function space :) more specifically arzela ascoli is an example of the kind of result people look for. often they only look for sufficient conditions (not necessarily necessary ones) because the application of interest is not in complete generality.
Good morning leslie
there are good compactness results for families of analytic functions on nice domains, which mean that a lot of suprema or infima over sets of functions are actually attained. that is a common application of compactness, solving an extremal problem in a function space.
problems in PDE or the calculus of variations can often (not always) leverage compactness theorems in appropriate function spaces. it is not usually clear a priori that solutions to such things exist. if compactness is around it helps you get there.
Also compactness theorems are a popular topic in complex analysis, as a specific example of that for analytic functions.
Though they use the horrible name "normal" families instead of "precompact"
i like that.
a lot of those results predate point-set topology.
my daughter just said that our cat had ears, a chin, and a butt. all true.
"normal" and "regular" are synonyms and their universal mathematical meaning is along the lines of "you have to look this up every time"
we need as many definitions of 'normal' as possible. so normal families can stay.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Normal let's all do our part and grow this entry as much as possible.
my daughter just learned that if you run up to a cat and swat at it, the cat is likely to swat at you right back. and now she's eating breakfast with the cat sitting next to her plate. friends again.
I'm moving on
where's the party bus headed next?
I'm moving on in math relationships music career
I'm turning the whole leaf
flipping the script
i've done that before. it is liberating but one shouldn't do it too often.
once every 5-10 years.
just kidding im not doing that
@geocalc33 only turning part of the leaf?
or just peeking under to see what might be lurking?
yeah I'm evaluating the leaf
Heading off soon to get my wife her second vaccination.
she is more nervous about this one than the first one. I think she's psyched herself out. Too much time to think about it.
well, stuff like normal subgroup, normal field extension, normal cover at least share the same adjective for a reason
my wife was thrilled when i said, instead of doing more math, i'll go back to school for three years and go into six-figure debt.
not at all like simple group vs simple field extension
but that was the leaf i turned over.
'normal families' is just someone being lazy about the use of the word normal.
no connection to anything.
paul montel, apparently.
whose students included dieudonne, who formed a group with other 'normaliens' that became bourbaki and tried to eradicate the careless use of language.
small world.
Can anyone please suggest a good geometry book that covers all why? And how? Questions I.e it also tells few things about how it evolved..
i like robin hartshorne's geometry: euclid and beyond.
it's partially a tour of euclid and also more than that. maybe a little too axiomatic for some tastes. does get into the how and why.
@leslietownes I saw Hartshorne's geometry without reading Euclid and beyond and thought that you might be overshooting the reference request slightly
hartshorne does have other slightly more advanced geometry books.
syllabus of the first AG class at berkeley was like, "we will do the first thirty pages of hartshorne." count me out of that.
it's rare to see a book engage with euclid from a modern point of view. a lot of high school level books do a mishmash of euclid and analytic geometry and don't really distinguish between the two, and regard euclid as a kind of supernatural being. and more modern treatments of geometry don't have time to engage with euclid.
why is leslie talking about geometry
this isn't how things should be
i'm ted
we switched accounts
I was recently given the following problem: determine the triple integral of f(x,y,z) dV given that f(x,y,-z) = -f(x,y,z). This seems much to trivial for a post, yet I can't quite wrap my head around it. Wouldn't this simply be 0?
Oops, I misread the problem. It should be: *f(x,y,-z) = f(x,y,z)
i would like to know about the region over which this integral is taken.
the function enjoys a kind of symmetry but if the region doesn't you wouldn't expect the integral to be evaluable from only the given information.
Sadly, it isn't given, nor is f(x,y,z). I was supposed to use only that information to solve the problem.
that's just goofy.
it seems underdetermined to me. maybe sharper minds than mine can weigh in.
Hey everybody. I have a question.
seems like something to do with orthogonality. my turkish is rusty.
I couldn't understand how my teacher calculated $\int_0^L(\sin(k_3x)\sin(k_mx)dx)=\frac{L}{2}\delta_{3m}$
@leslietownes Yes, my teacher told a little about orhogonality of triginometric functions and kronecker delta but I'm confused right now
one way to see it is via a trigonometric identity. sin(a) sin(b) being something relating to a difference of cosines, and if things aren't zero you have cancellation.
if you're integrating over a full period, anyway.
i remember when i first learned of the orthogonality of these functions. a student in my class asked the professor "what does that mean?" and the professor responded "it means that those integrals are equal to zero."
very good day of professoring from that guy.
Yes, I also think that it doesn't explain much that way :P
I actually tried to find the solution of integral just by solving it but I ended up like this:
i think my first linear algebra course was the worst course i took in college.
followed closely by the first course in real analysis, from someone who had no idea about analysis and should not have been put in that position. i liked her personally, one time she bought me lunch.
Mine was by far ordinary differential equations
The prof who taught it was relieved of teaching duties the year after I graduated because he was so awful
probably what he wanted
played it well
when i was at iowa, multivar was fully occupied by a guy who was personally pleasant but beyond incompetent as an instructor. the students would go on and take real analysis and not know anything from multivar.
@leslietownes does that contain conic section?
i can't think of where i learned the classification of conic sections. it may have been in multivariable calculus.
which frankly is a weird place to put it, but what do i know.
Conic section in calculus? Ok
i certainly didn't learn it in high school, so it must have been some kind of calculus.
Coordinate geometry is what only we have and conic are major part of them..
Any other books ?
regarding those trigonometric integrals. i'm assuming that k_3 and k_m are integers. i wonder if you plugged in the bounds of integration after finding an antiderivative.
euclid's three dimensional geometry is almost entirely ignored by everybody. they stop at 2d. i think hartshorne's review of euclid also similarly stops there. i don't know why.
@leslietownes yes, I plugged in the bounds of integration this was the last result I got. I also found something about orthogonality
and this results in $m\ne n \Rightarrow 0$ and $m=n \Rightarrow \frac{L}{2}$
That is how my teacher simplified that integral.
L seems like it ought to be an integral multiple of 2pi. is that included somewhere?
I think I found the "how" part of my question but I still dont know "why" these 2 equations are equal.
Umm, actually this is a problem about vibration of string that is attached at both ends
L is the length of the string
but $k_m=\frac{m\pi}{L}, m=1,2,3...$
oh, OK.
as long as the period of the sine function matches the length of the interval, that is OK.
@M.ÇağlarTUFAN: For the integral, just read about orthogonality. It will also help you when you study Fourier series
Hi @leslietownes
@leslietownes I see. Thanks for the help, I kinda understand the simplification. Even tho I have no idea about orthogonality :P
@M.ÇağlarTUFAN: In this context, I meant that if $f, g$ are two orthogonal functions on interval $(a,b)$ then $\int_a^b f(t) g(t) dt =0$
@Koro Yes, I should to learn about orthogonality. My teacher told the class that we will be learning about Fourier series in greater detail in the next semester. But she introduced Fourier series briefly in this course, because we needed to use it.
@M.ÇağlarTUFAN: For example: $\sin x $ and $1$ are orthogonal on $(0,2\pi)$
@M.ÇağlarTUFAN: If you know that, you can understand Fourier series right now :)
How do I test if $f(t)$ and $g(t)$ are orthogonal?
you need an inner product
@M.ÇağlarTUFAN: Refer what I mentioned above about it :) and comment from copper hat also.
@copper.hat I know how to calculate inner product of 2 vectors but, 2 functions is something I'm not familiar :/
@Koro @copper.hat I can see what I should to learn with your help. Thanks a lot!
There are theorems which can be proven true or false. There are methods to prove a statement true or false. For example: One case use direct method, contradiction, contrapositive etc. But how to prove that a theorem can neither be proven nor disproven? Is there any example of that?
I know Continuum hypothesis is one such statement.
@M.ÇağlarTUFAN I don't know your particular situation, but I imagine is it something like $\langle f , g \rangle = \int_0^L \overline{f}(t) g(t) dt$. Possibly with different scaling.
euclidean geometry offers instances of something akin to this. without the parallel postulate, certain propositions are true or false depending on the model you choose for the assumed axioms. so you can't prove or disprove those propositions without adding more data.
offering models satisfying whatever you assume, in which the thing you want to prove alternately holds and does not hold, is one way of showing that something cannot be proved or disproved from a set of assumptions.
if we had logicians here they could be better at this than i am.
@leslietownes: Ahh, I understand your point. Basically the set of axioms kind of falls short is what you probably mean. But how does one go about to show it?
@copper.hat Yes, it is something like it but the left hand side is a series from n=1 to infinity. But I got the answers I was seeking, thank you.
it depends on the axioms. i don't think there's a generic proof machine that you can run on this kind of stuff.
I see @leslietownes. Many thanks.
it's hard! they spent the entire 19th century arguing about this stuff.
smarter people than us, too.
the very rough outline is that one proves that we can add different axioms to our standard axioms in a manner that is consistent (if our standard axioms are consistent to begin with) and that we can do as such both in a way that makes a given claim false and in a way that makes a given claim true
I wonder if a 6 year old kid asks this question what answer should one give?
One can't say continuum hypothesis
unless the kid knows continuum hypothesis.
that's an interesting question. i'm an attorney and often, the legality of an act depends on the legal system where the act takes place. and sometimes the laws don't fully address the extent of what 'the man on the street' would regard as illegal behavior.
but it's very rare to be able to say X is legal or X is illegal. it really depends on the list of 'axioms' where you do X.
when my 2.5 year old daughter asks why she can't do something i just say it's because she can't do it.
some of you will find amusing the fact that today i am giving an internal presentation to new hires about how to deal with opposing counsel. i am an authority on this issue.
are we surprised?
Laws are a lot more vague than most people would think, purely by design
I've had to read federal statutes, interpret them, and apply them for two jobs now. I wish that others could have that experience.
i'm still trying to find a definition of "right of way"
in the context of car vs pedestrian competition.
yeah that's never defined.
and god help you if you live in albany.
@copper.hat I'm learning that the hardest thing about using a QP solver is actually rephrasing my problem in the QP form
i've forgotten what we were doing, sry.
the reality is that there is a huge leap from a few lines of an idea on a page to the work required to express, test, debug.
this is true in maths as it is in software development.
Oh, I have numbers $x_1, \dots, x_n$ that are percentages rounded to the nearest tenth of a percentage with identical denominator and differing numerators (both denom and numerators unknown). I'd like to find values $y_1, \dots, y_n$ so that $\sum_{i}(y_i - x_i)^2$ is minimized, $0 \leq y_i \leq 100$, $\sum_{i}y_i = 100$, and another condition that I just thought of today: $x_i - 0.05 \leq y_i \leq x_i + 0.05$.
i'm an ideas man, michael. i think i proved that with [bleep] mountain.
@Clarinetist surely it is just the identity for the 'A' and $-2x$ for the 'b' part of $y^TAy+b^Ty$?
@copper.hat Yeah, I figured out the objective function just this morning. Now I'm trying to figure out the constraints.
It would be an absolute miracle if the solution is unique, but I highly doubt it is
sure it is.
Soon I will get myself to learn some optimization theory... that has been poking at me over the last few years. I despise that statisticians seem to intentionally avoid it.
closest point to a closed convex set is unique
I took a machine learning course in the stats department in my MS... the professor put out a claim with a proof consisting of a single smiley face, to which he commented "let's leave that to the OR people"
i like luenberger's "optimization by vector space methods" as a nice high level approach. maybe a little too abstract at times.
focus on the underlying ideas & geometry. it is easy to get lost in the analysis, duals, etc.
i have yet to find a satisfactory presentation of duals in an optimisation context other than using non differentiable analysis, but that is a mountain of analysis itself.
Noted. Thanks. I'm hopefully going to start serious study into optimization within the next month or two.
Friday is my very last lecture for a very long time at the very least, and Monday is my very last exam I'll be administering
i would be driven by need & interest rather than duty. i think i understand where you are coming from
(motivationally, i mean)
I'm glad to finally spend time studying what I'd like to study... as opposed to dealing with formal classes
@leslietownes yes, you are an authority on opposing!
Hey Ted. Did you find your square yet?
If you have a functional approach to the problem I'd really be interested in seeing the details.
Let $z$ be a complex number such that $ \left|z+\frac{1}{z}\right| = 1$ and arg(z)= $\theta$, then the minimum value of $8sin^{2}\theta$ is?
@copper.hat How do you express the constraint $y_k \leq 1$ for all $k$ in the form $\mathbf{A}^T\mathbf{y} \geq \mathbf{b}$ for some matrix $\mathbf{A}$ and column vector $\mathbf{b}$?
@Clarinetist can u help me?
@KumarShuvam I don't know complex numbers at all very well, otherwise would
@robjohn @copper.hat help me?
@Clarinetist oh! no problem ..thank u
@Clarinetist $-I^T y \ge e$, where $e$ is a vector of ones.
@copper.hat guess what I learned LateX
@copper.hat Maybe I'm looking at this completely incorrectly, but wouldn't that be equivalent to saying that $y_k \leq -1$ for each $k$?
what is the difference?
... I have $y_k \leq 1$, the one you have says $y_k \leq -1$?
@LeakyNun U there?
sry, replace $e$ by $-e$
Ah, I see. Thanks @copper.hat
@copper.hat u saw my question?
@KumarShuvam arg(z)=y/x ? If z=x+iy ?
Then, try putting z=x+iy ..
Well argument in complex number is basically the angle of rotation from +ve real axis i.e arg(z) = tan^-1(y/x)
I did tried to put z=x+iy but all in vain...I'm not getting anywhere..
@KumarShuvam put $z=r e^{i\theta}$
Then your $\frac 1z$ becomes $ \frac 1r e^{-i\theta}$
Then simplify.
Ok I need to solve $ \left|z+\frac{1}{z}\right| = 1$ ?
You didn’t have first equation in your original question.
yes..yes sorry
Simplify this equation and you’ll get your answer.
Hi everyone. I am stuck at a problem for 2 months now and if I can show the following then I would be able to solve it. I am unable to do so, it would be great if someone can help!

Umm! can I square both sides? @koro
You should get: $(r+\frac 1r)^2 \cos^2\theta +(r-\frac 1r)^2\sin^2\theta =1$ @KumarShuvam
no. the cross-terms don't simplify like that
(also, if that were true then the LHS wouldn't depend on r. but theta=0 and theta=pi/2 clearly give different functions of r)
@Semiclassical ? theta=0 won’t satisfy the given condition.
i misunderstood the context
ignore entirely
surely you get $r^2+{1 \over r^2} + 2 \cos (2 \theta)=1$?
yes.the point was to solve that equation, that's what i missed
The most important key in a laptop is the key that has stopped functioning. For me it’s right curly bracket.
carefully clean the key
Oh good grief. Apparently the constraints are inconsistent.
better to fail fast :-)
What's the inconsistency?
I wish I knew enough optimization theory to know why this would fail
No idea
Oh, I'm an idiot
I should've had them sum up to 100, not 1
... still inconsistent
Back to the drawing board
how're you concluding that they're inconsistent?
R is telling me they are, per the quadratic programming solver I'm using
Here is the program I am trying to execute in R, for your context:
i dont see how $\sum_k y_k =1 $ and $y_k \ge 0$ can be inconsistent?
$x_1, \dots, x_n$ are percentages rounded to the nearest tenth of a percentage with identical denominator and differing numerators (both denom and numerators unknown). I'd like to find values $y_1, \dots, y_n$ so that $\sum_{i}(y_i - x_i)^2$ is minimized, $0 \leq y_i \leq 100$, $\sum_{i}y_i = 100$, and another condition that I just thought of today: $x_i - 0.05 \leq y_i \leq x_i + 0.05$.
only thing i can see is that xi could conceivably be negative under these conditions, but that seems unlikely
"another condition that I just thought of today" makes me nervous, but applaud the spirit. always improving.
without knowing $x_k$ it is hard to say, i would drop the last condition first and then add it back in much more relaxed and then tighten it up
no magic here.
Yeah, I'm going to have to execute this procedure... what, 18 times?
I have 18 different $\mathbf{x}$ vectors
use the computer :-)
maybe start with a simple test case
like n=3
All nonnegative values that are supposed to be percentages that this website decided to round to the nearest tenth of a percent. THIS IS WHY WE DON'T ROUND PERCENTAGES without providing the numerators and denominators
this is how real world data comes...
I swear this website tries to make it as difficult as possible to get their data. They don't even have them stored in Excel docs. All PDFs that even if you tried to copy and paste the values into Excel would not come out as a table.

But I digress. Lol.
so is this something to the effect of: the true fractions are 1/7, 2/7, and 4/7, but you're only given 0.143, 0.286, and 0.571
and you want to discover the true fractions by optimization?
Correct, @Semiclassical, and I need these to represent a probability distribution to proceed with running more sophisticated stats on them.

Ideally, it would be nice if I could discover the true fractions, but honestly, I'm just at the point where I just want to stick with a probability distribution that is "close enough"
wait, that's a different problem...
do you know all the values are rounded versions of ${n_k \over d}$ for some $d$?
Yes, but $d$ is unknown
i take the simplifcation to be that Clarinetist is willing to settle for writing these as a/1000, b/1000, c/1000 for integer a,b,c
@Semiclassical Nah, I don't even need the integer values
(or something like that)
i think i am missing part of the puzzle.
So here's what I've got
This organization hosts an exam
oh. i guess part of the problem is that the rounded percents need not add to 1
@Semiclassical Yes, precisely
so you're really trying to figure out how to normalize the percentages
that is just projection onto the simplex.
They have this exam every year, for which they've reported in PDFs one column with whole-number scores, and a percentage of people who obtained said scores, rounded to the nearest tenth
one solution would be to rescale each value by the sum
and thereby force the sum to be 1
@Semiclassical That was suggested yesterday in a stats question I posed, and I may resort to that. The method I was more comfortable doing was described by the optimization problem I posed above, solving for the $y_k$
just project.
well, the main advantage of the projection method is that it's really cheap :P
why don't you solve the projection problem first and see what you get.
i mean solve the qp.
@copper.hat Will that guarantee that the $y_k$ stay within the 0-1/0-100 range? I guess that's the only reason I'm worried about that.
i don not understand
if there is a solution, the constraints must be satisfied
all you're doing is rescaling, i.e., dividing all of your percentages by a common value. that can't make any of the values negative, and therefore none of them can exceed 100% either
Sorry, when I hear "project", I think "Lagrange multipliers", so sum to $1$, but ignore the inequality constraints
and there must be a solution to the projection problem.
$\min \|x-y\|^2 $ subject to $y$ being the the simplex.
just try it. its all of 5 mins coding.
The only reason I've been frustrated today is I tried to translate this to the QP solver - with the $y_k \geq 0$ and the $x_k - 0.05 \leq y_k \leq x_k + 0.05$ constraints implemented - and the QP solver insists that the constraints are inconsistent
oh. different kinds of projection
i'm thinking (x1,x2,x3)->(x1,x2,x3)/(x1+x2+x3)
which is not orthogonal projection
jeez guy. solve the simple problem first, then make it harder
K lol
Let's see what happens if I remove those constraints...
you are getting advice from a good source.
yeah, i could see orthogonal projection knocking you out of the positive orthant
copperhat may have done this before a time or two.
solving the qp will keep you in $y \ge 0$.
Oh, I know he has. He's heard me complain about the Boyd and Vandenberghe text ad nauseam
i suggest LAPACK. not the new version, the one from the 1980s.
i'm being facetious.
generallly i compute first if we are talking about 5-15 mins work
the computer time is cheaper than your time
(well, unless you are running 100k+ jobs, but that's my day job)
my version of that, i think, is that if i'm faced with a sufficiently hard probability problem
i just simulate it
yes. compute don't think
Yeah, the problem is that my optimization background is very weak
it's very frequently easier to simulate. it keeps you from going down rabbit holes.
or at least, short cut the think part
or at least don't think while you're computing :P
well, for me it is about bugs
i can find a software bug faster than an intellectual bug
I could see, if this needed to be scaled up beyond what I'm doing, having to put this into something like C++
That sounds like an utter headache
a monte carlo requires no thinking.
be careful that you simulate the right distribution. i wasted a year doing that once.
Agreed with the Monte Carlo thought
jeez lad, burn your bridges after you cross them
@copper.hat correct, right up until you run into the numerical sign problem :3
you will always make mistakes. the goal is find them quickly :-)
though tbf that's less "monte carlo requires thinking" and more "monte carlo is great, when you can apply it"
i am grossly simplifying life here
So it looks like removing the constraints has given me a solution, but it doesn't look great... many of them appear to have been zeroed out
a bunch of hard physics problems can be summed up as "we can't figure out how to get monte carlo to do it"
hence why QCD remains computationally hard
i am guessing you have some errors. when you sum the data $x_k$ is that reasonable?
You were right LOL
I used the wrong column
blinding flash of the obvious?
everything is obvious afterwards...
like resigning from my highpaying window office job in a nice town with lots of food.

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