@MikeMiller the proof of the real version went like this: if we let $K$ be a compact metric space and $B$ is a lattice of functions on $K$ that separtes points (where a lattice means it's a $\Bbb R$-vector space and satisfies $f \in B \Rightarrow |f| \in B$), then $B$ is dense.
Note that a lattice is closed under taking minima and maxima due to formulas: $\max(f,0)=\frac{1}{2}(f + |f|)$, $\max(f,g)=g+\max(f-g,0)$ and $\min(f,0)=\frac{1}{2}(f-|f|)$, $\min(f,g)=g+\min(f-g,0)$
Now the proof that a point-separating sublattice of $C(K)$ is dense: