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only rich people do it because they have nothing else to do
therefore i promote a future where everyone equivocally bans math
pure mathematicians are redundant human beings; even continental philosophers are more productive than them
math is Dead - Nietsen
Balarka obviously just was dumped by a mathematician
Darn in/surjectivity, and how useful they are as properties.
I just discovered that I „hAvE tO tAkE a MoDuLe In ApPliEd MaThEmAtIcS“
I've never used a non-injective, non-surjective function in any proof, and so don't know how to do anything with them
Applied modules?
@EdwardEvans rip
Lol as in, a course in applied maths
It’s usually 3 courses but you can register your „applied area“ as pure mathematics hahaha so you can drop the other two applied courses and then you only need one
I‘ma just take probability theory
Applied set theory: "I have three apples."
„There are probably three apples“
"The number of apples I have is in direction bijection with the number of hands I have to hold them (plus an error of plus or minus one hand)"
@EdwardEvans yiss
Statistics: "There is a 75% probability of there being a 65% probability of the measure being accurate to within 15% of the true value."
almost accurate
@EdwardEvans What are the other options?
I think PDEs would be another option since I took a PDE course in my bachelor, but probability theory will include measure theory and I need to force myself to do some analysis
analysis is nice in small doses
I think it probably is but so far I only found complex analysis nice
real analysis seems so nerdy
what about semigroup theory?
that functional analysis applied to PDE course
heidelberg it was, right
@AlessandroCodenotti took a course on semigroups if I recall correctly
yeah I mean, probability theory doesn't seem that bad, and I did a lot of statistics and probability in my bachelor (which I immediately forgot post-exam every single time)
you can also do this one if you want some ML mumbo jumbo to spice up your credentials, if someday you may decide against academia
The bachelor's degree here is easily at the level of any master's degree in the UK outside of Oxbridge tho, so even bachelor level probability theory will be hard rofl
yeah I saw that too
the course contents dont seem that bad prerequisite-wise
It's not for this semester anyway, I'm "fully-booked" this semester
but the next couple of semesters after this one will be fairly relaxed so I'll probably stuff some applied courses in there hahaha
ah ok then its not possible to plan anyways
Right, but I know that probability theory comes in the summer semester
@EdwardEvans at my old uni, cologne, probability was most students' nemesis
loool fair
Are you in Heidelberg?
Nahh FU Berlin's my uni now
Do either of those do bachelors in English?
Ah okay :)
Heidelberg does not
in fact I think it's fairly uncommon for German unis to offer bachelor's degrees in English
yeah, but master's often are
except for cologne because cologne math is shitty tbh
True. I want to study in Germany but I have a bachelors in computer science, so I've been considering either doing a bachelors in math or a masters in computer science, but I really just want to do math and not computer science.
Really? Like University of Bonn? I thought they were pretty good for math.
bonn might be an exception
But I think even there the analysis cycle is in german
Well, darn. Duolingo it is I guess
Are you all doing your bachelors or masters atm?
I'm doing my masters
undergrad probability isnt bad
Probability made more sense to me when it connected distributions to integration.
@Thorgott if you're quick you can do SPDE in your 6th semester in germany, i.e. in your bachelor's lol
ah no just SDE in semester 6. For SPDE you'd have to wait for semester 7, since most probability cycles start with what you probably meant as "undergrad probability" in semester 3
nonetheless, it starts early and gets messy quick. But nothing's as bad as bonn's topology 1 - 5, which is just insane
I did undergrad probability (Elementare Stochastik) in my 2nd
one of my friends does a lot of probability for his masters and he showed me some SDE stuff, definitely wouldn't wanna do that
@user2103480 I did, it was a semigroups of operators course
@WilliamTorkington Bonn teaches in German at the bachelor level (except for courses that can be taken by masters students as well) and in English at the masters level
I found a stupid factory building game and now I'm just playing that instead of studying
Which rabbit hole have you fallen into?
Nah I played that for a while, but this one is called shapez.io
Never heard of that
shapez.io is just factorio but in easy af
there's different kinds of shapes and you cut them and colour them and stack them in different ways and then deliver them to a hub in order to get upgrades
Just like factorio I'll use all of my force of will to never open it then
but it's all about ratios and automation
Factorio is a true degree-killer
I'll never get anything done anymore otherwise
come we'll play Among Us
lol jk
I'm avoiding that too lol
we all should play it
analyst lookin' sus
I've been playing the Talos Principle lately, pretty neat game
idk that game
It's a single player puzzle game with philosophical elements
Talos Principle is really neat
I should finish it some day...
Ah, Talos from Greek mythology, not Talos the god from the elder scrolls universe
Sounds kinda like the witness
I have to get Disco Elysium
Also listen to Cattle Decapitation - Death Atlas. I know I tagged y'all already but SERIOUSLY it's amazing
cattle decapitation is too much on the side of death metal for me
I know it sounds like that
that album is genuinely incredible
not goregrindy grindcorey bullshit
hmmm ok
it's like black metal + deathcore
kinda sus but i buy it
definitely give it a try
oh black metal
@EdwardEvans it's like the witness if the witness had a real story and no bs ending
let me see
@BalarkaSen I've heard great things about it
@Balarka I recommend the song "Bring back the plague" as a taste of the album
to give you a good impression
fanks, first thing in the morning tomorrow then
nice wun
dude's vocals are insane
relevant lyrics
oh yeah all their music is about humans destroying the earth and shit
it's like Gojira on steroids
Gojira is good though
such a great album tho
how did they come upon the lovecraftian imagery of whales flying in the sky
they should do a re-release that is just whale song tuned to various pitches
wait is there a spongebob ep where he makes the king crimson face?
Steven Wilson is no longer sad SpongeBob
he's putting out banger disco music
check it out
@MikeMiller I'm no spongebob expert, sorry
Not sure if it is from an actual episode
that'd be hilarious
I looked at the art, def not
What's up nerds
How's it going
living the dream
Nerdoid appeared out of the void
@AlessandroCodenotti Thanks! Guess I should start practicing then :,)
God I've got so much shit to do this week
I don't know exactly what the language requirements for a bachelor in Bonn are, since they are very lax on what counts as proof of English proficiency for the masters, but most German institutions require the so called TestDaF or equivalent
There's also the option of doing bachelor anywhere else and a masters in Germany of course
@Amin rip
I know. That's like C1 proficiency which I definitely cannot do in 11 months haha.
I already have a bachelors in Computer Science, but I really just want to go back to uni for math, cause it is way cooler imo. I have to look into if I can do a masters in CS while also doing a bunch of math papers, or what.
Anyone know off the top of their head what the equation is for a smooth polar zonohedron?
I'd be concerned if anyone does
Q: What are some best practices when trying to design a reward function?

12 rhombi in grid w no cornersGenerally speaking, is there a best-practice procedure to follow when trying to define a reward function for a reinforcement-learning agent? What common pitfalls are there when defining the reward function, and how should you avoid them? What information from your problem should you take into con...

@WilliamTorkington I can definitely not recommend the bonn CS master theory-wise
Just enrol in the math one and do combinatorial optimization
maybe their optimization & integer programming courses are better, but anything data-sciency etc is frankly horrible
@user2103480 That is actually really good to know. I would definitely be specialising in ML if anything master-wise.
haha, ML is horrible anywhere tho
maybe the practice stuff is OK but even a lecturer in statistical learning theory told me "avoid computer scientists' courses"
@user2103480 I feel like it's just a lot of linear algebra, calculus and stats tbh, so if I just did a lot of those I'd be able to do ML, you know?
It's mostly shallow applications of the theory and mentioning the main theorems
Hahhaha classic
Most classes are memorization-heavy and mathematically subpar in notations and definition
interpolated from basically every CS class I've ever had and those were like 6-7
including 3 on data science at two universities
yeah, same at my uni tbh
And if it is actually mathematical, then it's glorified optimization and a bit of rademacher complexity, which is useful but ugly.
There are some nicer courses on mathematical aspects/foundations of ML and deep learning, but not many
@WilliamTorkington Ah. A new thing to me was the amount of material compared to the short time in exams, in the data science courses. Other students told me it's that way in most classes. Gotta write like a berzerk to finish with a good grade
Right, well all of my exams have been 3 hours I think, so maybe it's not so bad here. Yeah, exactly the optimisation stuff. It's all very hard to understand coming into it blind, but once I actually looked into the math behind it it was much easier to understand.
What are you studying currently?
continuous stochastics processes are the main focus, with an "applied" focus. So next semester will be SPDE, stochastic processes in fluids (statistical mechanics), and stochastic processes in neuroscience (hodkin-huxley-model and such). Also a course in topology.

But in the last semesters I took some logic courses and a few data science/NLP things. Thought I might do some probabilistic stuff in AI, but the current methods didn't seem so mathematically appealing
cool. Don't know what most of that means but cool. All they have at my uni for undergrad is probability, calculus, linear algebra, and discrete math, and that's about it.
did you already have some proof-based courses?
programs vary a lot in that regard
@AminIdelhaj Why are you here
Hmmm, honestly not 100% sure. I learn a lot of proofs of theorems, and I've learnt about induction, contradiction and that, if that's what you mean @user2103480
that's just what I meant
@MikeMiller Just to suffer
@BalarkaSen lmao
After further reading: A smooth polar zonohedron is the surface of revolution created by a rotation of a sine curve
Is f(x) = |cos2x| differentiable at $x=\pi/4$ . I think no , but my book says yes.
Nah it's not I agree with you
Say f(x) has f(a) = 0. If f and |f| are differentiable at a then f'(a) = 0. (Proof is 1st order taylor expansion)
But cos(2x)' = -2sin(2x) which evaluates at pi/4 to -2, so |cos(2x)| can't be differentiable at pi/4.
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