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@user1732 I am currently teaching undergraduates and master's students, but the quality of mathematics education in my location is so bad, I might as well be teaching grade school or high school.
hi @AlessandroCodenotti
Some of the courses I am teaching are for mathematics majors, but I also teach general mathematics to non-mathematics majors.
Is there a standard textbook?
@user1732 I personally do not use "standard textbooks" except for the more specialized courses.
For example, I teach college algebra without a textbook, but use a textbook for courses such as graph theory or differential equations, but even then, I insert a few notes of my own.
Q: What is Realistic Mathematics?

Andreas ThomThis post is partially about opinions and partially about more precise mathematical questions. Most of this post is not as formal as a precise mathematical question. However, I hope that most readers will understand this post and the nature of the question. I will first try to explain what I wou...

ok so large cardinals dictate whether some programs will terminate
thus large cardinals $\not \in \mathcal{M}^{\text{pure}}$
that's good news for infinity lovers like me
But what about uncountable cardinals that are not inaccessible?
and also Bernstein sets?
Morning @Alessandro @Leaky
@ÍgjøgnumMeg grüaß
@user1732 If you are interested in why my questions at Mathematics Educators are often requests for "official" sources, it is because I understand that definitions are extremely important in mathematics and that definitions differ.
I come from an engineering background, and I am familiar with the need for standards in industry. For example, when floating-point arithmetic didn't have standards yet, different systems would use different formats and so couldn't work well with each other. When IEEE made the standards, it benefitted the industry. I am interested in equivalent "standards" in mathematics notation or terminology.
So at least for the Vitali set, it describes trajectories on irrational tori
and possibly any geometry with incommensurate relationships
So Vitali set $\not\in \mathcal{M}^{\text{pure}}$
Many basic things in mathematics have different definitions. For example, the basic concept of a limit could be understood as a deleted limit or a non-deleted limit (mathoverflow.net/a/286775/12357). Even a graph (in graph theory) has different definitions, depending on the book author.
It is also not quite $\in \mathcal{M}^0$ because of the fact that we cannot really demonstrate the existence of an irrational experimentally
@user1732, I'm leaving chat now. I don't know when I'll be back.
Q: What things in our universe can be considered uncountable?

Enlightened OneI am taking a course in mathematics that covers countability. The trick with the uncountability of the real line is that no matter how many times you divide up an interval, there would still be a real number inside of that interval so that even the smallest interval contains "more than infinite" ...

Q: Can the math for physics be expressed without any uncountable sets at all?

The_SympathizerI am wondering about this and have wondered about it for a short while. Usually physics is modeled using things based off of the Real Number Line $\mathbb{R}$, which is uncountable. (E.g. we may use powers of $\mathbb{R}$, we may use $\mathbb{C}$, we may use "manifolds" which essentially glue tog...

Q: Uses of ordinals

Akiva WeinbergerAre there any interesting theorems outside of set theory that use ordinals in their proofs? The only example I know of is Goodstein's theorem, and I haven't been able to find anything else. In other (more vague) words, what is the use of ordinals? (Other than Goodstein.) Theorems that use the w...

This is because once $X$ is nuked out of existence, the counterexamples will not survive!
You know what, I am having enough of this:
$$💥(💥(💥(💥(💥(💥.... \text{Use of ordinals, uncountable cardinals, Bernstein sets})...)))$$
1 hour later…
3 hours ago, by mercio
3 hours ago, by user1732
why we cannot find a $C$ for which $\sqrt{x} \leq C x \forall x \geq 0$ ?
Because the tangent of $\sqrt{x}$ grows without bound as $x \to 0$
Yay yay!!
Also considering $x = C^2x^2 \implies x(C^2x - 1)=0 \implies C^2x = 1$ thus there is no constant $C$ that satisfy it
Q: $ \sum_{n = 0}^{\infty} a_n \space n^m = m^2 $

mickI want to know If there are solutions to $ \sum_{n = 0}^{\infty} a_n \space n^m = m^2 $ I assume this is not possible If we want it to hold for all real $m > 1/2 $. But i wonder about that equation If we only want it to hold for integer $ m > 0 $ ? Is there a solution Then ? Do we have uniq...

Any idea ?
I edited !
(Update) ok I think I will formulate that Bernstein set and Hamel function question later, there is still a lot more reading to do before the question can be formulated correctly
Hello, everyone. I'm stuck on my research for my PhD. I don't want to share the problem I'm working on lest I be scooped however. It's very frustrating.
It's a PhD in combinatorial group theory.
My supervisor knows.
Hi @Shaun, I'm sure that everyone doing research gets stuck on a problem for some time, it's normal, I'm not at research level yet, but I'm sure that there are many other mathematicians on here that could possibly offer better advice
A: Can you provide me historical examples of pure mathematics becoming "useful"?

Asaf KaragilaTuring's development of computability which led to the theoretical basis of computing. As a personal note, I take pride in dealing with models of ZF without the axiom of choice and all sort of strange consistency results. The only way an amorphous sets and D-finite combinatorics could be utilize...

so it seems the $\Delta$ Dedekind cardinals allow us to investigate certain prime ideals that are otherwise very cumbersome to work with
A: Why isn't there a total order of $\cal P(\Bbb R)$?

Asaf KaragilaThis can be proved in several ways. The easiest I know is to use Cohen's second model (you can find it in Jech The Axiom of Choice in Chapter 5) in which there is a sequence $\langle A_n\mid n<\omega\rangle$ such that: $A_n\subseteq\mathcal P(\Bbb R)$. $A_n$ has two elements. If $n\neq m$, the...

Q: Can one exhibit an explicit Kuratowski infinite set without invoking Replacement?

Adam EpsteinThe customary formulation of the Axiom of Infinity within Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory asserts the existence of an inductive set: a set $ I$ with $\varnothing\in I$ such that $x\in I$ implies $x\cup\{x\}\in I$. Since the intersection of any nonempty set of inductive sets is itself inductive...

Never heard of Kuratowski infinite before
Q: Does the existence of a Kuratowski-infinite set imply the existence of a Dedekind-infinite set?

jb78685A set $X$ is called Dedekind-infinite if there is a injective, non-surjective map $X\to X$ and Kuratowski-infinite if $\mathcal P(X)$ is not generated by $\{\emptyset\}\cup\{\{x\}|x\in X\}$ as a sub-semilattice with respect to $\cup$. In ZF without the axiom of infinity, any Dedekind-infinite se...

So many onions in ZF which are absent in ZFC
A: Defining cardinality in the absence of choice

Asaf KaragilaThe idea behind Scott's trick of turning the equivalence classes into rather complicated sets is merely to allow working with the partial order of cardinalities within the theory with ease. In the presence of AC, we can always pick a canonical example for each cardinality, namely the initial ord...

Q: Is the axiom of choice really all that important?

Daniel W. FarlowAccording to this book: The Axiom of Choice is the most controversial axiom in the entire history of mathematics. Yet it remains a crucial assumption not only in set theory but equally in modern algebra, analysis, mathematical logic, and topology (often under the name Zorn's Lemma). I am no...

Short answer very important
@Rudi grad 50km geradelt und mitten drin ist mein Akku leer gelaufen also gibts bei strava nur so 19km
und hallo!
@ÍgjøgnumMeg Besser als nix! Hoffe Du meinst den Glykogenakku, und nicht die Li-Batterie!
@Rudi Ich meine den Handyakku hahaha
@ÍgjøgnumMeg lol!
Ah so!!!
Ich hab mal den runkeeper gehabt die Sau
dachte wow 800 Hm!! Hatte alle units auf metrisch
aber die Hm waren offenbar trotzdem noch feet!!
Dann ist mein Handy ins Wasser gefallen als wir bei Kanufahren gekentert sind
Hm hab ich nie gesehen :o
und seitdem lebe ich wieder ohne Handy - glücklich ...
@Rudi Ich hab im Laufe des Radfahrts 3 Typen getroffen die zur gleichen Geschwindigkeit wie ich gefahren sind also sind wir alle zusammen wieder runter in die Stadt gefahren hahaha
:-) ja das ist immer praktisch, rollt besser als alleine.
im Laufe der Radfahrt*
rat fart
Da ist so ein Bus vor mir gefahren
konnte 10-15 minuten im Windschatten sitzen
ein kollege von mir ist auch engländer, der hat mir letztens erzählt dass er immer diese "wilden" times trials fährt
da fahren sie im verkehr rum
und da gibts auch spezialisten die sich an den laster hängen ....
lol wtf
ich tu nur "draften" wenn's ein großes Fahrzeug gibt wie ein bus oder LKW oder so
Thus to conclude this before moving onto the visualisation of the irrationals at $\mathfrak{c}$, the following laundry showed how the following impredicative constructs are in a sense better to have:
1. $\bigcup \text{Countable} = \text{Countable}$: Important to establish most of analysis
2. No infinite dedekind finite sets: Every infinite set has a countable subset, thus simplifying cardinal arithmetic and determine the size of different important sets of numbers such as rationals, irrationals etc.
Sorry the above are all typoes
I should have said: Why the Axiom of Choice is better than to not have it
3. Existence of Vitali set: Important to describe trajectories in irrational torii
4. Every field has an algebraic closure: Important in algebraic geometry
5. Hahn–Banach theorem: Important in linear functionals
6. Every hilbert space has an orthonormal basis: Important in quantum mechanics
7. Baire category theorem: Important in many areas of functional analysis on the behaviour of subsets of some infinite dimensional space
Impredicative constructs in ZF and ZFC that are known to have applications outside of set theory:
@ÍgjøgnumMeg hier ein Beispiel
alles sehr langsam weil ich mit dem frauchen unterwegs war
aber beim "total climb" kann ich fast nicht an 700 Höhenmeter glauben
lol 700m hört sich zu wenig an?
1. $\omega_1$: Lower bound of the size of Borel algebra, which is needed to set up Lebesgue integration, which despite the host of lebesgue integrable but not riemannian integrable functions, allows more complete theorems in integration that are easier to use
Ja weiss nicht, in maps kommt was anderes raus, aber auch nicht 700 feet.
hmm weird
Wieso benutzt du Strava nicht? :D
2. Vitali sets: Describes the trajectories of irrational torii
1. kein Handy
ah genau hast du eh gesagt
2. hab ich noch nie gehört
3. Nonmeasurable sets: Describes certain stochastic processes
:o Strava ist extrem gut, falls du irgendwann mal ein neues Handy kaufst kannst du strava kostenlos runterladen :)
was macht das alles?
Höhenmeter, Tempoanalyse, Personal Bests usw.
4. Large cardinals: Gives yes/no questions on whether certain programs will terminate and the consistency of important models in computational science
und es funktioniert wie Social Media also kannst du dich mit anderen Benutzern vergleichen die in deiner Nähe die gleichen Fahrten machen
ah ok, gut wär wenns auch ab un zu mittreten könnt
vielleicht leg ich mir doch wieder so einen apparat zu ...
5. Free ultrafilter: Important in abstract algebra and nonstandard analysis
ja man kanns mit einem Garmin verbinden
water proof?
6. Busy beaver function....?
Q: Why does research on the busy beaver function get funded?

HakaishinI saw this video about the busy beaver function and looked at the applications section of the Wikipedia article about the busy beaver function. I concluded that there is zero practical or even theoretical value in searching these numbers S(n) : n > 5. Now in the video the person says, that peopl...

ist halt eine App
ja dafür such ich ein wasserdichtes handy
Impredicative objects which I have no idea what they are used for
Supertasks and Hamel functions (those are the additive discontinous nonlinear functions you can produce by solving cauchy functional equation $f(x+y)=f(x)+f(y)$ with e axiom of choice
hmm... so infinite objects describes invariants in n dimensional eucledean space...?
$\sum_{n < \omega} a_n s^n =0$
$a = (a_0,a_1,a_2,...) \in A$
$\sum_{n < \omega} \frac{p_n}{q_n}s^n = 0$
$\frac{p_0}{q_0} + \frac{p_1}{q_1}s + \frac{p_2}{q_2} s^2 + \cdots = 0$
$p_0 \prod_{i\neq 0}q_i + sp_1 \prod_{i \neq 1} q_i+ s^2p_2 \prod_{i \neq 2} q_i+ \cdots = 0$
$a_0+a_1s+a_2s^2 + \cdots = 0$
Recently I have been shown the following thing by one of my junior student,
"We note that the domain of any variable cannot include that variable itself - the domain of a variable is a domain of values that are not variables in that particular language. For any proposition with a quantifier on a variable, either the universal quantifier (such as ‘For all. . . ’), or the existential quantifier (such as ‘There exists some. . . ’), that proposition can only imply a proposition where the variable is substituted by a specific value of the domain of that variable.
For example, the proposition $∀x(x > 3)$ might imply $4 > 3, 5 > 3$, etc but it cannot imply $x > 3$ since $x > 3$ is not a proposition because it contains a free variable. Nor can it imply, for example, $y > 3$, where $y$ is also a variable of the language being used."
Now I think that the bold part of the quote is wrong. But I don't understand that remarks that, "We note that the domain of any variable cannot include that variable itself - the domain of a variable is a domain of values that are not variables in that particular language."
Does there exist any sensible interpretation of these remarks?
My reason for saying that the bold part of the quote is wrong is simply due to the Rule of Specialization.
$p_0 \prod_{i\neq 0}q_i + sp_1 \prod_{i \neq 1} q_i+ s^2p_2 \prod_{i \neq 2} q_i+ \cdots = 0$
$p_j\prod_{i\neq k} q_k \in \Bbb{Z}$
$b_0+b_1s+b_2s^2+\cdots = 0$
$s (b_1 + b_2s + \cdots) = - b_0$
$a_0+a_1s+a_2s^2+\cdots = -x$
$b_0 + b_1 t + b_2 t^2 + \cdots = x$
@user170039 It depends on the rules of your system. Some systems permit assigning truth values to statements like $y > 3$
@DavidReed I am considering FOL (with equality).
However it generally refers to the universal closure of that statement, which is $\forall y y>3$
Yes but not all constructions of FOL are exactly identical
Well then, let me state the axioms and rules of the system that I am considering.
Axiom Schemes
1. $P\to (Q\to P)$
No need
2. $(S\to (P\to Q))\to((S\to P)\to (S\to Q))$
Just give me the "rule of specialization"
I have never heard of it---going to my point that not all systems are the same
It is: "If $\Delta$ be a set of formulas and $\Delta\vdash \forall v P$ then $\Delta\vdash P(t/v)$ provided that $P$ admits $t$ for $v$ (where $t$ is a term)."
So yes you are correct for this particular system
Actually no
That rule requires removing all appearences of the variable v
Sorry, but I don't understand your point.
Can you clarify?
So you might have $\forall v P(v)$ and it lets you conclude from that $P(3)$
@DavidReed If $3$ is a term and $P$ admits $3$ for $v$ then yes.
Yes, so I guess what I'm saying is I don't see how the rule of specialization makes the bold part of your statement false
@DavidReed Because $P$ always admits $x$ for $x$.
Ah I see, open terms included
Then yes you are correct
I do not like systems like that
Is the basis for the vector space $\Bbb{P}_n(x,y)$ all the possible cross term powers i.e. $\{x,y,x^2,xy,y^2,x^3,x^2y, xy^2,y^3,..., x^ny^n\}$?
Q: Dimension of set of all homogeneous polynomial of degree $d$ in $n$-variables over a field $F$

Empty Let, $V$ be a set of all homogeneous polynomial of degree $d$ in $n$-variables over a field $F$. Then dimension of $V_F$ is (A) $\left(\begin{matrix}n\\d\end{matrix}\right)$ (B) $\left(\begin{matrix}d\\n\end{matrix}\right)$ (C) $\left(\begin{matrix}n+d-1\\d-1\end{matrix}\right)$...

ok that works, so..
See also my question,
Q: What is(are) the problem(s) in trying to prove $y+x\le x+y$ from $\forall x\forall y(y+x\le x+y)$ by "spec"?

user 170039In the image below from Angelo Margaris's book First Order Mathematical Logic, Regarding the image above from Angelo Margaris's book First Order Mathematical Logic I have the following questions, Can someone explain to me the problems that Margaris is referring to if we try to prove $(2)$ from...

@LeakyNun Are you there?
@LeakyNun Check whether the three vectors $2\hat i + 2 \hat j + 3 \hat k, -3 \hat i + 3 \hat j + 2\hat k , 3\hat i + 4\hat k$ form a triangle or not.
@LeakyNun: Can you help me in answering my question (i.e., the last linked post)?
Because I am not sure whether it is too basic or not.
@LeakyNun I am getting $\vec{AB} = - 5\hat i + \hat j - \hat k$
And $\vec{AC} = \hat i + \hat k -2\hat j$
Therfore they form a triangle
As AB and AC are not co-linear
@LeakyNun When you will be free, take a look at it.
But answer given is they do not form a triangle
@LeakyNun Can you just tell me my mistake please
No @LeakyNun ??
Okay leave it.
Can somebody help me on the confusion in this question:
Q: Differentiating closed formulas in formal power series

alxchenIn Herbert Wilfs' gfology, the generating function is defined "formally" as If $\displaystyle f = \sum_{i \geq 0} a_i x^i$, and $\displaystyle g = \sum_{i \geq 0} b_i x^i $, we define $\displaystyle f+g := \sum_{i \geq 0} (a_i + b_i) x^i$ $\displaystyle fg := \sum_{i \geq 0}(\sum...

Also I am learning linear algebra, and currently in eigenvectors, but I keep forgetting the matrix multiplication rules and basis change matrix etc. Any advice regarding this ?
Let $s, t \in \Bbb{I}$, $a_i,b_i \in \Bbb{A}$, $k_a, \ell_b \in \Bbb{R}$. Suppose there is some $(a),(b),(c) \in \Bbb{A}^{\omega}$ such that:
P_a(s) = a_0 + a_1 s + a_2 s^2 + \cdots & = k_a \\
P_b(t) = b_0 + b_1 t + b_2 t^2 + \cdots & = \ell_b \\
P_c(s+t) = c_0 + c_1 (s+t) + c_2 (s+t)^2 + \cdots & = 0
where $P_k \in \Bbb{P}(\Bbb{A})$
Consider $P_c$ to be an element in $\Bbb{P}(\Bbb{A}^2)$ and thus comparising coefficients
a_0+b_0 & = c_0\\
a_1= b_1 & = c_1\\
a_2 = b_2 & = c_2\\
0 & = 2c_2\\
& \vdots
Don't you have any teaching duties at university? @Secret
not this year
Clearly, all $c_{n \geq 2}$ and hence $a_{n \geq 2}, b_{n \geq 2}$ vanishes, hence we left with:
what have you taught?
I said, I don't have any teaching duties this year
Last year
also not last year cause they have not selected me as demonstrator
and $a_=b_1=c_1$ thus:
a_0 + a_1 s & = k_a \\
b_0 + a_1 t & = \ell_b \\
(a_0+b_0) + a_1 (s+t) & = k_a + \ell_b = 0\\
Thus $k_a =-\ell_b$
Thus we end up with:
a_0 + a_1 s & = k_a \\
b_0 + a_1 t & = -k_a
It seems we are all brown.
WLOG, we can shift the graph of two lines by redefining our coordinate system to get:
what happened to blue?
This is just my default.
a_1 s & = k_a-a_0 = f_a \\
(b_0-a_0) + a_1 t & = -k_a-a_0 = -f_a
I think we will need to wait till October for the release of Office 2019 and maybe Macbook 2018.
But since $k_a$ only depends on $(a)$ and $(a)$ is so far arbitrary, we can rewrite the system as:
\begin{align} a_1' s & = k_a' \\ b_0' + a_1' t & = -k_a' \end{align}
Now setting $a_1$, we only need to find $b_0'$
@Secret Are you a professor
nope, just a PhD
@Abcd you are giving me nightmares
@mercio lol why
@Secret are you studying chemistry anymore
yup still studying chemistry
And thus, in the end of the day, for any pair of parallel line that intersects the irrationals $s,t$ respectively, their sum $s+t$ is algebraic iff the y-intercept of the line $y=b_0'+a_1'x$ is algebraic
(as for how to check this, this is what I am trying to figure out)
43 mins ago, by alxchen
Q: Differentiating closed formulas in formal power series

alxchenIn Herbert Wilfs' gfology, the generating function is defined "formally" as If $\displaystyle f = \sum_{i \geq 0} a_i x^i$, and $\displaystyle g = \sum_{i \geq 0} b_i x^i $, we define $\displaystyle f+g := \sum_{i \geq 0} (a_i + b_i) x^i$ $\displaystyle fg := \sum_{i \geq 0}(\sum...

how do i prove the inexistence of a holomorphic function who's modulus = K/coshx?
Cauchy-Riemann equations become very laborious. Idk if I'm heading in the right direction with them
hello, what is the induced topology $|.|_{\mathbb{Q}}$
@LeakyNun hello
someone here??
@mercio hello
the induced topology $|.|_{\mathbb{Q}}$ is the discrete topology right?
@mercio, I arrive at (1/v) du/dy = tanh(x), and would like to milk a contradiction; where u, v are real functions of (x,y) for some f = u + iv
@PolineSandra what is the context ?
@mercio you understand my question?
I think you only have to show that the metric d(x,y) = |x-y| is unbounded on Q, and has some empty spheres on Q
surely (Q,d) is a metric space with d unbounded ?
that is my problem I thinked that it is the discrete distance

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