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"Is up a flavor"
Goddamn physics names make no sense
eh, in defense of that, you're trying to talk about properties of entities you can't really visualize or interact with in any usual way
so you kinda have to make up terminology
on the other hand, top/bottom is pretty weird. I'd prefer truth/beauty :>
this looks like a good album
Back when everything sciency was based on Latin (like "pendulum") everything felt more official. Like proton, electron, molecule
But now stuff is based on English ("Big Bang"), so we have, uh, charm
neutrino: little neutral one
I'm assuming those were Latin, I'm not actually sure
neutrino is italian, I think.
@Akiva "Spaghettification"
Oh yeah lol
Where did the name gluon come from
glue, I suspect
Oh wow it was
because it's the force carrier of the strong nuclear force binding quarks together into nucleons
and oh hey nucleons
No love for gravitons?
Who came up with strange
Feynman maybe?
"Strangeness was introduced by Murray Gell-Mann, Abraham Pais and Kazuhiko Nishijima to explain the
fact that certain particles, such as the kaons or the hyperons Σ and Λ, were created easily in particle collisions,
yet decayed much more slowly than expected for their large masses and large production cross sections. Noting that collisions seemed to always produce pairs of these particles, it was postulated that a new conserved quantity, dubbed "strangeness", was preserved during their creation, but not conserved in their decay."
Oh crap @BalarkaSen you're gonna like this
You know where the word "quark" comes from
Finnegans Wake
damn sniped
but yeah
"Three quarks for Muster Mark!" I think?
@Akiva also you spelled that wrong
Though what's even better than quark is its proposed supersymmetric partner
getcho spelling straight
@Semiclassical I remember reading that in Feynmans book
similarly there's such a thing as a sneutralino
> In the past, bottom and top quarks were sometimes referred to as "beauty" and "truth" respectively, but these names have somewhat fallen out of use.
*One of his books
@akiva yep
jesus fucking christ
I like those because they fit better with the rest of the flavor designations
if you're going to have strange quarks and charm quarks, you might as well have truth and beauty quarks.
are quarks a thing
Nah it's all a lie
Yep @Balarka
They're inside you right now
yes and no. insofar as the quark model is able to explain the properties of the strong force, yes.
I semi-sniped you @Semi
but no one has ever observed a free quark, and our current understanding of QCD is such that one doesn't expect to.
So if a quark and an antiquark make a chargeless thingy
can I put like 10^23 of those together and end up with something useful
and visible
and atomless
interestingly, while I'm not a QCD guy by any means
one of the big problems in trying to understand QCD is that it's really really hard to make computations
one route in that regard is known as lattice QCD, and one of the problems you run into there is the numerical sign problem. that's something i do know a bit about and find interesting, though I'm not able to say anything useful
Would quantum computers help
I dunno. a quick google search shows that people have thought about it, but I haven't.
What do you mean by numerical "sign" problem?
ok, this black metal album is really interesting
The numerical sign problem in applied mathematics refers to the difficulty of numerically evaluating the integral of a highly oscillatory function of a large number of variables. Numerical methods fail because of the near-cancellation of the positive and negative contributions to the integral. Each has to be integrated to very high precision in order for their difference to be obtained with useful accuracy. The sign problem is one of the major unsolved problems in the physics of many-particle systems. It often arises in calculations of the properties of a quantum mechanical system with large number...
ACM's heavy metal concert caught your interest.
Thnx @Semiclassical
Basically: Physicists really really like being able to use Monte Carlo methods, and it's a real pain when those aren't applicable.
well i have been meaning to listen to some metal lately
but this album isn't like anything i have ever heard or imagined would sound like
apparently it's critically acclaimed
Give me $\sin(10^6)$ to three decimal places
Wait that's actually probably not hard to do
Give me $\sin(10^{100})$ to three decimal places
(Don't actually)
@Akiva in either event my answer is: "wai tho?"
@BalarkaSen Which album?
Oh I see, you linked Ulver.
Listening to the first album
Kaj recommended this, on his facebook. I think it's very good.
Oh, Kaj is a big metalhead. He recommended good things to me in the past.
Let's see
@BalarkaSen I'm listening now. I haven't heard this.
Oh wow Russian stuff
He really is a big metal head :P
I have been meaning to get into some form of metal for a few weeks now
I don't really know anything about that genre
Well for starters I can recommend Mgla - Exercises in futility (and their other albums), Harakiri for the sky - any album

If you feel like it of course
(All similar flavors to black, post-black)
Someone say black metal? :D
Mgła is pretty nice
Meet @Avantgarde, another metalhead
Thanks @Balarka :P
@Avantgarde Have you heard any harakiri for the sky?
@AlexClark A little, yes
I was listening to Ulver, for the reference. Old hat to you, I suspect
@BalarkaSen I hadn't heard of them (but have listened to plenty of black metal), so it's possible Avantgarde hadn't I suppose
Oh yes, Ulver is great. Good choice, it didn't occur to me that you (@Balarka) might like them
@AlexClark Oh huh interesting
I guess they're rather unorthodox
They don't do black metal anymore. They've moved to experimental electronic stuff
@Avantgarde I only found out about them today and listened to the Bergtatt. I thought it was very very good
@BalarkaSen Yes, that is a pretty good album from their old times
lol didn't sleep?
lol nope
i will in a bit
it seems like a generic conscience is that these extreme forms of metal are hard to get into. i kind of agree, my limited attempt at it has been mostly futile
my musical background is mostly rock and roll stuff
That's ok. I was into Katy Perry a few years ago. You'll get there.
if you want to
@Avantgarde :O
No joke!
@Avantgarde Well who can't get behind a few of her songs ;P
At least you weren't into Jake Paul
oh my god Balarka, get him out of your head
he's a genius really
have you googled his age?
that's like a must, otherwise you're gonna have a bad day
no. Is this some kind of a joke?
heya Alex ... Long time no see
He is not very old!
no, literally google "jake paul age"
Balarka pls
1? lol
Hey! @TedShifrin
seems about right for the kind of raps he does
hi Perturbative
Hey @TedShifrin, here forever I see :D.
I'm not dead yet, Alex.
Oh my.
@Avantgarde It's Everday Bro is genre-defining work
he's really discovering a new kind of rap
which is meant to sound like shit
I remember you saying you might quit MSE, since you were done with math!
some of the people here get very annoying, Alex
@BalarkaSen I am 95% sure this is a joke.
Hi @Ted
@TedShifrin Oh I'm sure. But if you use the ignore function liberally...
but I'm actually going to teach a real class starting in a few weeks, Alex ... precalculus for gifted high school kids.
speaking of very annoying, hi, @Balarka :D
@TedShifrin Oh, very nice. Back out of retirement already.

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