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For all I know you might be
It’s as good a theory as any
waits for room to be banned
@Semi it's ok no kink shaming here
hides handcuffs
i have no problem with S&M at all
love that stuff
I'm off to eat lunch. See y'all later.
Enjoy @Ted
What happens if you tag someone not in chat?
they die in real life
Such a horrible fate
Lmao! I'm done.
Does anyone know a software that writes latex as animation in videos in the sense of showing letters being generated as if someone is writing them? Say for $\displaystyle \sum_{i =0}^{n}a_n$ you see the sigma drawing itself, then i, then the equality, the 0, the n, the a, and the n.
Well, I realise the sum doesn't make sense, but you get the idea!
I know of a popular Chrome extension here chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/daum-equation-editor/…
But I haven't found an easy-to-use software
Not sure if that's what you're looking for.
they marked my question as duplicate
but i wanted a proof validation
the duplicate question did not have my proof
what to do
@MatheiBoulomenos Hello !
How is going with your new subject?
and what are you studying? =p
I'm studying elementary number theory, algebraic number theory, advanced complex analysis, group cohomology and étale cohomology. It's going okay, thanks
And for you? How's it going? Are you preparing for that representation theory course?
@MatheiBoulomenos wait whut, you do all that untill december?
Well still doing abstract algebra , I got an E on the exam, and asked my teacher to let me have the reexam, it is in 3 weeks =p
These are the lectures I'm taking right now
But I feel like I get things alot better now
do you take them over the year?
like here in sweden
we do 2 months course than exam
sometimes 1.5 months than we take exam =p
No, we have courses that go 4 months
oh nice =p
it is still alot of material for that period but good luck :D
I know you don't need it :D
Thanks! Luck is always good to have
haha =p
anyways I wont bother ya no more :D did not knew you were this busy
and thanks for the help last 2 months :D
No problem. I would like to help you, but I don't have much time
I mean, you can ask me, but I won't be here that regularly
I understand , and its fine :D
Ill do that when it is a very urgent thing ><
right now am just amazed how much we got from Group actions
like knowing that all p-Groups have no trivial center
I did not Think we can use them to prove such things, i mean they are very general
yes, group actions are amazing
Well I should get back to work ! =p trying to be done with all Group theory part this weekend, then revisit ring theory =p
You should go back to work as well :D
You're right! Good luck with your studies!
Thanks ! and good luck :)
Q: How did Dehn prove that the trefoil is chiral?

Akiva WeinbergerI understand that, in 1914, Dehn proved that the trefoil knot is chiral (it doesn't equal its mirror image). However, the paper in which he does so is in German, and I can't find a description of his proof anywhere else. The only proof I know of its chirality is through the Jones polynomial/Kauff...

So I got a good answer to a question I asked
asking how Dehn proved that the trefoil can't be deformed into its mirror image (so there are really two trefoils, called the right-handed one and the left-handed one)
so if anyone's curious you can look at that
I thought one way to do it is to look at the peripheral subgroup
Oh that answer does precisely that
It's a statement about a certain automorphism of $\pi_1(K)$ not existing
I'm pretty sure I pinged something to that effect this morning.
I learnt that proof from you so very likely
really? i don't remember that but i'll take it
@TedShifrin do you like probability (measure-theoretic) ?
@GabrielRomon Why did you become White Square?
@MikeMiller I thought you did but I couldn't find it again so I wasn't sure
Oh I found it
@Gabriel: I never studied it. I only taught a down-to-earth undergraduate course. It's my impression that "fancy" graduate probability is a whole bunch of measure theory real analysis ... convergence in measure, $L^1$, whatever ...
Isn't the Central Limit Theorem the same thing as Confidence Intervals? I'm reading my statistics book and they're similar
@Dragneel they're not the same thing. It is true that one can use the CLT to derive asymptotic confidence intervals. The idea is that the mean of a sample is observable and ideally converges to the true parameter.
@Ted yeah, it's close to real analysis, which is one of the reason I like it
@Alessandro OH DAMN this is a good album
@Ted sometimes there are rep theory probability things
p cool
I can see that if we have things like integral geometry = geometric probability, full of group actions.
@BalarkaSen which one?
@Alessandro The Paint the Sky Red album
I'm about halfway in
we're back to full unsleeping mode
I shall fix it in the near future
Come to think of it, Alessandro's up late, too.
I was actually about to go to sleep but I saw Balarka's ping
it's starting to get so dark so early
i like darkness
The city where I study is at the bottom of a valley, the sun sets in the middle of the afternoon during winter
hi @TedShifrin
I think we should stay on "daylight saving" time year-round. Apparently I'm not the only one, @EricSilva.
hi Karim
Today in class we showed that the every smooth algebraic variety is khaler.
the converse isn't true
So I was wondering let us say we weaken this little bit and we look at the fundmental group of complex algebraic variety can this be realized as the fundmental group of a particular khaler manifold ?
Well, what you showed is easy. Algebraic varieties are projective by definition. So you get the induced Kähler structure. But, no, the converse is Hodge.
Kahler groups are well-studied objects
Look at the paper by Mj-Biswas
@Ted ya we need more of this daylight
They settle an open conjecture about classifying one-relator Kahler groups
I know absolutely nothing about this stuff.
I see
khaler manifolds are pretty cool
Ah, it seems all one-relator Kahler groups are surface groups
(Or finite cyclic)

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