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@DHMO How are you so sure about this?
I mean it may happen that a lot of elements of the form a + b become equal for a bunch of different a's and b's, which will cut down the cardinality of A + B
Like {2, 3} + {2, 3} = {1, 4} in Z/5.
Because (informally) you can fix an element in B, say b, and |A+b| must equal |A|
ah. Good call
My previous example is false anyway it was supposed to be {0, 1, 4}
ok, gotta run
Ok, here's my procedure in plain english:
1. I have a magma $(M,\circ)$ of n elements in the underlying set $M$.
2. I then impose a (partial) ordering onto $M$ so it becomes the set $S$
3. By taking the cartesian product of S with itself, and equating all ordered pairs into product terms of the magma, I will get the cayley table except the starting row and column that act as labels in the cayley table
4. I then tried to pick out all n rows of the cayley table, and similarly for columns
5. I then collect all these rows into a collection $\mathcal{F}$ and columns into a collection $\mathcal{G}$.
Illustrative example:
@Secret step 2: how does imposing ordering change the set at all?
Because $M$ is unordered
No, $M=S$
Imposing an ordering to {0,1,2} does not make it a different set
But aren't all cayley tables are equivalent under interchange of two rows and two columns correspond to the same label?
that is you can draw your cayley table begin with a,b,c, or b,a,c or c,b,a etc.?
You can say you obtain a new structure $(M,\circ,\preceq)$
Thus step 2 is trying to pick one of the many a,b,c arrangement to begin with, thus fixing the row and column ordering in the cayley table (since that will not be changed for the procedure to work)
@Secret continue, that's just a minor flaw
step 3 generates the cayley table defined abstractly via a cartesian product of M with itself, with the ordering of the cartesian product given by the product/coordinate ordering analogous to matrices and arrays (or more simply the ordering of $\mathbb{R}^2$)
By this stage, it should be possible to label entries in this set like what is done in matrices
could you give an example?
For example, suppose my magma is the group $\mathbb{Z}/3$ The cayley table of $\mathbb{Z}/3$ is given as follows:
@DHMO antisymmetrical is the other extreme to symmetrical right? But it's not to be mixed up with not symmetrical.
@Null yes
Question regarding continued fractions: Why is [1,0,1,1,2,1,1,4,1,1,6,1,...,1,2n,1,...] = [2,1,2,1,1,4,1,1,6,1,...,1,2n,1,...]. Any pointers how I could prove/explain this?
What is the minimum length of a equilateral triangle to house 8 unit circles? Wikipedia gives 9.293 but I don't know what the closed form is
Hi again
@Sirmimer that looks familiar
so $1+\dfrac{1}{0+\frac{1}{x}} = 1+x$?
yep, that's why
DH any pointers how to evaluate a continued fraction expansion against/with another?
let x = [1,1,2,1,1,4,1,1,6,...]
then LHS = 1+1/(0+1/(x)) and RHS = 1+x
@Astyx hi
3 mins ago, by DHMO
What is the minimum length of a equilateral triangle to house 8 unit circles? Wikipedia gives 9.293 but I don't know what the closed form is
Can you solve this?
I'll try
Thank you DHMO, i'll have a closer look at it. Btw any idea why i cannot see the $...$ expression but instead it reads as "$...$" ?
Q: Triangle analogue of matrix ??

mickWe could modify the square matrix into a equilateral number triangle and define Sum and product in an analogue way. Here is a small example for triangles size 2. A B C X Y Z = A+X B+Y C+Z A B C * X Y Z = BX + AZ BY CX What has been done with those ? Or variants of it ...

@Sirmimer i'm not seeing the difference
A weird question 😊
DHMO you see the "$" signs as well and not proper expressions/symbols?
Anyone seen those triangle analogues of matrices ?
I see the expressions not the "$" signs because I have LaTeX enabled
see room description
Latex, gotcha. Thank you
"Unit circle" means the radius is 1 here right ? @DHMO
Q: Triangle analogue of matrix ??

mickWe could modify the square matrix into a equilateral number triangle and define Sum and product in an analogue way. Here is a small example for triangles size 2. A B C $+$ X Y Z = A+X B+Y C+Z A B C * X Y Z = BX + AZ BY CX What has been done with those ? Or...

what prevents us from seeing 1+2-3+4 as (1+2)-(3+4)? Addition before subtraction?
@DHMO example here
basically, the procedure is multiplication by elements in the magma on the left or right maps rows to rows and columns to columns
@Null convention
@Null 1+2-3+4 is interpreted as (1)+(2)+(-3)+(4)
by convention
ah right right...
addition/subtraction, whichever comes first
then it makes indeed sense to say, there is really only addition and multiplication
which raises the question what the hell is 6/2(1+2)
but i see how one could arive at something else
I think it is better to interpret a/bc as (a/b)c
Hi @Sophie
good morning
Any news on that $\theta(n^2)$ ?
I gave up
@Secret so $S=\{0,1,2\}$, $R_n=\{x \circ n,x\in S\}$
Too bad
hopefully Terence Tao will write a blog post dumbing it down for everyone else
@Astyx are you trying my question?
what question?
@Secret what's the question?
I guess the way to minimize the length is not to put the circles as close to each other as they can
@Sophie if you think about it, the otherway around would make $\frac{a}{bc}$ really strange to express
@Astyx so what's your length?
@DHMO Don't have one yet
Is this an open problem like the last one you asked me to try ?
no this isn't
@DHMO Initially I thought I can define $R_n= \{\ y\lvert \exists n \in S,\forall (x,n) \in S \times S, x\circ n=y\}$ and then some users said I have used the set builder notation wrongly, and I am not sure what went wrong with it
wikipedia gave 9.293
I just don't know what the closed form is
I thought I am replacing fixed n, of the order pairs (x,n) in this set with the result $x \circ n$
thus I should be getting the exact same set as what you showed earlier?
@Secret well, since $n$ is defined earlier, you shouldn't have $\exists n \in S$
also it shouldn't be $\forall$
it looks very similar to a for-loop to me
Ah I see. Yeah... most of my ideas are in the programmer persepctive and I am trying to write them in set builder notation in order to check with the maths guys whether they makes sense
@Secret $\{y\mid \exists n\in S, \forall x\in S, x\circ n = y\}$
@Secret @Astyx $R_n = \{y|\exists x \in S: x \circ n = y\}$, but still not as elegant as mine
Yeah might be what DHMO said
I'm not sure what the set is supposed to be
@Secret so what's the question
@Astyx That is the set of the row of the cayley table labelled n. So generalising it to all $n \in S$ you have all n rows of the cayley table, which is then packed into the collection $\mathcal{F}$
Why is there an $n$ in indice of $R$ ?
the $n$-th row
the indices label the row of the cayley table. So $R_a$, $R_b$, $R_1$ etc. are different rows
thus the indices served as a labelling of the rows in the set $T$ that is the cayley table, defined as, $T=\{\ x\lvert \forall (a,b) \in S \times S, a\circ b=x\}$
For step 6, I tried to define some kind of left "magma" action, analogous to a semigroup action as follows:
Define: $\cdot : S \times \mathcal{F} \rightarrow \mathcal{F}$ such that for $x \in S$ and $R_y=\{a,b,c,d,...\} \in \mathcal{F}$, $x\cdot R_y=\{x\circ a,x\circ b,x\circ c, x \circ d ...\}$
however one thing is that since the collection $\mathcal{F}$ is unordered but $S$ is , is it legal to take a cartesian product of that?
10 mins ago, by Astyx
I'm not sure what the set is supposed to be
is a star mistake, I cannot undo the star
Can't you ?
Just click on it again no ?
notice say: It is too late to undo this operation
I guess it'll have to stay there then
No big issue
sorry about that...
Haha don't worry I don't really care
it's surprisingly hard to obtain a lot of terms of the continued fraction of $2^{1/3}$
Lots of 1s
sophie the last time i looked at your question the terms were wrong
Hmm... I think I might have answered one of my question: So I am not mapping within the same object, I guess that's why Tobias Kindetoft said it is not an endomorphism
@mercio I'm going to fix them now
but this list looks correct
I wrote some code but for some reason it's going really slow
What is your code ?
well the deeper you go the harder it gets
@Sophie I hope 1.259921049894873164767210607278228350570251 is infinitely precise
it is precise enough
excuse me but why do you have floating points
@Sophie no it is not
because I need to use the floor operation
it is absolutely not precise enough
you have way more terms than digits
I reckon that it is precise to the 20th terms
if you need floating points then you're automatically doing things the wrong way
I only need p_f + t_1 * q_f + t_2 * r_f to floor to the right number
that is, some rational number + some rational * 2^(1/3) + some rational * 2^(2/3) can't be more than 1/2 out
so if these rationals get really big I might have a problem, but I don't think they get big enough
that 2^(1/3) and that 2^(2/3) is not precise enough
have you checked the values of your rational numbers?
themselves getting big is not the problem; their denominator or their numerator getting big is the problem
and with 100 terms (which I reckon you obtained), the rationals should be at least 2^100
no, if the rational gets big I have a problem, but if the denominator and the nominator gets big but their ratio is small I'm okay
you can't distinguish between (10^100)/(10^101) and (10^100 + 1)/(10^101)
that's my point
@DHMO I don't need to
@Sophie how are you expressing the rationals?
I'm using the boost multiprecision lib
if the precision of the rationals exceed your precision of 2^(1/3) then you have a problem
nope. Unless p_f + t_1 * q_f + t_2 * r_f floors to the wrong thing then I'm okay, and the precision lost when using the floating points is not enough to do that unless p,q, or r are very big
you can find the continued fraction of $\sqrt{61}$ only by knowing it is about 7.81 and rationalizing, which is what I'm doing here
@Sophie try it on 7.81 and show us the result
is there something like a bounded sum? To express that the sum diverges, but only because it adds at the end +1 and -1 (or similar)
@Null their limsup and liminf exist but differ
how many terms did you compute ?
@mercio 10000
@DHMO $$2 + 2\sqrt{3} + {2\over3} \sqrt{33}$$
Not my work
@Astyx thanks
My pleasure
It looks veyr interresting
mmh, I saw a similar thing with overlapping circles. don't quite remember it tho
ah no
it took me 5 seconds
with overlapping small triangles
@Astyx yy
(Refined with maths chat guys help)
Def. 1. All elements in a Cayley table

Given a magma $(M,\circ)$ of $n$ elements, Construct an ordered set $S=\{s_1,s_2,\dots,s_n\}$ where $s_i \in M$ for all $i\in\{1,2,3,\dots , n\}=N$. Then the cayley table $T$ is given by $T=\{\ x\lvert \forall (a,b) \in S \times S, a\circ b=x\}$. The transpose is defined by $T^\textrm{T}=\{\ x\lvert \forall (b,a) \in S \times S, a\circ b=x\}$.

Def 2. Rows and columns and collections

A row $R_i$ is given by $R_i= \{a\circ i, a \in S\}$ where $i \in S$. Similarly, a column $C_i=\{i\circ b, b\in S\}$. Let $\mathcal{
That $n=6$ case for triangles in triangles is funky
sophie I don't think your list is correct
me neither
@DHMO Question = does the above formal writing achieve what I said earlier on how the procedure works?
but @Sophie insists that the precision is enough
oh wait
nevermind your text file doesn't have all 10000 terms
where did you get 10000 terms from?
my computer
@NaCl hi, all roger?
I typed a few things
@Sophie @DHMO @mercio wolframalpha.com/input/…
@Null I have a quite difficult programming task to solve, but besides that, yeah
I made a list of the entries that were larger than $100$
sorry typo, on the proof of lemma 2, need to fix
Actually the proof of lemma 2 become much harder as the rows and columns are not defined as subsets of $T$ and thus we cannot exploit the symmetry of rows and columns in $T$
in the first $10^5$ terms
Less than 2 seconds for mathematica to compute the 100k first terms
Hello everyone
What does this formula mean:
And something around 30 seconds to compute the first 10 million terms
@mercio Surprisingly @Sophie is right; the precision is enough for 1000 terms
$\sum_{m,n} (D - R_{m,n})$ where D and R are both 4x4 matrices
It's not that surprising considering the method she is using
@Secret an ordered set is not a set.
substract of each element of D the sum of all the elements of matrix R?
@Astyx yes exactly, I'm doing all this rationalizing so I don't need to have stupidly high precision
run this to get the continued fraction of $\sqrt{61}$ hastebin.com/bilaqecaxi.cpp
@Secret wikipedia did not give a notation of an ordered set
Gotta go now
Good afternoon to all of you
I see ( changing "ordered set" to "poset" in the formalism)
@Secret it is still not a set.
$S = \{s_1,s_2,\ldots,s_n\}$ is bad notation
the cayley table's set-builder notation is not good
@DHMO bad to wrong, depending what you mean
also it isn't a table, it is just another set
Hi guys
@DHMO the $\sqrt{61}$ is easier to understand. The important part is that if you have $\lfloor a+b\sqrt{61}\rfloor=\lfloor a+ b\times 7.81\rfloor$ for rational numbers $a,b$ unless b is very big
@DHMO I am not sure how I can write the elements in S, K,L etc. without using too many a,b,c,d,e etc.
@kayak 안넝
I asked a question and I found it should be on 'Cross Validated'-site. How can I move my question?
@Secret I mean, $(M,\le)$ is an ordered set, where $M$ is still the set
and just like you can write $\frac{1}{a+b\sqrt{61}}$ as $x+y\sqrt{61}$ I'm doing the same with $\frac{1}{a+b\sqrt[3]{2}+c\sqrt[3]{4}}$
imposing an order to a set does not make the set different
Or can I copy my question to another site without making a new question?
@Sophie yes, thanks; that's a nice way to make continued fraction
I asked a question and I found it should be on 'Cross Validated'-site. How can I move my question?
Or can I copy my question to another site without making a new question?
@kayak You can either delete and repost or flag your q to "moderator's attention", explain what you want and they could do it.
@DHMO So I can use $M$ directly as there's already some ordering specified thus allowing me to uniquely specify the cayley table I am trying to construct?
@Secret yes
Oh thanks @ypercubeᵀᴹ
@Secret you know, your "transpose" really does nothing
maybe you're thinking of matrices
That is the main question. As mentioend previosuly, I only need the entries in the cayley table, but with an ordering such that you can label them as if they are matrix entries. That is what I don't know how to do cause I need the rows of it to do that procedure

Yes, I am indeed treating the cayley table as if it is like a matrix, and I am trying to find a way to do that so that you can do an abstract algebra version of row operation on them
@Secret the problem is that you can't impose your desired ordering to your $T$
I found the procedure works (as demonstrate in the $\mathbb{Z/3}$) example but I am not sure how to formalise it
because there would be different entries whose value are equal
@mercio can you paste me a list of those terms you found?
@DHMO ah, that's a problem, cause sets don't allow duplicate elements...
yes, so you should be building a matrix instead of a set
the terms greater than $100$ in the first $10000$ entries
[534; 121; 186; 372; 186; 220; 255; 7451; 113; 151; 4941; 108; 354; 195;
304; 204; 201; 136; 127; 119; 124; 131; 101; 119; 328; 190; 101; 260; 157;
620; 101; 138; 12737; 117; 2897; 2078; 103; 105; 223; 662; 103; 495; 215;
135; 421; 1269; 118; 150; 227; 230; 105; 844; 160; 158; 179; 507; 138;
161; 111; 143; 193; 1013; 277; 190; 253; 186; 280; 145; 189; 194; 331;
134; 452; 307; 275; 105; 509; 339; 122; 208; 115; 106; 339; 117; 214;
6614; 113; 119; 192; 168; 540; 267; 135; 114; 932; 292; 314; 1118; 217;
Hmm, in that case, I need to rethink this..., especially on how matrix addition will be defined in such procedure...
but anyway, thanks for clarifying all that maths misconception I have made
Hello everyone,

I don't know how to interprete this formula:
$\sum_{m,n} (D - R_{m,n})$ where D and R are both 4x4 matrices

Does this mean I have to substract of each element of the matrix D the sum of all the elements of matrix R?
I thought too much of a programmer more than a mathematician
Each circle has radius 1
what the hell is the side length of the bottom-right triangle?
I wonder how mathematica is doing it
they can't be calculating $2^{1/3}$ to that high precision, or they'd run out of memory
@Sophie that's often a commercial secret
maybe they're doing something similar to what I'm doing but more efficiently
they're way better than me lol
looks like you compute $(D-R_{m,n})$ for each n,m, and then add all these differences up

I guess R_m,n might be a 4x4 matrices of R_m,n copied everywhere
so there are mn of these R_m,n matrices need to be subtracted from D, and then add up the results
A proper subset of high-schoolers believe that $\pi = \dfrac {22} 7$...
@mercio am I going insane or do these get less common and also smaller?
@DHMO the empty set hopefully
@Sophie unfortunately it is not the empty set
@sophie I really have no idea of how the list should look like, sorry
@Secret A matrix of matrices?
I'm still stuck on computing the list for $10^5$ entries lol
either the stuff you just deleted (which looks more reasonable), or what I said above so that the sum is a matrix
I strongly suspect it is$\sum_{m,n} D_{m,n}-R_{m,n}$ because this is more commonly seen
@Secret I don't think you are correct... This is the source: ti.com/lit/an/bpra065/bpra065.pdf p13 - (6)
@Secret indeed, but they did write something else...
the distortion measure?
@Secret yes
(Note the brackets in that line are not actually balanced...)
you take the difference between the matrixes D (indices are ,j) and R (indices are k,l). There are mn of these differences, which are those that you need to sum up and then square to get the distortion measure
that is, for each n,m subtract each matrix R from the matrix $\Gamma(D)$, and then sum all these resulting differences up and square
@Secret true, didn't notice the unbalanced brackets. Indeed this interpretation makes much more sense!
it is unclear due to the unbalanced brackets. If they added that one bracket before the m,n subscript it would have made much more sense. Right?
from that equation, I am guessing the distortion measure is the sum of sqaures of the difference of the transformation (distortion) introduced before and after the transformation from the domain to the range in that image processing
DHMO: I already forgot how to get the unique circle inscribed in the triangle, thus not sure how to work from the sides there. But it seems as n increases, the circles seemed to fill in more area of the larger and larger triangle
hey guys, anyone know if that statement ist true?:
Given $n$ integers of which none are divisible by $n$ you can always find two integers which sum is divisible by $n$.
@JonathanKrill no, for example take n=3 and consider 1,4,7.
otoh what is true is that you can always find a subset of those integers which sums to a multiple of $n$. irrelevant though
ah yeah this makes sense you need a subset
thank you
@BalarkaSen how would you prove that?
inb4 empty subset
nonempty subset I meant. sorry about that
I'm curious about the proof
it's the pigeonhole principle
applied to $x_1 ; x_1+x_2 ; x_1+x_2+x_3 ; \ldots$
@mercio oh, thanks
the point is they should give all the nonzero residue classes mod n
@BalarkaSen what is the ratio of the radii of the outer circle and the inner circle?
idk man
could you calculate it?
if you keep joining the radii of the 4 obvious circles which starts and ends at a circle tangential to the big circle, you'd get 3 lines sitting in a zig-zagged shape, of equal length. i'd guess the angles between two consecutive ones is 120 degrees by inspection
if you can prove that angle thing you can probably calculate with that construction
@DHMO I see you like circles, so we put circles in a circle ;)
can we just consider the six circles in one side of the reflectional symmetry?
I don't like to guess that the angles are 120 degrees
scratch of equal length. the first is 3r, second is 2r and the last is 3r. but yeah.
this is what I had in mind
what does contain mean in this context? math.stackexchange.com/questions/2062262/…
does it mean, the highest power that is less or equal?
@Null "contained in" means "which divides"
@DHMO Me neither. But I don't know a simple way to prove that.
@DHMO ah thanks
maybe one would have to use symmetry in some way
@BalarkaSen can we consider the equilateral hexagon on one side of the symmetry?
put $8$ circles along the perimeter of the large circle
ah yeah that's the thing, @DHMO
I have $\alpha$, $\alpha$, $\alpha-60^\circ$, and $120^\circ$ and two angles left
then add the $2$ in the middle
and check if they touch at the other end ?
@mercio easier said than done?
@BalarkaSen do you know any results for the angles of equilateral hexagons?
not off the top of my head. but note that the angle at the other end is easier to compute
you have the diameters of the three kissing circles making a equilateral triangle
so a 60 degree there
and the two other angles are equal by symmetry, so 2x = 360 - 60 = 300. aka x = 150.
@BalarkaSen wait, what x?
the angle between the 2nd and the 3rd line I drew in my picture, from left to right
Question regarding this post, 4): http://math.stackexchange.com/questions/1039741/define-sequence-and-convergence

Question 4) Why can you substitute L in on both sides of $L=\dfrac{L^2}{3}+\dfrac{18}{L}$
@DHMO do I need to by heart all inverse trigonometry formulae?or is there something?
@Ramanujan what do you mean?
once that angle is computed i think it should be easier to do stuff with the hexagon (because you know one angle of the hexagon is 150)
@BalarkaSen oh, but what about the other two angles
I have a long list of formulae which are all different :(
No, learn how to derive them
Unsure what you mean by the other two. There's only one, the angle between the 1st line and the 2nd.
don't recite the formulas
@BalarkaSen oh, I mean the other one
how do you know the two angles are equal?
ah, alright
you mean where i said 2x = 300? by symmetry. the whole figure is symmetrical about an axis
yeah one angle is easy to determine
but for the others I don't think there is an easy way
yes I know that angle is 150 but I'm asking about the other angle
formed by the other two lines
oh. no idea, still thinking
ok, i give up
Let $E/F$ be a finite extension and $K \leq K \leq E$, where $K/F$ is normal.
Let $a,b\in \in E$ be $F$-algebraic conjugent, i.e., they have the smae minimal polynomial over $F$, and for some $n\in \mathbb{N}$ let $a^n\in K$.
I want to show that then $b^n\in K$.

Since $K/F$ is normal, we have that all the irreducicle polynomials over $F$ that have one root in $K$ have all the roots in $K$.

Could you give e a hint how we could show that $b^n\in K$ ?

I have found in my notes the following theorem:
ok, the stuff I have been trying to do regarding cayley tables looks suspiciously similar to this
In abstract algebra, a representation of an associative algebra is a module for that algebra. Here an associative algebra is a (not necessarily unital) ring. If the algebra is not unital, it may be made so in a standard way (see the adjoint functors page); there is no essential difference between modules for the resulting unital ring, in which the identity acts by the identity mapping, and representations of the algebra. == Examples == === Linear complex structure === One of the simplest non-trivial examples is a linear complex structure, which is a representation of the complex number...
meanwhile rewriting all the formalism using matrices, which is determined by maths users to be more suitable in acheving my aim
can I use latex on the programming stackexchange?
I don't think so
you might want to convert them to images
@Sophie ^
I use the texer on AOPS for that
hopefully they'll come up with better algorithms

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