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that seems right
am I obliged to use '<' operator
or could it be '=<' one
The =< one is perfectly fine here
ok, thank you :)
My pleasure ! :)
I'm asked to minimize the function f = $\displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{i=n} x_i$ with the restriction $K=\displaystyle\prod_{k=1}^{k=n} x_i$. What should I do is just consider $F(x,\lambda) = \displaystyle\sum_{i=1}^{n} x_i - \lambda \left(\displaystyle\prod_{i=1}^{n} x_i - K \right)$, and make zero the partial derivatives, and then find the critical points, right?
what is a neutral function? such that f(x)+e=f(x)?
what is e?
$f(x) = 0 \forall x$
could you look at this?
(A0) Closure under addition

$f(x)+g(x)$ can be expressed as $h(x)=f(x)+g(x)$, since $h(x)$ is then a function from $A$ to $R$, it is an element of $map(A,R)$. Which satisfies closure under addition.

(A1) Associativity of addition



By symmetry associativity is given.

(A2) Commutativity of addition

This is given by $R$ being a ring.

(A3) Identity for addition

$f(x)=0\forall x$ satisfies this.

(A4) Inverse elements for addition
Your trying to demonstrate that the set of functions is a ring right ?
Is there something special about $\frac{\sqrt{2}}{2}$, any infinite series converging to it ?
There is an infinite number of infinite series converging to ${\sqrt 2\over2}$
@Astyx exactly!
hi there :)
Such as ?
I can't give you any concrete example right now
But there are an infinite number of series converging to any real number
search for a series which converges to squareroot 2, then devide by 2
there are prolly a bunch of them
Yes, thanks.
@Null I don't think your proof holds
You should work with images of functions
For insance take $f$ and $g$ two numeric functions
Also does $a^m\times a^n\times a ^p=a^{m+n+p}$ ?
@Astyx well, where do you think the proof is bad?
(i dont know anything about it)
i just followed the answerers method
For instance for Associativity :
Let $f$, $g$, and $h$ be 3 functions.
Let $x\in E$ ($E$ is the domain of your functions)
Then $(f(x) + g(x)) + h(x) = f(x) + g(x) + h(x) = f(x) + (g(x) + h(x))$ (using associativity of reals - r whichever number set you're working on)
And since this holds for all $x\in E$ :
$(f+g) + h = f+(g+h)$
Which proves associativity
but "+" is the same as in the ring R
No it isn't
That's the point
there "+" HAS tobe associative ?
$f+g$ is not the same as $f(x) + g(x)$
i asked my teacher, he said its the same "addition" like in R
i dont understnd it
In a way it's "the same"
you mean its not exactly the same because now, instead of numbers, hole functions get added?
But $(\cdot+\cdot)$ over functions is a binary operator from $E^{\Bbb R} \times E^{\Bbb R}$ to $E^{\Bbb R}$
whereas over reals, it's a binary operator from ${\Bbb R}\times {\Bbb R}$ to ${\Bbb R}$
Or what you said
And that's what your expected to prove (or at least I think so)
That functions behave "the same way as reals" because of the proof I gave you
Because you can solve the property for any $x\in E$ (using associativity over reals) which allows you to conclude that, since this is true for all $x\in E$ we have equality between $(f+g)+h$ and $f+(g+h)$
ah but only because a binary operator behaves a way in one set, it doesnt mean that it even makes sense in another set?
An because something is true for $+$ over reals doesn't mean it's necessarily true over functions
And that's what you have to prove (even though it's trivial)
but isnt f(x) a collection of elements of a codomain?
No $f(x)$ is a real
or is f(x) a collection of ordered tupels?
like (1,a),(2,b)
Formally $f$ is a triplet $(\Gamma, E, F)$ where $E$ is the domain, $F$ the codomain, and $\Gamma \subset E\times F$ a graph, ie $\forall x\in E, \exists ! y \in F, (x,y)\in \Gamma$
Therefore adding you are definitely not saying the same thing when you say that $f+g = h$ and when you say $x+y = z$
(Where $f$, $g$ and $h$ are functions, whereas $x$, $y$ and $z$ a reals)
I hope I'm not confusing you in any way
mmh, how does then f+g look like?
if we dont know which addition is meant
We do know
That's conventionnaly defined as $f+g = (x\mapsto f(x)+g(x))$
and h is therefore another valid function from one set to another
therefore its included in the set of all functions?
Well $h$ is defined as function, but sure
oh i mean
f+g=h, is another valid function
Again, it is defined as a function
(not quite sure what you mean by "valid")
i mean, thats basicly saying closure under addition is a given? why do we need a proof?
Oh yes this is juste something you have to state
That the sum of two functions is a function therefore the sets of all functions is closed under addition
(given of course that they have the same domain/codomain and that an addition is defined over the codomain)
ah, at least i think i understood that by now :)
and given that the codomain is a ring right?
Not necessarily a ring
I edited
but closed under addition at least
@Null I really hope you're not confused because of what I said ^^
Hi guys, I know this isn't the place for it, but I can't ask in the right place since I don't have enough reputation. Any Java experts here who can help me out?
I'm not an expert but tell us your problem
I've been wondering : how is SE sustainable ? Who funds it ?
Ok. I was tasked to design a graphical function plotter where I had to design an abstract class and a bunch of subclasses with following constructors:
SineFunction(double a, double b), PowerFunction(double a, double b), ExponentialFunction(double a, double b), PolynomialFunction(double[] a), SumFunction(Function[] f) and another subclass named FunctionComposition(Function[] f).

I keep getting this error on my class's homepage code reviewer: java.lang.IllegalAccessError: tried to access method
@DemCodeLines Hi, you wouldn't happen to be a Java expert?
@Astyx is this ok? (A0) Closure under addition

The sum of two functions with the same domain/codomain is also a function. Since our codomain is a ring, this new function is guaranteed to also have the same domain/codomain.
Therefore the sets of all functions is closed under addition.
@Steve perhaps Software-engineering-SE is more suited for your question ?
Probably. I'll give it a try there :) thanks
@Null seems fine to me, although the fact that the codomain is a ring ensures that the addition makes sense, rather than ensuring the codomain is the same
@Steve, my pleasure, hope you'll find your answer
@Null As in : the sum would be well defined because addition is always well defined between two numbers in a ring
@Astyx mmh yes
faded icons mean people are afk, right?
@Astyx well if the codomain would only be $\{1\}$, then addition would fail, that was my thought
@Astyx remember the probability question we discussed a few days ago, I am still trying to figure out the probability that when we stop the sum is odd~ My major problem is that we stop when the sum is even, so how could the sum be even and odd at the same time? Would that mean that if the sum is even, then we do not include it in the probability of getting an odd sum?
@Null yes, but that would be a problem when defining $h:x \mapsto g(x)+f(x)$
@Astyx but the same domain/codomain is necessary for it to be in $map(A,R)$ or not? otherwise it would be maybe some function, but not from A to R?
Yes (although people tend to confuse function that coincide on the domain but have different domains, for instance $\begin{cases}\Bbb R \to \Bbb R \\ x\mapsto x^2\end{cases}$ would be considered the same as $\begin{cases}\Bbb R \to \Bbb R _+\\ x\mapsto x^2\end{cases}$)
mmh, how is this called? all y in the codomain that are "hit"?
eh no i mean the set of y that are hit
image (sometimes range) of the function
ah so my argument would be rather: the image of the function has to be a subset of R(or R itself). and the domain has to be the same as A?
hi everyone
hi @meow-mix
hi @Null
i think i did ok on the AMC
@Null Yes, according to the definition of a function I gave you earlier
@Hiro You need to draw another graph
@Asyx what kind of graph?
Hi, if a have a power series of the form $ \sum \frac {(-1)^nx^n} {n+1} $
By using the ratio test I know that $ | x | < 1 $, so I have to test the interval extremes, so I try $ \sum \frac {(-1)^n(-1)^n} {n+1} $ why cant I apply the limit protery of absolute value ? And say $ \sum \frac {(-1)^n(-1)^n} {n+1} = \frac {1} {n+1} $ which tends to 0 when n tends to infinity and say it converges ??
@Hiro The same I drew last time
@Astyx or rather what values should be in the chain?
is it very similar to the previous one, what changes and what doesn't?
You must add another state like F
@Astyx it's all nice and dandy to have definitions but i always need some time to get what they are saying haha
when someone proves a nice theorem I get jealous and angry with myself
Split F into 2
$\sum \frac{(-1)^n(-1)^n}{n+1} \neq \frac{1}{n+1}$
so i'd have two circles f1 and f2?
$\sum \frac{(-1)^n(-1)^n}{n+1} = \sum \frac{1}{n+1}$ which tends to infinity because it's the harmonic series
i feel incompetent though,
@Null take all the time you need :) But then again this definition only exists to prove one can formallise the idea of "function", it is important to understand that none of this really matters anyway
@SteamyRoot but $ \lim_{n\rightarrow \infty} \frac {1} {n+1} = 0$
@Hori split F into E and O, where E is the final state where the sum is even, and O when it's odd
Now from 2 some numbers will point to E and some to O
$\lim_{n \to \infty} x_n = 0$ does NOT imply that that $\sum_n x_n < \infty$
so now 1 will point to e and o, and 2 will point to e and o?
I got it, I was misunderstanding the theory, that limit tells me nothing about the converge, so I have to use a convergence test
Every other number pointing to E (except enterring number 9) will still point to e
Only if the limit is not 0 it implies that the series diverges
Am I right ?
@Hiro theorically yes
But try to build it and (if I'm not mistaken) you'll see there are no numbers pointing from 1 to O
@Astyx 9 will point to O for just 1 roll right?
@Astyx for commutativity i proceed like you in associativity or? (simply showing it by calculating)
yeah i tried 1 to O, it all gives E
@Astyx You need to proceed like I did to be concise
@Maks yes, indeed.
@Hiro yup
@Hiro Why don't you try and draw it and let me check afterwards :)
alright ill send a screenshot
@SteamyRoot In power series I can apply the same converge test than in normal series ?
Comparison, ratio, integral, root, etc ??
Yes, of course. However, some will be more useful than others
@SteamyRoot Last question, if I have a power series $ \sum c_n x^n $ And I know that the series converges on x = -4 and diverges on x = 6
Can I imply that $ \sum c_n $ , converges ? And how can I prove it
Because supposedly, that series converges on the interval [-4,6] and on $ \sum c_n $ the value of x = 0, which is inside the interaval, so it has to converge, but I dont know if that's enough to prove it
the series cannot converge on the interval [-4,6] and diverge at x=6
that's a contradiction
My bad, [-4,6)
the given information is not enough to say the power series converges on [4,6)
all it implies is that the power series converges on an interval (-r,r) with r greater than or equal to 4
such an interval includes x=1 which you can plug in to get \sum c_n converges
@Astyx wanna go to a private room?
Fine by me
Alright, I am not sure how to invite lol
@arctictern How can you be sure of that ??
@Maks be sure of what? I said many things.
You have a power series with center $0$
(not sure if center is the right term)
@arctictern I marked the middle sentence, the $ (-r,r) $ with $ r \geq 4 $
but the idea is that, a general power series is of the form $\sum_n c_n(x-a)^n$
and you have $a=0$
So there is a radius of convergence around $a = 0$
it's a fact of analysis that any power series around a point converges for values inside a disk centered at the point and diverges for values outside of it. (one proves it with the ratio test)
Since your series converges at $x=4$, this radius is at least $4$.
Ohh ok
@Astyx so $f:\mathbb{R}\to\mathbb{R}$ doesnt have to hit anything in the codomain, but it has to have a value for all $x\in\mathbb{R}$?
Yes, and this value has to be in $\Bbb R$
then $E$ is superfluous i think, A is the domain ;) (but ok, at least i got it!)
What do you mean $E$ is superfluous ?
well, the functions are in $map(A,R)$. So A is the domain of those functions
And what do you call $E$ ?
$E$ was the domain, no ?
mmh, no, those functions are just in $map(A,R)$. Therefore their domain has to be A or? (and the codomain some subset of R)
Yeah, I didn't know you called their domain $A$, so I called it $E$, but it's the same thing really
ah ok!
i just thought the first time that this would be necessary ;)
Right :)
How can I find a power series that represents $ \int \frac {1} {1-x} $ ?
not straightforward: realize that 1+x+x^2+.. = 1/(1-x)
(geometric series)
@Astyx eh, i dont know what there is to show for commutativity. This seems pretty obvious, but what is there to show?
straightforward: use the (extended) binomial theorem
exactly the same thing
I am trying to calculate the extremas and monocity of function $arcsin(\frac{2x}{x^2+1})$ - I calculated the derivative which is equal to $\frac{-2}{x^2+1}$
Show that for any element in the codomain, $g(x) +f(x)= f(x) + g(x)$
which means that the derivative of this arcsin is always negative
An dthus $f+g = g+f$
$f(x)+g(x)=g(x)+f(x)$ what step inbetween this would there be?
yet when i plot it in wolfram i get that it has local extremas:
can any1 explain what i am doing wrong here?
confirm your derivative with wolframalpha
its the same
the derivative is always negative
for all x
@Astyx or do i have to show: $(f+g)(x)=(g+f)(x)$ rather?
yet the function is not always decreasing
$=$ is symmetric
Oh yes I see what you mean
Yes you do
and then i expand the LHS, and use symmetry as an argument?
(but since $(f+g)(x) = f(x) + g(x)$ ... :p)
Not symmetry
@Null what was the link you sent to me for mathjax again ?
@maks no it isnt
your derivative does not match
@DHMO I think you meant to write "max"
@Astyx it was just your post with associativity
@Astyx ah
are you playing on your name
thanks a lot
any way, it is a common misconception that sqrt(a^2) = a
@Astyx (A2) Commutativity of addition

Let $f,g$ be two functions in $map(A,R)$.
Let $x\in A$.
Then $(f+g)(x)=f(x)+g(x)$ which by symmetry is equal to $(g+f)(x)$.
And since this holds for all $x\in A$:
Which proves commutativity.
Yes that's right
something new everyday xd
@Null However I would emphasize on the fact that addition is commutative on $R$, and that that's what's used here
@Max see above
ohh it is sqrt(a^2)=|a|
@Astyx "This uses the fact, that $R$ is a ring." would be sufficent or?
@Null Well then again i would emphasize that you are using commutativity in a ring !
But maybe that's just me
The idea is to be as concise as possible
@Astyx ah, ok i understand
Yes, $R$ is a ring so it's sufficient
But it's not necessary
Whereas commutativity for addition in $R$ is
Anyway I'm gonna go now
Good day/night to all of you
@Astyx good sleep
in a set $map(A,R)$, what is the additive inverse of a given function f(x)? (-f)(x) i guess, but how do we show that (-f)(x) is indeed again in $map(A,R)$?
R is a ring, A some nonempty set
@Null you already know the answer in your heart. what's the additive inverse of a real-valued function f(x)? it's -f(x), where we simply take the additive inverse pointwise. same applies to any function taking values in a set with an abelian group operation (like addition in a ring).
@arctictern (A4) Inverse elements for addition: negative elements

Let $f$ be a function in $map(A,R)$.
Let $x\in A$.
Then $f(x)=y$, where $y\in R$.
Since $R$ is a ring, there exists an additive inverse of $y$.
Now we define $-f(x)$ in such a way that if $f(x)=y$ then $-f(x)=-y$ for all $y\in R$.
Therefore any function in $map(A,R)$ has at least one additive inverse. like that?

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