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it's the double cover of O(2).
Wait. So, is "Spin" called that because of the English word spin, and then "Pin" called that because it's spin without an s?
If so, that just amounts to a bad pun
disagree - it makes the origin and relation obvious
What would we have done had spin not begun with an s
${\rm S^{-1}Turn}(n)$
who cares? the notation actually worked well in this setting; that it wouldn't in an alternate universe isn't important
it's a nice question to keep the mathematico-philosophers pondering though
legend has it "pinor" is a french dirty pun too
@AkivaWeinberger related
Repalce "Ben Frankin" with "dude who invented the word spin," and "EE" with "math nerd"
Hi, DogAteMy :)
Tern, pretty close to one, yes.
hi @TedShifrin
hi Karim. Sorry about your exam. But move forward.
Yeah. I have to study functional analysis.
@BalarkaSen Usually I'd say a big number like "I've already told you 38000 times to do X", because I like number 38. Or say "I've told you this for the n-th time!"
@Mike On Pin: "The name was introduced in (Atiyah, Bott & Shapiro 1964, page 3, line 17), where they state "This joke is due to J-P. Serre"."

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