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oh I see how I can do it.
first we have to show that $\{z_n\}$ is cauchy sequence in X.
then we can use that some how
but that's clear, no?
we have $||z_n-z_m||_X\le (1+C)||z_n-z_m||_X<\epsilon$
where $||T||_\mathrm{op}=C$.
oh wait
that's not $<\epsilon$
But that still works!
$||z_n-z_m||_X\le ||z_n-z_m||_X+||T(z_n-z_m)||_Y<\epsilon$
@Adeek Agreed?
Similarly $(T(z_n))$ is Cauchy in $Y$.
@BalarkaSen Shouldn't you be asleep?
woke up
@BalarkaSen Is the projection a closed map in the product topology?
I know it's open.
@0celo7 $xy = 1$
It is for compact factors however
@MikeMiller Rats. We talked about this topology and that was the example he used
@MikeMiller What do I do if I've had to prove something I think that someone else already knew, but hasn't written down ( I think)? Do I just email them saying "you knew this already, right?"?
@PVAL-inactive That's what I would do. This is just something they know and not something they're trying to write a paper on, yes?
The someone else is the top person in my field.
This is something I assume they've known for 30 years.
It's not your advisor?
Oh. Obviously.
I emailed him once before about something, and he responded.
@PVAL-inactive Why didn't they write a paper?
Everyone says hes really nice, but he's one of the few mathematicians whose profile is really intimidating.
Yeah probably just ask him. I guess you would state it in the paper as "this was first observed by YE" assuming it was.
@0celo7 They had better things to write papers about.
The result is that if $X_1,X_2$ are compact exact symplectic manifolds with convex boundary and $X_1$ symplectically embeds inside $X_2$, then $X_2-X_1$ is an exact symplectic manifold with the same form.
He's written arguments that are close to word for word to thing I proved, but he proved different things with them.
I liked his note on extending exact cobordisms.
which note is that?
The one used in holomorphic disks etc.
@MikeMiller those cobordisms aren't necessairly exact.
My bad.
You see how well I know symplectic stuff.
Well I emailed my advisor about it so theres a chance he knows a reference for it. I sort of feel like he'll probably say "ya I knew about this, and YE probably knew about this before me" or something.
It's like Thurston. I feel like YE knows half the things that get published.
Why the acronym?
Because I do not want to reveal publicly who I am talking about contacting.
There's the thing where he knew a calculation of $\pi_0 \text{Diff}(S^3)$ and wrote that you can do it by filling discs in a paper and then someone wrote a 50 page paper where they carried it out later.
It's not hard to figure out who the "top person" in your field is, tbh.
I am aware, but I'd like plausible deniability etc.
Hm, ok.
@PVAL-inactive My advisor recommended his book.
CE or EM
I have heard of him a lot but no clue about any of his works.
Hello, I have a question about non-isomorphism tree
@PVAL-inactive The GSM one.
@MikeMiller I mean, does that really count as "knowing"? Is it possible to know that a proof doesn't hit a snafu unless you write it out? Especially when it takes 50 pages to do so?
He knew.
Or did he have it in a notebook somewhere?
probably that.
I think he had probably computed that the moduli spaces of bishop disks were nice enough for the proof to work somewhere for other reasons.
@PVAL-inactive Do you know the book I'm talking about?
Ya thats the EM book I said
Oh, what does EM mean?
The other author's name begins with an M.
Oh, right.
Nice book.
I own it. Haven't really read it.
What does one need to read it? My advisor was too vague.
I've spent quite a lot of time on CE.
if you asked to count all trees that are non-isomorphism with 6 vertices, then the answer is 6 according to this site math.stackexchange.com/questions/413792/trees-on-six-vertices , but I don't know why the count two trees with the same degree?
Don't you mean ET.
Probably just 1st year level diff top.
Hmm, ok. That's what he said.
No i mean CE.
According to my understading is that you are asked this kind of question, you start counting from degree 2 (we cannot start with degree 1 since there is no tree never with degree 1 and connected at the same time)
Off to homework. Byes
I've read a good deal of ET too I guess, but I've commited my life to CE.
so with degree 2, you have like this one (. --- . --- . --- . --- . --- .)
assume that . is vertex and --- is an edge
Oh right.
I've spent no time on it. But again, I know nothing about this.
Sometimes I feel I'm speaking with myself
There's an interesting disparaging review of ET on Amazon.
hm @0celo7 chehcking it
yeah I agree
@PVAL-inactive I've seen him around. He's extremely bizarre.
I agree completely with you
@Adeek Ok I really need to get work done but maybe I've given you an idea
yeah I think I got it so we have X and Y complete right
so $z_n \rightarrow z$
and also $T(z_n) \rightarrow T(z)$
I guess $T(z_n) \rightarrow y$
@Adeek you need bounded for that
closed -> bounded -> continuous
yeah bounded --> continous as we have linear operator
we know that T is bounded
Ugh. So frustrated. Someone I know from UGA posted a crap solution, then wrote a remark that everything he did was backwards. And told me that sufficed because he'd written the remark. Ugh.
so it is continous
so we must have $T(z_n) \rightarrow T(z)$
@Balarka: What the **** are you doing awake?
i woke up!
Oh great. 3 hours of sleep.
I think this place is like a drug for you ... :D
shrug. tell that to my biological clock.
I don't know how you function if I don't sleep for 8 hrs then I can't focus
No wonder you're always sickly.
He's probably not a human...
Good, Karim. Stay healthy.
Good point, @0celo.
But you're perhaps only semi-human yourself.
@TedShifrin How does this possibly affect your life?
Youre not teaching again are you?
Spending significant time here is teaching, yes, @PVAL. And I guess sloppy arrogance in people I like is distressing.
I am proud of this particular compliment: chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/36?m=28820219#28820219 (probably that's not what Mike intended it as though)
oh on this site?
Yes, on this site.
Thanks for fixing the spelling, @Balarka :D
@PVAL: I do not pretend to be perfect. But if someone comments that things are all wrong, I try to fix them or I delete. I don't say "I've done enough as it is."
oh ok it is trivial afterwards @0celo7
I like the fact that this person is trying to learn stuff better by answering questions, but if his answers screw up other people, that's not helpful.
@Adeek Can you post the proof of that Banach thing?
trying to think of EM books
EM are the names of the authors
Yes, so I deduced. Not E&M. :P
If you scroll up it should obvious who the E is ( I think).
@TedShifrin Jackson
LOL, 0celo, yes, but neither an E nor an M.
so we have $\{z_n\}$ which goes to z in the X norm. Also, we have $T{z_n}$ goes to T(z) in the Y norm so this means that $||z - z_n||_X + ||T(z_n) - T(z)||$ goes to zero as n goes to infinity.
That completes the proof.
sure @0celo7
I could send you the notes
Oh, please do.
can I have your email
@TedShifrin The book has a lower case h in the title.
ROFL, gee, thanks, @PVAL.
oke got it
I will send it from my personal uni email
just a sec
OK, Milnor. But there wasn't a coauthor, was there? Oh, Epstein?
@TedShifrin no
I suspect that h is special enough for it to distinguish between books
Not Russian enough
I thought the "h" was a solo author.
Who has a lower case h as a first letter of a last name :P
inb4 some Dutch person
last name? I was thinking h-cobordism.
I give up.
@0celo7 done
but not quite
goes back to martinis
That's actually quite close.
let me know I could actually all notes that I have
the guy explains everything from scratch if you want
It's written by someone Arnold doesn't think very highly of as an expositor (I guess that really doesn't narrow it down).
@Adeek the proofs are posponed of the first two things!?
LOL, @PVAL. I co-wrote a paper that in large part was making rigorous something A'rnold said in a sentence.
@0celo7 I have it in later notes if you want it
One of my better papers, actually :P
do you want me to share all of the notes ?
it is not that many actually
He shares advisor with someone whose self-portrait is a baboon (or was it something else in his site page? I don't remember)
@TedShifrin Do you have an online copy?
Well, in fairness to my friend, I have to report he deleted (rather than spend 5 minutes making it a decent answer).
Yes, @PVAL.
@BalarkaSen lol what?
Can you link it?
Balarka, go back to sleep if you're going to be that helpful.
No, @PVAL, not easily, but I can email it.
Sorry about that :3
I'll stop.
@TedShifrin I got a scholarship btw
2000 $
Good for you, Karim!
Can you email it to me?
I'm interested.
Can you email me $2000 too?
sure @PVAL-inactive
yeah I am happy about that pays for rent and food haha
Sure, @PVAL, not exactly down your alley, but this ended up being the beginning of a whole saga for me and coworkers. Let me see if I can resurrect your email.
@PVAL-inactive can I have your email ?
@Adeek what are you sending him?
You're going to email him cash?
noo lol
Does that even work?
functional analysis notes ?
He was asking for Ted's paper
he asked for it
oh ok
Ted's papper on what?
Tell me. Now.
okay guys I am gonna go grab the bus
I will be here soon maybe hour
That's a lot of heavy lifting, Karim.
I grabbed the bus today
haha @TedShifrin
btw @TedShifrin I found this great algebra book called allufi chapter 0
I am reading it while I am on the bus
Oh, I know about Paolo's grad algebra text. Well respected.
It's nice, but has an abstract point of view.
It's a weird book.
Ted... Tell about what is your paper. Now.
I like that @BalarkaSen
I don't mind that so much at the grad level.
I like the book introduces category theory from scratch
I don't object to his treatment of classification of groups of a certain order.
@Fractional: This was about cusps of the Gauss map of a generic surface in $\Bbb CP^3$.
Let's talk about less known facts.
Did you know that there is a very simple algebraic expressions to compute the lesser angle of a right triangle in terms of its sides?
That's to say, it gives a very accurate approximation.
trig is too hard
Ask what is the expression.
I don't dare
@Adeek got it
good lord
@Ted Did you figure out who E is yet?
Ocelo, this is a MATH CHAT, not transvestite chat.
No, @PVAL, but I finally found your email address.
@FractionalInquirer What is wrong with you?
He proved one of Arnold's most famous conjecture in the case of (real) surfaces. I don't know if an english translation of that proof ever came to be.
Just give it up. I sent the email.
@TedShifrin Even I knew who it was!
Ohhh ... You could have told me Stanford.
@TedShifrin How do you remember where all these people are?
My advisor does the same thing
I was referring to Gromov when I said that baboon thing.
Well, cuz I know a lot of them, even if not personally. I actually know a fair number of people at Stanford. I'll be there in a couple of weeks.
Well, Balarka, he sorta looks like one.
Not that any math geeks should poke fun for looks.
He looks homeless...
I think he looks pretty nice.
Not commenting.
OK, I'm disappearing. G'night, @Balarka.
@Ted Why is this titled Brieskorn paper?
There's no interesting topology around the singularities is there?
@PVAL: No, it's because I replied to the last email you sent me. Sorry about that. I was so confuzled.
guess who's back
@0celo7 how do you like the notes ?
Haven't looked at them. Currently freaking out about QM.
He should let us have an equation sheet
It is lucky your doing math and physics
I'm an engineer
your not doing double major in math and physics ?
double major in engineering and math.
QM is relevant to my engineering work
the homework was easy, then it got super hard
so I hope he puts questions like those on the first homeworks
your not gonna continue onto math ?
I'm not particularly good at math, so no.
oh god what if I have to compute something like $\int_\Bbb Rx^4 e^{-x^2}dx$
oh that would kill me
Better memorize Gaussian integrals.
@0celo: Honestly, I hate it when you and @Balarka say stuff like "I'm not particularly good at math." Quit that. The fact that you can assimilate (granted, not like one of the stars in the field) sophisticated graduate level math at your age(s) disqualifies both of you from talking like this. Seriously, quit it.
Regoodnight @MikeM ... and good evening to tern!
3 hours later…
@FractionalInquirer arctan(b/a)?
@0celo7 use the fact that $\int_\Bbb Re^{-x^2}\ \mathrm dx=2\pi$? (standard distribution)
@TedShifrin I just felt at times that I'm only quick at assimilating ideas, but not at proving things with them. I've grown to understand that as useless, hence the comment. But I have slowly stopped caring about being or not being good at math; the important thing is I like doing it, and it's part of my life (I guess I'm not very good at living either!)
I mean $\sqrt{2\pi}$
Let $I = \int_\Bbb R e^{-x^2}\ \mathrm dx$.
Then $I^2 = \int_\Bbb R \int_\Bbb R e^{-x^2-y^2}\ \mathrm dx\ \mathrm dy$.
$I^2 = \int_\Bbb {R^+} \int_0^{2\pi} r e^{-r^2}\ \mathrm d\theta\ \mathrm dr$.
$I^2 = \int_\Bbb {R^+} 2\pi r e^{-r^2}\ \mathrm dr$.
$I^2 = \int_\Bbb {R^+} 2\pi e^{-r^2}\ \mathrm dr^2$.
$I^2 = 2\pi\left( e^{-\infty^2} - e^0 \right)$.
$I^2 = 2\pi$.
$I = \sqrt{2\pi}$.
$\quad\int_\Bbb R x^4 e^{-x^2}\ \mathrm dx$
$= - \dfrac12 \int_\Bbb R x^3\ \mathrm de^{-x^2}$
$= - \dfrac12 (x^3 e^{-x^2})_{-\infty}^\infty + \dfrac12 \int_\Bbb R e^{-x^2}\ \mathrm d(x^3)$
$= - \dfrac12 (x^3 e^{-x^2})_{-\infty}^\infty + \dfrac32 \int_\Bbb R x^2 e^{-x^2}\ \mathrm dx$
$= - \dfrac12 (x^3 e^{-x^2})_{-\infty}^\infty - \dfrac34 \int_\Bbb R x\ \mathrm de^{-x^2}$
$= - \dfrac12 (x^3 e^{-x^2})_{-\infty}^\infty - \dfrac34 (x e^{-x^2})_{-\infty}^\infty + \dfrac34 \int_\Bbb R e^{-x^2}\ \mathrm dx$
I'm sure 0celo7 can do the relevant computations
I just want to practise
ah, ok
oops, it is $\sqrt\pi$ not $\sqrt{2\pi}$
but why?
Oh, I transformed $r\ \mathrm dr$ erroneously to $\mathrm d(r^2)$
Is there any straightforward proof of $\sum i^2=\dfrac16(n)(n+1)(2n+1)$? I have seen two proofs (1. consider $\sum(i+1)^3-i^3$, 2. mathematical induction) but I always believe in the beauty and elegance of mathematics...
3 hours later…
@user51189 this message is only to do feedback about one of your questions, thus is not required a response. Good luck. My idea as companion of the answers, is that number theory study integers (whose factorisation in terms of prime numbers) and arithmetic functions. An important class of such are multiplicative functions, if you declare that $2$ is not a prime then this is a complication for the theorems involving multiplicative functions.
@DHMO if compare $x^2$ on $[i,i+1]$ with $i^2 \chi_{[i,i+1]}(x)$ you find that the difference of the integrals will be $\frac13 [(i+1)^3-i^3] - i^2 =\frac13 (i^3+3i^2+3i+1-i^3)-i^2= i+\frac13$.
@s.harp what is $\chi$?
so the difference of $\int_0^n x^2 dx$ and $\sum_i^n i^2$ is $\sum_i^n (i+\frac13)=\frac{n(n-1)}2+\frac n3$
$\chi_A(x)=\begin{cases} 0 &x\notin A\\ 1 & x\in A\end{cases}$
i dont know if this proof is elegant, but it is a simple analysis calculation of the same result without much moving of summands
although actually this is just the first proof you mentioned where the $(i+1)^3-i^3$ term is replaced by an integral, LOL
Thanks for your feedback, I was asking my deleted question only as curiosity @Bemte You are welcome in next future.
3 hours later…
learning is difficult
And tiresome.
Sometimes :P
but fun nevertheless

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