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@r9m I see a pattern to write that as a (finite) series ...
@Chris'ssis :o ?!
(depending of $k$, of course)
@r9m hehe, it's really funny.
@r9m I was pretty disappointed at my oral exam simulation today. He asked me to prove AM-GM (LOL), then to prove more trivial inequalities and apply those to a dull series... Not in the same league as the problems I posted recently...
@G.T.R inequalities ? :) like ?
@G.T.R tu passe quels oraux ?
@Daniel thanks for your help :)
@Chris'ssis what is ? :o
@r9m I'll write the whole proof on paper, and I'll show it to you. Maybe I'll send it to Ovi too.
@Chris'ssis to me too :D
Charlie is gone
@Charlie goodnight
@Chris'ssis :D !!!! .. looking froward :D
@r9m let me find it
What do you guys think about this?
@Hippalectryon There are more ways to approach that I think.
@KajHansen Well i use it often so ....
@Chris'ssis Maybe, but i'm more than interested in looking at your proof :D
@KajHansen I agree with the proposal, even though I didn't expect to when I first saw it
Good arguments
I asked 2 questions today :)
Anyway, although it looks like a titan, it is not a titan ...
heya @Kaj ... GRRR ...
Who wants a link ? :p
I never use the homework tag .. :P I think one of my prof knows I'm here but doesn't know my username :P .. its safer that way :P
@Chris'ssis baby titan ? :D
@TedShifrin, I simply couldn't resist. I admit I felt a little bad...
@Hippalectryon Yeah, that's it! :D
After what I went through yesterday with some 100+K user ignoring someone's explicit instructions to give NO hints — let alone solutions — because of a test ... I'm fed up with everyone here. Of course, the kid shouldn't be going on line to get clarification that his professor won't provide. Pfeh to everything.
@Chris'ssis Don't you have any shame, killing infants :c
No you didn't, @Kaj. :)
In context, there was a lot of humor involved in the actual lecture, @Kaj :D
@Hippalectryon lol :-)))
hi/bye @mick
I should watch that 'episode', especially now that I've had Math 4000. :)
@TedShifrin HI how are you ?
@TedShifrin i see where the kid's coming from though
@Chris'ssis Uh i was wondering ... I told you to send me the proofs of your awesome integrals if you had some time to write them down/scan them/whatever, but.... is there a way to send messages in SE ? (except the chat)
You got all the 4000 references in diff geo, @Kaj ... not much there ... I dunno what you're talking about.
@KajHansen what is math 4000 ? is its powerlevel over 9000 ?
Yes, @Alex, I did too ... So I was furious at the responders, not so much at the kid. But what idiot prof gives take-home exams in this day and age? Are they just oblivious?
basic abstract algebra, @mick
@mick, it's what they call abstract algebra here at UGA
@TedShifrin Maybe they just don't care if people cheat.
@Pedro was complaining that we use numbers, rather than titles, for courses in the US
Seriously? @Alex ... How deplorable.
@TedShifrin, we got take-home exams from Dr. Schuttler.
Why not just give all students A's and be done with it.
He didn't think you could do computations in finite time, @Kaj, I guess ... but doesn't he know about all these resources?
I had this one professor for thermodynamics (who has since passed on, R.I.P.) that gave take-homes for a week, fully knowing that we'd be cheating
Were there any instructions not to cheat, @Alex?
that we'd be with our friends trying to figure it out, trying to find the solutions on the internet
@Hippalectryon I'd like to add those "little wonders" to a book. :-)
Let's just give everyone college degrees and skip all the rest of it. I'm honestly fed up.
@TedShifrin he said something along the lines of "I expect you all to do this yourselves, but obviously I have no way of enforcing that."
@Chris'ssis As I said, if you ever do, notice me :D i'll get it right away
@Hippalectryon hehe, thanks. :D
I've even prosecuted students for copying on homework. I'm just fed up.
@Chris'ssis Provided you don't have weird publishers who raise prices to $180 like @Ted 's -________-
@TedShifrin, it's true that there was simply no way we'd be finishing the exams in just a few hours. IIRC, very lengthy problem sets comprised most of the grades anyways.
what he did was write his own problems and make them incredibly difficult. He viewed the take-homes as learning experiences rather than tests... and I did learn a lot.
like pressing charges ?
@Hippa: That's pretty much universal. Don't drag me into this.
Idk, I respect that, though I wouldn't do it.
@AlexanderGruber What level of thermodynamics?
Well, that's what my homework is, @Alex. And tests are more routine.
@TedShifrin I'm only mentioning you because you were the one i had in mind lol *- i don't usually buy book on the internet, let alone math books
My homework in thermo at MIT was quite, quite difficult, and we had regular hour exams.
@skullpatrol it was 3rd year statistical mechanics
@Hippalectryon :-) keep in mind @TedShifrin is a great professor as many said here, but I have no background in mathematics. So, my book will be much cheaper. ;)
@TedShifrin, physics minor? Or was thermo offered through the math department as an applied course?
@Chris'ssis At worst i'll pay in dogecoins :P
@Hippalectryon :-)))))))))
No, no, @Kaj. It was chemistry. I took it first term freshman year ... and then statistical thermo my senior year 'cuz I liked the stuff.
@TedShifrin i was really surprised how much I liked stat mech.
@Chris'ssis: Quality of books and quality of teachers are probably not related. Plenty of horrid of both.
Yes, @Alex, me too ... of course, physical chemistry is so much multivariable calculus, which I have always loved. But I loved the mathematical flavor and the fact that everything explained high school chemistry :P
Plenty of horrid teachers ? that's bad :c
@TedShifrin maybe you like my questions ....
@TedShifrin It reminded me a lot of combinatorics.
@TedShifrin Physical chemistry ..... uh ? What is that ?
with the "ensembles" and all that
I know physics... I know chemistry.... but ...
Physics + Chemistry
Thermodynamics ... as opposed to organic or inorganic chemistry. It's the nuts and bolts explaining the underpinnings of chemical reactions and processes. @Hippa
@r9m I got it, let me typeset
Rather than memorizing tons of reaction mechanisms (ugh)
@G.T.R 'kay :)
@TedShifrin Oh ok - to me it's divided into two parts, one in physics, and a more advanced one in chem :)
We teach it in both physics and chemistry at most places in the US ... @Hippa.
@TedShifrin FAAAALSE you don't need to learn by heart lots of things in orga lol
Somewhat different viewpoints.
@TedShifrin better to have a feel for reaction mechanisms than memorizing them :)
@TedShifrin Oh ok - we have separate classes here
Of course, but ... reality ... [now I sound like skull]
Better to learn math by understanding and applying, not memorizing ... but 95% of math students memorize.
@Hippalectryon, I think it depends on who is teaching the course. My dad, a chemistry professor, has expressed disdain for organic courses because many of them focus on memorization.
@KajHansen :c
I can't speak from experience though. My chemistry experience ended with the AP course unfortunately.
A good course should have a few basics and then lots of analytical application of the principles ... but it seems a lot of organic chemistry results in sheer memorization :(
I think you have to do some memorization, at least with definitions and such
@KajHansen So far to me it seems more like logic (of course, there are a bit more things to learn 'by heart' than in inorga chems)
@Kaj: Your adviser was a chemistry major. I'm sure he'd approve your taking a chemistry minor.
bubye, @mick
good afternoon everyone, just kidding, but actually do have a good afternoon :)
too many @Mick's ...
I feel like this image could be relevant: i.imgur.com/Uuo1ZVF.jpg :P
@G.T.R Unbelievable ... both Inequalities were Oral Questions ????!!!! :o
@GTR: J'ai l'argumentation pour ce problème $P+aP'$
@r9m yes, to be done in 30 minutes off the cuff
@Ted I'm all ears
You've lost me, @MickLH.
@G.T.R I am more that tempted to use the Silent Killing Jutsu on a silent night to whoever asks those on an interview !! :P .. did you know how to prove them btw ? :-)
It's your proof, no doubt, @GTR. We need to know that for $a,c_j\in\Bbb R$, $1+a\sum \dfrac 1{x-c_j}=0$ cannot have a non-real root.
loving double (or triple) negatives
@r9m yes, the first one is trivial, the second one requires a trick though (prof provided it kindly)
@KajHansen Chemistry has closer ties to Biology than Physics, imo.
Like BioChem
@G.T.R ah okay ,, what hint did the prof give ? I'm curious :)
@Ted I have something quite different
@skullpatrol, perhaps. There's a very articulate Feynman quote about the importance of understanding math in the physical sciences though. I wish I could find it.
Well, I'm surprised, @GTR, especially once I mentioned Lucas's Theorem.
@KajHansen I was surprised to find out how long they used his lectures at Cal Tech...20+ years
It's just a matter of noting the imaginary parts all have the same sign, so to get $0$, we must have them all be $0$.
@r9m $$\sum_{n=1}^\infty\sum_{k=1}^n = \sum_{k=1}^\infty \sum_{n=k}^\infty$$ he didn't give it away though (just pointed out that the sums could be swapped in a certain manner)
Fubini's Theorem is universal, @GTR.
@Ted we definitely don't have the same proof :P
Quel dommage @GTR
@Ted it's not Fubini at stake (both sums rely on each other)
It is Fubini!!
We're interchanging order of integration over $\{(x,y): 1\le x\le y\}$.
@KajHansen the one about seeing all the sciences in a glass of wine?
ah, I see @Ted
@skullpatrol, I'm not familiar with that one. The one I'm thinking of is from his interview "The Pleasure of Finding things Out" which was hosted by (PBS?)
OK, dinnertime for me. @GTR, we'll debate Lucas's Theorem later :)
@G.T.R hmm .. was that sufficient to you ? So he wanted you to do it Kedlaya's way .. the discrete from of Carleman can also be derived from the integral form .. :-) thats the other way I know of :)
See ya @Kaj @skull @Hippa et al
@TedShifrin See ya
Enjoy your dinner @Ted.
bye @Ted
Cool video @skull
His lectures are amazing.
@Chris'ssis sorry... been busy with stuff...
@robjohn OK. I'm creating some nice stuff here. :-)
@Chris'ssis cool... you should put some in the site blog :-)
@robjohn aaa, I see. :-)
@Chris'ssis It's a good place for expository articles (not necessarily in answer to a question)
@robjohn The blog launched ?! :D cool .. is new blog posts added once per week ?
@r9m ideally, but it depends on what is submitted.
@robjohn Yeah, that's true.
@r9m @TedShifrin mathb.in/17695
@G.T.R nice :) .. I had a variant in mind :) .. btw are you familiar with les-mathematiques.net .. ?
@r9m I sometimes go there
@KajHansen Congratulations, you're now totally addicted to chat!
@robjohn I didn't know the blog has started.
@G.T.R I'm finding it difficult to follow it ,, its all French .. :P that I can't read/understand
@r9m you're browsing the forums there or the teaching material ?
@G.T.R forum ... with google translate aid(that doesn't work always) :|
@r9m when you encounter French math terminology look it up on Wiki and change the langage to the English counterpart, that helps a lot
@G.T.R ah ! okay ,, thanks :-)
I gotta sleep, bye
gdn8 :)
Hello @AWertheim
Hello @BalarkaSen :)
it's raining hard in here.
@BalarkaSen kothay ?
@r9m Sodepur.
Well, Panihati I guess
We will be underwater if it keeps going on like this.
why ?
Benglish sounds so stupid.
@r9m I dunno. IMO, I mean.
Well, ilsheguri, @r9m
@BalarkaSen, it seems you're right. That's probably a bad thing.
@KajHansen Very bad.
Constant vigilance, @KajHansen, as Mad-eye would say.
haha, yeah
Hey @Pedro
Did you sort out that problem?
Not yet, no.
I am struggling with some group action stuffs.
group action
@ComTruise Did you get that topological galois theory stuffs?
S is a G-set if there is a function $G \times S \to S$ such that...
@ComTruise Are you making a question?
@ComTruise No. Abel-Ruffini theorem.
can you post the link again?
oh you are talking about the degree 5 polynomial solubility by radicals
@ComTruise yes, there is a topological proof of that done by Arnold
ok I will try to find that
it's in the book i have mentioned above.
and you can find the book in [blah]
yes it is just expensive so I will see if it is in my library
oh, so you like hard copies. snif
I guess I should go. Have loads to do and it's almost the crack of a dawn.
later pal
Bye, @BalarkaSen!
ok well have fun
Bye everyone.
"Every base is base '10': i.imgur.com/YMtfDP8.png
I saw a dude play that on a 12 string once. It was pretty cool.
Is Ramsey's Theorem really part of Ramsey Theory?
seems like more infinitary combinatorics
ok I guess you can phrase it in terms of colorings
@ComTruise if there's ever a Gruber theory and somebody asks that question I'll be raging in my grave.
@AlexanderGruber Why? Maybe you'll be someone who has a Gruber's Theorem in multiple areas of mathematics.
or it could come in handy for Physics: Gruber's princple
I think I have a textbook by someone named Gruber
hold on
@KarlKronenfeld You mean like, finite solvable group theory and finite supersolvable group theory?
@ComTruise Maybe he and I should hang out.

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