@G.T.R, will you please let me know how $\displaystyle \sum_k \binom r k x^k \sum_{n-k} \binom s {n - k} x^{n - k}=\displaystyle \sum_n \left({\sum_k \binom r k \binom s {n-k} }\right) x^n$?
@robjohn About 3 days ago my reputation was around 17090. Today it appears to have changed to 17510 but I cannot see any rep change on my reputation tab.
@MattN. This is usually taken care of before a user who has voted a lot leaves, but perhaps a community mod took care of the removal who did not know the usual procedure, so they had to take care of it afterwards.
@MattN. ah, I was looking in the wrong place. I only got 90 :-(
@TedShifrin interesting math, here we go : Soit $\lim x(n)=0$ et $\lim \frac{ln(x(n))}{s(n)}=a<0$ avec $s(n)=x(1)+...+x(n)$ Montrer que $\lim \frac{ln(x(n))}{ln(n)}=-1$
@G.T.R Well we have two axioms. 1. To each $a \epsilon S such that $a \noteq z \exists a' \epsilon S such that $a * a' = a' * a = e$. 2. If $a * b = z$ then $a = z or b = z$ or both. Basically it's to prove that if any ring fulfills 1. then 2. will also hold.
I've tried to work through it, but I've run into a problem.
@AlexanderGruber $F/\Bbb C(z)$ and $F'/\Bbb C(z)$ be galois extensions. if $\text{Gal}(F/\Bbb C(z)) \cong \text{Gal}(F'/\Bbb C(z))$ then prove that $F \cong F'$
I have been able to do this (well, not completely, but have an idea sketched) using galois theory of coverings, looking for a classical GT proof.
I made it up, by the way, it comes from one of my sketches of understanding of parametrizing quinitic riemann surfaces using automorphic forms. @alexander
@Hippalectryon @G.T.R "[...] dans cette discipline dont j'aimerais dédier mes futures années" dont est correct à cet endroit? ou il vaut mieux "pour laquelle"?
@Alexander I have my Graph Theory test on the $30^{th}$, don't have any tests out there though. Any suggestions on exercises I can go over, preferbly with solutions?
@Chris'ssis: the sum that you pointed out yesterday that Mma got wrong... not only was it divergent, but it was negative. The value it gave back was positive.