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Yeah. I have to teach/learn probability next fall for the first (and last) time ever. I expect you guys will help me out when I get stuck :P
@TedShifrin Lots of important people found it interesting. I respect their work. I personally find the subject incredibly dull.
Actually, @Kevin, combinatorics will have more stuff with generating functions and Stirling numbers of different sorts.
@Ted Ah okay! A friend of mine got a question of that nature during a phone interview for a consulting job
@TedShifrin Depends on the course. Mine only did the more interesting stuff in the latter half.
(generating functions, Polya counting)
Given a set of dice with some numbers on them, give another set whose distribution has the same average
something like that...... generating functions were required
@TedShifrin Well, I am taking Advanced Calculus and Algebra II next semester.
One of my former students (who's working for McKenzie now) was asked in an interview a bunch of questions. This is the one he couldn't get, shockingly. Suppose Kevin bicycles ten miles in exactly an hour. Is there a one-half hour interval in which he went exactly five miles?
First we spent a lot of time with n black balls, m white balls, and an urn.
I have to do binomial coeffs and that sort of stuff at the beginning of the probability course, too, @Mike.
@TedShifrin I do know most of the Advanced Calculus course, while I know say less than half of the Algebra course.
@PedroTamaroff Don't take Advanced Calc. Come on, ask them to let you into a real analysis class.
So, take an exam to exempt the Adv. Calc. class, @Pedro, and move on.
Real meaning 'actual' here.
@TedShifrin Dunno if I have the balls to do that. =)
Exemption exams are not forgiveful.
You don't need to take the exam if an adviser gives you my advice. I thought it would make you feel legitimate to do so.
Come again?
@PedroTamaroff Talk to your advisor, tell him you know literally all of that stuff.
You do.
@Pedro Ted means you oculd just sign up for the advanced course if an advisor tells you to, no exam required
I'm sure that a faculty adviser can clear you to take appropriate stuff without your having to exempt every course you already "know."
But if you don't feel OK doing htat then maybe take hte exam anyway
Get your faculty advisor to devise an appropriate plan of study for you that doesn't involve retaking things you know.
Sadly, if advisers in BA are like advisers in this country, most of them are incompetent.
Ya, for people in their 1st or 2nd year they often have a general advisor (outside their intended major) who doesnt really know what they should or shouldnt be taking
when it comes ot advanced studies
@TedShifrin that's pretty mean.
@Mike I see. Well, I am taking a pretty basic course now.
Even my colleagues who advise math majors their 3rd and 4th years are woefully skilled at it, @Kevin.
It's not an accident I have 70-80 advisees @user4140.
Some classes ago we proved that $x_0=0,x_{n+1}=\dfrac{x_n^2+1}2$ converges. =/
what does that mean?
What does what mean?
@Ted Yes. I was poorly advised. For some reason Duke physics basically assigns all the phys majors to 1 advisor who is also the director for undergraduate studies in the department
He's asking me, @Pedro. It means that students want me to advise them because I do a good job of it.
He never had the time or inclination to give me useful, specific advice
However, when I retire in a year, they're all going to have to manage somehow. I worry about some of our Honors students, actually, but ... oh well. My ego notwithstanding, they will survive.
I didnt really prepare myself for grad school until my senior year whne my independent study advisor was like "You nee dot do X, Y, Z or you won't get accepted"
Right, @Kevin. Being director of undergrad studies doesn't necessarily make one talented and or interested in advising. Someone has to do it.
@PedroTamaroff You're wasting your time, man. I wasted too much of my time doing stuff like that and I sincerely regret it. Don't be like me, take all the high-level stuff you can, don't waste time with the stuff you know.
@TedShifrin your students must have been very lucky to have you as an advisor .
@TedShifrin I'll advise your students for you.
What could possibly go wrong?
LOL, sure, @Mike. I've been doing Physics majors for a few years, too :P
@TedShifrin You know Mariano has a slightly different point of view. He tells me to take the courses, and study by my self the other stuff.
Until they get to junior status. (Honors students, that is.)
@Pedro. That's really interesting. Why does he say that?
He doesn't have a "rush it" philosophy. When I suggested the idea of skipping courses, he said: "What would happen if you graduated tomorrow?"
I have placed several of our super-strong undergrads in graduate real analysis the fall of their junior year -- fabulous teacher, and they're ready for it, and they want it. They know enough to be successful and have a gung-ho attitude. Why make them wait until graduate school to progress?
@TedShifrin Does your partner know?
But what you said was still pretty mean.
Fine, @user4140. I am opinionated. You do not need to like what I say ... or listen to it.
What are you talking about, @Mike?
you can be opinionated without being mean
@Pedro, it might be Mariano is picking up on your reluctance to take risk. But I disagree with him.
@TedShifrin That you've been doing physics students for the last couple years... :P
@user4140: It was not an ad hominem attack on any particular person. Therefore, it was not mean. It was the truth.
@Pedro There's a difference between rushing and not wasting your time. A huge one.
@TedShifrin What happened?
LOL ... oh @Mike. Would that there were the partner to which you refer :D
first you say you are opinionated and then you say you only say the truth?
@user4140 ... I am not going to respond to you any further. If you do not like me, ignore me.
@Mike Well, maybe I can talk with someone about it, see what they think. It is a bit bothersome to be taking a class where I am learning about $\limsup$s and $\liminf$s.
@Pedro Good :)
It's not that I don't like you, I was just pretty surprised by your response, I feel like you anger easily.
oooo a bunny
@user4140 What is the problem?
@user4140 Grumpy Ted is always like that ;)
(Reminder to all that there's an ignore feature in chat, which I have found exceptionally helpful)
@user4140 there's the bunny playbites on @PedroTamaroff 's ear then lets go
I don't think there is one.
oh, Pedro is the bunny.
pets bunny
yeah the bugs bunny pic
LOL @usukidoll
I wonder if @TedShifrin is related to the movie Ted.. hmmmmmmmmm...
What movie Ted?
There's Bob and Carol and Ted and Alice ... back from the 70s or some long time ago.
The one about a bear?
Ted (stylized as ted) is a 2012 American comedy film directed, co-produced, and co-written by Seth MacFarlane, with MacFarlane, Mark Wahlberg and Mila Kunis in leading roles. The supporting cast includes Joel McHale and Giovanni Ribisi. The film is MacFarlane's feature-length directorial debut, produced by Media Rights Capital and distributed by Universal Pictures. It was released on June 29, 2012, to critical and commercial success, becoming the 12th highest-grossing film of 2012, the highest-grossing R-rated film of the year, and the highest-grossing original R-rated comedy of all time....
lol yeh, that one
@user4140 yeah the one about the bear
Movie sucked.
That one sucks
has anyone looked up Sochi Problems XD
comedy movies are almost always forgettable
yes, my dad watches fox news
so I know everything about sochi problems unfortunately
oh boy let's not go into that one
into which one?
about sochi problems
besides the bad translations and falling doorknobs in hotels
Fox News is probably in favor of gay-bashing, anyhow. [OK, that is stated to be argumentative.]
Oh, I only knew about the bad Hotel conditions
one image made me go O_o do not flush toilet paper in toilet...put it in the bin.. UM WHATTTTTTTTTTTT! So unhygenic
guess I don't know it all
@usukidoll lol, doesn't sound so terrible
The problems there are sadder than funny, I think, because they're representative of the way the people might live
-.- not unless everyone does #2
@TedShifrin So, to be honest, I have no study plan whatsoever.
@Pedro Make one!
could someone explain why cooked quinoa has less protein than raw quinoa according to the FDA?
Makes no sense to me.
I'm sorry, @Pedro. You should find some faculty member who actually knows what you can do who'll give good advice. I would have guessed Mariano would be a good choice, but perhaps not, unless you make it clear to him you are unhappy with the status quo.
and the difference in protein is quite substancial
@TedShifrin I haven't spoken with him seriously, really.
I thought it was pretty hard to denaturalize protein.
@user4140 Ask a biologist, man.
@user4140 No, it is pretty easy.
There's a key difference between rushing through the courses you need to take and graduating tomorrow - and taking courses more suited to you.
When you cook egg, you denaturalize.
Is Mariano a prof at BA?
When you cook meat, you denaturalize.
@Mike UBA? Yes, he recently got a position.
But it's still protein right?
@user4140 Well, it changes.
Loses properties.
@user4140 It unravels from it's special coil
how could you explaint this difference?
That's why it is called "denaturalization".
@Pedro Ah, gotcha.
who care
who are you talking to?
Anyone have a reasonable explanation?
Heat changes stuff!
blah I have to finish the latex......in x amount of minutes. I'm just chillin :P
@alizter if one tilt does not care, it is not worth the effort to add the 's'
Go ask there
@TedShifrin You there?
Yup, @Pedro.
Well, I just don't want you to judge Mariano before knowing him. =) He really motivated me to study and get to know what I know now.
I ate Mariano he was delicious .. I added some Cajun spices
unions of open sets must be open, but unions of closed set could be open or closed, right?
@KevinDriscoll Yes.
is this topology?
@user4140 No, this is dog.
you mean the union of two closed sets?
@Pedro Let X = {1,2} with the trivial topology. {1} and {2} are closed, but {1,2} equals X and therefore must be open
@KevinDriscoll X is also closed.
or any family of sets?
Remember "not closed $\neq$ open."
I have tons of respect for Mariano, @Pedro. And you are a very determined mathematician. I just hate to see you suffer through courses intended for students well below your knowledge level. I have plenty of advisees for whom our undergrad real analysis is too challenging and others for whom it's appropriate (based on their coursework, self-studying, and knowledge level) to skip it and move on.
Rather, $A$ is closed if what is not $A$ is open.
@pedro Ah yes, it is both here
@Kevin: Any finite union of closed is closed. Only infinite unions can mess up.
@KevinDriscoll As Ted says: finite intersections of open sets are open.
I find that video really funny
I remind my students that sets aren't like doors. Not open ≠ closed :P
Do you talk about ajar sets?
Just to confuse them.
From time to time, yes :P
Some student in my multivariable math class suggested that a few years ago :P
Things like [0,1), right?
what are ajar sets?
What about $\{1/n: n\in\Bbb N\}\subset\Bbb R$, @Karl? :D
any set that is neither open nor closed
@TedShifrin Yeah, same concept. :P
why can't google point me to them?
Because my paper isn't posted yet.
Damn, a failure in google ...
@Ted There's some trouble with that one, since $0 \in \mathbb N$ :D
Is it widely used notation?
Not to me, @Mike ... as you well know.
Hi all, In projective space of dimension m + n + 1 choose two complementary linear subspaces of dimensions m > 0 and n > 0. How can I show that these two subspaces of dimensions m,n span projective space of m+n+1 (In other words, why sum of dim. of spaces of complementary linear subspaces is 1 less than the projective space)
someone please tell @user4140 the truth.
@TedShifrin I volunteer you
@Ram: Turn it into a question about linear subspaces in $m+n+2$ space.
@Ted Your example still works as long as we move to $\Bbb P^1(\Bbb R)$
spanks @Mike hard
Ok, I'll do it.
so what is the truth?
@user4140: You don't trust me, anyhow. They were being humorous ... a door that is neither open nor closed is ajar. And one of my students did volunteer that terminology, but it is not standard math terminology. However, clopen is :P
oh I see.
@TedShifrin, yes thanks :)
Is there a name for a non-surjective and non-injective function?
useless crap?
@user4140 The concept of ajar set, due to Tamaroff, revolutionized modern mathematics. However, since it left no open problems, secret math cabals decide to hide it - less mathematicians be jobless!
if you'd said or, @Alizter, we could have said non-bijective. But I don't know a word, no.
as opposed to usefull crap
@TedShifrin Yes, I have a little table with surjectivity and injectivity and I was wondering for the "useless" case
do they really have interesting properties
Can you get interesting info from the ajar set of a topology?
ajar sets*
@user4140 yeah, you can then classify all open/closed sets.
he ajar set is the set of ajar sets
that's almost as good as telling me the topology!
remember, this is just the sets that are neither open nor have open complement. there are generally many of then
Not clear @Karl
which one?
He said almost as good @Ted
You only have the topology with probability 50% :P
Oh wait, it's with probability 0.
Ergo, not useful.
Those are better odds than not having the ajar sets at all! Metaphorically.
but it might be of use
even if you can get the full topology
well, I was hoping that we could argue by contradiction involving infinite unions to rule out some classes of sets being open so they must be closed.
I bet it's still probability 0, @Karl :P
@Karl I though that, but discrete topologies are problems
Unless we have a finite set.
But it still isn't 100%
@Mike hm, right I forgot that one kind of nontrivial topology where every set is either open or closed.
Yup, discrete topology.
Not exactly interesting, however. :P
Oh, god.
I need to take a break or something.
me too, @Karl.
complete and trivial look the same
@Karl Set your mind at ease from dumb math by looking at viXra
my protein question isn't getting attention
@Mike lol ok
Done grading @Mike?
@Ted About to start...
@Mike "We generalize inversion mathematically" instead of, say, politically
what is political inversion? I know one sociological use of the word.
@Karl What paper is that?
do they mean inversion in spheres?
or inversion in algebra?
ah, surely generalizing inversion in spheres
I'm not interested enough to look
@Ted They probably don't mean much of anything
I don't know what vixra is ... is this the manufactured paper site?
No, it's arXiv for cranks.
LOL ... does anyone vet it ?
No barrier to submission.
ah ...
so I could enlarge my publication list grossly by publishing there :P
Funny stuff gets posted there sometimes.
The question is: What percentage is humor and what percentage is people thinking they're doing serious mathematics?
@Ted Since you're about to retire, I don't think it could hurt :D
Oh, 99% is serious. But that doesn't stop it from being funny.
Well, I'd have to take the time to produce the crap, @Mike. Sadly, I have a stack 1 foot high of folders of work that several of us did that we just gave up and never published.
If you just scanned it and uploaded it it would have more mathematical relevance than the bull on vixra. Probably be less funny though.
@TedShifrin What's funny is they're called door spaces. :P
what is the difference from vixra and free to access math journals?
In this paper we introduce the concept of half-groups. This is a totally new concept and demands considerable attention.
Not funny at all. It was singularity theory of theta divisors of genus-4 Abelian varieties. Generalizing stuff we did for genus 3. Literally folders and folders of work. But we ran out of energy/desire to write it up in acceptable fashion.
Really? @Karl

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