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bot? @kaj
I know DonAntonio. Not MegaNoob though.
@KajHansen That bot is stupid!
I accepted that edit! @Integrator
I agree! LOL. I've seen some ridiculous stuff it produces to try and "trick" you.
@robjohn What is wrong with user: Olivier Oloa? Why his reputation below 10K? As far as I remembered, he already reach more than 13K or 15K. Also his answer to my question, As far as I remembered too, his answer got more than 40 upvotes but it gets 22 upvotes. He also got a silver badge Guru.
@SwapnilTripathi What?
@Venus Talk about consistency.
@SwapnilTripathi Consistency of what?
@Integrator I don't know we can see his history rep
@venus it says he lost 10599 rep due to voting reversal!
That's a shocker! @Integrator And yes, I was one of those who reviewed the edit suggested by meganoob
@SwapnilTripathi But the review page is not showing your name!
anyone know pdes?
@Integrator I don't understand. Even the edit description was different when I accepted.
@usukidoll: Sorry, I don't
@DanielFischer hee ! :D Finally a new pic (avatar) :-)
@DanielFischer know pdes?
@usukidoll Enough to stay away from them when possible.
@Integrator -10599. That was a huge amount of reputation.
@DanielFischer Are you already healthy?
@r9m After Jasper got so many stars, I couldn't ignore the request, could I?
@DanielFischer do you know integral equations..that uses convolution theorem and inversion theorem
@DanielFischer :D
@Venus Not entirely, still coughing.
@DanielFischer Is there someone who treats you? Are you living alone?
@Venus No need for treatment, it's just an ordinary infection of the kind one has every year or every other year.
Q: Serial up-voting reversed?

IntegratorToday in chat somebody mentioned that a user was had rep much above $10$k and today he is having somewhere around $7$k. I checked his reputation history, and it said that he lost almost $10$k rep and the reason being Serial up-voting reversed Link to the reputation history of Olivier Oloa I...

Putnam is in 5 hours
My goal is 1 point :D
@DanielFischer I see. It's winter now in Europe, you should maintain your health. Get well soon
I'm taking the putnam too @GBeau
@KajHansen Good luck~
I'm hoping I can get ~10 pts.
This is my first time; I didn't study as much as I wish I could have, but I spent some time every week this semester
@SwapnilTripathi can you please review this
I haven't prepared at all.
Good luck. @Kaj @Gbeau
@Integrator The closing words should be "could someone here explain this to me? Thanks."
Rough week coming up. I guess I'll get 3 hours of sleep and head over to the math building.
that was actually my plan~
@Venus you can edit that! English is my $10$th langauge :(
maybe I'll try to catch you tomorrow or something and ask how it went
@Integrator Me either
@Integrator I'm having a problem with my meta.math.SE account. I can log in using my phone but not on my laptop. Any ideas?
@Venus edited!
@Integrator I just saw it
@Venus Thanks!
Hope it get a good response
@Integrator Upvoted & Favorited
@SwapnilTripathi Just after noob edited that somebody noticed that it was a blunder, but before it gets second review! I edited it!
@Venus I believe that this page and this page (on Dec 2) explain as much as can be said.
@Venus Does this happen regularly?
@robjohn I saw that but! How can you lose $10000$, because somewhere it says that it takes 24 hours for system to revert the serial-voting, excuse my English please!
@Integrator Yes, I understand. And any help on my problem?
@r9m We have an alternative answer by @robjohn. Have a look. (+1) robjohn
@Integrator I bet it says it may take up to 24 hours since the script is run once per day.
@robjohn and you can get 200 rep per day (due to up-votes) right? I hope you get my point!
@Integrator Have you looked at my rep? On some days I do, but definitely not all.
@Integrator I have had >200 once or twice. I don't know why they say 200 is the "daily maximum"
@robjohn do u know pdes
Is it a fairly simple one? ;) @usukidoll
@SwapnilTripathi it has something to do with fourier transform and heat equation
I am following an example from a book and I have let this thing be q(x,t). Then I take the fourier transform of the heat equation simple enough but what is the fourier transform of that particular thing
@usukidoll somewhat
2. Solve the problem \\
D.E $u_t=ku_{xx}+\frac{1}{\sqrt{2kt}}e^{\frac{-x^2}{4kt}}, -\infty < x< \infty, t >0$\\
I.C $u(x,0)=0$\\
@robjohn I have to use fourier transform but I don't know what it is for the 1 over all that stuff
I just know what a fourier transform is. I have never applied it. Why don't you post your ques and see. :) @usukidoll
but I need to know what the fourier transform of that 1 over fdfslfsdlaf;jdfslkfjsdf
@SwapnilTripathi nah... too quiet at this hour
quick question is there any other way to solve this besides fourier transform?
because I used D'alemberts for the wave.. why make things complicated with the transform if I can use just taht?
@SwapnilTripathi 200 only for up-votes you can earn even 300000 with accepted answers!
Haha. Over to you @robjohn
please no game theory on this year's Putnam pls pls pls
@Integrator: Oh, it makes sense.
finger crossing
@robjohn 200 is only for up-votes you can get more than that iff some of your answers were accepted on that particular day!
@Integrator or bounties
not that I mind game theory, but the problem last year was insane
@robjohn and bounties :)
~_~ pdes are insane how's that
@robjohn And did you noticed that the reputation history says that he lost 45 rep because his answers were un-accepted, They're not
if I could just finish those 2 sections both which had one problem done already then I can do 7.2 and 6.4 tomorrow after I study for my japanese oral test
@usukidoll are you trying to take the FT in $t$ as well? I think you only need to take it in $x$.
@robjohn no... I just want to know how this thing works... so I need the FT in x?
@robjohn $u_t=ku_{xx}+\frac{1}{\sqrt{2kt}}e^{\frac{-x^2}{4kt}}, -\infty < x< \infty, t >0$ so do I take the FT for the e part or for the heat equation? if I shift $ku_{xx}$ over I get $u_t-ku_{xx}= \frac{1}{\sqrt{2kt}}e^{\frac{-x^2}{4kt}}$
hmmmmm :/
@Integrator it probably means that the 15 points were removed, not that the answers were unaccepted.
do I just take the fourier transform of $e^{-x^2}$?
@Venus yes I have seen it ^_^ (and +1 ed of course)
ughhhhhh I'm pulling my hair off of this thing geez
@robjohn If I'm not mistaken then it means that just like you the software also cannot mark answers as un-accepted
@usukidoll You have to take the FT of the whole equation. I think you get something like $$\hat{u}_t=-4\pi^2k\xi^2\hat{u}+\sqrt{2\pi}e^{-4\pi^2kt\xi^2}$$
@robjohn ah and then what happens next? Actually I've only did the FT of the heat equation by itself with out that extra jazz on the side. because there was an example that had the heat equation + q(x,t) and since the entire equation was being FT'ed I did the same thing, but couldn't figure out the FT of q(x,t).
@usukidoll next, I assume you use that $\hat{u}(\xi,0)=0$ and solve the equation in $t$ for each $\xi$. It looks to be a standard integrating factor situation
yes because that's the Initial equation
so ... hmm.. wait does the t =0 in this case?
so we need the reverse product rule
this would be much easier without the funky symboles
@Venus Fairly good response!
what if...
yay wishful thinking
hmm I know in odes I multiply the integrating factor throughout the equation and then use reverse product rule... after....that...then I integrate
$-4\pi \xi^2 u e^{-4\pi^2kt\xi^2}$ @robjohn
@Integrator You know Arthur. He is very a strict mod. ^^
how to even ......
somebody suggest a topic to try to look over before the putnam in 4 hours :3
is the integrating factor $e^{-4\pi^2kt\xi^2}$ @robjohn ?
@usukidoll I think the integrating factor would be $e^{4\pi^2k\xi^2t}$
@robjohn why is the k gone?
@usukidoll oops... I dropped the $k$. Let me fix things
LIke this?
This is the FT equation multiplied by the integrating factor
Did we @BalarkaSen, thanks for saying so
I just woke up after 10 hours of sleeping, and it is 9:30PM
@usukidoll you didn't multiply the $\hat{u}_t$
@Venus Better not to say anything!
late night XD that's where the errors live
and then we take the antiderivative /integration of what the heck? the RHS is too hard to do that! should we use inversion and convolution theorem @robjohn
@Integrator Freedom of speech ^^
@N3buchadnezzar It turns out, it has a nice closed-form
@Venus What strictness did Arthur display to you? The closing of your 'love in SE' question?
$$\frac{\mathrm{d}}{\mathrm{d}t}\left(e^{4\pi^2k\xi^2t}\hat{u}\right)=\sqrt{2\pi‌​}$$ so $\hat{u}=\sqrt{2\pi}\,t\,e^{-4\pi^2k\xi^2t}$
that was fast! How did you do that @robjohn ? oh wait reverse product rule.. and then we take the antiderivative of $ \sqrt{2 \pi}$ right?
@robjohn so there is a substitution for the u hat?.. oh yeah that makes sense...if I put it back together the e's cancel
@robjohn so do I take the antiderivative of the rhs or ...use inverse fourier transform...or convolution...or inversion theorem?
@usukidoll take the inverse FT to get $u$ back
which part gets the inverse FT? @robjohn
ah I need a $g( \xi)$
@usukidoll Take the IFT in $\xi$
$g(\xi )e^{i \xi x}\frac{1}{\sqrt(2 \pi)}$
$\sqrt{2\pi}\,t\,e^{-4\pi^2k\xi^2t}e^{i \xi x} \frac{1}{\sqrt{2 \pi}}$
$t\,e^{-4\pi^2k\xi^2t+i \xi x} $
it's @Ted!
@Ted I'm still trying to figure out fourier transforms and heat equation... ugh the wave equation is much easier
Parabolic is subtle ... But I haven't thought about this in almost 30 years ...
the inverse fourier transform in $\xi?$
@usukidoll I get $$\sqrt{\frac{t}{2k}}\,e^{-\frac{x^2}{4kt}}$$ now to plug it in and see if it works
arghhh that's exactly what it is....but I just don't know the steps to it :(
I know it's going to work, but how did you get that @robjohn
@usukidoll I took the IFT of $\sqrt{2\pi}\,t\,e^{-4\pi^2k\xi^2t}$
but how does the IFT process work? @robjohn$
don't you need the $g(\xi)$ and the $e^{-i \xi x}$
Morning @TedShifrin, you're up early.
@usukidoll $$\hat{f}(\xi)=\int f(x)\,e^{-2\pi ix\xi}\,\mathrm{d}x$$ $$f(x)=\int \hat{f}(\xi)\,e^{2\pi ix\xi}\,\mathrm{d}\xi$$
ok but what is the f hat xi? @robjohn
@usukidoll just use the $\hat{u}$ we computed above
@robjohn but I need to figure out who my xi is before I continue
so would the f xi hat be the u hat?
$\hat{f}(\xi)=\int\sqrt{2\pi}\,t\,e^{-4\pi^2k\xi^2t}\,e^{-2\pi ix\xi}\,\mathrm{d}x$
@usukidoll I used the fact that the FT of $e^{-\pi x^2}$ is itself
and scaled things
what I need right now is some sleep...I'm starting to lose my mind lol
night everyone
@robjohn Does mse or other se sites have a chief of moderators?
@Venus No, but they should make me king of the world.
@WillHunting You betray me ? :P
Hi @JasperLoy
@Venus No.
@Kaj Yeah I am loving all the music, thanks so much!
Funny that Ted's starred comment was in regards to Huy and Venus, and it precedes Venus's one by three days.
@Will So UserX is gone, I believe you were there when it happened right?
@robjohn I've edited my question on meta could you please take a look
@Committingtoachallenge Yes.
@user130018 Hi.
@JasperLoy How are you
@user130018 I have been thinking of how to save myself from my mental problems and how to save others from some other problems. I hope I achieve both over the course of 2015.
nervous for Putnam
How can you go about evaluating the following integral:

$\int_0^{\infty} \frac{x}{e^x-1} dx$

I've tried a few methods but I can't get any of them to work. I don't want the method to assume the solution to the Basel problem or anything about the gamma function
I see that both @alizter and @DanielFischer have changed their pictures, lol.
@JasperLoy it's almost time for you to start doing math..a few more weeks
@Committingtoachallenge Why is that funny?
@Integrator Eh, he knows that comment? Well, I'm glad he takes that as a random praise ^^
@user130018 Yes, I hope to finish my 12 holy books next year. If that is too much, at least 6 of them, enough for the GRE.
@Integrator No. I didn't know him. I've never had a conversation with him
I just had a great shit.
@WillHunting We are king of our own
Or can it even be solved in a relatively simple way?
@Venus Yes, but in this sick world, we can still be punished by our parents and by the law for doing harmless things.
@WillHunting I've never been punished by my parents
But I've been punished by a padre in my church
@Venus Are you going to become an engineer after graduating?
@WillHunting I dunno
@WillHunting Because we look fabulous.
@Alizter I won't put up my pic. I might even delete my account for good one day.
@WillHunting Why?
@Alizter It's a long story. Anyway, I think I should forget about Sarah, lol.
We should have a voice over IP for this chat.
@Venus Is the orphange you grew up in a religious organisation?
@Alizter Is the one in your ava you?
@WillHunting Yup
@Venus The one in my ava is me
@Alizter When I am gone from SE, you can always email me. That is why I keep sharing emails with people. I will respond if I am alive, not in hospital and not in prison.
I might end up in hospital if my mental illness worsens.
I might end up in prison for trying to help certain people in my country.
@Alizter I want to praise you but I don't want to offense anyone else here
@WillHunting Why would you be in prison?
@WillHunting No you won't. You are taking GRE no?
@Venus What I am about to do is a secret. I hope to change certain laws in my country, to cut the long story short.
@WillHunting Why would you end up in prison for trying to help people?
@Alizter I will, when the time is ripe. But I am not sure exactly when. I definitely want to leave my country and go to grad school and become a mathematician.
@Venus Praise away who cares? It does say general discussion
@Venus Maybe not in prison, but there could be other punishments.
@Venus What I consider right, others can consider wrong. What I consider wrong, others can consider right.
@Venus In Iran, they still execute gays. But I am not in Iran.
@Alizter Good observation, lol.
@Alizter Nah. I don't wanna get a trouble for that but I believe you know what exactly my praise to you
If we have a skype group we won't have any trouble
@Venus Do you think Ali is handsome?
Is Arthur trying to enter this chat room? I just saw his ava shows up but where he's now?
@WillHunting In Russia gay people will go to jail
@venus Your English is terrible, lol.
@Venus Really? I did not know that.
@WillHunting What do you thing? ^^
@Venus Hmm, I think @ali is very cute, lol.
@WillHunting It should be: "In Russia gay people will be put in a jail"
Is that correct?
@Venus I was talking about another sentence, not that one, lol.
@WillHunting This one: "Is Arthur trying to enter this chat room? I just saw his ava shows up but where he's now?"
@Venus I've deleted my question as it is concerned about some specific user!
@Venus Yes. You should write 'I just saw his ava but where is he now?'
Maybe : "Is Arthur trying to enter this chat room? I just saw his ava showed up but where is he now?"
@Venus Seems OK too.
@WillHunting Wait!? Are you Arthur?
@Venus No, I am JL.
Who is JL?
JL = Will Hunting
JL is my real name.
@venus Jasper Loy!
What does it stand for?
Oh Jasper
@WillHunting Do you have a Chinese name?
@Venus Yes, I do. But most people in this chat do not know what it is.
So that a secret I presume?
Well, sort of.
My location is also sort of secret for now, though many people know it.
I know where you are
You are right beside me, lol.
@venus So when are you getting married?
We are separated by sea
@WillHunting I dunno. 25 maybe
@venus Have you considered switching to doing math?
@WillHunting No, I'm not good at math
Does anyone know how I can evaluate this integral:

$\displaystyle\int_0^{\infty} \dfrac{x}{e^x-1} dx$ without using the gamma function (or the Basel problem).
@user112495 Let me try
His name obviously isn't Jasper Loy, or he can prove me wrong and say that it is. I always remember him saying it is JL and never confirming Jasper Loy.
@WillHunting SOrry Srry
@WillHunting I spoke a lot of shit
@WillHunting I beg your pardon
Yes, we can. Use substitution $t=e^{-x}$, then we have
\int_{0}^\infty \frac{x}{e^x-1} \, \mathrm dx &= \int_{0}^\infty \frac{x\,e^{-x}}{1-e^{-x}} \, \mathrm dx\\
&=-\int_0^1\frac{\ln t}{1-t}\, \mathrm dt\\
&=-\int_0^1\sum_{k=1}^\infty t^{k-1}\,\ln t\, \mathrm dt\\
&=-\sum_{k=1}^\infty\int_0^1 t^{k-1}\,\ln t\, \mathrm dt\\
&=-\sum_{k=1}^\infty\frac{\partial}{\partial k}\int_0^1 t^{k-1}\, \mathrm dt\\
Can you take it from here?
@Venus Are you marrying @Huy?
@Venus Sorry, could you explain how you get from the second to last line to the last one?
@Venus Sorry, I see it now!
@AshwinGokhale Why do you think so? I already have a BF
@Ashwin: Why do you think so? I already have a GF
That's called symmetry LOL
@Ashwin Are you the same Ashwin?
lol ya
@Ashwin Are you Mathwonk?
same old dumbass :D
@Committingtoachallenge idk who Mathwonk is
@Venus I hope this will receive fairly good response.
@Venus Wait, but doesn't this only work if you assume that $\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{n^2} = \frac{{\pi}^2}{6}$ which I said I don't want to do?
Oh, @Venus You're popular now!
@Venus As my whole reason for asking this is to try and find another (albeit possibly much longer) way of finding the sum of this series using the gamma function.
@Committingtoachallenge How you doin?
@Committingtoachallenge I know how to spell Riemann
@Ashwin Oh ahaha, sorry I didn't mean to imply anything, I just hadn't talked to this user prior. I am fine thanks
@Venus Can I be your best friend?
I woke up at 9:30PM to start the day, so that is somthing(it is 12:14am now)
@user112495 I don't get it you. you said, "without using the gamma function (or the Basel problem)". So I give you other way. It easy to evaluate the last series
Assuming thats what BF is
@Committingtoachallenge Do you have permanent jet lag?lol
@Integrator Upvoted
@Integrator Why so?
@Ashwin I normally get up at 4am each day, and go to sleep at 9pm. A few days ago I slept for 11 hours, then again the next day(not normal for me). I think I am sick or something.
@Committingtoachallenge That's your caffeine!
@Venus But the last series is $\sum_{n=1}^{\infty} \frac{1}{n^2}$ isn't it? I don't want to assume a value for this series as my reasoning for evaluating this integral is so that I can evaluate this series.
@Alizter Are you sure? Well, I don't mind if you want it. I love making friends ^^
@Venus Have you done group theory?
@Ashwin I actually never checked the caffeine quantity of my current coffees, I am going to do that now
@Venus We can be friends. You are it. runs away
@Venus I see something on the sidebar ;)
We should have a skype group
@Committingtoachallenge Whst are you studying now?
I have been having 2000mg of caffeine a day
@Committingtoachallenge $\star$ for "Oh fuck"
@Alizter Why?
Q: Different methods to compute $\sum\limits_{n=1}^\infty \frac{1}{n^2}$

AD.As I have heard people did not trust Euler when he first discovered the formula $$\zeta(2)=\sum_{n=1}^\infty \frac{1}{n^2}=\frac{\pi^2}{6}.$$ However, Euler was Euler and he gave other proofs. I believe many of you know some nice proofs of this, can you please share it with us? This is being...

@Ashwin Because then we can talk. I am too lazy to type.
I have been having 20 coffees a day WTF
I have to go
bye @Committingtoachallenge
@Ashwin No, I'm not doing math
@Venus ?
@Venus It's dangerous to go for engineering!
@Alizter What did you mean by "You are it. runs away."? Sorry, I'm not a native
@Venus Like tag.
"Tag you are it"/
and the game proceeds by avoiding the person who is 'it'
@Integrator What did you see?
Anybody here a gamer?
@Venus $\Large\color{red}{❤}$
@Ashwin Me! I love Mathematical games!
@Alizter Sorry, I still don't get it
Tag (also known as it, tip you're it or tig (in regions of Britain), and many other names) is a playground game that involves one or more players chasing other players in an attempt to "tag" or touch them, usually with their hands. There are many variations; most forms have no teams, scores, or equipment. == Basic rules == A group of players (two or more) decide who is going to be "it", often using a counting-out game such as eeny, meeny, miny, moe. The player selected to be "it" then chases the others, attempting to get close enough to "tag" one of them (touching them with a hand) while the others...
Now it sounds weird.
@Venus I know there are other ways to evaluate the sum. I'm currently writing an essay on the gamma function, and I thought it would be cool if I could use the link between the gamma function and the zeta function to evaluate that sum. But doing so involves evaluating that integral (which I obviously can't assume the sum is pi^2/6 for). I think I probably won't bother with it though as it doesn't seem like there is a simple enough solution to be worth putting in.
@Venus Thanks for your help though.
@Integrator I ask everyone here on chatroom how to make that shape using LaTeX & only Huy gave response
@Venus Oh!
@user112495 Are you saying that you wanna evaluate the integral using the gamma function?
I have a new mental issue:i get sad if I go online :(
@Alizter Oh, I know this game. I get it now, haha
@Venus I want to use the fact that $\zeta(2) = \dfrac{1}{\Gamma(2)}\displaystyle\int_0^{\infty} \dfrac{x}{e^x-1} dx$ to show that $\zeta(2) = \frac{{\pi}^2}{6}$
@Ashwin I see you haven't started participating on MSE!
@Ashwin use @Integrator
Can anyone spare some Tums? My stomach is very volatile today...
@Integrator Heard that?
@venus But i'm starting to think there isn't a particularly nice way of solving that integral without assuming what I want to prove.
@Ashwin Heard what?
Ted said this to me & Huy, "This is not supposed to be a dating room ... and this verges on that ... " :D
It has lots of stars
Maybe I should refrain myself from entering chat room ^^
Anyone reading Putnam and beyond?
@Venus I dislike people making statements like this.
@Committingtoachallenge Even I feel like not coming here
Can my "oh ****" get unstarred before I get banned :P.
@Ashwin I mean people saying they won't come, because $X,Y,Z$
@Ashwin Make a blog for me to follow if you do leave :)
@Committingtoachallenge Even I feel so
@Committingtoachallenge That would e great
Sorry I mean to say people saying they will leave because person $A,B$ did $X,Y,Z$
I never realised how much better Sumatra PDF is than other PDF readers for working with LaTeX.
Good for me that I decided to try out something new once in a while.
@Committingtoachallenge Why so? It's not a bad word
@Committingtoachallenge Were you serious when you said that you take 2000mg os caffeine?
@Ashwin I thought I did by mistake after doing some checking, but I am fine
@Committingtoachallenge 600mg+ is dangerous
@Ashwin My coffee counter seems to be correct forunately. Google has instant coffee listed at 3,100mg per 100g, which freaked me out
@Committingtoachallenge What book are you on now?
@Committingtoachallenge I never says "Oh ****" here
@Ashwin Still just working on Axler,Cohn and Zorich
@Venus I have put you on ignore now
@Committingtoachallenge I am doing Apostol,Burkill,Carter,Artin,Strang,...
@Committingtoachallenge Be my guest. Feel free ^^
@Ashwin All simultaneously?
@Committingtoachallenge Yes
@Committingtoachallenge Can you clear my doubt?It's one SE
@Ashwin Wow that is a bunch to do a once xD. I was thinking about starting Rudin
@Ashwin What is the doubt?
@Committingtoachallenge I feel like talking to only you and nobody else.Can we have a separate chat room?
@Committingtoachallenge How do you deduce that the symmetry of a frieze pattern is always one among seven?
@Committingtoachallenge I am not quite getting it,though it might be simple to everyone else.

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