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Wow, now that question above has two downvotes, this is very sad...
I bet the downvoters don't know there is so much to be said about inflection points.
@JacobBlack being healthy is all about avoiding inflection, right?
@robjohn Wow, your lines are mostly too deep for me, always need to think a little before getting them. =)
hi guys
I have tons of homework right now
so I can't really be with you as much
I have a question about notation: What's the proper mathematical notation to write (sum from i=1 to X)(sum from j=1 to X) 1 if gcd(i,j)==2, 0 otherwise
does anyone know?
Interesting. I see an orange gravatar everywhere except in the avatar bar.
I didn't like the green me.
your avatar is green
@KaliMa refresh your browser window
still green
not next to the chat log...
it is for me
Half green half orange.
@JacobBlack green in the avatar bar, orange in the log...
@robjohn I am blue everywhere, mwahahaha.
@JacobBlack when the avatar bar gets updated, I should be orange everywhere
@user58512 Hey, you there?
There... orange everywhere
orange now
@robjohn I think you should wear pink!
Personally, I hate pink.
My parents painted my bedroom pastel pink: had to spend 14 years stuck surrounded by PINK...Finally convinced them to let me paint it blue!
Purple is the ugliest colour.
Hello??? "anybody out there?..."
@JacobBlack I'll take certain shades of purple long before I can stomach pink in any of its variations!
@JacobBlack It is one of my favorite colors along with green
@robjohn OMG!
@Charlie ORLY?
@JacobBlack Include me in your testament.
@PeterTamaroff You like purple too?
@JacobBlack I got a reply from the email I sent
@JacobBlack I used to like pinkish colours. Now, I don't really care about any
@Ethan OK, good luck. Don't forget me when you win the Fields medal.
@PeterTamaroff I think pink is only nice on girls.
@JacobBlack OK.
@JacobBlack You're a tramp, did you know?
@PeterTamaroff Yes.
@JacobBlack Damn. @Ethan he says that to everybody!
@PeterTamaroff LOL? I like to say it too! But Charlie hates it.
Using SE instead of gravatar to upload your avatar works faster, but does not show up properly on the main page where chat is displayed.
What is this? A call service?
Over at CS.SE they seem to be confused on changing bases (as in, base 2 to base 5) without going through base 10--they're talking about the log change of base formula, and writing programs that do go through base 10 without them recognizing it... Would someone please confirm I haven't lost my mind? cs.stackexchange.com/questions/10318/…
(as in, would someone look at that and tell me I'm right? :))
Does anyone here know how to say if and only if in german?
@PeterTamaroff yes
@JorgeFernández It was something funny.
@AlexYoucis Nah.
@PeterTamaroff you mean the way to say it. I think it is wenn und nur wenn but im not sure
I answered one of your questions, @AlexYoucis
@JorgeFernández That's probably right. That's why the funny abbreviation is "wennn"
@JorgeFernández as far as I recall it is dann und nur dann (usually not shortened to dannn)
sorry, wenn wounds more right
@JorgeFernández Yarly.
what is Yarly?
Yeah, really.
@PeterTamaroff Yes, I saw, thank you
@AlexYoucis I haven't checked them though, but I think the guy is OK.
@Charlie Yo yo
@jayesh Welcome back!
Ok... this is the most awesome script to run for Math.SE (aside from the ChatJax app): stackapps.com/questions/2116/…
It allows you to save common comments for new users (e.g. the "I've edited your post to include $\LaTeX$. Please check to see if it's right." or "What have you tried? Showing your work helps us give you better answers.")
@anon I am now 1500 points away from your godly powers. =)
@Calc1DropOut An FYI: I was reviewing some edits you've suggested, and had one comment (wasn't sure how to send it to you, so I'm trying the chatroom). I like what you've done, but there is one thing about $\log$ vs $\lg$--in computer science, $\lg$ often denotes the base-2 logarithm, so when you see it in some questions (specifically those related to recurrence relations, which are common in CS), you may want to leave those as $\lg$. On the whole--I like your edits! Keep up the good work. :)
To all in chatroom: does anyone know if someone who's never entered the chatroom will be notified of an @ notification from here? (specifically in regards to my last message...)
I don't see why not. Pretty sure a user named Ethan came into chat because we kept pinging the chat-regular Ethan.
@anorton I did not know that! (I often write log as lg when I am writing things very fast.)
@anon You're in luck. I forgot my book in a friend's house, so no questions for today!
I lost my book on my trip (from which I returned today.)
@JayeshBadwaik Oh, that's bad.
You didn't put a name on it, a phone?
@PeterTamaroff Buying a new one will be probably cheaper or almost equal to the shipping.
@JayeshBadwaik Why?
I lost Principles of Mathematical Analysis by Rudin. I can get it for 6$ I think. Shipping is 1$.
@JayeshBadwaik $6 only?
@PeterTamaroff Yeah, Special Indian Editions they are published in collaboration with Indian Publishers.
Q: Calculus Question 2

cassieMy professor asked the following question for an extra credit assignment. Here it goes. If my penis can be represented as the solid formed by an exponential function revolved around the $x$-axis, and if my penis is of length 9 inches, and has a total volume of 40 inches cubed, find an equation ...

Either this guy is a troll, or his prof is a troll.
@JacobBlack It is instructive that the poster's name is cassie.
@JacobBlack oh yes, I'm sure a student would reproduce such a troll assignment for MSE
However, the mention of penis doesn't deserve downvotes, so I will upvote it.
Zev deleted it.
I think that was a little too fast.
Also, once Eric edited a question to include "hints only".
In a way, these change the intention of the asker.
So I think mods should slow down a little on such matters.
He could always have edited out the penis for example.
I am not sure that is really related to the penis question.
No, just two different matters.
No, because it was not a real and sincere question to begin with, it had no place here.
It might be a real question, we dunno.
C'mon. Anyone with enough common sense would phrase it appropriately.
maybe ... maybe you posted it? :o
I am Cassie!
Haha!! Right! May be Jacob posted it.
This explains why I am in love with anon!
Q: Calculus question 2

sarahYou fucking dipshit bastard shitheads. Answer my motherfucking question you little fucking piece of shit idiot savants who have nothing better to do with their gay ass lives. My professor asked the following question for an extra credit assignment. Here it goes. If my penis can be represented ...

okay, stop it with the penis questions J!
Troll Alert
I am crazy, but I will never do such things...
Let me investigate who the asker is...
The other questions from this unregistered user seem OK.
It might be someone else using her account.
are cassie and sarah the same user but with the name changed?
Maybe girl X is jealous of girl Y.
Cassie renamed to Sarah.
that's what I thought
I just checked both questions.
Maybe both of them are just trying to get my attention, HAHAHAHAHA.
You live in your own crazy universe mister.
Anyway, I have yet to drop my new found crush a note. I think I will do it soon...
Private note?
Well, that is my secret!
Behold the Master of the Tazas.
@PeterTamaroff Is that your gf Pedro?
@PeterTamaroff Hahaha.
@JacobBlack No, she's probably dead.
@PeterTamaroff Well, find another one then.
@JacobBlack I'm not looking, really.
@PeterTamaroff OK. I once thought you were gay, remember?
@JacobBlack Yes, yet you never met me. That tells a lot about your logic.
Or whatever it should be called.
@PeterTamaroff Yes, you need to study J Logic. Available in all good bookstores!
@JacobBlack You mean looneystores!
@PeterTamaroff ROFLMAO
@JacobBlack Good!
OK guys, Sarah has been suspended for a week.
Hello everyone!
I have finally achieved 2K points!
It means trust of the community.
But I really think someone hacked into her computer.
@awllower Congrats!!!
@JacobBlack Thanks.
@awllower I don't trust you. I don't trust @JacobBlack either.
@PeterTamaroff I trust Pedro. Aww...
But I trust you.
@awllower Just multiply by 10 to become "trusted user"!
The time should be multiplied by 10 to become so, I guess...
I guess I have finally become a "semi-trusted" user at least. Haha
Wait, it should be $\frac{1}{10}$-trusted user...
Hi all - is there any way to send a direct message to a (potentially new) user? A new user just "chatted" with me by way of proposing an edit since he/she didn't have enough rep to comment, and I'd like to reply
«One idea is to try to change the piece of SE culture that thoroughly anonymous users and questions are cheerfully allowed.» To this sentence, I must respond with "harumph."
You can ask for his/her other ways of contact, like e-mail, or something, by commenting.
@awllower, I suppose so. Thanks!
NP. :)
@anon I agree with you. Where is sentence found?
Temporarily off.
Later everyoine.
Hi. I have a soft question. I know that the number of perfect squares less than 20,000 is the floor of \sqrt(20,000), but why is the number of elements in the set of numbers which are both perfect squares and perfect cubes the floor of (20000)^(1/6)? Why are we multiplying exponents here?
@TheSubstitute a number is a perfect cube and a perfect square if and only if it is a perfect 6th power
Duh, thanks!
Do you watch much anime @anon?
Or do you just like those avatars?
@TheSubstitute you can prove this by using FTA and "localizing"; observe that the power of each prime in n's prime factorization (assuming n=a^2=b^3) must be divisible by both 2 and 3, hence divisible by lcm(2,3)=6.
@Ben I've seen a bit.
@anon Do you have a favorite series?
my favorites are gits, monster, samurai champloo.
@anon samurai champloo might be the best anime i've seen
@anon You have good taste.
I've never watched anything (other than pokemon, if that counts, many years ago.) I'll have to take a look.
Does pokemon count?
@Ben Pokemon is cool.
It's kind of hit-and-miss. One thing I dislike about a number of animes is how they "jump the shark" and become something very different than they started out as. black lagoon, eureka seven, lain come to mind.
Can someone here motivate the Banach Category theorem?
Why do we care if arbitrary unions of open first-category sets are first category?
@AndrewSalmon You mean Baire.
@JacobBlack No. I mean Banach.
It's different.
It says that the arbitrary union of open first category sets is first category.
I have no intuition on this, because the only open first category set in $\mathbb R$ is $\varnothing$.
This fact above follows by the Baire Category Theorem.
Yo are any of you guys from Australia?
@AlexanderGruber No.
@AlexanderGruber Are you going to grad school?
Next year.
@AlexanderGruber Not me.
@AlexanderGruber Meaning that you've applied? Do you know where you are going?
I've applied to some places but I haven't heard back from most of them
Only place I've been accepted to so far is Rennselaer
@AlexanderGruber Ah, ok man. You seem pretty into group theory--I've appreciate a lot of your posts!
thanks :)
Do you know where you're going yet?
@AlexanderGruber Best of luck on your applications btw :)
@AlexanderGruber I have some options, but I'm not sure yet. It's a really tough decision
Yeah definitely.
@AlexanderGruber Do you have a "top choice"?
I did :(
Chicago rejected me though.
Not that that was particularly unexpected. It's a great school.
Haha, me too :)
Goddamn Chicago, think they're too goo for everyone!
They were also my top choice--kind of.
Where'd you get accepted so far?
UCLA, Berkeley, Michigan, Penn, Wisconsin
Yes, but the important thing is not Chicago
haha, not really. They are all good schools.
Yeah that's very true.
What's up for you after Chicago?
@AlexanderGruber Jesus accepts everybody ;)
there's still a few places in the draw but they aren't as good as those
I'm going to do the master's first, better school after thing, I think
@AlexanderGruber Yeah, if there is something that I have learned, it's more about your peers than the school name.
Nowhere you'd want to do PhD at?
I'd probably do one at Stony Brook if they accept me.
they have some nice topology.
@AlexanderGruber I'm frankly quite shocked you haven't gotten into most places you've applied--you definitely seem top notch.
That's what I'm sayin! ;)
Haha, you and me both brother.
I guess it isn't too unexpected though. My GPA could have been a lot better - I did not have a responsible first 2 years of college.
Do you want to do group theory for a living?
I definitely want to do algebra. Group theory is what I like best so far, but I admit it could be because it's entry level
If you're doing group cohomology (I saw you mention Schur multiplier in your one post) that isn't exactly entry level haha
I can't rule out finding something I like better later that requires more sophistication to get into, like Kac-Moody algebras or something
lol yeah I guess not. cohomology is a lot of fun though.
Yeah. It takes a while to get used to it. It's like "I'm doing stuff..and I'm doing more stuf...that has finite index..and that cohomology group is trivial...oh wait, I think I just proved Schur-Zassenhaus...oops"
hahaha yeah.
then starting to tie it in with other topological concepts
seeing maximal toruses in group structure
then it starts gettin' real good.
Maximal tori? In the sense that you have a maximal torus in a Lie group?
maximal tori of G are the $\mathbb{Z}_p \times \mathbb{Z}_p \times \cdots \times \mathbb{Z}_p$ of largest dimension that occur as subgroups in G
Oh, hahaha. So, it's like maximal tori in algebraic groups, with your field equal to Z/pZ
I got ya
yeah, exactly
What do maximal tori tell you? I guess in this context their just maximal elementary abelian subgroups
You use them a lot in finite simple groups for various purposes.
I got into them trying to understand another one of Geoff Robinson's answers to my questions
about Hall's theorem
That Robinson, is not Robinson like the book Robinson, is it?
I don't think so
What are you taking this term?
I'm writing senior thesis for math and for physics, taking quantum mechanics, complex analysis, and advanced creative writing.
and teaching a group theory course
Teaching? That's pretty awesome!!
yeah :) This prof of mine who I like a lot agreed to let me TA the course and teach a lot of the classes
it's not paid but I totally dig it
Yeah--I would love to do something like that! I'm jealous haha.
Well I'm sure they'll let you at Berkeley ;)
You mean Calc 1! haha
It's probly a prereq for calc 1 there Lol
What book are you using to teach the course!
Gallian, because that is what the prof wanted to use
I'm encouraging them to buy/rent/library dummit and foote though
@AlexanderGruber Ah. Was never a fan of that bok.
Yeah Gallian kind of sucks. Its exercises aren't too bad though, at least.
Yeah, I could see that haha
i have no idea what they're doing sometimes though. it taught orbit stabilizer before group actions
I'm not even entirely sure I know what that even means haha
Oh i see :P Orbit-Stablizer is a theorem about group actions, $|\mathcal{O}_x|=[G:\operatorname{Stab}_G(x)]$.
Hmm? No, I know what orbi-stabilizer means, that's why I was confused as to how one could possibly teach it before group actions
Oh right :p yeah that's what i'm saying
It basically defines it in terms of permutation groups, subgroups of $S_n$
Like it teaches you what a group action is but only when $G=S_n$ and only when the set that's being acted on is $\{1,\ldots,n\}$.
Ah. Hmm. That's strange haha
yeah, very weird
Anyhow I've got to get going, complex is due tomorrow
Congrats on your schools man.
see ya man! good luck on your schools!
@AlexanderGruber What is your thesis on?
@Ben Hey man--who you rooming with?
@AlexYoucis Somebody named Tyler, he's also from Berkeley, but I've never met him.
What about you?
@Ben A guy, named Alex, who's from McGill. We have mutual acquaintances.
@AlexYoucis I admit I scrolled up to read the prior conversation. Did you get into Wisconsin Madison?
@Ben Yeah man. Why?
@AlexYoucis Same here, but I don't think I'll get the chance to go to their official visitor day, since it clashes with UCLA. Were you going to bother to visit?
@Ben I actually already turned them down :S
@AlexYoucis Ha, that settles it then. What about Penn?
@Ben There number theory is SUPER SOLID. David Harbater and Ted Chinburg have interests that read to me like an erotica novel.
@AlexYoucis Is it in the running for you then?
I don't know man. haha. This is..like..the hardest decision of all time.
I'm going to say a name
and you're going to tell me things about them if you know them
I'll try my best.
Never had him, he always seemed to teach lower division math (calc, intro linear algebra)
Interesting. His work is pretty balling
Sorry, never had him either.
Hmm. Coleman?
Nope, I'm not sure he teaches as frequently. I did have his student Matt Baker though. I can list some of the professors I had.
Do it up :)
Sethian, Rieffel, Wodzicki, Serganova, Olsson, Ratner, Evans, Baker, Hutchings, Strain, Adhikari, plus a handful of postdocs.
Some of those professors I had multiple times, which is why the list isn't super long.
Rieffel must be ancient haha
Yeah, he's cool though. He walks around with a backpack, just like the students.
He got his Ph.D before my parents started kindergarten.
Haha. one of his students is one of our most venerated professors here
who was the advisor of the one of the most venerated professors at my old school
Jonathan Rosenberg
What was your old school?
I transferred from Drexel University
In Philly
The math world really is a small community.
Or at least it seems like it.
Yeah man. Absolutely. I'm sure some day we'll meet at a conference
Indeed, I always see the same people at conferences X_O.
...and you all talk about me...
Sounds nice to be able to see familiar faces.
It is nice to see new ones.
'Who are you! What do you do! What is your topic!'
@JonasTeuwen Hey, that's my drink!
@robjohn 8-).
Why! Now it is mine!
Hi I'm skullpatrol, I'm on patrol for skulls. My topic is gravitationally completely collapsed objects?
@JonasTeuwen I went through a time of feeling green today... I definitely don't need that drink anyway.
@robjohn Hah. 8-).
@skullpatrol Alright, I think I'll hang out with the other guys! Bye!
@JonasTeuwen My green avatar did not give enough contrast to see the details.
Next is: Hi! Can I see your Fields medal!
@robjohn You could make it pink.
@JonasTeuwen That doesn't fit much with St Patrick's Day...
In 2014 there is a conference where Daubechies (nice), Fefferman (very nice) and Villani (great) are.
I'll go.
Does Villani still do math?
@robjohn St Patricks Day's For The Visually Impaired.
@robjohn Madrid.
Villani??? Of course.
He can't do anything else.
@JonasTeuwen Darn, why don't they have these in L.A.?
Well, he can, but not that good.
I saw an interview some time before that he spent a year off doing promotion of math or so
The rain is coming down pretty hard right now...
@robjohn Harmonic analysis conferences seem to be mostly in Europe?
But this is on dynamical systems, etc etc.
There are people from Indiana organizing one in... Romania 8-).
@robjohn You could organize one and invite the cool guys from Princeton and UCLA.
I would show up.
Me too.
Yes, and make skullpatrol the planery speaker.
About a conference in Australia, the organizer said to my advisor 'I have made you the opening speaker. I hope you don't mind.'
Here is what the weather looks like here. I am in the red circle.
The heavy zone is headed towards us :-)
Take care.
Remember you can always escape the region when the situation becomes too dangerous...
@awllower It's not dangerous. It's just more rain than we usually get here (this is a desert region typically).
I see
Somehow it reminded me of the story of Germain Sohpia...
Is it the name at all?
In any case, I guess it means a good news then.
Good!! :)
@Ethan That would be a good question to ask on Programming.SE
aren't they still in beta
@Ilya Why Vyacheslav Tikhonov?

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