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@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez DOes this work?
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez Superb. Enjoy your friends and your martini.
people using math.se to cheat on contests and such things are ample justification for someone to develop a way to slap-people-over-the-internet...
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez is that happening right now?
it would be the first software patent I'd aggree with
we've had a non-negligible number of occurrences of that, though
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez Yes. I've seen some. I get easily annoyed by those which start with "URGENT"
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez Do you have any recomendation about what I should move on to after Spivak?
You could ppick an algebra book
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez I am kinda nibbling off your colleague's linear algebra book
Rotman's book on groups is nice
linear algebra is not algbera
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez oh, you mean abstract algebra?
linear algebra is plain math
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez sorry
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez what do you mean with that?
linear algebra is like punctuation
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez everythingismessywithoutit?
it is in the background of everything
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez OK. I will continue with that. Like you said, I have to get used to computation...
I bought two books by a guy named Shilov.
you could also pick apostol's book on analysis
G. E. Shilov
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez Principles? I'd love that too.
I don't personally like Rudin that much
I forget the title; the one which is not calculus :-)
a great book to get started on algebra is Herstein's
its only problem is that he writes functions to the right
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez Why is that a problem?
well, no one does it anymore
Herstein's notations are terrible..
it is an oldish book
there is a reason why he does that, in particular
and it doesn't talk about group actions, which is weird
Isaacs does it in Algebra.
people who did ring theory usually did that
because that way one minimizes the need to turn around rings
(that is, use opposite rings)
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez you mean $xT$?
Yes, I remember Lam used both sides of a module.
at some point, when Auslander ruled the universe, he decided to make everything a left module, and then the rightfunctionists withered
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez The ring is $\Bbb{Z}[w]$ where $w = e^{2\pi i /m}$ for $m \geq 3$ which is certainly not contained in $\Bbb{R}$.
I know, Ben :-)
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez so it's ok?
there is no problem then?
I ws doubting your idea that one can pick in general a basis with half real elements and half complex :-)
ah in general
but I have a specific basis here
it is not obvious that the part of the basis which is in real will be a basis of the real part
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez So much win
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez the basis is :
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez $1,w, \theta,\theta w , \theta^2, \theta^2w,\ldots, \theta^{n-1}, \theta^{n-1}w$
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez $\theta = w + w^{-1}$
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez so there is the explicit basis.
for that basis, it is true that the real elements form a basis of the real part of the ring
@BenjaLim DUde, you'll drive people mad with constant pinging!
but it requires a proof
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez yewww
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez how come proof is required?
proof is always required
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez but when you intersect with the reals you just throw away the complex guys no?
but that does not apply to bases
it is quite false that if B is a basis of a vector space V and W is a subspace, $B \cap W$ is a basis of W
why would this work magically here?
I'm thinking of maximal real subrings
you may be trowing too much
if you start with a basis with the maximal number of real numbers, then I could believe you
but then you have to prove that your basis has the maximal number of real numbers :-)
ah but it has to be
because an integral basis is also a basis for the number field
and we already know that $[\Bbb{Q}(w) : \Bbb{Q}(\theta) ] = 2$
well, now you are about to have a proof
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez ah crap I have to go shit
will you be here a bit later?
crap fuck
that idea will get you to a proof
that guy is the maximal real subfield
thanks mariano mwah
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez Rotman's text is lengthy
no one expects anyone to go throught the whole of it tho
3 chapters or so would be quite enough for a summer vacation :-)
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez Oh, OK. Herstein's is like halve of Rotman's
that is irrelevant
because, again, reading the whole of Rotman would be crazy
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez yeah, heh
I'll try and organize some reading. I'll take a trip to mendoza in january though
some aire changing is nice now and then
good for the brainss
if you say brainss you sound like a zombie
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez I am a little too hooked up with the walking dead, yes...
though they just breathe annoyingly
with a longer a it sounds better
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez hahahah yes
do you like any particular sitcom?
hm, not right now
I do watch TBBT
curious... I'm catching up right now to the last season, now that I have good internet !
@Argon Good night, Aaron! too late here..must sleep...
it is funny that making a similar show about mathematicians rather than physicists would be probably impossible
@Charlie Good night
they'd kill each other in a couple of episodes
mathematicians always are serial killers
@MarianoSuárez-Alvarez you're frightening me... =O
I'm annoyed I can't prove the xyx = x thing is a group
@Argon This is the first time I've seen a circular arrow in a question.
that is just a(n ugly) picture for the directed graph with one vertex and one arrow
@Limitless That's awesome!
let X be a set with associative composition and forall x, exists a unique x' such that x x' x = x. Then I showed x'' = x and (xx')' = xx' and b'b(ab)' = (ab)' = (ab)'aa' but I can't show (ab)' = b'a'.
I can't show a a' = b b' either
@Limitless Hello, Limitless! You pop in just about when I'm thinking of "popping out."
@amWhy Hey there! I have been drifting.
@Limitless Yeah...I came in a bit ago hoping to "vent" a bit ago...but it seemed the conversations were in progress...
@amWhy You can vent to me any time on my email or, if you prefer, via private IMing. :-D
Don't be a stranger.
@Limitless hehehe...Of course I won't be a stranger!
@amWhy What's your username about?
@Limitless A-M-WHY...spell it out ;-)
@amWhy Dudette.
@PeterTamaroff Hey, dude!
@amWhy "I am why"?
@Limitless AMY
@amWhy What are you doing?
@PeterTamaroff My sounding-out is bad. I failed that for several weeks as a little kid. X-D
@Limitless Not much, thinking of heading to bed. Bad day...
We've all got our hard times.
Today was good for me, though, thankfully.
@Limitless Good to hear. Hopefully, tomorrow will be better...it likely will. I just need a little break from Math.SE
@amWhy Politics or drudging questions?
A: Reference request for tricky problem in elementary group theory

Bill DubuqueI believe this is well-known to those working in regular/inverse semigroups. So well-known in fact that one can even find proofs on the web, e.g. see this proof on PlanetMath. Alas, I cannot recall the history of this result, though I vaguely recall reading something about such decades ago. For...

@PeterTamaroff Politics...competitive tone...sarcasm (not directed at me - but to those posting...). I just work to keep things welcoming here.
@sunflower...yes, I saw that yesterday!
@Peter: Oops, I was trying to respond to Limitless...
@amWhy Ah. It is very frustrating at times. Have you heard of REPT?
@Limitless What's REPT?
I don't really get why idempotents are so important
It's a type of therapy a psychiatrist I know mentioned. I met him and we discussed a lot of stuff like that. At one point he mentioned a key component of therapy is realizing that no one can make you mad. He empowers his patients to realize just how powerful they are.
@amWhy I was very impressed by him. A wonderful and fabulous guy.
@Limitless Yeah...I've encountered similar statements. I don't get "mad", but I get "hurt" easily...I do need to lighten up. And I care about people, so when others demean them, I cringe.
@amWhy Mathematics is one of those domains where I think many people develop much, much more sensitivity than they usually have.
For me, this is because I put a lot of value in my work and I take pride in what I write. I think this happens with everyone in mathematics. (Most likely other academic fields, as well.)
@Limitless Yes, I agree. But also, many OPs come in with bad experiences in math...feeling intimidated. It takes courage for them to post, at least for some OPs. I just wish people would respect those seeking help a bit more.
@Limitless I didn't have an "off" day, in terms of my answers, etc. Just witnessing ... unpleasantness.
@amWhy Mathematics is a very, very concrete place at times. It is harder to portray respect and appreciation at times. For example, I find incorrect proofs as useful and valuable at times, but a lot of people here would rather just downvote them and move on.
@Limitless Yes...I do think I need to take a break from the site, though. But I do my best to participate in a manner that is respectful, and welcoming...Perhaps leading by example...
@amWhy What's your theory when it comes to social change?
@Limitless Well, as we discussed yesterday, I am a rebel of sorts... I can't keep quiet when I see injustice...and as a result, I have to accept that doing so isn't always well received. First and foremost, though, I try to live as honestly, respectfully, and compassionately (and passionately) as I would hope others would relate to me.
@amWhy You have rather lovely dichotomy going on there. Do you know what I mean?
Little ripples, if nothing else..."small acts of kindness"
Quick question: Does anyone know of a website where I can type in an equation and I can link back to it from other websites as a png/jpg similar to how image hosting websites work?
@KevinDuke this?
If not, I can just write the equation and take a screen shot, then host it on an image hosting site. Just wondering if anyone here knows of one
@KevinDuke this seems to be the best so far.
@Limitless Yes, I do...I decided long ago that I would rather be a flower than a cactus...(sensitive rather than calloused) even in the face of the pain that might bring. My 10th grade teacher wrote to me: "We, among others, realize there is great pain and great joy to be faced. Despair is so easy. But we can not give up. If not for those who care and continue the Good Fight, who will preserve tomorrow?"
That second link looks pretty good. Thanks!
@amWhy I am the same way. Although, I am not as inclined toward change. I do not seek nor want to change 'the world' (in the context of 'the world' meaning society as a whole), but I do want to change the environments directly specific to me.
Yep, thats just what I needed @Limitless. Thanks! bookmarked
@KevinDuke Splendiferous!
I have no illusions that I am powerful enough to change the world...but we can all make "ripples"... And, change is best achieved from the inside out.
@amWhy You can change the world, and so can I. I simply choose not to because it is far beyond what I want out of life.
Any way, I need to put my truth/beauty/peace/-loving soul to rest for the night.
@amWhy Sleep well!
@Limitless I shall! Be well!
@amWhy You, too!
1 hour later…
@AntonioVargas Are you from Brazil?
@GustavoBandeira No, I'm from California :)
Mexican heritage.
I have decided not to cap anymore and slow down, having capped the last 7 days...
I see a ping and no corresponding message. Hmm.
@JayeshBadwaik Probably deleted.
@JasperLoy yes.
@JayeshBadwaik I just posted an answer I like very much on Eng, but nobody liked it, would you like to look at it?
@JasperLoy Okay.
yours is the most correct answer there.
@JayeshBadwaik Of course, I understand how it probably refers to the same thing. I am just saying that the sentences have different definitions inherently, but could refer to the same thing.
@amWhy Did you watch Evan Almighty? How does one change the world? ARK, one Act of Random Kindness at a time. QED.
@amWhy You usually pop in after I pop out...
@AntonioVargas Got it. In Brazil, there's a Vargas family.
@amWhy Well, it is often hard to determine exactly what people are thinking when they type something online. Something may seem offensive but may not be the intention, and vice versa.
@AntonioVargas He was a dictator: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Get%C3%BAlio_Vargas
@JasperLoy it usually doesn't
@ctype.h what a username!
@JayeshBadwaik That makes my answer even more relevant then, if you say so.
@JasperLoy yes. It does.
@JayeshBadwaik Still trying to upload, I've tried it through Google Drive but it's kinda impossible, I'm giving dropbox a chance.
@JayeshBadwaik I dislike Eng SE now. The native speakers there pile on downvotes whenever a non-native speaker asks an alright question.
@JasperLoy Hipsters!
@GustavoBandeira Also, what often is a question about subtle differences between two words is taken to be too basic when it is actually very deep and cannot be gotten from checking a dictionary.
@JasperLoy Do you have an example on this situation?
@GustavoBandeira You just need to look at all the closed and negatively voted questions and ask whether they deserve so many downvotes.
@JasperLoy I guess MSE is one of the most fair SE's, even some very basic questions here are not downvoted.
@GustavoBandeira That is because mathematics is a relatively objective discipline and mathematicians are smart.
@JasperLoy Haha
On Eng SE, any native speaker Tom Dick Harry just clicks "downvote" and "closevote".
@JasperLoy Do they have any question on the meta about it?
@GustavoBandeira It has caused many people to be upset before. So ELL was proposed on Area 51. English for Language Learners.
Kill these native speakers!
@GustavoBandeira Awesome.
Enjoy your weekend everyone, over and out!
Ah, tensoring with torsion to prove that if finitely generated free abelian groups are isomorphic then they have equal rank. Brilliant.
@anon an interesting answer?
@anon Hey! Work again this weekend?
@JasperLoy cap yet?
erry weekend until I tutor next semester
@robjohn Nope, need 70 more. I decided to take a break, but I think I will still try to cap today... There's plenty of time left...
dislike: when you begin reading a question you anticipate enjoying answering, that has gotten zero votes, zero comments, zero answers, and few views for over an hour, and fate picks that moment for another user to answer.
shakes fist at the sky
@anon Life is unfair. Those who say life is fair just have not met enough problems.
@robjohn Yes, proving that $\Bbb Z^n\cong\Bbb Z^m\iff n=m$ by tensoring with $\Bbb Z/k\Bbb Z$ and then taking cardinalities.
But not too bad, I got 2 accepts today already, but none yesterday...
Also, I find that I have almost no stars these days in this room. That is a good thing, it means I am rep whoring on the main site and getting points instead of stars...
I am really dying to make it to 10k and see invisible posts on Math! I was really excited when I got 10k on Eng!
I am trying to type faster these days so that I am not scooped.
@anon I think that would be a better job for you.
Geezis, I just saw the MK meta post.
@JasperLoy To quote Ghostbusters... "I'll tell you the effect; it's pissing me off!"
@robjohn I must say in defence of MK, I don't understand why that question of his on main got so many downvotes, so I have upvoted him.
In fact, I just edited that question of his to make it look a little better too, so it is now bumped!!!
But it doesn't appear on the main page because it is too negatively voted!!!
@JasperLoy revenge upvoting?
@robjohn Actually I may have downvoted him in some places because the questions were book length with little motivation, but that particular one was short enough to be a good fit.
@Nimza Hello cookie monster!
@JasperLoy Hello, Will! :)))
Do you know how to draw integral sign $\int$ with inverse slope?
What is an inverse slope?
Oh I see.
No, I am a TeX newbie.
oh :(
@Nimza You can ask in the TeX room and they can give you an answer immediately!
nice idea!
That don't give an answer :) Heh, @JasperLoy, which tradition of writing integral sign do you like more? English, German of Russian? If you're interested in typographics traditions, there is a nice article uni-giessen.de/partosch/eurotex99/zaitsev.pdf
@Nimza Wow, I never knew there were different traditions!
@JasperLoy heh :) that's a cute topic!
@Nimza Yes, as cute as you!
@JasperLoy I saw your deleted answer.
@JasperLoy You need to tensor over a field to get it out :D
@anon did you see my ping in chat for you?
the one you said you would read?
@BenjaLim Yes, I delete some now and then because the question has changed or because someone posted essentially the same answer as me a few seconds earlier or because nobody likes it.
@JasperLoy you deleted it because the answer was wrong.
@BenjaLim Ah yes, I just figured which you were referring to. That one was because I misread the problem.
@GustavoBandeira Ahh, let it be, not important, tell me where you got it from, I will get it myself.
Haha, I answered with a very funny answer, wanna take a look?
@Nimza there are different traditions of writing integral sign? Well, I'll be damned... :P
Q: What does it mean to be a function of smth.?

stanThere is a sentence in Sokal and Rohlf's classic text: "The variance of means is therefore partly a function of the sample size on which the means are based." [in R.R.Sokal F.J.Rohlf; Biometry, 3rd ed., 1994: p.132, chapter 7 "Estimation and Hypothesis Testing"] Well, in this specific case ...

@JasperLoy hmm.
@JayeshBadwaik Do you like my functions answer above? =)))
@JasperLoy sweet gourds man, sweet gourds... they give me sugar rush..
@JayeshBadwaik No upvote?
@JayeshBadwaik Also, you asked me to remind you to upvote my reference request answer yesterday. =)))
Hi everyone.
@JasperLoy do you know what is a tensor product?
That is the way to go
@JasperLoy When? I forget
@JasperLoy But if you see my answer it is a lot more elementary and does not use so many highfalutin tools
@JayeshBadwaik Well, you can search the transcript...
Is anyone here familiar with Clifford algebra (or more specifically geometric algebra, in my case)?
@JasperLoy Ahh. Hmm. Kind of involved in many chats right now. Couldn't pay attention. :P :P
Upvoted btw.
@rubenvb what's up?
@BenjaLim I'm doing the elementary exercises in Hestenes' "New Foundations for Classical Mechanics", and having trouble solving geom. alg. equations.
@rubenvb Though I consider myself to be an algebraist, I have never dealt with that kind of algebra before.
ah, ok.
@JasperLoy Yes I remember now. I thought it was a really nice answer.
@JayeshBadwaik It is the only proof I know of. The two books that prove this are out of print...
I'm trying to decide whether one would expect the zeta-function to have zeros off the half-line, or whether one would expect this not to happen. — Gerry Myerson 27 mins ago
OK. A wedge of a bivector with a scalar is 0, right?
A wedge of a scalar with anything is zero, no?
hmm, nvm. That's not the case here.
@rubenvb, that fractal is very intriguing
@sunflower it's called buddhabrot, a 3D Mandelbrot.
@JayeshBadwaik Done.
im bored
What ya doing?
listening to it
@jayesh !!!
@Charlie Hello!!
Did you ping me last night?
@Charlie ??
@JayeshBadwaik I think I scared her away :(
@robjohn How did you like the documentary?
@skullpatrol which documentary?
@skullpatrol it will take a while to watch the whole thing, but it looks interesting. A pretty standard documentary. Was there something specific you were asking about?
@robjohn Nothing in particular, just of general interest.
@skullpatrol Did you see the last comment on my profile?
@skullpatrol Where would math be if Fermat had Post-it notes?
@robjohn Yes :)
@skullpatrol The video is going over Fermat's Last Theorem (at length)
I was just pondering if every non-empty set M can be extended to a monoid with some +: M^2 -> M. I think yes, because one can always return the first argument to + to satisfy the requirements for a moinoid. Is that correct?
operation a*b = a is a monoid?
there's no identity
so that's not a monoid
You need it, and you know it.
any finite set could be put in bijection with Z/mZ which is a monoid (since it's a ring)
Does anyone knows for what values of a the integral( x^(1-a) / ((1+x^2)^a)) dx, from 0 to infinite converges?
@sunflower Ah, yes, e + a should return a.
but what's e?
the neutral element
I mean what element of X is e
@sunflower Well, I think it can still be fixed. Just choose any e in M as neutral element, and use the + operation as given above, unless one of the arguments is e. In that case, return the other argument.
@JaakkoSeppälä Does Wolfram Alpha give up?
b = ba = (eb)a = e(ba) = a
@JasperLoy: Hi
@bitmask It gave me hypergeometric and Beta function representation but convergence seems difficult
@sunflower Good point.
No, hang on.
b = ba = (eb)a = e(ba) = ba = b
@sunflower I don't see how you derive e(ba) = a.
@skullpatrol Even my calculator gets more of $\pi$ correct than this!
me neither
@robjohn It is an old documentary :(
@skullpatrol But they knew what $\pi$ was. I probably knew it to 100 places when that documentary was made.
@skullpatrol that is no excuse for getting $\pi$ wrong
@robjohn Nitpicky!
@GustavoBandeira It's nitpicky to expect that when a math documentary gives $\pi$ to a large number of places, that at least half of those digits are correct?
It is known to 10 trillion digits, now that is nitpicky.
@sunflower From any string of values of M arbitrarily grouped, the first non-e value will be returned, and e if there is no non-e value.
@GustavoBandeira 10 trillion and 50 to be exact :-D
I think you can even get to abelian monoids if you throw in a strict total order :)
@robjohn I'm only kidding.
it is a monoid
@skullpatrol Yep
@JayeshBadwaik yes i did
@skullpatrol hahhahhahaha nice gravatar, Skull! I thought that you would do something like this
@Charlie Am I getting that predictable?
@skullpatrol :) maybe
@JayeshBadwaik i said: " @jayesh !!!"
I wonder why I was so sure it's not a monoid at first
@sunflower Because it's an awkward definition :)
it's just function composition where the functions are all constant functions returning a single element plus the identity function
@sunflower Sounds right.
@JayeshBadwaik Can you look this?
@Charlie Heeeeeey! Sexy lady!
in practice an uninitialized variable will have some random value (usually zero) in it already, but the point is it's undefined so the behaviour of a program that uses it is undefined
This could be because a variable is initially thought of as an "unknown."
@GustavoBandeira Or should I say that traditionally a variable is initially thought of as an "unknown."

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