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@GrumpyLazers I've answered this but it isn't really a gaming question
when I say "isn't really", I mean "has nothing to do with gaming at all"
@kalina Then... why did you answer it? O_o
because audio hardware is one of the areas I know oh so much about
did I hear audio hardware? ;p
yay audio hardware
ooh, I see
eh, there's nothing really 'simple' for what he wants
well it depends if you already have certain things to hand
funny that you might say that
I know for a fact there's a 4 channel mixer kit at my friendly local kit store
I happen to have one of these sat on a desk behind me between two of these plugged into a suitable multi channel amplifier, so audio connectivity is never an issue I have
(4 channels, 2x stereo)
tho I wouldn't have much use for em... ALL THEM KNOBS
I have a little headphone amp that has switchable ins, a maudio fastrack, and a pretty nice pair of headphones.
heh fasttrack
@kalina: cheap, sounds better than onboard sound.
I like the idea of having a physical thing to adjust volume on my desk but I have two maudio sound cards already
lol, my amp is the main thing for that
@JourneymanGeek I use on board sound for microphone input for Skype, and that's it
I have a delta 1010lt and an audiophile 2496
although the audiophile is the one currently inside my pc
primarily because I "misplaced" the cable for the delta
my amp is on the other side of the room
dx.com/p/… I have one of these in black
its suprisingly good
oh right
that's a cute little thing
I use speakers 99% of the time
It uses the same headphone chip as the asus xonar I think. I haven't tested it off onboard sound (I'm wondering if the fact that onboard sound sounds worse is due to shittier headphone amplification), but I've been meaning to
can't, my dog hates anything but classical ;p
most onboard sound does horrible colouring to sound anyway
Ha, just got back from the reddit meetup
current setup is pretty clean
@JourneymanGeek I don't think there's a need for external hardware (unless you count wires), see my answer
@JourneymanGeek my speakers are my weak link at the moment
@kalina: If I got speakers I'd seriously look at monitors
my headphones are kickass tho
@JourneymanGeek well, I have these
those are supposed to be pretty good o0
headsound.de/Fischer-Audio-FA-003/en these are my headphones
There was a disappointing lack of neckbeards
@JourneymanGeek I'm not blaming them, I'm blaming the continued abuse they've endured over the years
I should have turned up then ;p
@kalina: ahh
and I certainly don't have an ideal room for music production
far too many surfaces for deflections
@kalina: when we do recording, we just stick matresses over the windows ;p
when I next move house I want a room I can cover the walls with spiky panels
(sadly, this ends up in much better recordings than many profesionally produced indian classical performances)
An appropriate amount of alcohol was consumed, though not by me. Half the group was in the middle of some drinking game when I left.
yayyyyy the used Brawl disc I ordered is completely useless
and of course
ahh yes
Q: How do I highlight speech violations?

badpThis person came on the border today. He claimed he was visiting, but his permit was for permanent immigration. I tried to highlight the issue but... Figuring that a visit is something that a permanent immigration permit would obviously allow, I let him through. Makes sense right? Wrong. What...

@badp sounds like a thrilling and genuinely enjoyable game
its one of those 'games as art' ;p
@badp You have to click the purpose itself on the entry permit, no?
speaking of thrilling and genuinely enjoyable games, time for some EVE Online...
@FEichinger When I do that it highlights the entire thing
@badp Hmmm ... Weird. That shouldn't happen.
(You can see me clicking on it)
you tried clicking on the actual text?
@badp Hair doesn't count, I believe.
silent savescum
^-- That's what it should look like.
Might need to aim a bit better.
@kalina Cannot tell if sarcasm
Sometimes the click registers just outside the text.
@PrivatePansy then I am unable to help you
Cool. If the Wii U crashes you have to pull the power cable, power button doesn't work at all, unlike the wii
sounds like a strong, well designed device
Well it crashed because this used Brawl disc is defective. But having to pull the power cord on crash is nasty
@badp ♥
At any rate I ended the game with a whopping $5
Just kicked a baby so far it flew offscreen. I like this game
Holy fucking shit Google I already have the maps preview invite
did you really kick me out for a couple of out of memory issues in a row?
lol, no, but you really did force me to click through "request an invite" again
Q: Why did I punt this baby like a football?

Ben BrockaWhile going through level 2 I noticed a baby. It seems optional since once I rescued the 5 girls as standard the big robot comes to pick you up, but I went further and went to rescue the baby...which Patty promptly kicked off-screen. What are the babies for? They seem to be optional objectives,...

@GrumpyLazers @BenBrocka Enjoy your rep cap for today. =P
Waze you're full of shit
> You are a level 1 editor, You can edit 1 mile around roads you've driven
but then everything is like this:
> This segment is locked. You need to be a level 3 editor to edit this segment.
Account suspended
The profile you are trying to view has been suspended. To return to your home timeline, click here.
@badp amazing
@oasisupernova Our success is only due to amazing fans like you. #Xbox http://t.co/Ca7KdZ5QHY
It is real, too
@kalina To respond to your previous question from a week ago, after finishing Remember Me, I do not think it would appeal to you.
(stupid "No replies" default)
@RavenDreamer cool, thanks
I might buy it during the next Steam sale then, glad I haven't bought it yet!
@RavenDreamer thanks to the media coverage the only thing I know about the game is a bunch of writers think people are too sexist to buy it and you kiss a dude
I don't recall a single article mentioning gameplay or story whatsoever (I'm sure there are reviews now though)
@BenBrocka I did actually not see the dude kissing.'
The gameplay is poor. The story is better.
Clearly designed for consoles.
Really? They made it seem like that was a big deal for pitching it to publishers
Did you get the PC version?
@BenBrocka I'm not going to say it didn't happen, but if it did, it wasn't a big enough deal for me to even notice it.
And 15 minutes with the camera made me want to strangle something.
Bad camera? Noooo
There is a point near the end of the game.
Where there is a board with 3 words on it, and to open a door you need to raise/lower 3 specific letters.
I spent like 5 minutes trying to move to the correct letter.
Because moving the mouse left and right did absolutely nothing.
probably one of those things that works fine on dual analog sticks and they barely tested with mouse
That's what I'm thinking.
The Memory Remixes are the same. You have to move the mouse in a circle to move forward (clockwise) or back (counterclockwise)
Worst thing ever.
@RavenDreamer Oh god. Yeah it sounds like they treat the mouse as an analog stick and shipped it
kalina does have an xbox controller
I might still pick it up when it's cheap somewhere, but I Have piles of other stuff to play/buy lately
Will probably break down and get The Last Of Us well before the PS4's out
@badp See, see, they have jpg artifacts too!
It does, however, have the distinction of being the only game that made me kill the child version of myself to advance the plot.
I swear their logo must be magically designed to fuck up Twitter's recompression algoryhtm
@RavenDreamer That would be awkward in Zelda
Those image macros are the worst
not as worst as u!!!
@badp That qualifies as desparation in my book.
HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha...oh.
@Mana caught up?
@badp Yeah.
Q: is there a way to change the weather in Minecrat?

Matthewis there a way to change the weather in Minecrat in creative Mode? all it does is rain all the time, its rained for 3 days, is there a way, or a mod that can change it?

Hi, @Mana. Longtime no see.
@Mana Got eye bleed from trying to decipher that dialoglog?
@RavenDreamer <3 <3 <3 <3
@badp wow. I'm sure they think they're being cute
@badp nah, someone else deciphered it for me
@BenBrocka They actually seem to have quite the variety
Hell I can't find a dupe
They might've been done ad-hoc
@GrumpyLazers I believe that's a dupe.
@badp they probably have preset images and they just slap the text and possibly the achievement name on there
"trendsetter" doesn't really make sense there though
Q: Playing CS GO with same Steam ID

Kamal KafkaesqueI have bought CS:go , I installed it on my laptop and i do play it. But now i want to play it with my friends . Can i just copy the same steam folder from my Laptop to there laptop, and then play on LAN ? Or i have to make there different Steam Id and then copy the steam app folder to their Stea...

Q: Shield tanking - Should I go all buffer, or a combination of buffer and resist?

cornjulioxI'm playing around with a Caldari Navy Hookbill fit in EFT, and I've come up with what looks like an OK brawler, but I'm wondering if I should keep the rigs as is, or go for a full buffer fit using 3 Small Core Defense Field Extenders with no focus on resists. Has anyone tried this? What were y...

Afternoon, Bridge
@ChrisHatez I stayed up til 3 in the morning play Tome -.-
@ChrisHateZ I mostly meant to overworld. It would be cool if that layout was randomly generated
two different people did
in my rush to do laundry in between files downloading I may have included a red sock or two in my white wash
since I now appear to have a whole load of previously white underwear that has a pinkish tint to it
oh wow, Deus Ex: The Fall looks really good
I leave for one hour and come back to @kalina talking about her underwear. What the hell.
I was actually talking about me being ditzy
I am bored and at work for the next 6 hours.
@kalina You should give Tucker and Dale another chance!
@SaintWacko Did you decide to get a 3DS and Animal Crossing?
Is there anyone else I can ping? I really am quite bored.
I am playing Anomaly Warzone from the Humble Weekly Bundle
...WarZ is the daily deal.
@fbueckert ... wat.
@Fluttershy Yes.
... scumbag Steam.
Is it 100% off? Because it should be.
In other news: State of Decay is buggier than a Louisiana swamp on a hot summer day.
I just made that up! :D
@fbueckert Obviously it's stupid-indie-week. That's just to shift focus from the PA disaster.
The analogy. Not the statement itself. The game is incredibly buggy.
@Fluttershy 75%. Still too much.
@fbueckert I want them to lose money on that game. Not make it. =(
@Fluttershy Sadly, they'll probably still make some cash on it, regardless.
@FEichinger Was there another, more recent one? Or just from its initial launch?
@Fluttershy As far as I can tell, that one is still going strong.
@fbueckert Ahahahahah
anyone here play "realm of the mad god"?
@0_0 Not recently, just ask your question. ;)
@0_0 I played it some. Not much though.
Also: War Z is already in the Top Sellers.
I got an egg. What do I do with them?
... idiots.
It beat the Witcher 1, Arma 3 and CoH 2.
All of which are better games.
@Fluttershy Welcome to the buyers of the XBone.
@FEichinger I'm pretty sure every game is a better game than WarZ.
The Witcher is even cheaper.
I'm pretty sure Action 52 is a better game than WarZ considering the respawn timer
@Fluttershy Oh, I fully agree.
@fbueckert Anyone willing to pay for WarZ is probably too "Hurr durr PC master race!!!!1!11" to ever buy an Xbone.
I wonder how many people confused War Z for Day Z.
To the Steam discussions!
That's a good question.
no it's not, only an idiot would mistake the two
@kalina The same kind of idiot who would buy WarZ?
@kalina Anyone who buys War Z is an idiot. Your point holds no value.
well if they are in fact, that stupid, they wouldn't notice
That's rather likely.
WarZ is so awful I don't feel it merits the extra work of putting it in italics.
so how do I get a pet from the egg?
I'm gonna go play more FF6.
@0_0 sit on it
also your username is horrible
Will hitting it with a sword do anything?
I should've brought my 3DS.
@FEichinger I love the fanboys defending it. "It's awesome! If you don't agree with me, you're an idiot, and can't think for yourself!"
@fbueckert I like to think it's just deliberate trolling. Or at least buyer's-remorse-trolling.
Sadly, it's probably genuine.
Do you know what else is genuine?
- How hungry I am right now
- How bored @Fluttershy is right now
- and, how boring chat is right now
this game is kinda fun
@FEichinger "might not" as in "almost certainly" for the next few years. I relaly don't see MS changing their policies anytime soon
I don't think it will have much re-playability though
also it isn't very hard
@BenBrocka Likely, yes. But had I worded it like that, someone would be jumping at me over it, because "THE ARTICLE DOESN'T SAY THAT!!!" :P
what is the point of pets?
@0_0 You might want to ask your questions on the site. :)
There aren't that many people in chat that have played it any recently, so ... you're unlikely to get definitive answers that aren't Google'd here.
Quickly! backpedal faster!
@kalina What game?
I love how GI.biz features full-on PS4 ad campaigns right now.
26 mins ago, by kalina
I am playing Anomaly Warzone from the Humble Weekly Bundle
@FEichinger Lots of people seem to think it means sharing with friends is a great idea....until more than one of your friends is using your games. I wouldn't bother with that system with people who aren't in the same house, personally
@BenBrocka Same here, really.
Like many of Xbox one's features it just seems too complicated to be worth it as a user
> And I know certain people will create a family group of people that aren't all part of the same family. And I do think that's an advantage, and people will use that. I saw it on NeoGAF instantly, the Xbox Family creation threads, where people said 'Hey be a part of my family'... I do think that's an advantage of the ecosystem that we have.
You think that's a good thing, Mr Spencer? Seriously?
@kalina Oh... right.
"We have such a grasp on people, they're already connecting with random people just to exploit our system!"
I just really hope the PS4 fits on a shelf decently with such a weird shape.
Hmm... I wonder if our PCs block the site here...
@FEichinger I find it highly unlikely they're not going to look back in a couple months arfter launch and start treating those people like pirates
@BenBrocka Does your Nookling's have a bug net today?
@BenBrocka Well, they are exploiting the system, essentially.
yeah, it's like sharing a steam account
@Fluttershy no, rod and shovel
yesss the nooklings will be remodeling
@BenBrocka Pretty much, yeh.
A friend of mine accidentally Re-tailed his bug net and we've been trying to get him a replacement for like three days now. =(
@BenBrocka I do wonder how they'll treat the whole "two at a time" thing, though, without going always-on entirely.
Also, my Able Sister's shop has a piece of clothing that costs 1,200,000 bells...
@FEichinger hm yeah, you can't enforce that every 24 hours
I mean, in theory, couldn't you just log in, download the game and launch it while offline? Or launch it, then go offline?
@Fluttershy the crown?
@BenBrocka Yeah.
So, most likely, they'll either break their own system or require always-on while playing a friend's game - neither of which are particularly good.
Anyone need a watering can in ACNL?
@FAE I actually have a kilt I am good.. Thanks though! :)
Hey @James do you want to help me test my map?
@RonanForman The DND one?
defend and destroy
Yeah, that one.
Have a server to join??
One sec.
kk afk one sec too
Laundry day :)
@James gameon.stackgaming.com
Oops, forgot to do somthing.
Q: What do I do with my Egg

0_0I found an egg on the ground. How do I hatch it into a pet? It was dropped by a monster on the main world. Also, does the size or type of your pet mean anything?

Q: How do I earn interest at the Automatic Bell Dispenser?

Ben BrockaI have been told the ABD actually gives out some interest based on how many bells you put in, but it's not every day. What % of interest do I get and how do I claim it? Do I have to play every day for it to count or what?

Q: How do I get unlimited potion effect?

JiaWei YangMe and a friend of mine were making a parkour map and we thought it would be handy if there was a way to give the players a unlimited potion effect like jump boost or speed.

@James Okay ready.
Does anyone have spare lillies or violets in New Leaf?
@Ullallulloo Yup Never trust a video link in here that doesnt one-box :P
For shame on you sir! For Shame!
@James It's not a video link. It's a comment link.
It one-boxes fine.
@Ullallulloo k, FOR SHAME ANYWAYS!!! (You know what you are doing!)
@James :(
Q: Why . so . Sad?

JamesEvery time I open my inventory.. or catch a fish I believe.. My character frowns. Is there something I can do to stop this? Its a big annoying since I feel I am doing an ok job but if I stop to look at something or for something or catch something, suddenly they are grumpy.

@GrumpyLazers cuz you said shame. :(
@Ullallulloo :D
I forgot how slow the Bridge was on Saturdays.
Q: Which strategy is the most efficient for Clickers?

DavidYellI'm finding Clickers to be very hard. As far as I can see, you have a few options. Craft a shiv, sneek up and grab Δ then shiv Δ. Enhance your melee weapon (if you're far enough), which also requires scissors and tape. Which of these is more efficient resource wise? I'm thinking that now I hav...

bored again now
it's all your fault
I really hope that when the xbox one comes out, Microsoft make less money from it than it cost to develop the console by an amount that makes them go "WTF"
"Xbox One: You just think you own it."
@Fluttershy That's not too different from Steam though, neh?
the only difference is "physical product" vs "digital product"
@kalina So I'd guess it's sort of comparable to buying the Orange Box physically or any other game that uses Steamworks as DRM, and then losing access to those.
I know, I don't get everybody's surprise either
@FAE I'm fairly certain Steam doesn't revoke your licenses on a ban.
It just blocks you from buying more games, using social features, etc.
@FEichinger Even with full account suspension, not just a VAC-ban or something?
@FAE I dunno how steam does it. I'm still fairly new to PC gaming! =P
@FAE Pretty sure.
Q: Is it possible to assassinate guards when saving a citizen?

SandokanI have tried several times to "get the jump" on the guards that are harassing a citizen. I thought that I could take one out the same way you take ot single guards. However, as soon as I lock on, the guards become alerted and I automatically draw my sword and start a regular swordfight. Is the g...

Looks like Steam doesn't even let you log in if your account is suspended.
@kalina I think the main thing is that this sort of restriction is virtually unheard of on consoles.
@Fluttershy and it apparently applies to physical copies too.
@Wipqozn It does.
Steam is different as well. I'm not on all the details, but I now they have different types of bans.
VAC ban only stops you from playing in VAC servers.
@Wipqozn Do you have a bug net at your Nookling's shop? <_<
@Fluttershy I think so.
I'd need to check.
@Fluttershy Not yet. Blame @ChrisHateZ for that
@Wipqozn If you do, can you ping either me or @FAE? We're trying to find one for a friend and have thus far been unsuccessful.
This article seems to indicate that if your Steam account is suspended, you're unable to log in to it
Also, I would've asked in the ACNL chat, but it's hard to get there on mobile. x_x
@kalina That's what I said. =P
@kalina There's very few things that can cause that though.
Credit fraud's pretty much the only thing.
Plus that guy that had bots manipulating the Steam Community Market.
@Ullallulloo since I use a name on my account which isn't mine, I'm already in violation of the Steam subscriber agreement, which is grounds for banning
@badp @mana Oh, caught up on that? Yay to end of Megapause!
> However, Subscriptions are not transferable, and even if your access to a Subscription for a particular game or application is terminated, the original activation key will not be able to be registered to any other account, even if the game or application was purchased in a retail store.
that's basically what all the crying over the Xbone is about
@kalina Uh, no. There's a lot more to it than that.
And it's also the fact that people are used to be being able to trade physical copies around. This isn't anything new for digital games. It is for physical.
@Wipqozn Steamworks is on all physical discs too.
physical is mentioned in that above quote
Q: PSN plus: Once games are free, are they free forever?

Rob Avery IVI know that with the Playstation plus membership, they will away free games every month and giving away different games every month. So, I were to get a free game, then a month later, that same game isn't considered a "free" ps+ game, will I still have it? Scenario: --June 2013-- Uncharted 3 is...

the world is upside down
why am I hyped about a mobile game
@RavenDreamer the end of that, of course.
God. Center Square Albany hasn't changed in a decade.
I just walked past my old apartment and now I am having a burrito and a beer at my old watering hole.
Except unlike last time I was here, I am not worried about being carded.

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