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@WorldEngineer Aww, come on, not even a chain name? I don't really care city or state
@badp Well, it's true that the corps keep trying to increase the number of H1B visas... temporary foreign worker visas, that is.
The H-1B is a non-immigrant visa in the United States under the Immigration and Nationality Act, section 101(a)(15)(H). It allows US employers to temporarily employ foreign workers in specialty occupations. If a foreign worker in H-1B status quits or is dismissed from the sponsoring employer, the worker must either apply for and be granted a change of status to another non-immigrant status, find another employer (subject to application for adjustment of status and/or change of visa), or leave the US. The regulations define a "specialty occupation" as requiring theoretical and practical ...
Yeah, because those are harder and harder to get, with all the competition for them.
@Sconibulus I work in books
for the time being
very soon that will change
@worldengineer pictures something out of Libriomancer for some reason
@AshleyNunn they call me the book ninja at work since I don't make noise when I walk.
Arg someone on Twitter thinks devkit === PC. As in HP branded PC with an Nvidia graphics card = totally legit Xbox one devkit, nothing suspicious at all
@worldengineer that's awesome and creepy all at once. gives you a collar with a bell so you can't sneak up on her
@WorldEngineer hmm... unless it's Barnes and Noble I think I don't have spies
@BenBrocka some people are stupid.
I hope she doesn't work with money.
Especially accounting.
@Powerlord they never cease to surprise me though
@badp good lord
@badp LOL
@badp 15.1m people in the UK with an equivalent level of maths
Is 15.1 million higher than 5? I'm not sure.
@fredley It starts with a 1, so no!!!
@Powerlord 1 + 1 = 11
@fredley in some programming languages, yes
@WorldEngineer Really? They treat bare numbers as strings and/or binary?
@WorldEngineer In base 2 - 6*sqrt(5)!
@fredley 1 + 1 = 1, when "+" is the traditional bitwise OR operator.
@Powerlord Java does a type conversion.
Just one example.
@FEichinger JavaScript maybe, but not with 1 + 1
@Powerlord Java !== Javascript
I think we're forgetting something here
@Powerlord 1 + 1, no "1" + 1, though, that results in "11", if I recall correctly. And I don't think we were being strict about the quotation marks there. :P
@ShotgunNinja No, but it's... not true in Java either, and JavaScript at least has "1" + 1 = "11"
In base 2 - 6*sqrt(5), 1 + 1 = 11. End of story.
I think "1" + 1 is a syntax error in Java, but I'm too lazy to check.
@Powerlord It is
You can't mix types in Java
kicks Valve
Why do you not have outputs on control points when they lock again!
Empty String + Int is always String(int). So, I'm fairly certain "1" + 1 should be 11 as well.
But I'm just as lazy to check.
See also this
System.Int32 has an implicit conversion to System.String, so in c# "1" + 1 is "11" (Disclaimer: I don't actually know if this is true, I'm just pretending it is to look smart)
It could just be empty String and Java having love children, but Java is an inconsistent mess anyway.
In a rare derivative of C, 1 +1 actually sets your computer on fire and cheats with your wife
I can tell you one language where it would never, ever be 11
@BenBrocka Not a surprise, that happens every time you do something undefined in the spec.
Haskell uses ++ as concat.
@Brant No, you're right...
Here's a C puzzle for you:
int i = 1;
i = ++i+++i++;
@fredley I'm pretty sure pre-incrementing and assigning the same variable in the same line is undefined
@fredley illegal in C99
@fredley Great. You just broke my brain. I was gonna use that today, too. Ooh, Friday video!
Or maybe it's the post-increment
Voted to close because of speculation. Only one able to answer is blizzard. — NoneOfYourBusiness 39 secs ago
Apparently "1" + 1 actually does work in both Java and C#.
@Powerlord its 11?
@Blem Yes.
I printed it to the console in both cases.
I should note this was in C# 4.0 and Java 7.
pretty sure it works for all java
We haven't switched to VS2K12 yet here, and apparently Eclipse defaults to Java 7 when you create a new project.
we use 5 and 6 at work
Q: Why does Arcane Torrent slow me down?

OakI recently noticed that when I cast Arcane Torrent I'm apparently under some slowdown effect: This effect disappears the instant the cast animation stops. But why is there such an effect in the first place? When casting this spell I can't move or attack at all in any case, so why would the spe...

Q: PS3 Controller Connects/Disconnects Constantly

NioShobuI've been using MotionInJoy's DS3 tool to use my PS3 controllers to play games on my computer (specifically emulators like VBA, since Mother 3 can not be played legitimately in the US), and it has worked fine until a couple of days ago when my controller began to connect and disconnect constantly...

@Powerlord 3.5 also.
Hmm, actually, System.Int32 doesn't have an implicit operator string override... So what's making "1"+1 work?
@Blem My current project is compiled against Java 5, but the JRE it runs on is Java 6.
It does implement IConvertible though, I wonder if that's it.
@Brant String concatenation is done behind the scenes with a StringBuilder.
@Powerlord think we have the same
Oh yeah.
Just like it is in Java... at least I think Java uses StringBuilder instead of StringBuffer these days.
So it's calling StringBuilder.Append(int), which (checks....) calls ToString() on the int.
I love being able to dive into the BCL source.
The weird thing about c# is that something as simple as a.b = c.d can actually be like 16 operations if you overload enough.
Anyway, time to go home.
I'd hate to be one of these tech support lackeys
@BenBrocka I'd contact Sony's HR and ask if they'd hire me away.
Right now, they'd probably do it, just for the sake of it.
@BenBrocka then maybe they'd hire you for other stuff
@AshleyNunn Awesome! Then I gladly welcome thee to the non-blue :)
@FEichinger The best thing Sony could do is pay the current PR people at MS to stick around at MS
@BenBrocka uh, $50/month?
@BenBrocka Why isn't this posted to @TheXbone?
@badp fairly common data + phone plan rate around here
@BenBrocka Data plans on prepaid sims are €4.5/mo here
@ShotgunNinja I try not to retweet too much on Xbone
Did the support guy just called the customer a "mate"?
@badp Our mobile plans are about on par with our internet plans in terms of BS
@ChrisHateZ 140 chars, dude.
Though T Mobile has one that's like $20 a month but almost no talking minutes, just data
Exactly how much does prepaid calling outside those fabled minutes go for?
I think I pay .12/minute for calls, 12 cents for texting
@badp ?
@BenBrocka Can do prepaid with T-Mobile now too, they have an unlimited data and 100min/month for $30 a month or something.
@badp Something stupid, I never really looked
I have *Unlimited and have never raised their ire yet
@FAE I tried their $20 plan, but it turns out I'm not in their area so I could make calls but not get data
@James Almost finished "Demolition remastered!" thinking of adding fireworks to for the winning team.
@RonanForman Nice :)
lol here's the Xbone doritos/dew campaign: cinemablend.com/games/…
What do you guys think, will a lot of xbox fanboys switch over to ps4 because of all this crap?
@James What are we playing next?
@RonanForman Was thinking of Tower Control
That one requires 4v4 minimum
If I have time, I'll look at hooking that up with command blocks.
@RonanForman kk
@BenBrocka bahahahaha
@BenBrocka Ah, that sucks.
> Too bad you can't share the Doritos... Ill wait for the play station fritos so my friends can have some too.
Q: Vim adventures - Where's capital W?

Angela HarmsI can get to where the chest is at the beginning, surrounded by rocks, but I can't get back out. I need capital W, I think. Could somebody tell me where to get it? Angela

@ChrisHateZ That would contradict the very meaning of "fanboy".
@FEichinger Well it's possible to stop being a fan of something if it dissapoints you too much or does something you really don't want/like.
@ChrisHateZ a "fan", yes. But not "fanboy".
The very definition of a fanboy is someone who blindly follows whatever it is they are so obsessed about.
I've definitely seen some Xbox fans that are at least tentatively making the switch. Don't know any xbox fanboys to speak of
In other news: KSP is 33% off on Steam through the weekend, and the forums are getting a Sketchfab plugin.
Woo, another impulse buy
@ArdaXi KSP?
Then, could you tell me what it is called in your Store Transaction history?
Affirmative, please hold.
Steam Store Kerbal Space Program
Alright, thanks.
I wasn't sure whether or not Steam already distinguishes between pre- and post-April-30th purchases.
Turns out, it does.
It does?
Pre-April-30th gets all expansions for free, because of the ... let's call it "disagreements" from mid-April, when something a dev said was considered reason to grab some pitchforks.
And some users on the Steam discussions still appear to think Steam doesn't distinguish, and as such all users would get them for free. (Which wouldn't even be the case if Steam didn't distinguish yet, as they could easily funnel the DLC through the KSP website, or have Valve retroactively change them - for which there is precedent as well)
But Steam users are stupid and hard data is always best to slap them with, if one were to do so. Which I'm totally not. cough cough
> I play tf2 on Fedora, so even my operating system is a hat!
I'm tempted to ask this guy if he wants some red paint for that.
hat... overload
(and no, TF2 doesn't have red paint... or blue paint. But they do have team colored paints, which are complementing shades for each team color)
Orangered and Periwinkle?
@Powerlord Doesn't Fedora have its own blue hat?
@Ullallulloo so true
@FEichinger I don't know, but the gag was the it's based on Red Hat.
Q: Do damage conveyance socketables stack?

oscilatingcretinLet's say I have two socketables, each with this effect: Conveys 1000 physical damage over 5 seconds If I put both of these on one weapon, do I get 2000 physical damage over 5 seconds (stacked) or are all other damage conveyance effects ignored in excess of one? I know that the effect icon app...

@Powerlord I know, but that would mean that, in fact, neither of Fedora's hats could be accurately emulated in TF2.
@FEichinger Why? The default colors for most hats in the game are the team colors: red for the RED team and blue for the BLU team.
This includes the Fancy Fedora my RED Spy is wearing over there <--
And if I type another line, my avatar will get bigger.
c-c-c-c-combo breaker
@Powerlord Yes, but that would mean you'd have both hats combined in one. So it wouldn't be persitently one of the hats.
@FEichinger That's an intentional decision due to the team coloring. There are misc and hat items that combined take over 70% of a user's body.
@Powerlord I'm well aware. I was just joking.
Granted, it's still hard to tell which team the Scouts in bright pink are.
@ChrisHateZ This game is far too much fun. I do wish there was a little more randomness in the generation, though
I hate being a grown up
I need to do laundry and I can't be bothered
I am just going to spend all weekend in my pyjamas
Q: How to have NPC's move in?

user50144Ok, so I've been playing Skyrim, and got a house mod awhile back called Fjellsted. After roaming around, it's essentially a jarl's palace in comparison. But aside from the guards in the guard house, the inn keeper, and the farm owner, there are no NPCs here. seeing as the place has like, 10 bedro...

Q: When did Polymorph stop pulling aggro?

KovikoI remember before (and at least partially during) Cataclysm, a Mage's Polymorph pulled aggro of all enemy NPCs nearby the polymorphed NPC. Either during Cataclysm or after, Polymorphed was changed to no longer aggro nearby enemy NPCs. I can't find when this change was implemented, however. Which...

Q: At what MP does Inferno Act I is better than Act IV Hell, and each Act of Inferno?

Ilya MelamedI finished Hell difficulty with MP 10, but I can't do Inferno on MP 10, so at what MP level am I better off farming Act I Inferno, than Act IV Hell on MP 10? The same goes for the different Acts in Inferno, what MP levels are equivalent between the different Acts. Equivalence in respect to loot...

for a couple of reasons that don't really make sense
> Because the angle of your location matches the angle onscreen. With a declinated camera, that means the top rotation on the stick, you’re covering more degrees than the bottom side, so you’re losing a little bit of precision.
I guess this was a lot more a problem in playtesting than it sounds like on paper
but this:
> You can’t blow stuff up or smash things if your thumb is on the right stick and the left stick. We wanted to really emphasize a console rhythm, an action rhythm, we wanted to have your thumbs dance across the d-pad using your skills in a very intuitive way.
Maybe it's just me being obtuse as a PC gamer master race sorta thing, but R1 R2 L1 L2 are things that exist
@badp PC: More buttons every game. Consoles: Less buttons every game.
> It also kind of makes sense that they didn't go with independent movement and aiming controls because the PC version does not allow you to do that either. You can't switch the direction you're walking while changing where you are firing. They may have designed monster AI and pathing around that limitation for the player and removing this limitation may break encounters or make the game too easy.
This from the comments area maybe is more like it, but...
The only exception to that seems to be EA games, which are just "stop pressing buttons at all and instead watch the game not work".
Ladies and Gentlemen, Upstate New York, at it's finest.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Sounds like shit.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Haha, where the hell are you?
my life is taking a turn for the worst
I'm sat here eating biscuits watching some random person called Jenna Marbles talk shit on YouTube
please save me
Apply fire to something.
Where something might be your PC.
@kalina Jenna Marbles is apparently popular enough to make it into Youtube's 2012 Remix
@kalina I thought you were going dancing.
@Coronus no
@Powerlord "popular" != "good"
@kalina popular and good seem to be mutually exclusive nowadays.
not completely fair
but if you're unsure, applying that opinion means you won't be disappointed or shocked
if I suffer brain damage as a result of watching this video, I'm coming after you
@kalina you will
yeah... what am I watching
Side effects of watching that video include: Excessive tears, head trauma, suicidal tendencies, brain liquidation, uncontrollable vomiting, phantom pains, murderous urges and death.
Caution is advised.
I only know three or so of those channels
I think I may have just been sick a little
@Powerlord You just conned me out of 3 minutes of my life with that train wreck.
This reassures me I haven't been wasting my life on YouTube enough to receive the full extent of the brain damage
I am now going to hit the bong and erase my memory
Remember kids; YouTube can lead to drug abuse
In other words: setting fire to something?
this is controlled burning rather than immolation
@kalina That just depends on the frame of reference.
@badp To be honest, I only found out about this video because it was on Felicia Day's Wikipedia entry.
In reference to the Earth, burning down a house is also a rather "controlled burning".
Here, this is a more appropriate source of brain damage
@badp I didn't think it was as good as most of his other pieces.
I haven't played any FF game, so how would I know? :P
(Also what's with the ScrewAttack shirt? I only know that's a thing that exists out of the AVGN)
it's ok, I am restoring normality by watching this talented individual:
@badp <3 Brentalfloss
I was so disappointed when I found out she's American
@badp Which is precisely why I have my laptop's integrated webcam covered with tape.
@FEichinger My laptop's permanently closed, upside-down.
@kalina Why?
because her definition of dubstep matches up with English dubstep rather than the weird stuff Americans make
@kalina But if that's the way you prefer it, why are you disappointed she's American?
because she should be European
Now to ruin your mind again:
Please stop

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