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@MartinSojka The question is asking about a specific point in time. Having to spoil that specific point in time hurts the question.
Having to dodge around the central part of the question because of, "Oh, noes, someone might be spoiled!" makes the question much weaker.
@fbueckert How? It's perfectly findable, so it doesn't hurt the SEO. The title looks fine for me too; people who play the game will be easily able to deduce if they are interested in the answer or not.
@MartinSojka People who are worried about spoilers shouldn't be clicking on questions to begin with.
I'd be happy if we did away with spoiler markdown altogether.
@MartinSojka If people are looking for that specific character appearing after a certain point, they already know about the spoiler. If they're looking online to find the character, then they already know about him, and are probably already spoiled anyways.
This is the internet. It delights in spoiling plot points.
@StrixVaria I need that article about spoilers not spoiling anything!
@OrigamiRobot Ah well, if only we lived in this ideal world. Alas, we don't. I still don't see how having the info as a spoiler hurts the question.
@OrigamiRobot Just because it says that for a select group of people doesn't mean that it still doesn't affect my enjoyment.
People who are interested in the answer - or in answering - have it as easy as without to find it.
@MartinSojka Why does the spoiler need to be there? You're masking an integral part of the question, in an effort to save hurt feelings.
@FAE I'm not saying it has no effect. I'm saying it shifts the enjoyment.
It hurts the question by blocking the specific reason it was asked.
I always thought the "kinect is spying on you!" shit was crazy but...that's some downright evil shit right there
@OrigamiRobot I know, but people citing that article as "proof" that someone shouldn't be bothered by spoilers is basically equivalent to saying "you shouldn't feel this way" which is, IMO, kind of disrespectful.
@FAE I never said that. I just wanted the article.
@BenBrocka It would be for stuff like Stuxnet.
There's a difference between "You shouldn't feel this way" and "Have you ever thought of it this way?"
@Ullallulloo It's still evil. And the NSA has proven "foreign" surveillance means "anything we can get our grubby paws on"
The QTEs in Ryse still complete themselves if you press the wrong button. Or no buttons at all: http://www.kotaku.com.au/2013/06/why-ryse-is-the-most-frustrating-game-of-e3/
@fbueckert It's not blocking anything. It's right there in the HTML code unobfuscated (so Google and co can read and parse it) and all you have to do to read it is to hove the mouse pointer over it. There might even be a setting to simply display spoilers, I don't remember; in any case, you can easily do it yourself if they bother you via Stylish or similar.
Quicktime events you don't even have to press. We have evolved to a new level of non-gaming
@BenBrocka The FBI and NSA don't care about citizen's privacy. It's all about power to them. They want it, they deserve it, so they should have it.
@MartinSojka So that other people don't get hurt feelings, I have to do more work?
Screw that. They don't want to be spoiled, don't look at it.
@fbueckert That's how society works, yes.
So we're going to become the single place online where we make sure people don't get spoiled when playing video games?
I don't think so. That works actively against Arqade's entire premise.
@fbueckert Even then, you have to know that that's spoiler markdown to avoid mousing over it. If you know that, you know to avoid the tag!
@fbueckert Maybe? No idea. My rule of thumb is: If in doubt, don't do what others do, don't do what's easy, don't do what's the most profitable, or what's giving you the most edge. Do what's right. No matter what.
There's an argument to be made for the review queues, as they ignore your ignored tags, but that's the only argument that makes sense.
@MartinSojka And what's right is unspoiling that question, because it hurts it.
@fbueckert You still didn't tell me how. Only "it makes more work for me to write that". In this case, don't use spoilers, we all can edit your questions and answers anyway.
@MartinSojka Seriously? You're gonna go, "If you spoil something, everyone else will just dump it into spoiler tags"?
Read the meta question, dude.
You're going against community consensus.
@BenBrocka I... that's... what.
@fbueckert No. I go "If you spoil something, everybody else can edit it to include a spoiler tag if they want to."
@FAE hey they said they're blurring the lines between TV and gaming!
I am teetering on the decision to restart my AC game or not now that I know more about the game than I did.. I would do a few things differently
Now you can just sit back, leave the controller propped up to walk forward and watch the magic happen
@MartinSojka Not on my questions they're not.
And yes, I did explain how it hurts the question.
@James what did you screw up?
11 mins ago, by fbueckert
@MartinSojka Why does the spoiler need to be there? You're masking an integral part of the question, in an effort to save hurt feelings.
@fbueckert You don't really understand the SE software, do you? :)
@MartinSojka Ok, now you're being a condescending jerk. Stop it.
@BenBrocka I was not planing to put in all 4 citizens.. but if I want access to the extra patterns for my town, that is pretty much the only thing you can do.
@James can't you just add them now? you mean player citizens right?

 Animal Crossing: New Leaf

Going fishing, catching bugs, and paying off crippling debt on...
Made a room! :)
@fbueckert You're being wrong. I just assume it's out of ignorance rather than deliberate. The old "never attribute to malice what can equally be explained by incompetence."
@FAE I cant sit in multiple rooms on this computer, it messes up and times out :( I reported the bug a few times but people were not interested
@BenBrocka Layout would suck.. I tried adding in one last night and could not find a good place for a house
@James Aw. :(
@MartinSojka Yeah, I'm done arguing with you. You're deliberately avoiding my points.
@FAE Very much sadface
@James I crammed my extra villager in a corner. They're just storage space for me, really. And not having an NPC house there is kinda a good thing since its out of the way
@BenBrocka Haven't figured out how to give bugs and stuff to them yet, have you?
No, no answers yet. I haven't really tried
Damn. :(
I could swear I did that in AC but I may have just caught them on the alt
@BenBrocka Id like them to actually be part of the village though, hehe, not just crammed off to the side.
@fbueckert You answered your own question there. Why does the spoiler have to be there? It doesn't have to be, but it's nice to have, in an effort to save hurt feelings.
@MartinSojka And if you have to choose, content comes before users.
@fbueckert Spoiler markup doesn't remove any content.
@MartinSojka Pedantry. Again. Goodbye.
@fbueckert Yeah Ill never agree with that one, but we know that and do not discuss it any more :D
@James Eh, I'd rather the actual NPC villagers take up the "part of the village" areas
@James You're entitled to your opinion, and I'm entitled to mine. :) We agree to disagree.
@BenBrocka True True
I wanted to put a player in each of the four corners :D
@fbueckert And you're being any less of a pedant?
@fbueckert Yup :D BTW, Did you say FF6 for 3DS or DS? Cause I can not find it for 3DS at all...
@James Uhh. I play it on my Wii.
@fbueckert Well that would explain that... Ill stop looking.
@James I believe there's a DS remake, but I'm not 100% on that.
@fbueckert I think that's just 4
I have most of the FF remakes on the iPad/iPhone.. I would love a 6 remake though
... that's a portmanteau of "bleh" and "ack", either of which would sum up my mood. Together, however, they seem to suggest something entirely different.
@James I added a sheet to the Bridge Gamer ID thing where we can share AC info, if you want to add yours. Stuff like town name, Daily Re-Tail special, etc.
@RavenDreamer Could've gone with bleck.
@FAE Done with what I have for now
Trying to make this restart or not decision :D
Q: Do prisoners ever finish their sentence and get released?

wontonSo when you click on a prisoner, it will show his sentence, but it's all in years. Does a year equate to an in-game day, or if a sentence if 1 year then the prisoner literally stays for 365 days?

@FAE wow, @Kalina is violent towards... basically everything
@Sconibulus That's the first thing I noticed too. :P
@GraceNote If only my cold-addled brain possessed that foresight.
@OrigamiRobot It's still kind of a personal preference thing. If people don't want the increased enjoyment of having read spoilers, let them suffer.
@James What can be changed/bettered by restarting? What kind of knowledge would be put to use to make things different?
@Coronus Pattern limits is the main thing. Being able to have 4 characters worth of patterns to design my town with is huge.. but since I am looking to have 4 characters worth of patterns to work on my town, clearly the layout of 4 more people into the village is also important to me.
There are also certain people to talk to on a daily basis that I was unaware of
@StrixVaria The point of any game is to provide a challenge and sense of accomplishment in the form of entertainment.
@James That's not what I was asking and giving that kind of answer hours later is a complete waste of effort.
@RavenDreamer I had a few responses to this but then I felt it would be nicer not to say them.
What's the difference between Harvest Moon and Animal Crossing?
I wonder what the privacy policy will be
@fbueckert you can't hit @FAE in the head with a shovel in Harvest Moon
@fbueckert One of the biggest is that AC is based off of real time.
@StrixVaria Then clearly the topic was not worth while enough to get 8 stars if the topic was supposed to die way back then.
I don't think Animal Crossing is fixated on farming as much.
@Blem That's a huge plus in it's favor.
@GraceNote Its one of the few games with a growing world within it that you have to manage.. A world that grows while you are 'gone'
@James Yeah, because I gave it 8 stars.
Its a neat little challenge :)
@Blem I cannot believe this has become a meme.
@FAE Maybe it's only hard to believe because of all the head trauma.
@FAE You're just jealous you didn't hit someone else in the head first. :P
@FAE I thought it was with a net?
@FEichinger If you think I did not immediately try to inflict violence upon @Wipqozn, you're sorely mistaken.
@James Other than the real time aspect, Harvest Moon works the same way.
@fbueckert I would say they are fairly similar games theme wise.. Help develop a small community.
The level of customization and such in AC is a bit more advanced than HM in my opinion, but I do enjoy both games
@James More advanced? As in character customization?
@FAE Have a ★
@fbueckert I like them both for different reasons. The real-time aspect in AC makes it a game to play a little bit each day (...or a lot) and it also celebrates real world holidays and stuff where you can get items and whatnot. HM I like because there isn't that real world pressure, and you can plan and play at your own pace.
Because previous Harvest Moons had some pretty complicated mechanics when it came to your tools.
@FAE But with all the clock screwing going on, what's the difference?
@fbueckert That's by player choice. I don't usually do it, myself, and if I do, I only go backwards so I can catch something I missed.
It's very much a "you get out what you put into it" kinda game.
@FAE Well, yeah, but by doing so, you're removing the real world pressure.
@fbueckert It's hard to explain if you're not caught up in it, haha. I know that for me, doing so doesn't lessen my enjoyment of the game, especially if I had to miss something for stuff like family obligations or whatnot. Some people constantly time jump for stuff and that's what they enjoy doing the most.
@Sconibulus this isn't true
I'm not violent towards my favourite fruit
I wish people would stop spreading such obvious slander
@FAE are you sure it is a meme? I thought it was a feature of the game.
user image
@FAE Fair enough. The little I tried it, it didn't grab me. Harvest Moon has me and doesn't let go.
@Blem ...>_>
And I'll probably pick up the new Rune Factory when it gets released.
@fbueckert What I like about AC is there's all sorts of stuff to discover in it and it's a lot deeper than you expect for what it is, what with stuff like hybrid flower breeding, the feng shui, the effort it takes to get a Perfect Town, etc.
@FAE There's much of that in Harvest Moon, too.
Especially A New Beginning.
Where you can rearrange the town to your heart's content.
wow... I didn't mean to eat that entire chocolate bar in one go
@Blem Bwahaha
@SaintWacko There's your reason to buy a 3DS.
I actually did a double take there :P
@Blem Great, now if I say I'm thinking about picking up a copy, what does that say about me?
Q: System vs Game time settings?

JamesAnimal Crossing is a real time game in which things are very much progressed in 'one day at a time' measurements. The game will read your system time but it also has its own time. Is there any difference between changing the in-game time vs the system time to help go through the initial days? I a...

Q: What is the difference between the PS3 and PSP versions of Monster Hunter Tri

AdaysnixAre there any differences between them, And Is there an online mode on the PS3 version?

Q: What are the hardware differences between the Xbox 360 slim and the Xbox 360 E?

XP1What are the hardware differences between the Xbox 360 slim and the Xbox 360 E? Are there any significant improvements or benefits of the Xbox 360 E that one should consider?

@fbueckert Yeah, I just kep going back and forth
So Saint did you try Tome?
@ChrisHateZ Been playing it since I downloaded it
it is now the weekend, what am I going to do this weekend?
Very fun
@kalina there was a "basically" as a qualifier, I didn't claim it was literally everything. :)
I like that there's an overworld
hello all
@kalina Get a 3DS and AC, like me!
@SaintWacko Pretty good, eh? xD
@Sconibulus I also obviously like purple, although I don't remember setting that
@SaintWacko consoles can die
Hello Adaysnix
@ChrisHateZ Very. Have you tried crawl?
@Coronus I think it says that you want to be a team player and hit FAE on the head with a shovel.
@GraceNote why would you want to hit FAE?
@kalina Go dancing.
@kalina Apparently it's what people new to town do.
@kalina It's part of the experience.
@fbueckert I suppose I could go dancing, but that would involve trains to cities and stuff like that
@kalina It's an integral part of AC
I've neither a 3DS nor Animal Crossing, though, and no real interest in getting the latter.
@GraceNote how rude
@kalina don't you live in a field?
@GraceNote or the former
@kalina Worth it.
@Sconibulus hence the trains and the cities
those are perfect for dancing skyclad 'round bonfires
I have a 3ds is animal crossing good?
@kalina I have interest in getting a 3DS for a variety of reasons, the most solid of which is the copy of EO4 I have.
@Sconibulus I don't do that, I require dubstep
@SaintWacko Yep, just exited.
@GraceNote Eve Online?
@GraceNote Executive Order?
@kalina Etrian Odyssey.
Didn't really get far, i don't like the way game works. Interface and the way menus work is quite bad and unfriendly imo.
Etrain odesssy 4?
that was my next guess
Well, spelled as fbueckert wrote it.
right so basically, I have nothing to do
@kalina Monster Hunterrrrrrr.
@GraceNote I honestly do not have a single piece of paper in my house, let alone a pencil or pen
@kalina whats wrong with nintendo products?
You've a computer canvas, though.
@kalina You will! Eventually!
@Adaysnix they're made by Nintendo and Nintendo have contributed nothing of any real value to the gaming industry in the last decade?
Not too mention they spawned the current stupid motion sensitive controller gimmick and deserve to be launched into the sun for that
I'll probably give the game a try again today, but they should really improve and simplify the interface and the way you move between menus. I didn't even manage to figure out how can you exit the game once you're inside the dungeon so i have to ctrl+alt+delete it
@GraceNote drawing with a mouse isn't really drawing though, is it
@kalina i would have to agree
@kalina If you won't do it... who will? Poor Nintendo.
Depends on your skill and drive on the subject.
@Adaysnix you shouldn't agree with me, people get confused when I get agreed with
Some people can be quite fancy with mouse. Most people use a tablet, sure, but mouse is still doable.
@GraceNote skill on a scale of 1-10 is -9000
drive has a similar measurement
@kalina but they did start the terrible "move" movement.
Still is an option. Still is drawing.
I have to take multiple attempts at drawing free hand circles I'm happy with
drawing sounds like a bad idea
@Adaysnix Much of that can be attributed to Nintendo's lax policies for Wii. The amount of shovelware is incredible.
@fbuecke Indeed
Having only a mouse to work with never stopped me
@badp neither did pride
Can't even sue Microsoft, if you want to play the XBone.
@kalina I take pride in my own creations. You'd be hard pressed nowadays to find people drawing their own letters, painstakingly, one by one.
I do! I don't need no stinkin' wacom
I wont be getting the next Xbox
2 days ago, by badp
user image
@fbueckert Good thing I don't want to play the Xbone.
if I had a graphic tablet it would be such a waste
I'd just spend all day drawing obscene things
I wonder when Microsoft will finally just shut up. Their marketing is doing nothing but murdering themselves.
Just look at how poorly those glasses match his face. Just as poorly as his message was received
Iv'e seen people draw some pretty amazing things using mouse. Graphic tablet just makes it easier and faster, nothing else.
Anyone looking forward to any of the next gen consoles?
@Adaysnix I have a PC
@Adaysnix PC > Consoles
Look at the text. Matching the almost-casual tone of the content, but with that "intel" touch on it: he's still a guy in a suit, selling you something. Actually, two things.
PCs are indeed the master race.
Look at the poorly executed attempt to deny the existence of the PS4. Anybody can look through that. So can they look through his words and his white lies.
My PC is almost three years old, and still plays everything without even trying.
@badp are you still going?
@kalina My pride in this creation is bursting. I bask in the glory of my creation and pity the fool who won't even try
I don't do things I'm not good at
How will you get better without trying
@kalina How do you get better at things?
@kalina Practice makes perfection though.
← won't even try strategy games though
I am just naturally good at the things I do, and therefore get even better by doing them more
@kalina And what may those things be?
I mean, I was pretty horrible at dancing when I first started.
@fbueckert How bad, in terms of liters of blood cried per hour?
@ChrisHateZ ...
@fbueckert Dancing just makes me feel retarded. I hate it.
Dancing as to what type?
@Adaysnix dirty dancing
@badp In that measurement, 0.
for money
with poles
@fbueckert Very good indeed!
he does it multiple times a week
In measures of sweat, I think I lost count after the first week.
"the naked programmer" they call him
Is he paid well
he has a huge fluffy beard and a thong made of mouse cables, what do you think?
I think.... He is not paid well
your knowledge of the target market is damaging your judgement
Feb 27 at 18:43, by fbueckert
I know not of his target market
told you he had a big fluffy beard
therefore everything else I said must be true
Perhaps it may be
Jan 18 at 2:23, by fbueckert
user image
mmm suits
you look far less homeless in that picture
Nice suit.
@kalina That's a much more everyday picture of me.
I grew the beard for shits and giggles.
see ya guys, got to get to work.
@kalina I get to wear a tailcoat tux for my tango performance.
@fbueckert As do I, for my Rocky Horror performances...
I fail to see the reason for dancing, nor why does it even exist.
@ChrisHateZ You lack class. Tons of it if you can't even see any value in it.
@ChrisHateZ It's a method for attracting a mate, getting exercise, and socializing through body language.
Motion, courtship, energy production, energy consumption, exercise, illustration, demonstration, performance, communication.
@fbueckert Yeah i have to disagree with that.
Ancient civilizations relied on it as a method of story-telling, and remembering their history.
@ChrisHateZ You don't understand dance. You have zero class. Logic train complete.
I am disinclined to have meaningful recourse with anyone whose username contains the word "hate". It sets a bad precedence.
@ShotgunNinja Aw, no corset?
@ShotgunNinja The first one is why I started it in the first place.
How about we do this discussion without the jabbery and stabbery in both directions?
@fbueckert Not a bad plan.
Much to my surprise, it's incredibly enjoyable, and I'm pretty darn good at it.
@ShotgunNinja Your prejudices are not my problem.
@FAE No; I will be going as Riff Raff. Also, corsets don't fit me; I'm too tiny.
@ChrisHateZ As are yours not mine. I was simply stating that I intended not to get involved.
@ShotgunNinja I didn't have any prejudices towards anyone.
@ShotgunNinja Wouldn't small size make a corset less of a problem to put on?
@ChrisHateZ Demonstrations of health are of value to any young adults wishing to advertise themselves as potential sexual partners. To this end, all over the world, in almost every culture, they can be found performing strange, rhythmic movements in front of one another. They want to indicate their physical fitness but without engaging in anything as competitive as sport or gymnastics. So they gyrate in front of one another, enacting symbolic locomotion that goes nowhere. We call it dancing.
Having a general distaste for everything and their mother doesn't imply refusing to acknowledge it, or to understand it.
@kalina I challenge your statement that dance isn't as competitive as sport or gymnastics.
@fbueckert and I offer the statement that NASCAR racing is just as competitive.
@ShotgunNinja And about on par with danger level.
Might be better to say it's on a different gradient of competition.
@fbueckert copy and paste from something I sampled many years ago
Or maybe a different organizational level of competition.
when I decided it would be a really good idea to make a dance track out of something from the discovery channel
@kalina ...dance track...from discovery channel?
As a sidenote, proper ballroom dancing does go somewhere.
Around the floor, counter-clockwise.
@fbueckert yes
keep in mind I was like 14
@kalina "Sorry! We can't find that sound."
of course not
try now
This conversation reminds me of this comment I made:
Well, the general idea is to step to the beat. Depending on the dance, you might step two or three times per beat, or only once every two beats. The direction and technique of these steps also differs per dance. At the end, you gain a buff called, "Good with the ladies". — fbueckert Apr 16 at 18:57
@fbueckert I like having that buff.
@kalina I actually like it.
@FAE It's a good one to have.
I'm running a passive called "Good with my girlfriend" right now.
@fbueckert I like people with that buff
@kalina You techno'd a discovery channel commentor.
that's not dubstep
I don't even know what genre that is, it's just not dubstep
I don't mind the ladies so much, with the exception of my girlfriend. I do appreciate when they have the proper set of runes and masteries though...
@ShotgunNinja I'm sure you don't mind when they take Flash either. :P
@kalina Well, it's sort of a permanent passive for me at this point.
I don't like any girl that could be considered a lady.
@ChrisHateZ chrishanson.jpg?
@ChrisHateZ Justin Bieber? :P
@ChrisHateZ I'm sorry. I'm so, so, sorry.
I nearly googled that to see if I had spelt it right
caught myself just before I ended up with bieber in my google history
@kalina I'll pass =p
Sidenote: I still need to figure out what to get engraved on my little sister's graduation gift.
Christopher Edward "Chris" Hansen (born March 26, 1959) is an American television journalist. He is known for his work on Dateline NBC, in particular the former segment To Catch a Predator, which revolved around catching potential Internet sex predators using a sting operation. Career Hansen attended Brother Rice High School in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan. He became a reporter for Lansing NBC affiliate WILX in 1981 during his senior year at Michigan State University. Dateline NBC Hansen's notable work for Dateline includes coverage of the Columbine massacre, the Oklahoma City terror...
@fbueckert I feel sorry for you, so it's alright.
@ChrisHateZ Don't. I'm about as awesome as it gets.
@fbueckert Sure you are.
WoW is finally dying
@kalina Cool.
they've just announced their first realm merges
@kalina Nothing lives forever.

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