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@badp Ahha
@fbueckert Well, the release will be 40 bucks.
So, the alpha is +125%.
The beta +50%.
Actual transit time:40 minutes, 0 transfers
@fbueckert Oh, did you back that too?
Google's trying desperately to put as much lipstick on the data they've got there as possible :(
@badp Bitch of a commute
@FEichinger I'm talking about right now. AAA game go for ~$60 US. This alpha release is going for +50% of that.
A friend of mine made a Minecraft clone in assembly:
That's hubris and arrogance right to the extreme.
@SaintWacko Nope, and with these prices, I'm glad I didn't.
@StrixVaria What is the point of Animal Crossing and what can I achieve in this game?
@fredley gardening
@kalina this actually is in the game
my lasting memory of animal crossing on the gamecube was weeding
@kalina I was referencing a Minecraft question
@ArdaXi not so much a Minecraft clone as a Minecraft OS
Ok, that's funny. Google Maps - walking directions - Frankfurt/Main, Germany to Cape Town, South Africa. Goes right through the Sahara desert in Algeria. Consequently, Google feels like warning me ... about missing sidewalks on some of the roads. :D
@badp It's a bootable Minecraft clone.
@ArdaXi in kernel-mode
@badp Make it run the JVM in Minecraft.
@FAE I know, I played a lot of the gamecube version
never ever again
@kalina This one apparently has a lot of new stuff
@SaintWacko I'm not buying a console to play one game
@MartinSojka They sent a Ground Truth team on that trip, they haven't reported back in a while.
@SaintWacko The amount of backlash on Steam pricing is immense.
@kalina Not even Monster Hunter?
puppy eyes
@fbueckert I haven't seen any of this
Q: List of Act 4 Curses and Visual Effects

SabreWolfyWhat are all the curses, which can be cast on a player in Act 4? I've seen little graphical buff icons appear in Hell Act 4, showing "Curse of Mud" I think, amongst others. I have been unable to find a list of these effects or the graphical effects on the player character, which each produces. I...

Q: How do I get medals for the island?

Ben BrockaOn the island there was a little shop but it wanted medals to purchase things. I did notice there's a little girl (er, little Kappa) who's playing "store" but I didn't sell her anything since I was in a rush to gather bananas and durians and bugs. How do I get medals for the island? Is there an ...

@fbueckert even though you keep asking me, no, I'm not
@kalina Aww.
What about Pikmin? The new Mario Bros?
never liked Mario games
never really liked Pikmin games
I might buy a PS4 but I won't be an early adopter
@kalina shock
@fbueckert Why are you naming WiiU games when Animal Crossing is on the 3DS?
@Powerlord Because Monster Hunter is on the WiiU
@Powerlord he needs more people to play Monster Hunter with before he starts getting bored of it
@kalina You'd probably outpace me easily.
I don't see that as a good reason to play the game
in other news, I reactivated my WoW account and haven't played it for more than an hour at a time since
@GrumpyLazers Ugh. This isn't very useful at all.
speaking of which, I am going to deactivate it again right now
@fbueckert kotaku.com/…
@Wipqozn Sonofabitch
@Wipqozn linked that earlier. I'm hoping not too many people opt for the 3DS version since I'm totally getting the Wii U one
@SaintWacko Then it shouldn't be on Steam. Simple as that.
If only because I demand to hear that epic Wiley theme remix on real speakers
I don't think Blizzard want to keep losing users
since they've (a) changed their cancellation screen and (b) made it impossible to cancel
@fbueckert No one has to buy it.
@BenBrocka YEah, I'm getting the WiiU one as well.
@SaintWacko They're going to murder any goodwill they have on Steam by insisting on that price.
@fbueckert It's going to drop when they get into beta, and again when they release it
They can't charge less for alpha, because it would be an enormous slap in the face to the kickstarter backers
@SaintWacko People aren't going to care. All they'll remember is, "This was the turd that was priced stupidly high ealier this year."
@fredley That really isn't news anymore :P
@fbueckert Knowing how short term new is on the internet, I really doubt that'll be an issue
@SaintWacko I get that, and I disagree with it. Kickstarter tiers are for funding the game in the first place.
Greenlight is not.
> Mattel also said new features included the ability to play the game in six languages, customise the board, and pay for an ad-free version.
> pay for an ad-free version.
What a privelege!
@fredley Wha... You can imgur a youtube link?
@SaintWacko it's linkified text
@SaintWacko Maximum ninja Rebecca Black
@fbueckert It sounds like they weren't even planning to release it early on steam, they mainly did so because of requests
> the board no longer refreshes itself after a turn.
@fredley Yeah...
@OrigamiRobot [i.stack.imgur.com/rBfrI.jpg](http://google.com)
@SaintWacko That's a lot of bad PR sent their way, then.
It'll get relegated into the same category as Train Simulator.
@fredley See, I have a thing that when I hover over an image link, it shows me the image. So I don't normally click image links, anyways :P
@fbueckert Nothing is in that category
@SaintWacko Until they're starred
@fredley The problem was the copy grabbed an extra line.
This RB link will continue to give
@SaintWacko Derp. Wrong game name.
@fredley Nope, even when they're starred, I still just hover over them
@fredley Adding features? Better erase all traces of people playing the old game
@SaintWacko You have extra things. Most people don't have extra things.
@BenBrocka EA logic
@fredley Right, I'm just saying that's why that trap doesn't work on me in particular :P
@BenBrocka "adding" "features"
@SaintWacko EA Logic
@fredley Y'know, this would've been more amusing if you used an image that played along with the joke.
@GraceNote True. rBfrI wasn't accidental though
@fredley Nice try
@fredley Oh, very nice. I hadn't caught that
basically, @fredley... you're just bad at everything
@fredley This is true. So it's now your job to try and make that URL a relevant picture.
@BenBrocka You know, I thought we were still talking about Uber entertainment. See: Monday Night Combat and Super Monday Night Combat
@kalina I can't really argue with this
@Powerlord they erase stats too? That's a really dick move. I don't generally view my all-time stats but people can be really proud of that
@Powerlord Oh, did they make that, too?
@OrigamiRobot I clicked on this. Now I need to blast some proper music to get the garbage out of my system ;p
@fbueckert Yup.
One was a neat game, the other a blantant cash grab after being jealous of the LoL and TF2 in-game stores.
@GraceNote ^^
@fredley: fool me once shame on you, fool me... DOH!
@JourneymanGeek Hahaha
@JourneymanGeek Clearly you have not been here long enough :P
you're all victims and deserve it
Lol, I just got an email with the subject 'Friday'
@fredley Well, you managed to get an R and an F in there, so I guess, 2/5?
@fredley Was it from R. Black?
@GraceNote The gif is appropriate though
@Powerlord Sadly not
It's appropriate, but the challenge was to try and get the gif onto the right URL.
@fredley why is Sadly Not sending you email at work?
@GraceNote Oh, spamming imgur until I get a hit?
@kalina ha
@fredley Ideally you find a more creative means to accomplish this goal.
@fredley ...
@kalina You are a shining wit
@fredley ...
badp you there?
@OrigamiRobot ...
hides the body out of sight We don't know any @badp here.
@ChrisHateZ obviously not
@ChrisHateZ Try "pinging" him, like this: "@badp"
@OrigamiRobot: jimi hendrix voodoo child
@MartinSojka For real?
@OrigamiRobot Good song
It's not super important so i can just come back later when hes here.
@kalina What?
@ChrisHateZ It works even if you're not in chat, you get a notification on the Arqade page (I think there are some time limits involved, but in general it works like that for active users).
@OrigamiRobot bad music
@kalina Best music.
@kalina How dare you
@MartinSojka Roughly 12-24 minutes, assuming the user is not in chat to intercept.
Robot music is best music
@OrigamiRobot bad music
Also Boards of Canada
@MartinSojka Ok thx. Didn't know that.
@kalina Best music
@SaintWacko Above average music
> GnomeSlice: She's trolling, dire straits is the shit
@fredley Clever girl porkchop .
@fredley Okay, I actually agree with that more
@Wipqozn I'm not a girl!
Porkchops have no genitals, at least, you hope not.
@fredley Do pork chops have genders?
@fredley ಠ_ಠ
@PrivatePansy Of course!
@OrigamiRobot the
@kalina eh?
@fredley cake
@kalina Acceptable
@fredley You know that "having a gender" and "having the biological means to reproduce" aren't synonymous, right?
Arnold Schwarzenegger is going to be doing another Terminator movie? \o/
@kalina Wow, you filled in a thing with information
That's very unlike you
Granted, he is getting kind of old now...
@Powerlord Maybe he'll just do the voice and let the rest be computer-animated.
@fredley not sure what you mean
@Powerlord Doesn't really matter. They can make look him younger if needed, and of course for other things there are stuntmans.
@kalina I can't be bothered to find @badp's quote about being absolutely wrong
Note: converting mail merge documents so that they work off of the new database is time consuming and tedious.
@fbueckert Mmmm mail merge
@MartinSojka "a girl" can refer to either
yesterday, by badp
you are 100% irremediably and unrecoverably wrong on this subject no matter what arguments you may ever put forwards
@BenBrocka Infertility?
Sorry, I was busy failing level 117 five more times
Apparently there are cheats for this game, but only its Facebook version. So fuck those cheats, too.
@badp Which game?
@ChrisHateZ Candy Crush Saga.
@badp googles
@ChrisHateZ It's Bejeweled but with level design
We'll be seeing reviews of next gen launch titles before the release, right? I forget if there were reviews out there for last gen stuff
...and f2p bullshit such as lives and consumables.
@badp I love match-3 type of games but CCS doesn't look very appealing for me. That is it looks somewhat childish.
@ShotgunNinja I've seen the videos and of course when people pass the level miracles happens like managing to move the "ingredients" towards the center
badp you're the one that plays stone soup a lot, right?
Truth is, the ingredients fall at random moments from one of the four columns at random, without any warning, so it's all a crapshot.
@ChrisHateZ I've been playing it.
Very slow/hard learning curve in that one?
@ChrisHateZ Nope, that's me
@ChrisHateZ The game's very ergonomic with features such as "find every item you've seen ever" to "automatically explore this place for me"
It's easy to play, hard to master
@SaintWacko right right right
so the interface is pretty much the best you'll see from a "true" ASCII roguelike
although you don't have to play it ASCII
@badp I kinda like Brogue a bit more in that department.
@GraceNote That's why I said "true", to exclude Brogue
But that's because it has a much smaller complexity level in that department.
I don't like ASCII, I'd download the graphical version.
Brogue's done in OpenGL :P
Been watching some videos of stone soup. Looks lot more complicated then other roguelikes.
@ChrisHateZ Don't download. Online is more fun
@ChrisHateZ It's deeper than a lot of others
More choices, more options
@SaintWacko ...is it?
@SaintWacko I prefer playing offline.
@ChrisHateZ Oh, okay
Please tell me the protagonist of Brogue is a dudebro
I like online for stats tracking and other people's ghosts
And the final boss says "COME AT ME BROGUE"
It's harder then Tales of Maj'Eyal right?
@ChrisHateZ I haven't played that
@SaintWacko Oh i highly suggest you try if you're into roguelikes.
@ChrisHateZ I'll have to check it out. DCSS is really the only graphical crawl I've played
The only Tales game I want to play is Tales of Xillia.
And that doesn't get released for a couple months.
@ChrisHateZ Oh, and use learndb if you need information about anything while playing
@SaintWacko Tales of ME is roguelike RPG. There is a world map with dungeons and towns to access.
@ChrisHateZ Downloading now
@SaintWacko Aight. I'll ask you how do you like it later then =D
@ChrisHateZ I'll ask you the same about crawl :P
Very addicting game, but a lot of bullshit where you end up fighting super-OP monster and die instantly.
@SaintWacko Hehe aight. Will download it now.
@ChrisHateZ Sounds familiar. One time in Crawl I had a game that lasted 15 turns
I stepped out of the starting vault, first monster I encounter is a kobold with a distortion branded dagger
One-shots me
@BenBrocka There actually is no final boss. There are a lot of dragons, though. They totally are very "COME AT ME BROGUE", as it were.
@SaintWacko Lawl
Does Stone Soup have any story and lore into it?
Tome is full of lore.
@ChrisHateZ Not really
You're just supposed to get the Orb of Zot
Too bad.
Newegg has Pokemon X and Y preorders for $34 with promo codes today: newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16878190356 newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16878190355 codes are EMCXPWS68 for Y EMCXPWS67 for X
ugh stupid link
In Tome you're constantly finding lore scrolls, letters and things like that. Exploring and interacting with certain things also unlocks more lore. That's one of the things i really love about that game.
It's very deep.

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