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Hey, stop making me feel old
51 mins ago, by World Engineer
Matt Smith is leaving - http://io9.com/farewell-eleven-matt-smith-is-leaving-doctor-who-510860053
Favorite Wasteland 2 review moment - hitting the "Drugs" system entry and seeing the description read simply, "Yes please."
@Sterno io9? Ew.
@Wipqozn It's time.
@Wipqozn I had the same reaction to Reddit.
You know, for the purpose of organizing a (not really very big) game collection, Steam sucks
@PrivatePansy How so? doesn't Steam just alphabetize everything?
The new Telltales bundle just dumped a ridiculous number of game into my library
@Scootaloo That's not really organization
@PrivatePansy I didn't say it was :p. I guess you were looking for like genre categorization or something more in-depth?
Anything is more useful than a gigantic list of games sorted A-Z
gaming.stackexchange.com/posts/117521/revisions It's been a while, but can anyone still remember if the misspelling is actually deliberate in the game?
Can't satisfy everyone.
Q: Am I allowed to stand up against something I disagree about?

EnderI'm referencing this question, which highlighted my comment about disliking anonymous downvoting. The result of that discussion was my education that anonymous downvoting is in some ways integral to how the site works and is a system that is working as intended. However I made it clear I dislike ...

@SepiaLazers Good timing :).
@PrivatePansy did you just block me for talking with you about Steam? touchy people.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Is there anything against (or for) the rules regarding emulation?
@PrivatePansy It doesn't even use that word, AFAIK.
Q: Inventory issues in The Pit

Cabbitfirst post here. I am constantly, constantly running out of inventory space. I like to craft with my engineer and I'm on floor 28 so I'm pretty far down there. I'll probably play again with a Marine. Can someone give me some pointers that I may have missed about inventory management? What's usef...

@Ullallulloo did I do say something rude since I've been here for the past 15 minutes? apparently I just got blocked by pp.
@Scootaloo Not that I can tell.
A) Why do you think that.
B) Why are you asking random people?
Then again, I have fairly thick skin so a lot of things don't sound offensive to me.
The only annoying thing you're doing is asking if you're being annoying.
He PM'd me and told me it's because he hates your avatar.
I promised not to tell so don't let on that you know.
@OrigamiRobot I was just talking to p.p. about Steam and the way it organizes games and then he blocked me.
@Sterno there is no PM system in chat.
Alas, you've seen through my cunning ruse.
@Scootaloo Again, why do you think that?
@PrivatePansy Yeah, the game just calls them enchanted.
@Scootaloo Or maybe he went AFK for a bit.
@Scootaloo Eh, let bygones be bygones. If he blocked you, don't worry about it. Just go about your business.
@OrigamiRobot If you look at a users profile and the "start a new room with [user]" is gone that usually means your ignored. Or so I thought.
@Scootaloo False.
Or it means he/she left.
@Scootaloo In general, questions about the emulator itself (that aren't WHAT EMULATOR DO I USE) are okay. Questions involving the ROM in any way are generally not. If your question implies piracy in any way, it's also not cool, obviously, and there are definitely a fair number of people here who interpret 'implies piracy' in very broad terms.
I think.
I've never messed with private chat rooms, so yeah.
Take my statements with at least twelve grains of salt.
@OrigamiRobot I really need to stop with my paranoia crap...
@Scootaloo You really, really do.
Oh god, there's a simulation game on Steam. Must resist....
@Yawus Which one?
@fbueckert Prison Architect.
Also, if you are being put on ignore and not just being paranoid, it might behoove you to take a step back and think about why and how you can avoid it in the future, should it concern you so much.
Meant to say "there's a simulation game on sale".
@Yawus So much fun.
Q: What does the sorceress mean by being "able to surpass yourself"?

galacticninjaThe sorceress recently gave me an option to buy the ability to "surpass myself" in exchange for a million lollipops. I bought that ability. Afterwards, the sorceress now says this: You are now able to surpass yourself. Congratulations ! What triggers the sorceress into selling you the abi...

It's not a good question, but should that be closed?
@Ullallulloo It's a duplicate.
I never needed another simulator once Farming Simulator 2013 came out.
I really don't feel like this is the same question as the linked 'duplicate'. Did you guys even read them before voting to close? — GnomeSlice 6 mins ago
@LessPop_MoreFizz They're asking opposite things though.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I asked mainly because of this question: gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/118946/…
What does X do? It does Y.
How do you do Y? Do X.
Not really dupes.
@Ullallulloo They were asked by the same person.
@Ullallulloo Yeah, but if you look at the deleted answers and the timestamps, it feels very forced. More to the point, there's absolutely no benefit to having the inversion as a separate question.
There is absolutely no information contained in one that would not be contained in the other.
@Ullallulloo But each question is 100% relevant to the other. There is no reason to have them seperate.
Having the dupe is good for SEO, but googlers will get forwarded to a single canonical page thanks ot the duplication, which is a good thing.
Plus the whole purpose the duplicate system is to keep all the information in one place. This are the same question really. Having all the answers in one place is best for future users since it makes it easier to find that information.
@Wipqozn I thought "the person was doing the asking" was one of those things in a red box that you were supposed to ignore when evaluating a question.
@Scootaloo I'm not 100% comfortable with it, because ROM-dumping still falls afoul of DMCA anti-circumvention provisions, but I'm just going to get shouted down so I don't feel like fighting it because I have had way too many of these fights in the past 3 years already.
But, then, I didn't really trust that image with red and green boxes. No freehand circles in it.
@Sterno That guide is only for voting.
Not closing
So I'm okay if I VTC everything Kalina asks because her name is on it? Excellent.
@Sterno Yea, closing is free game.
Well, that escalated quickly.
@Sterno I'm sorry to sound rude, but are you being intentionally difficult,or do you not understand my point?
@Wipqozn Intentionally difficult.
@Sterno Creepy old man.
Now I've got cover to VTC all @kalina's questions, too. It's win-win.
I'll just tell her that @OrigamiRobot said it was okay.
@Sterno Well, you can VtC, but that won't have any effect unless 4 other people agrees with you
So you're just wasting your votes
@PrivatePansy Once it gets one VTC she'd probably delete it anyways.
VTCs are like dominos and question downvotes. Once you get it going, they just keep coming.
She usually deletes if she gets more than one downvote.
The creepy old man has a point.
Stars are the same way.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Well, the way I see I bought the Nintendo DS and I bought the game. I dumped the rom and I didn't share/download it from somewhere else.
Also sorry for the confusion @PrivatePansy
@Scootaloo The law doesn't see it the same way. The law sees that you circumvented the encryption on that DS Cartridge, and therefore, you broke the law.
Then Judge Dredd finds you.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I am going to buy this
Then put it in the oven.
Then eat it
While it's still there
@OrigamiRobot We have already established that you eat cardboard.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Given that he is cardboard, that's not too big a stretch
@LessPop_MoreFizz So? does that mean that everyone who mods. their console should be arrested? good luck.
@LessPop_MoreFizz What else would paper robots eat?
@OrigamiRobot That looks disgusting.
Though I must say, the various inks and dyes in that box cannot be helpful to ingest.
@Scootaloo Yes. That's exactly what it means.
@Scootaloo Not arrested, because it's a civil, not a criminal violation,
@Wipqozn It's the best frozen pizza I've ever had.
It does mean that everyone who mods their console is subject to be sued and if they are, they will lose because they are legally in the wrong on the matter.
The fact that they are often not sued often reflects the general lack of effort expended on the matter by the device manufacturers - not the legality of the activity.
My local supermarket sells tofurky pizzas which are more expensive than pizza with real meat
Legally speaking I'm in the wrong, but morally I don't think so. I paid for it and I'm not trying to make profit off it.
@OrigamiRobot It still looks disgusting.
I never really understood how that worked
Dammit. Now I want pizza.
Real meat isn't as real as it used to be. Ever look at the McRib?
@Sterno They don't have that here
@Scootaloo I'm not making a moral argument. I never have. We are talking about the law. Not what's right. That is not always the same thing.
@Scootaloo We're not talking about morals. We're talking about legality. The reason we don't allow piracy is because of legal reasons.
@Scootaloo Yes, but we're worried about legality here. If something's illegal, we can't be party to it officially unless we want to get SE shut down.
@Wipqozn Would it make you feel better if I told you I fold up the whole thing and eat it like a taco?
And they never will because it's pork
@OrigamiRobot No.
@Wipqozn Welp I didn't pirate a damned thing I dumped the game from the cartridge that I bought with my money.
@PrivatePansy 'pork'.
@Scootaloo No... that's piracy...
@Scootaloo That's nice. Nobody is calling you a pirate. What we're saying is that by circumventing the copy protection, you are violating the law.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Something close enough to pork that the Muslims will object, at any length
You can argue all you want about morals, but legally speaking, that's piracy.
(Well, okay, maybe @Yawus is calling you a pirate.)
So be it.
OK, now that I've decided what I'm eating, I need to know what to buy to drink.
@OrigamiRobot Sushi.
@Wipqozn I don't have a blender.
Ever notice how all of the sites selling tools and supplies for this sort of activity operate out of countries and regions with substantially below-average copyright enforcement regimes (e.g. Taiwan)?
@OrigamiRobot Sushi.
@Wipqozn I don't have a blender.
It's because if you sell this shit in the US and make a substantial amount of money, you tend to get shut down by a lawsuit very, very, quickly.
Or Europe.
@Scootaloo Please don't think I'm casting aspersions on your character. I'm just telling you that is legally piracy and there's no ifs, ands, or buts about it.
etc. etc. etc.
1 hour ago, by Sterno
And the statue of liberty being an angel is still beyond retarded.
@Sterno ?
@LessPop_MoreFizz That's nice pal.
@Sterno: I agree 110%. I hate Moffat as show runner.
@kalina You weren't in chat, so you were a target. Would have been @fbueckert if he wasn't here.
@Wipqozn You have to admit that he does come up with a lot of psychologically terrifying monsters.
@Scootaloo Listen, I'm not talking about what's right and wrong. I'm not concerned with it. At all. I'm only concerned with what is legal. Which is not the same thing.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Ok. I understand and agree.
Real life conversations should ping people.
@Sterno That'd be annoying as all hell though. I think.
@Sterno I call people on the phone whenever I mention them in real life.
@Scootaloo For example, I'm all for legalization of Marijuana. But seeing as it's against federal law, in the US, and just about every other developed nation in the world, I fully support the blanket ban on the explicit discussion of marijuana growing on gardening.se.
Then I just hang up.
@OrigamiRobot This sounds like something you would do.
@LessPop_MoreFizz goes and asks loads of marijuana growing questions on gardening.se
@LessPop_MoreFizz Hallelujah!
@OrigamiRobot Wow, that would suck for your friend Bill.
Especially since the only time you'd call him is when you're angry.
I don't get it.
@Powerlord @OrigamiRobot doesn't pay his bills. He's a criminal. A tax criminal.
All my bills are on autopay. I don't even notice them.
@Powerlord Now I feel like playing L4D2...
A: Are questions about a marijuana garden allowed?

Michael PryorOur servers are in New York, US, where growing marijuana is illegal. We could get subpoena'd for your information and we'd be forced to give the authorities whatever they asked for. So while our audience is most definitely global, our company and corporation is not. I don't really think talking...

I don't understand people who don't autopay their bills
those people definitely have too much free time
or a desperate need to talk to people who don't want to talk to them back
@kalina Some people like to look through all their bills for mistakes, or to see if there is any suspicious activity on credit cards.
@Wipqozn I do this, for instance.
those people are usually careless or forgetful and therefore need to
@kalina when did you get back?
@kalina I don't autopay my bills because, at this time, I don't have any bills that are of a consistent quantity from month to month.
@Scootaloo I have been here for 361 consecutive days
@Wipqozn I just check my bank account for that. I don't have credit cards.
@kalina Yes. People who look for mistakes made by the company billing them are careless.
@Wipqozn I've never experienced this, get better companies
@LessPop_MoreFizz I set up $50 on auto-pay because I generally spend that much at least.
@kalina Companies are run by people. People make mistakes.
@kalina ?
@kalina Or you could argue that people with auto-pay are lazy morons who like to spend their time looking down on other people.
@LessPop_MoreFizz OK, I don't have my electric bill on autopay.
@Scootaloo that particular sentence makes perfect sense
Okay, I think I came on too strong. Sorry.
@Yawus it's ok, nobody flagged you
@kalina What?
@Wipqozn damn those people
@Scootaloo so does that one
@Ender Do you need a hug?
yes. <pouts>
@Scootaloo She means, she has never been away in the first place
@kalina Also, Ive had my credit card number stolen before and had fraudulent charges made on my card. Seeing the bill monthly is how I become aware that a gentleman in cambodia bought lots of porn and copies of photoshop and tried to make me pay for it.
Q: Can you stop life drain with blind?

SherlockSuppose you have Teemo vs Vladimir or Fiddlesticks, can his Q stop the life drain? I did search on lolwikia but I'm still not sure about this.

I would think that chat would have had some downtime.
@Scootaloo If you want time off chat you could, you know, just reach for the x on the tab and close it, then go do something else
@LessPop_MoreFizz how did your credit card number get stolen?
@PrivatePansy Ugh...
You guys ever notice that expression old people (older than me!) get on their faces when they see a front row parking spot open in the supermarket parking lot?
@kalina breach at a retailer that I patronized. Several thousand CC#'s stolen.
I'm talking about when a site goes down for maintenance temporarily.
@Scootaloo I know, it's so much effort to reach... for the mouse... and move... to the close button
My hands are straining
@LessPop_MoreFizz interesting, I've never had that happen either
@Sterno No. I always park near the back so old people and those with problems which make walking difficult can park near the front.
@Scootaloo It happens periodically. A few times a year at most.
That's another way to get time off from chat!
Not touching that one.
there's absolutely no need to talk to @PrivatePansy like that
@LessPop_MoreFizz That's what I was getting at.
@Wipqozn But surely you must walk past this area to get to the store. So what you're really telling me is that you avoid eye contact with old people because it frightens you.

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