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I'm sane!
@SaintWacko Or are you?
@Fluttershy When does that hit?
@SaintWacko Tomorrow.
@Fluttershy sweet
@SaintWacko or @Ullallulloo Have either of you used the Don't Starve wikia for anything?
@Fluttershy I haven't yet.
Well, except I looked up bird men and ghosts one time.
Dang. They have information on there and I'm not entirely sure what it means. =\ It's called "Attack Period" and I have no idea how that information is helpful. x_x
I was considering using it now.
Little evil hairy pig things are chasing me.
I don't want to die. D:
@Fluttershy That's how often they attack, in seconds
Tells you how long you have to hit them before you have to dodge again
Hounds it says.
@SaintWacko Aaah, okay. That's pretty useful then. Now I know how I can get my tentacle spike! :3
@Fluttershy 2 intro cards
Q: Running wom.sh in Terminal, but Error message Appears

apotter96I followed the instructions at the World of Minecraft Website. When I enter the command line in terminal /home/apotter96/Downloads/wom/wom.sh it finds it but the Terminal comes back with Error: Unable to access jarfile lib/boot.jar. The boot.jar is in the lib folder. All I want to do is use my Wo...

Crappy drops are crappy
At least that means I'll get to sell them all no problem
except for the dumb coupon
@kalina Feel like giving one away to someone who can't give anything back? =P
Also, food time. Later, Bridge!
I hit an animal in my car for the first time ever.
@Fluttershy I can do, won't be tonight though, I will need to start up another PC to invite you to my other account without loads of logging in/out
You didn't write "with" so I'll assume you punched an hamster in the face
aaand dead
Ok, I'm picking up trees and rocks. What now?
@AshleyNunn T-shirts and jeans are going to look rediculous when everyone's wearing space onesies and 5 inch wide hoop earrings like Star Trek
@spugsley Hi
@BenBrocka sadface
given that a shirt and trousers is a millennia old fashion, I doubt that combo is going anywhere
also there will be pockets in the future
because Gene Roddenberry had weird ideas about clothing
you want clothing that breathes or you want clothing that completely doesn't and has a built-in extraction system
Obviously he just wanted to admire Shatner's body.
though freezing is much less of an issue in space than people think. Heat Sinking is a much larger issue
@FEichinger ...
@WorldEngineer Hey, I could've done a lot worse there.
@FEichinger yeah
(The writing in Cthulhu Saves the World is just as witty, btw.)
@badp I played a bit of that, decently fun
@WorldEngineer I got stuck at some boss in the late game. I actually hit the combo limit at ~×300 and then unleash it all in one mega attack, and then I die.
(This Penny Arcade 3 title doesn't have a combo system; it does have a slightly confusing wait bar though)
@OrigamiRobot get flint
@Ullallulloo I did
I cut some trees
@OrigamiRobot Cut some rocks.
I see no rocks
@OrigamiRobot Find rocks.
I'm in a graveyard
Graveyards are great, always nice to be surrounded by your accomplishments
@spugsley CHICKEN BUTT
I have a gallery show next month :3 My very first one
Q: What Does Rift Do Differently?

kalinaA bunch of my friends are going to start playing Rift when it goes free to play in the coming month and I am considering playing it with them. I have played many MMOs in the past including World of Warcraft, EVE Online, Guild Wars 2, etc I have heard a lot of things like Rift having a "unique" s...

Q: Does Rift support user interface customisation?

kalinaWhat level of user interface customisation does Rift support? Is it possible to move/resize/remove individual user interface elements? Does Rift support addons, similar to the way that World of Warcraft does? I am intending to go down the familiar route of being the group/raid healer/support cha...

Q: Who is Shiki talking to in one of his dreams in one of the Far Side Routes

Memor-XIn one of the Far side of the Moon Routes (i think Hisui's Route), When he falls asleep he has a "Dream", in it him (or SHIKI) encounter another serial killer who after the 2 have a drink together decides to leave the city believing that there would be trouble if the city had 2 serial killers i'...

Q: How many cards can I collect per day?

kalinaI have been playing Portal 2 from the start in order to collect trading cards in the Steam trading card beta. I have collected four cards so far, and when I look at my badge process it gives an overview of the cards I have, and the cards I'm missing. The bit that I am questioning though is that...

@spugsley yes, but will there be chicken butts?
@badp someone may art some chicken butts
who knows
definitely not going to be me
I like it when a question has multiple answers
the stackexchange system working as designed
they're all the same answer mind you
but still
three near identical answers all posted in the same minute
@kalina I like how my answer got downvoted. :P
@FEichinger Retrosaur did it
on account of his rep was 5,141 when I loaded the page
you got downvoted
his rep is now 5,140
go figure
@kalina I suspected as much.
I guess when he read the requirements for the sportsmanship badge he got it wrong
@kalina Mine has no source though.
that's like begging for rep
incidentally, pretty much everything I just posted got downvoted
@kalina the dangers of living dangerously
interesting... +3 -3 in the space of 30 minutes
@FEichinger How do you see the timeline links?
@fbueckert I don't see them. Usually I have a Userscript running that inserts the link. Otherwise I have just memorized where to find it.
@FEichinger ooh, neat
@kalina The downvotes are probably because "it's obvious and you should've just RTFM!"
@FEichinger I will make sure I downvote 90% of the questions on the site tomorrow then
I'm gonna do a coin toss on whether or not I'll be as petty as Retro.
I really don't know what his problem is
@FEichinger It'll cost you 1 rep
he obviously doesn't understand the "don't downvote the person" rule
@kalina Well, not reading the manual or FAQ is pretty much the definition of "does not show any research effort.
@OrigamiRobot It'll cost him 2 rep, though. :P
@Ullallulloo my point still stands, if we actually enforced that rule, we'd have no questions
@FEichinger Yea but you're at a nice multiple of 5
@kalina Have to agree on this.
I have proven my point on this so many times by googling people's answers for them
@kalina Yeah, we would.
@OrigamiRobot I know! That's why I'm torn on it!
That's why I'm letting the coin decide.
There are quite a few people love to upvote questions because someone downvoted and didn't leave a commment.
@kalina Not everyone deletes their questions when they get downvoted.
@Ullallulloo negative, I went through a phase of googling answers to every new question on the site
@OrigamiRobot hey, I actually have a question with a negative score, you have no idea how traumatised I am right now
@fbueckert The thing is, while it's not how the system should work - neither is random - or petty - downvoting.
I'm just saying we don't close questions that show no research effort.
So we wouldn't have no questions
right well with the answer to my question, I should basically quit portal and load up another game now right?
@FEichinger Votes are anonymous. Unless people say why they voted the way they did.
@kalina Portal 2 won't drop any more cards for you, soo ... yes.
Stand up against malicious pointless downvoting. Comment people, or dont bother pressing the arrow. — Ender yesterday
@fbueckert "There are no items for you to review."
@Ullallulloo Fixed.
@fbueckert facedesk
@fbueckert regardless of the number of random downvotes I've received in the past, I still don't agree with this
I find it as funny as galactic ninja's profile text
The entire SE voting system is predicated on anonymous voting.
@fbueckert I'll be sure to downvote that meta and not comment.
Because requiring a comment on the vote means you give the poster a target.
Or you get comments of, "asdfasdfasdfasd"
I don't agree with asking people to comment either.
@OrigamiRobot I've been thinking of posting a meta of the opposite side.
But when a post receives unreasonable downvotes, reacting with an upvote is not all that wrong, imo.
@FEichinger That makes me want to downvote in itself.
Because upvoting because someone downvoted and didn't comment isn't voting on quality.
It's voting on actions taken.
If you wouldn't have upvoted it in the first place, you shouldn't let it being downvoted change your view on that
@kalina Exactly.
It's a pity upvote, not an upvote on the quality of the post.
so, my first Rift question is deleted. Let's see if the other one suddenly starts getting downvoted now
I thought it was a pretty legitimate question though
could have been answered with facts
community must hate me, etc
@fbueckert This assumes the original downvote was a vote on quality. And with most of those unreasonable downvotes - like with pretty much anything @kalina posts - I really doubt it is.
@FEichinger You don't know why it was downvoted.
Assuming you do is pure hubris.
@FEichinger If it got downvoted, that probably means they disagreed. Upvoting just to cancel out their opinion kind of breaks the system then.
If my stuff was more consistently downvoted, I'd make a complaint about it and it would get looked into
the downvotes on my stuff are sporadic
@kalina Close votes determine that, not downvotes.
some days I'll get loads for seemingly no reason, some days I get none
@Ullallulloo I don't tolerate downvotes
Holy crap. I just figured out who spartacus is. Arqade spartacus, not Kirk Douglas spartacus.
@Fluttershy yx
@kalina Yes. <_< I just realized this.
@Ullallulloo if something gets downvoted enough, it means it's deemed not high enough quality for the site
close votes don't really deal with on-topic quality
@Ullallulloo The system is already broken prior to the response-vote, though. Reasonable downvotes are no problem whatsoever, but random downvotes on questions that seem entirely reasonable? Inappropriate downvotes break the system just as much as response-votes.
@FEichinger the point they're making is, you don't know the motives behind the downvote because it wasn't you who downvoted it
your assumption could in fact be the vote that breaks the system
@FEichinger How do you determine what's a reasonable downvote, and what's a random downvote?
@fbueckert I think you and I are finally on the same wavelength... took 10 months... but we got there in the end
sets @kalina on fire
I am fireproof
@fbueckert Aww, look. Now you're imitating her. :3 They say that's the sincerest form of flattery, y'know.
@kalina All the better!
@WorldEngineer @ashleyNunn: I've been thinking. JOhn hurt can't be the Doctors first incarnation. He says that John hurt is "the one who broke that promise", the promise being his name, The Doctor. If John Hurt is The Doctor before he was The doctor then he couldn't have broken said promise.
May 7 at 14:53, by fbueckert
There was a time where I was agreeing with @kalina, and I had to set fire to stuff to alleviate the horror.
@Wipqozn hard to say
Are @fbueckert and @kalina finally admitting their love for each other?
Anyways, going to see Iron Man 3 tonight!
@kalina What do you mean by quality?
@fbueckert everybody dies at the end
Votes determine usefulness.
Closing and deletion determine on-topicness.
@kalina Can I have the suit? The suit is awesome.
@kalina I honestly prefer adding 8 rep and breaking the system, compared to an enraged user thanks to a downvote on what just doesn't look downvote-worthy whatsoever.
@Fluttershy It has long been established that these two are totes cray cray for each other.
@fbueckert I can't answer this without ruining the ending
@FEichinger A bogus upvote does 4 times as much damage though, doesn't it?
@FEichinger This is what you should NOT be doing.
35 secs ago, by OrigamiRobot
@Fluttershy It has long been established that these two are totes cray cray for each other.
@Ullallulloo Actually, certain vote thresholds have some effects on where and how a Q is displayed, so there's that.
@Ullallulloo +5, -2
unless we're talking answers, in which case +10, -2
@kalina Unless it's an answer. =/
regardless, you're wrong in both instances
@fbueckert And, quite frankly, I don't care. As I said: The system is, in many cases, broken before that.
@Fluttershy That's actually kinda cool.
@FEichinger Fantastic. You've just lost much respect in my eyes.
@FEichinger nobody is arguing whether the system is broken, the problem in your argument is that you don't know the intentions of the original downvote so you can't establish if the system is broken
@fbueckert And I couldn't care less about that either.
@FEichinger Good!
nobody is denying that there are rogue downvotes, but you can't point at any particular downvote and go "eh, that's wrong, shouldn't have been downvoted"
because that would require insider knowledge that only the person who cast the downvote has
if you want to go and upvote each of my posts that have been downvoted though, i will not stop you
@kalina I can. If a post is, in my eyes, not downvote-worthy, I can fully well turn that around.
they were all malicious, everything I post is the highest quality postings on the site
@Fluttershy It's gotta be fake, though. There's no way it could actually fly.
@FEichinger Yeah, at -4. It's still on the site, just not shown to people cuz it doesn't think they'll find it useful. idk
@kalina 10/2=5
@fbueckert Yeah, no kidding
Apr 25 at 2:46, by FEichinger
Maths. You are bad at it.
@Ullallulloo go back to school
And the battery packs that would fit in that thing wouldn't power it for more than a minute
@fbueckert enjoy IM3 anyway, it's not the best movie in the trilogy but it's not a bad movie
@Ullallulloo Which prevents it from being answered by the strolling user. That does cause problems.
@kalina I go all nerd on the suit tech.
I really want to build something like that one day.
Also, no idea what you guys are arguing about or who is involved but @fbueckert is probably right.
@kalina derp
@Wipqozn that means you're agreeing with me!
@Ullallulloo derp :p
@Wipqozn See, people? This should be the default state!
@kalina No, you're agreeing with @fbueckert.
@Wipqozn actually, in all instances, I said it just before he did
@Wipqozn pity upvoting
@kalina You just didn't know you were agreeing with him when you first voiced @fbueckert's opinion.
@Wipqozn you so silly
I'm starting to sound like the Bridge's version of Chuck Norris, here.
That's a bit much, I think. :P
@fbueckert you survived IT hell, that's some evidence.
14 mins ago, by fbueckert
@FEichinger You don't know why it was downvoted.
11 mins ago, by kalina
@FEichinger the point they're making is, you don't know the motives behind the downvote because it wasn't you who downvoted it
> the point they're making is
HAHA! Take that @kalina!
Also, pity upvotes are silly but there's nothing you can do about it so don't worry about it.
21 mins ago, by fbueckert
Stand up against malicious pointless downvoting. Comment people, or dont bother pressing the arrow. — Ender yesterday
@Wipqozn No, @FEichinger is supporting them.
Wrong message.
@Ullallulloo That's silly.
There we go.
some people on this site are far more trigger happy with downvoting than I am
A: Is it bad practice to upvote to help out?

OrigamiRobotYes, blindly voting is potentially damaging to the site. Upvoting (and downvoting) without taking into account posts' merits is a bad thing. Voting affects rep and rep is what grants privileges. By voting, you are essentially giving/taking some amount of power on this site. We reward helpful ...

I'll just leave that here.
Oh lord. I see now. It's one of those people should always comment when downvoting things.
@Wipqozn yes
holy crap I have a negatively voted question with answers on it
this is awkward
@kalina You're trapped now.

Proposed Q&A site for individuals who have questions about running. Questions can be about topics such as sneakers, cross country, track, nutrition, exercises, and more.

Currently in definition.

@NewlyOpenedProposalsforEntertainment Is this really far enough off of FitnessSE to warrant its own site?
@Ullallulloo quite upsetting tbh
@Fluttershy No.
Most Area 51 proposals don't deserve their own site.
@fbueckert I for one, can not wait to downvote the impending meta post.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Actually, I'm writing one up right now about the opposite viewpoint.
Pre-empt it to a degree, but it's something I've been thinking about for a bit.
@Wipqozn So do I just start a discussion pointing out that it's already covered in FitnessSE? <_<
@fbueckert I can't wait to downvote that one as well, because it will be reundant.
@Fluttershy Just cast a flag. Don't waste bandwidth on a meta.a51 thread.
@Fluttershy "How does this proposal differ from {other proposal}?"
30 mins ago, by OrigamiRobot
@fbueckert I'll be sure to downvote that meta and not comment.
@Fluttershy I flagged for mod attention as a duplicate
no point even having the discussion
You forget that most A51 proposals come from people too dumb to realize that there are sites on the network that aren't Stack Overflow to begin with.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Oh?
Works for me!
@fbueckert Too lazy to search. We have had the Y U DOWNVOTERS NO KOMMINT and the I DOWNVOTE AND I DUN HAFTA TELL YOU WHY SO SHOVE OFF argument many times before.
@fbueckert just let the inevitable meta post come up, so we can VTC it as a dupe
without leaving a comment on it
for the HILARITY
@kalina You can't do that.
@Ullallulloo can
@SaintWacko You forgot to mention the effects of a campfire grown too big. =P
@Fluttershy I... haven't seen that
@SaintWacko Oh. Yeah... If you build a campfire without a fire pit, and fuel it too much, it can set stuff around you on fire.
@kalina No, it automatically leaves the "possible duplicate of: ..." comment.
@Fluttershy plebian
@Fluttershy Oh, that's just the campfire in general
Can't afford rocks?
@Ullallulloo which is treated like any other comment, and can be deleted for several minutes... I said "leave" a comment, not "put" a comment
It's considered uncontrolled
@SaintWacko Right. But if you add, say, 3 logs to a campfire, the threat is greater.
@Ullallulloo Have you seen my base? =P
@Fluttershy Alright, I don't use campfires near anything, so I hadn't discovered that
right I am going to go and sleep, hopefully not have any nightmares

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