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@kalina Too late
I know all about your nefarious past, and your efforts to conceal it
I am innocent, I don't know what you're talking about
@kalina That defence won't take you far in here
@kalina I thought that if I really were your favourite person in the bridge, something was very wrong in the world. I fixed it for you. You're welcome.
Even if I was promiscuous, I wouldn't admit it to you people
We have evidence, cold hard evidence, that you, @kalina (formerly pixel, etc. ), have said sexually suggestive things on The Bridge
nope, I am innocent, you're just all perverts
how you comprehend the things I say is outside of my control
@kalina take a gander at this
Q: The Thunder Forge

AndersHow do you start the quest: The Thunder Forge. My server has unlocked all the stages of the island of thunder. http://www.wowhead.com/quest=32593/the-thunder-forge

I have been playing for a day
I don't know
my first thought was that "Blizzard haven't done content gating on quests like that since Vanilla"
but I honestly don't know
and haven't done the quest line myself
May 3 at 15:04, by kalina
Soon it will be time for another fun-packed weekend of sex, drugs and violence!
Not innocent
Jul 27 '12 at 0:43, by pixel
I am going to ask "What is the best way to clean sex toys?"
@fredley reference to an Attila track
@fredley poking holes in an Area 51 proposal
A lot of hole-poking going on, I hear.
Jul 27 '12 at 0:26, by spugsley
"Do I have to wash my baby?" - "There is a soul-crushing smell coming from my baby. What the fuck should I do?"
ah good ole spugsley.
Feb 22 at 15:51, by kalina
I am never going to have babies but I enjoy practising
Making babies is exactly the opposite practice of having them.
@fredley this doesn't imply sex, if you believe it does, you're nine months too early
@Sterno Well maybe she mentioned to "playing mom" with those toy ovens and baby dolls.
@kalina I wasn't implying sex at that point
Just throwing more babies into the mix
@fredley this is obviously babysitting
@kalina Obviously
I challenge you to find something that I've said that makes me not innocent
Smoking weed is a perfectly innocent thing to do, right?
@fredley in many countries, it's legal, so yes
@kalina I wouldn't call that a good measure
Sex is legal in most countries too, but you seem to implying that having sex would make you not innocent.
the fact this country has some misguided conceptions on the legality of such things doesn't change anything
@Sterno I believe there aren't any countries that actually ban sex
there are many places that ban sex for my age group
@fredley Pretty much all of them do... to some extent.
Some countries just like different levels of restriction and control
@fredley I figured it was safer to hedge my bet. People here are so pedantic they'd spend 3 hours trying to find one to prove me wrong.
@badp Not outright
Jan 7 at 13:42, by kalina
I prefer sex to sport, but I prefer video games to men
@badp That's just a random image I found. Mine's not much different though.
@fredley I tried to think of a comeback for this one and failed, please hold
@OrigamiRobot Took me a while to figure out what each letter meant.
Here come the robots
beep boop
@OrigamiRobot the real robots, not the pretend ones
@OrigamiRobot Also, it's not the beeping or the booping, it's the screaming
Urge to flag as spam rising.
Origami's volume is just set at the minimum
when I think "scream" I think "Mass Effect 3 Banshees"
When you beep at 120dB does it matter if you're actually screaming?
or Left 4 Dead's witches
@kalina I think you need to play less ME
@kalina I am a real robot as much as you are a real cotton candy person.
@badp: Is it possible to move @fredley to The Android Hell, instead of just his messages?
@Wipqozn I wish. Turns out he's already in the Android Hell.
@OrigamiRobot I am not made from cotton candy, I taste like cotton candy
besides, I'm actually a real angel
@fredley coding humour blog!
I've started using "would you kindly" when asking people not to cross-post D:
> There is one additional form of hellbanning that I feel compelled to mention because it is particularly cruel – when hellbanned users can see only themselves and other hellbanned users. Brrr. I'm pretty sure Dante wrote a chapter about that, somewhere.
@fredley The point of a hellban is that people shouldn't notice being hellbanned
That won't do.
@badp you're wrong, that would do perfectly
@badp A website populated to about 50% by xD over and over again
the amount of psychological damage you could inflict with a tool like that
just... mind blowing
@kalina You need a critical mass of xD to start with!
Jan 18 '12 at 19:09, by OrigamiRobot
@GraceNote I want to do an experiment in which a person is isolated from all information and their only reference to the outside world is through @GnomeSlice links.
@kalina If I were implementing this I'd use chat logs to replicate previous chats with unbanned users. The only real people would be the hellbanned users, and it would seem like everyone else was ignoring them
@fredley you'd just let them see the live chat
they'd respond, and it would seem like everybody is ignoring them
@kalina Could do
> when hellbanned users can see only themselves and other hellbanned users
if this community was united enough, we would be able to execute something like that on people anyway
@badp If they can see, but not interact with other users it's crueler
but somebody always breaks the flow
And maximum cruelty is the aim here
@fredley That is the point of a hellban.
Hellban not being "make a parallel site just for bad users"
hey! I can do that too!
reopens the room menu
@kalina You could make a hellban where your own moronic posts are quoted back at you constantly
@fredley tbh, I think the best way to implement hellbanning on chat, is make it so that whenever a hellbanned user posts, it gives the "there was a problem posting your message" message
so they just sit there clicking retry
then you've got the real conversation going on
> An errorbanned user has errors inserted at random into pages they visit. You might consider this a more severe extension of slowbanning – instead of pages loading slowly, they might not load at all, return cryptic HTTP errors, return the wrong page altogether, fail to load key dependencies like JavaScript and images and CSS, and so forth.
and you're punishing them by making it look like there is something wrong with their internet
@kalina Then they go on meta about it and what do you tell them?
@badp their meta post errors when they click 'Ask'
@badp Meta.Hell.SE
@fredley I didn't say this, I said a combination of hellbanning and errorbanning
whole site works fine until they click on anything, then it gives the relevant error
@fredley While all of this is fancy, it's all broken down really fast by incognito mode
they just aren't options for public-facing websites
maybe they would do for a completely private, invite-only forum?
@badp IP address linking
in The Android Hell: This Is The Part Where All The Robots Scream At You., May 17 at 10:02, by kalina
    .' .--. '.
   :  : .-.'. :    _ _
   :  : : .': :   (o)o)
   :  '. '-' .'   ////
   _'.__'--=' '-.//i'
.-'               /
@kalina Now your site sucks for the whole university/workplace/ISP.
(yay IPv4)
My new hobby is quoting from Android Hell.
it's acceptable on IRC
@OrigamiRobot I can make the room private with one click. Don't tempt me :P
just gline the whole class C
we don't care
troublesome users deserve it
I can't believe you removed my snails

which one

Sep 23 '12 at 14:51, 5 minutes total – 7 messages, 2 users, 12 stars

Bookmarked Dec 12 '12 at 21:04 by StrixVaria

I'm still sad this was banished from the Bridge.
@StrixVaria the mods like moving too much from chat
if we kept all of our crazy in this channel, less people would come here and we would be victorious
@kalina ???
@badp which part of my crazy logic doesn't make sense?
@badp we're all room owners though
@OrigamiRobot I was younger and more naive
I'm surprised you didn't remove that when you removed us from the bridge
@kalina ...okay, that'll be a few extra clicks.
Thanks for reminding me ♫
I'm also surprised that somebody who has been a member of arqade for 4 months who only has 500 rep is still a room owner
goes to show how much contributing to the site doesn't matter though!
Morning, Bridge
@fredley does it need to be closed before I can delete it?
I have precisely 9k rep!
@kalina Yes
@SaintWacko gz
@fredley boo
@SaintWacko Downvote time
@fredley Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
2 more vtcs
@kalina 1
@fredley I can only vote once.
2 more vtds
I have exploded the question.
@fredley If you would include where to find the items on this question, I'll mark yours as accepted
morning @strix
@kalina what up
bah. In the original Bejeweled if you swap an hypercube and a special gem the only thing that happens is that both trigger
@fredley This user keeps posting things like that.
@SaintWacko I asked a new crawl question that you must have missed.
@SaintWacko don't give him more rep
I wonder if it's got an item for 6-in-a-rows though.
I think I remember it does.
Also, I now have every card I can get from Portal 2.
@fbueckert I should do that too.
@fbueckert did not say good morning. I am now confused.
@SaintWacko Done
@badp Community Test Chambers means you don't have to replay the game.
@StrixVaria answering now
44 mins ago, by fbueckert
Good morning, Bridge.
@fbueckert I don't think you actually even have to play the game. Just sitting in the main menu should do.
@badp apparently yeah
@badp Eh. I don't like to idle games.
Up is down. Down is down. Left and right are down. Sideways is up. Anarchy.
I think I'm just going to leave all my steam games logged in on the menus
@OrigamiRobot you drive automatics, we established anarchy hours ago
@fbueckert It's everyone's problem.
@OrigamiRobot Up is mayonnaise.
@kalina It's kind of ironic that you sound so very American when you say things like that.
@badp Now that's confusion.
At least @badp knows how to be confused. @OrigamiRobot can't even do that right.
@OrigamiRobot wow, you're calling me "very American" ?
@kalina Specifically the kind that says such things with a plug of dip in their mouth.
Someone explain to me why manual is better than automatic so I can tell you why you're wrong.
"Aint no kinda real man drive a automatic"
@OrigamiRobot What the hell is a plug of dip?
@Sterno because I enjoy accidentally switching from 4th to 3rd instead of 5th.
@fredley Chewing tobacco
@OrigamiRobot you remember that time you put me on ignore instead of just asking me to give you some space for a bit, and how I reacted to that?
@Sterno Manual is better than automatic the same way keyboard and mouse is better than gamepad.
@fredley Americans... *rolleyes*
@StrixVaria Done
May 16 at 17:38, by kalina
@OrigamiRobot don't care
@Sterno because if I drove an automatic I'd be slamming on the brakes all the time.
@OrigamiRobot yep, welcome back to that moment in time
@kalina Lets not remember that incident
@SaintWacko Gamepad is superior for fighting games.
@Sterno Eh?
Players of WoW: how does this work? Is it gated? Or is that a private server he's referencing?
@Sterno Automatic is better for crawling in traffic.
@SaintWacko I hit quote on the wrong message, and I'm too lazy to change it
@Sterno Ah
@fbueckert don't know, it is possible that Blizzard used a gating mechanic, but I doubt it - my first impression was private server but I haven't done the quest and wasn't playing during that period in time
@Sterno because if you're crawling in traffic you are doing it wrong!!!
@kalina It's on WoWhead, so I'm inclined to say it's official content.
@fbueckert well then, let's just go with this then...
@badp No you're not! Just pull up crawl.s-z.org on your phone or tablet while you're waiting for traffic to move, and you're crawling in traffic!
@SaintWacko That is definitely doing it wrong
can you crawl on your phone?
@badp Not if it's very slow traffic
If you're in traffic, you took the shortest route to your destination
I tried to nethack on my phone once, it was terrible
Best case scenario, you're giving yourself nausea from reading. The best case scenario doesn't apply if you're on the driver seat.
@Sconibulus Yes, but the screen is very small
@Sconibulus Yeah, I've done that. It doesn't work very well
Stand up against malicious pointless downvoting. Comment people, or dont bother pressing the arrow. — Ender 23 hours ago
Crawl works better
less keyboard needed?
There's a reason it's anonymous!
@SaintWacko That character is still going. I got to a point where I don't feel safe going to any of the available branches.
@fbueckert Is it bad that that makes me want to downvote it?
My Orc Sorcerer died, which is bad news for me.
@fbueckert maybe I will make a meta post about that too
@SaintWacko Well, yeah.
@StrixVaria Oh, what branches do you have available?
@fbueckert Well, I wouldn't actually do it
I don't like it, but upvoting because someone downvoted and didn't comment is also wrong.
problem is, gaming isn't mature enough to have a discussion on meta about downvoting without downvoting it to oblivion
@Sconibulus Er... It's all keyboard
@SaintWacko I got to Lair:4 or 5, D:14ish, and Orc:3.
Orc:3 I entered and had an army of like 30 orcs.
Then 2 Orc Warriors slaughtered them all.
@SaintWacko right, I get that, but nethack requires most of the keyboard most of the time
@StrixVaria Yeah...
@OrigamiRobot The reason you use one foot is so that you can't press both pedals at once
@fredley I can brake with my left foot
@fredley I'm not arguing, I just wanted to post that.
Even doing so a little, by mistake, can destroy your engine
if crawl requires fewer keystrokes, on average, to accomplish things, then it'd be easier to use on a phone
first time I did it I nearly killed myself
On the Lair level I'm on, my Orc Sorcerer died because there were like 25 Ant Soldiers.
I usually go down to D:15 or so, then clear lair, then orc
@OrigamiRobot You're not arguing??
but a little practice sorted that out
@StrixVaria Ah, you hit an ant vault
@kalina I think it is.
We had a discussion about ITG that didn't degenerate into flaming.
@kalina Why would you even do that?
Go Team Ant!
@SaintWacko They're tough.
@OrigamiRobot aren't the pedals actually "faster" and "slower"
@fbueckert ha, well, I may well create a post just to see what happens, my last post was well received
I haven't found a good weapon for myself yet, so I was relying on minions to do most of my work.
(real question)
Now all my minions are dead.
@Sconibulus Oh. Yeah, it does. that's kinda the whole point of crawl. Everything takes fewer keystrokes
@fredley trying to make an old bmw drift around an island in a controlled manner
or are you still giving gas as the engine automatically changes gears? I thought that was a F1-only thing.
I'm not going to respond to all that. Just assume I gave you a good reason your particular comment is wrong. If you can't think of one, here's one that applies to all "@Kalina is on your side of this argument, so you must be wrong."
@Sterno you sellout
@fredley Not about this.
@StrixVaria :(
@kalina An island island or a traffic island?
@kalina copout
@kalina this is why it's hard to prove your guilt, you keep removing stuff!
@fredley first one, then t'other!
@fredley a traffic island, there is a nice big one near junction 27 of the m1
plus when you star me being sincere, I feel like you're all mocking me
@kalina I love how you're totally okay with your sex life getting 7 stars while you delete the most innocent, normal messages for a single star
...where, by "love", I meant "I don't fucking get it."
@badp I wasn't ok with it, I was on mobile and couldn't do anything about it
Closed as confuses @badp
@kalina oh.
I pushed them out of the list as soon as I was back at a PC
@kalina So we need to just wait til she's on mobile, and then STAR EVERYTHING
@fredley is going to use up all his stars again.
There, now it fits the star list
I hate all of you
@kalina Hey!
I am now going to afk for the rest of the day
See you tomorrow
@kalina Going to delete your account?
@OrigamiRobot This happens every day
Good morning, Drama Bridge!
@badp maybe not, maybe this is the thing that causes me to stop visiting daily
@fredley You're so predictable, even the robot gets it
@Fluttershy Curse you
@kalina See you semirandomly
@badp Robots are good with predictable things
In general
@Fluttershy Drama = {Bridge, Math}
@SaintWacko =( What'd I do this time?
@FEichinger The intersection is more fun
Now I'm sad I didn't see what the removed messages were. Perfectly good drama and I missed it
I still think you're being silly about it all
starts working on a script to screenshot chat every time someone posts
@Fluttershy I have been doing pretty much nothing but playing Don't Starve for the past three days
@SaintWacko Because it is an awesome game! =D
@Fluttershy It really is
This is the second time you've done this to me, though
@SaintWacko I'll try and stop having good taste in games. <_<
I forget what the first one was.
@Fluttershy Timber and Stone
Oh yeah!
@Fluttershy Oh, that's annoying. My saves from the Chrome version don't carry between computers -.-
@SaintWacko =(
@Fluttershy Just survived 0 days -.-
Ouch. o_o What happened on Day 1?
I was wandering in a swamp and ran into a couple tentacles
Well, more than a couple
Oh. Yeah... Swamps are the most dangerous biome in the game. =P
Q: CS: GO does not play smoothly with a 1 GB graphic card?

Kamal KafkaesqueI am unable to play CS GO smoothly, even though I have an 1 GB ATI Radeon graphic card. I have tried to play against bots to see if that makes a difference, but it still has difficulty.

Dislike tech support questions, even when they have an abundance of information.
@Fluttershy That's not even a valid link!
11 GB backup of Portal 2
Steam only used ~100 MB
@Fluttershy polygot links, nice
@Fluttershy One of those HAS to work right?
I'm going to assume it doesn't.
@Fluttershy I was referring to the four different syntaxes it tried to use when linking to the page
@badp Various forum link codes, I'm guessing.
@fbueckert Can't you see the edit?
yeah, HTML, raw text, BBcode? and something else
@badp Yeah, I can.
no markdown though funny enough
@BenBrocka it IS pretty niche
I've seen some discourse installations complaining about how Markdown is hard to use
@BenBrocka HTML, BBCode, BBCode, raw link
Saw the brackets and knew one of them had to be BBcode, did'nt know it has two link syntaxes though
@BenBrocka it's not like there's an official bbcode spec
BBCode isn't standardized. You could name the link syntax [ballsmcsuckerton] and it would still work.
Just depends on how it's implemented.
user image
Golly gee where can I sign
Also unless that's the whole department, not per-dev, I'm pretty sure that's going to do some organ damage
@BenBrocka worst. ad. ever.
"sharpest whips in the business, inquire within"
"We have a codebase quality of 5,000 wtf/month. God help us all"
@badp Best. Ad. Ever.
Development studio now with 47% more than 26% death annually!
@Fluttershy I've found a great location in this game, already found Chester, got bees in one direction, beefalo and a pig village surrounded by spiders in the other, but I can't find any rocky areas, so I can't find gold -.-
@BenBrocka Why do you think they need more devs?
@SaintWacko Can you find graves?
@Fluttershy There's one. by the pig village
@SaintWacko Could dig that up.You lose like 30 sanity, but you can potentially get an item you can give to the Pig King for gold.
@Fluttershy Oh, derp
Forgot about that
Especially since this village has a pig king
@SaintWacko Woo! You can also give him meats, I think. For gold.
@Fluttershy Oh, yeah
I even have some monster meat
Oh, wait
I can't dig up the grave
I don't have a shovel
Because I don't have a science machine
Because I don't have gold -.-
@SaintWacko Ah. Give them cooked meats!
Remember when Valve fired 25 employees? Here's what some of them are up to.

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