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Gah. Whenever I watch a video on YouTube at 1080p, I'm more focused on whether the playback catches up with the buffer than with the actual video.
@ArdaXi lol
I just figured out how to make the Mapchooser Extended custom map indicator logic a lot cleaner! Go me!
Not only is it cleaner, it now translates into the client's selected SourceMod language instead of the server's.
Q: Will the steam edition of Witcher 2 have polish language version?

GoroHello, Im buying the game in Canada, but Id like to play the polish version. I heard that after registering the game players will be able to download the addon for fully localized polish version of the game, but does this apply to the Steam version as well? Can you install that add-on on any ve...

Unfortunately, I have yet to figure out how to work around HL2DM using those stupid ESC menus instead of the 1-10 menus like every other game SourceMod supports.
@Powerlord Keep in mind HL2DM is on the oldest version of the Source engine still in use.
While almost every other game, including Half-Life 2, has been upgraded to the 2007 engine.
@ArdaXi You are aware that HL2DM has been upgraded to the OrangeBox engine?
It uses the OrangeBox 2009 engine now, just like TF2, CS:S, and DOD:S.
@Powerlord When I last booted up the Source SDK, it showed under the 2003 engine.
Which is why the server for it installs into orangebox/hl2mp
I thought so, anyway.
Hmm. Then I don't know.
Basically, Valve converted all its multiplayer games to the same engine. Which I'm sure pisses the CS:S people off when you have updates like yesterday's, which makes CS:S servers crash every time a non-weapon source of damage kills someone.
Well, let me rephrase that... they converted all their multiplayer games that support more than 8 players to the same engine. :P
There was a game left behind.
I can't remember which it was.
L4D, L4D2, Alien Swarm, and Portal 2 all use various other versions.
Don't have access to the SDK here.
That's not strictly true. If you bind together the CS:S and TF2 etc engines together, then Alien Swarm and Portal 2 are technically on the same version too.
Are they? I wasn't aware that they shared files.
Well, probably not, because Alien Swarm is separate from all of them, being open-source and all.
More so than the other games, anyway.
Anyway, I asked this question because SourceMod doesn't appear to have any way of telling which menu-style is in use. And yes, I asked it on the SourceMod site, not GameDev.
Also, I'm WAY too used to writing out BBCode... I keep forgetting SE has a different syntax.
The thing is, if ESC menus are in use, I want to ignore the plugin's Block Slots convar.
I've started to loathe BBCode.
It's only necessary for the 1-0 menus that CS:S, TF2, etc... use.
Can't you just detect the game?
@ArdaXi I could, but I don't know if this is the only game that uses it.
There are a bunch of third-party games that SourceMod also supports.
So far, I've added a recommendation in the cvar's description that you disable it on HL2DM.
I still need to parse a list of un-used sound files in Portal 2.
Like this one, which is literally dying to be used. hehehe
> Did you ever stop to think that eventually there's a point where your name gets mentioned for the very last time? Well, here it is. I'm going to kill you, Chell.
At least the new version of this plugin is removing all the "display vote" stuff from the original version. That kind of stuff was added to the SourceMod core a long time ago.
@ArdaXi Was it you who linked to the unused GLaDOS quotes about Garfield?
@Powerlord Nope.
If you haven't heard it yet. :D
I have, obviously.
I spent an entire day going through all the files.
Someone should modify a Garfield cartoon to make GLaDOS's version. :D
Also, should I go home now, 20 minutes from now, or in an hour?
The way GLaDOS says Chell is kind of frightening.
@ArdaXi Not quite the same as "Subject name here." is it.
I wonder whether that Garfield thing is in the textures anywhere.
Browsing textures is significantly harder than browsing sound files.
Q: How do you play a multi player game with two hand controls

sharon We are currently trying to play Forza Motorsport 3. We have two hand controls but can't work out how we can play two player. The game does state that two players can play at the same time....please help

Heh, the starting room from Killing Floor's Aperture was the first concept for the co-op lobby.
@MatthewRead Is that the reverse music one?
@Powerlord Yep
Maybe the composer had the sheet music in front of a mirror, looked in that mirror and thought: "Hey, this sounds cool too."
@ArdaXi Of course, since it's not Koji Kondo doing the music any more, they're technically ripping off his work.
Hmm, I wonder if anyone actually likes Dejobaan's games.
@ArdaXi The Wonderful End of the World wasn't that bad.
Lets... not talk about the other two.
@Powerlord Well, yes, but it's basically a PC port of Katamari.
@ArdaXi Except I hated Katamari's controls.
@Powerlord And... well, I don't get it. You got the potatoes for AaaaaAAaaaAAAaaAAAAa! right?
This is hilarious... it ignores whatever you set as the menu title and overwrites it in the "display menu to client" phase.
@Powerlord Right?
@ArdaXi Right... that doesn't mean I liked the game.
@Powerlord Means you're pretty damn good at it.
@ArdaXi There were a lot of potato bins below the first landing platform in Flying Cars Are Here, Mr. Burton.
@Powerlord I was referring to the other one especially.
The potato bins weren't too hard to get.
The other one was just annoying.
I got it eventually, though.
@Powerlord Well, I didn't.
You start to memorize where the plates were after a while./
As long as you didn't mess up and hit something that'd send you spinning...
Right, well, I never got the hang of that game.
I got lucky. If it weren't for Dejobaan's... extraordinary kindness, I would never have struck gold.
One of my friends got that one as his (second to) last potato right before Portal 2 launched.
Barely in the window to get the last potato automagically, and thus the Valve Complete Pack.
@Powerlord Lucky.
@ArdaXi What extraordinary kindness was that?
So, I hear you like !
Nothing quite as... crude.
is crude? :O
Honestly. Valve should hire a security analyst.
@ArdaXi Like Sony?
@Powerlord Right.
Stuff like this is so easily avoided.
I should get back to work[REDACTED]
Oh yeah, the TF2 Potato hat now has an Aperture logo style.
I mean, I get why they did it. If you have to add something to three games, it's a good idea to isolate the specific code and support it separately from the games themselves.
Oh right, Steam downloaded something after every potato you collected.
But to assume that nobody in the thousands of ARG people would have programming knowledge...
@Powerlord Not what I mean, those were just clues for the ARG.
Well, a number of games allowed you to replace level files outright.
Too crude still.
Why cheat if you can bypass the process entirely?
I didn't cheat the first audiosurf one that way!!!
Seriously? I mean, even I got the Audiosurf ones legitimately.
I did the second, but not the first.
Long story short, Dejobaan included a DLL with all of their games, with an exposed method get_steam_overlay_url_123.
@ArdaXi Ha
Writing a tool to access those is so trivial it isn't even funny.
I would have thought that would only bring up the 1...2...3... Kick It one.
Oh, no, I meant 1 through 3.
Depending on how many potatoes the game had.
So all you had to do was access that URL while logged into the Steam Community.
And you got a free potato.
At least it didn't have 6 potatoes like Defense Grid did!
@Powerlord With a chance-based one.
@ArdaXi Which, the second tony game one?
@Powerlord The breeding one.
Not tony... what was the one with the sliding block thing...
Mine had all high level ones show when I opened the breeding screen, so it was like impossible for me to lose.
Mine did too, the second time.
Well, anyway, I hardly got any of my potatoes legitimately, actually.
I'm really proud of myself.
Ha. I got most of mine legit... there were 2 or 3 I didn't.
There were a couple easy ones, but most were much less effort to cheat.
Which were, as I recall, all Dejoban games... hmm....
Audiosurf too.
Oh yeah, right.
Also the 70k Killing Floor one. :P
Which turns out is really easy to cheat, but for whatever reason, I didn't get the related achievement. >:|
I'm assuming because of firewall reasons, as other people mentioned they got the achievement doing the same thing.
Let's see. Cheated the AaAaAA!!! ones. Got the Amnesia ones legit. Cheated one of the Audiosurf ones. Cheated one of the BTB ones. Cheated all of the Cogs ones. Cheated one of the Defense Grid ones (unless feeding it itself is cheating). Cheated all of 123. Cheated one in KF. Got SMB legit. Cheated all in SMB. Cheated one in The Ball. Used walkthrough for Toki Tori. Cheated all of TWEOTW.
That makes 14 legit potatoes.
Oh yeah, I cheated the Cogs one in the "used someone else's save file to get to the Portal levels" sense.
@Powerlord You solved them yourself?
Well, OK, no I didn't... I used a walkthrough, too. :P
Not really a difference between a walkthrough and an auto-solver. Except one of those preserves your sanity.
Well, I tried following a video of someone doing one and it was freaking impossible... so I wrote a list of the moves they made into a text editor and copied that... they rearranged them so I was rotating the companion cube one from the starting face (they started by rotating to the back face)
For that one that is.
Did similar things for the other... two was it?
You obviously failed to preserve your sanity.
I forget if Cogs had two or three potatoes.
Movable panels.
Defense Grid I used walkthroughs for some of them.
SMB I got legit for all of them.
I used a savegame for Defense Grid, somehow.
You've distracted me from working on this! >:O
It's funny how paranoid people were being about whether Valve would catch them cheating.
Actually, I'm hoping to finish this and begin initial testing for this sometime this weekend.
I mean the one that gave you potatoes just for logging in would be caught for sure. But this one was uncatchable. It's funny how I'm always right.
Also, aren't you at work?
Well, you pretty much had to cheat for one. Seriously, 1..2..3.. would give you different potatoes depending on if you had a Razer mouse or not.
@ArdaXi Yes, I am. Not much to do today.
@Powerlord Mhm.
I have PawnStudio on a USB stick, as well as the Mapchooser Extended 1.5 files.
sourcemod.net and alliedmods.net aren't blocked here. :D
Out of curiosity
Which means I can peruse docs.sourcemod.net and forums.alliedmods.net
But, I mean, it was obvious that Valve wouldn't catch the DLL trick, and yet the ValveARG guys got all paranoid over it.
When the TF2 Heavy fires for a while, he says something like "maaaaan, woooow, counter-puuuush"
except he probably doesn't say "counter-puuush"
what is it he says there?
@failbadp I'd check if I were at home.
I don't know... but did Valve forget to put the "wired up community contributed responses" or whatnot in the patch notes yesterday?
I know they were in Beta, but I heard new responses starting with said patch.
I know the Sniper used to be silent for his taunt kill, for instance.
@Powerlord Which?
I linked to the moment he says that
The Huntsman? Because I recall a taunt for it.
@ArdaXi The Huntsman taunt.
The taunt was there, but now he says something about stabbing.
@failbadp All I heard there was cry some more.
@ArdaXi That's probably it.
But I wouldn't call the bit before it sounding anything like "man wow"
@failbadp Valve has their own Youtube channel, btw.
@Powerlord And they delete videos all the time.
@Powerlord I just searched "TF2 meet the heavy"; this was the first hit. SEO works.
@failbadp Except the official one would've given you the answer.
Same video, widescreen
Oh, and it has a 720p option now. I wonder when Valve uploaded that version.
@Powerlord 2 years ago.
Valve managed to slip up on Meet the Spy and released it early on Youtube. :D
@Powerlord Except they probably didn't.
@ArdaXi Oh, I don't know... officially at the time it was discovered, it was still "The Sniper Update" (I think) before it was the Sniper vs. Spy update.
@Powerlord Valve lives on publicity from doing things differently.
I wouldn't be surprised if that was planned.
Could be.
speaking of meet the X videos, this man is right.
I do this every time I watch this.

1) Watch until Soldier starts banging grenades together
2) Press 1
3) Laugh.
They actually modified the video and added Leaked Internet Video or something like that on the command board in BLU base for Meet the Spy.
The TF Wiki probably has info on what panel it replaced.
@Powerlord And a "Valve Corporate Achievement"
> UNLOCKED - Welcome to the internets: Fail to understand what 'Private' means on YouTube.
Speaking of Youtube... Dear Valve, please make Replays not lag my server, kthx.
@Powerlord Impossible.
Plain and simple.
As soon as I turned Replays on, people started complaining about lag spikes.
Of course. It now has to send every user all the data on every player on the server all the time.
and then this morning, people were complaining about it on hlds_linux.
The only way to fix it is to make Replays, or at least the last life option, opt-in.
I still don't know why they didn't start srcds and srcds_linux mailing lists instead of reusing the HLDS lists.
@Powerlord Because it's honestly the same thing.
And Valve likes everything they use behind the screens to have some kind of 'outdated feel' to it.
kagami.fireslash.net/demos/replays <-- These are just from a 6 hour period.
Wait... are the demos made on the server?
@ArdaXi Yes.
That's even worse.
That's why servers need to have Replay support on before F6 works.
Means the server has to constantly record everything.
F6 being "start replay"
@Powerlord I thought that was because the server had to send everyone all the data.
I wonder if it doesn't like SourceTV and Replays on at the same time...
Since SourceTV is already recording all the data.
@Powerlord Would be better if SourceTV could handle the load.
Rather than the server.
SourceTV is a part of the server, though... I don't think it runs as a separate process.
Enabling SourceTV is literally setting the server cvar tv_enable 1
@Powerlord Hmm. I remember it being separate.
And optionally setting the bot name.
Soon I'll clean up any old SourceTV demos, seeing as how we have some from back in December.
It is possible to use SourceTV separately, I believe.
As in, remotely.
Yes, it is.
Oh, I'm confused with HLTV.
Which is even weirder, as you're essentially running a game server that just connects to another game server at that point.
SourceTV listen server or whatever it's called.
I'm kinda disappointed that there's a Meet the Sandvich but no Meet the Medic, or Meet the Pyro.
Oh, right, you usually use proxies.
The problem is that we use a plugin that turns SourceTV recording on and off depending on the number of players present.
Although it's probably best that way, for the Pyro.
@failbadp You are aware that the last page of the comic in yesterday's update implies extremely heavily that we'll be getting Meet the Medic soon?
(Look at all the monitors the Administrator is watching)
@Powerlord er... what comic?
I guess you can't link me
I forgot Google shitifies certain links and had to turn on my script blacklister for google.com
(Google modifies links via JavaScript when you click them)
google.com/… <-- This was the link I got when I right-clicked it and copied.
@Powerlord Not alwasys.
I don't understand why they mangle some, and not others.
Anyway, I think it'd be a nice surprise if we get Meet the Pyro too.
In my experience, they always mangle the first link in the search results.
It might be the fact I googled for Test, but not for me.
I should get going, it's past going home time.
Plus, yummy tasty .
I'll be Bach.
Q: Is rainy weather in Minecraft dark enough to spawn monsters?

awesomeguyIs it dark enough to spawn monsters, or bright enough to make them despawn?

That last page seems to me like they want us to make a Meet the Medic.
Or... they're going to fly over someone who wins this contest to make it.
Dammit Valve, you're getting predictable.
It's the whole "We need to enlist... the players! dun dun dun" routine all over again.
Watching TF2 played at 0.1× is mesmerizing.
"Oh look, stickies get out of your head."
"Oh wow, he's about to shoot! Look at that yellowish buildup!"
@failbadp Try playing at such speeds though.
@ArdaXi Just a sec, lemme switch to Sniper.
@failbadp host_timescale 0.1
This kinda cracks me up.
Hopefully we'll see a lot of better TF2 videos on YouTube now.
Like, actual third person ones and such. When they're done well, that's much more satisfying to watch than a first-person only gameplay video.
Moar rep for old questions. MOAR!
@ArdaXi dunno about 3rd person; it's hard to get it right
↑ I do it wrong here
Hmm. The Replay editor is surprisingly limited. They could've added the interpolation from the demo smoother.
Whereas camera angles transition smoothly on a path rather than rigidly.
That kind of thing works awesomely on Payload maps, especially if you speed them up a bit.
Portal 2 update.
Don't have Steam here, what was updated?
And the rare crash I was experiencing.
And faster loading time.
But mostly localization.
What's the reward that should be given to first crafters of certain items?
Err, genuine quality?
Or vintage or summit.
Improved quality anyway.
and there's the #2, and the #20, and the #104.
Given that these don't have specific recipes, isn't it just pure luck?
Lets see... 150ish craftable hats, of which 10 are new ones...
craft random hat Fuck, not a new one. craft random hat FFFFF craft random hat FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF
Anyone interested in checking out my friend's Minecraft server?
I just finished another major project.
and that's just for people like me who have 20xRefined Metal lying around (costs 3 per random hat)
What does the comment on gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/20895/… mean
I'm confused
If you give it a seed, how is it actually random anymore?
@NickT You might want to look up how PRNGs work, or am I misunderstanding what you're getting at?
@NickT You can influence it with the seed.
I forget the type of noise it's generated with, but it's some gradiented thing.
It sounds like Roman is saying that the map is generated based on a seed, but the starting point always uses the current time as a seed to the PRNG.
(and ignores the map seed)
I thought the seed would set the state of a PRNG to a known value
what's the point if it's still random
It's not random
@NickT If you set the PRNG to a known value, it's not random any more.
Or rather, it'll be identical every time it has the same seed.
That's....my point
Basically, you start from a value, the seed, and do complex maths that go deterministically from that seed to the next pseudo-random number to the next pseudo-random number
The complex maths give you random looking numbers
@GnomeSlice what does "influence it with the seed" mean, that sounds like it's not hard and fast
but if you take the same seed
Perlin noise is a procedural texture primitive, used by visual effects artists to increase the appearance of realism in computer graphics. This is a type of gradient noise. The function has a pseudo-random appearance, yet all of its visual details are the same size (see image). This property allows it to be readily controllable; multiple scaled copies of Perlin noise can be inserted into mathematical expressions to create a great variety of procedural textures. Synthetic texture using Perlin noise is often used in CGI to make computer-generated objects appear more natural, by imitating ...
@NickT You do realize that computers use PSEUDOrandom number generators?
you will get the same sequence of random numbers
Perlin Noise, that's it.
Yes, mersenne twisters, blah blah
2**19937 -1 or something
so if you use the seed "DOG" to ask the computer to roll a dice, and get one two six
then you use the seed "DOG" to ask the computer to roll a dice again
you'll get one, two, six.
Basically, with the same seed, the same pseudo random number generator will give the same pseudo random numbers, in sequence
so the comment implies what, that the map is generated based on the seed, but then the JVM's PRNG is reseeded after that to pick starting loc?
so you'll end up playing in the same pseudo random world.
@NickT Starting location, and biomes, and terrain characteristics, and spawn, and everything else that's based on the RNG
It's the very simple principle that computers are deterministic. Same input, same output.
but the comment seems to think that the seed doesn't affect the starting location (directly)
What does location matter.
You can't even define a center in Minecraft
I'm not sure about the starting location tbh; I've also heard that the spawn point will vary even with the same PRNG seed
@GnomeSlice That's the theme of that question
Q: Do you always spawn on sand?

fredleyIn a recent Yogscast video it was mentioned that you always spawn on sand in a new world, is this true?

A: Do you always spawn on sand?

bckbckI have been trying about ~20 times, and in all of those worlds i spawned on sand, and near to a water source. However, if you use a seed in the seed generator such as 3666440496532277820, you will spawn in a dungeon (cobblestone/mossy cobblestone)

so it might be that the prng seed is not set early enough :)
well the world needs to be generated before it picks you a starting location
Then the seed might be reset to the computer's date and time, and this might happen before the spawn point is placed.
Trying the 3666440496532277820 seed.
Well if anyone wants to come have a look around our server...
Well, yes, 3666440496532277820 does spawn you in a dungeon. And it's pitch black.
and filled with spiders
@GnomeSlice is my door opening bitch
@NickT Blahblahblah
@NickT Not ?
got dropped
Yeah, don't know what's going on.
@NickT Turn to peaceful, stand on one of the blocks adjacent to the mob spawner, build up
I'll let you know when the server is... less borked, and then you might come back?
3/4 of those are sandstone, the other is regular stone... with sand above it.
Indeed, on the surface, it's all sand.
No idea why the game puts you inside the dungeon instead of on the sand tbh.
Now you can start your adventure with 4 string, 4 iron ingots, 4 grain, bread, a saddle
NSFW because of language, but funny anyway:
Isn't it in a way beautiful to have reproducible randomness.
@NickT sorry.
Well, this is embarrassing @NickT
Terribad has two "r's" in it
TF2/CS:S update.
this is so bad it only has 1 r
It's honestly never ever been like this before.
Congratulations on impeccable timing.
@Powerlord epic.
One of the puzzles for Google Code Jam (just began) starts with this: "Blue and Orange are friendly robots. An evil computer mastermind has locked them up in separate hallways to test them, and then possibly give them cake."

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