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Q: How do I make the Jelly potion?

BobI've tried a handful of times and always come up jelly-less. Anyone have more precise instructions for cooking jelly than are in the potion manual?

Q: Is the Holy Trinity Needed for Neverwinter Raiding?

Marcello Grechi LinsI have never played neverwinter, but i'm planning to start. As i have checked, it seems that there are classes in the game (Wizzard Cleric, Two Handed Fighter, A Shielded Tanker and a Rogue). The question is: For general raiding, will i always need a Tanker + Healer + Dps's in the party ? How ...

Q: Which are the differences between races?

Marcello Grechi LinsDo they have a different set of "Racial Skills" such as WoW and GW2 ? What differs the races other than cosmetic appearance?

I love her voice, I really do. I also love Mavda because she creeps me out
@AshleyNunn You'll learn more of the history as time goes on.
Mavda knows more than she's telling you, too.
@fbueckert I figured. She totally feels like she is not telling me much of anything
@AshleyNunn Her husband is also not really explained at all.
@fbueckert That adds to my fascination with her
Or at least, that's what I think she calls that pot jar thing on her back.
@fbueckert that sounds right. I've never heard of the game and I only know XSEED from them publishing Rune Factory though
@BenBrocka Yeah, there was something in video game news about it.
@fbueckert Yeah that is her husband
Sorta the same reason Record of Agarest War was originally only released digitally for PS3.
@AshleyNunn There are many endings to the game, and they all depend on how much Elena likes you at the end.
I don't care about digital-only releases (if anything I hate physical-only releases) but not localizing at all is shitty
@BenBrocka That, I agree with.
@fbueckert Saw you say "Elena", thought you were talking about Grandia 2. I don't even remember if that's the right name, but that game was awesome.
@StrixVaria I don't remember much of Grandia 2.
@fbueckert I know. Going to try to make her like me a lot
Absolutely loved Grandia, though. Cheesy voice acting and all.
Q: How can use a different HDD with another OS to use as a Steam Library?

Lucas2nd HDD have XP while 1st have Ubuntu.But the Ubuntu drive is almost full and can't fit other games.The second HDD has enought space but when I try to use it it shows this error: "New Steam library folder must be on a filesystem mounted with execute permissions" How i get the second HDD to fit ...

This is how my head feels at the moment
stupid cold
just why
@WorldEngineer This is making me the saddest
@AshleyNunn I'm sorry :(
@WorldEngineer Its okay
Apparently today is a day where everything makes me randomly sad
so its not your fault really
@WorldEngineer This is cute :D
How you know your newest Librarian majored in Graphic Design.
Ah, of course. Good ole' Rainbow category
@WorldEngineer Pretty, but it also makes me twitch because how do you find anything
@AshleyNunn Google Image Search
@AshleyNunn Using the Dewey Decimal System's brother, the Huey Shade System.
I'm not sure I would trust that thing to hold a bottle
Jan 8 at 19:19, by OrigamiRobot
I'm famous!
@GraceNote Oh man I wish that was a thing
@OrigamiRobot You're Infamous
@AshleyNunn I was originally going to make it alliterative too, but at the end, "Huey Hue System" seemed a little... forced.
Susy Hue System?
@WorldEngineer The question is, what's he staring at?
@badp Gnomeslice
This is what you can do with 18 Dex
@WorldEngineer Impressive.
@WorldEngineer In what system?
@OrigamiRobot DnD
It's be a 6 Agility for Shadowrun
+probably a 5 or 6 in Acrobatics
@WorldEngineer My Ranger has 19 Dex in DnD.
@WorldEngineer that is the calmest cat ever
@AshleyNunn has a 19 in licking rocks.
Huh, figured she was more of a Cleric or Druid than Ranger.
Today on The Bridge: A story in gifs.
@OrigamiRobot I do! I am really good at licking all teh rocks
I tried to lick a bridge once because it was stone but it was own by a wizard so my group wouldnt let me in case something terrible happened
@AshleyNunn Pansies.
Q: Bounty button gone

user28015Most beneficial loadout for the OTAS Boreas? There is no more bounty button. Fix please.

@OrigamiRobot I know, right?
@WorldEngineer Frogbot!
@WorldEngineer Jump robot jump!
oh look, Swype's now on the Play store - for $1
I guess that's why they made you renew your beta every six months
I already have what Swypes gives me, though, and for free and inbuilt. So meh.
@badp Swype was included on my phone.
@OrigamiRobot Swype swype or the 4.0 default keyboard that also does Swype? I refer to the latter, which I think is included on some handsets by default as well
Sour Skittle time (cc: @kalina)
@badp It's Swype.
And my lines are orange. Others I've seen are blue.
Yeah, blue lines are the 4.0 default keyboard
@badp No, even before 4.0.
Well, okay, the 4.0 default keyboard's lines are blue.
Can you accept this data or..?
I've accepted all the data I need for today.
Ah. Good ole write only mode.
@badp the beta (at least the one I got) was totally broken in a few ways
@BenBrocka Mine worked, but not sensibly better than the default keyboard.
like it wouldnt' add words to dictionary and hitting the swype button didn't select the last typed word. So totally worth a dollar to fix
uh, if it was like that I would've just removed it
I have
@OrigamiRobot Android?
I mean, Android 1.4.blah?
or Skype 1.4.blah?
Oh, Swype.
Android 4.1.2
I don't really like swipe keyboards
Flipboard just decided to spam me about the new Android version which lets you create your own magazines
From the wording it seems like they're really trying to hide the fact that the feature's been out for iThingies for ages.
@AshleyNunn Oh, they're wonderful. I guess you need a large enough screen to actually swipe around?
@badp I struggle with them. I dunno why
I had Swipe for Symbian but the screen was kinda tiny so Swype wasn't a joy to use - while still heaps and bounds better than default
@AshleyNunn Sounds like Swiftkey is for you then?
@badp Yeah, it's what I use :)
I don't "get" Swiftkey. You're, uh, supposed to randomly punch your keyboard mindlessly and it writes your youtube comments for you?
That's honestly my leading theory for the shittiest Youtube comments
@badp Swiftkey is about prediction
@badp I dunno. It just works for me
@M'vy so's swiping.
@AshleyNunn I thought you were an android user
unless you mean "finishing your sentences for you" which is slightly creepy
I don't do swiping.
@legacy I am
@legacy wait what? You can install custom keyboards on the iThingy?
well it seem to have a way to complete a word as well as predicting the next word.
Gains time
@legacy For a second I thought you meant she was a user that was an android, not a user of Android.
I've just googled "Gains" as if it was a surname
@Coronus how do you know both arent true
@AshleyNunn Androids aren't this fabulous (I wish it was this easy in meatspace)
@badp I suppose not
I switched my keyboard to a Japanese one. It works pretty well, unless you want to type in English.
Sometimes I want to type in Italian.
loud: unsupported
hits the mute button
@BenBrocka What'd the mute button do to you?
@Coronus It cheated on him. He was being pressed by all the other fingers
@Coronus muted him
@Coronus I used to have my keyboard set up so I could toggle between English and Russian
Q: What does reducing an NPC's stamina do?

MercfhSo lets say you drain an NPC'S stamina with Poisons/Absorb Enchant/Etc... What does this mean for me: the player? Unfortunately it's not like morrowind where they collapse (Man I wish it was still like that), but besides not being able to do power bashes, what benefit does this actually give th...

@Ullallulloo that still exists?
@Ullallulloo That is... horrible news. :(
@SaintWacko I have keyboard stickers on this laptop for Russian, and Swiftkey also set up for Russian on my phone
@legacy each coin's worth over $100 now
@BenBrocka Really? Last I checked they were worth 0 to the majority of people in the world.
Myself included.
@BenBrocka @Ullallulloo originally said plus.google.com
hence my qestion
@Powerlord What matters is that it can be sold
@legacy It's still a link to Google Plus.
@Powerlord Well technically a Euro isn't worth much to the majority of people in the world.
Which still has like 200 million active users.
@RedRiderX Sure it is. I can go to my local bank and convert it to a local currency.
@legacy We assumed you were talking about the content of the link, not the link itself.
@Powerlord You can got to Mt.Gox and convert Bitcoins to a local currency too.
@Powerlord Banks aren't really people though.
@Ullallulloo My.Gox is actually back up again?
@RedRiderX That's the point?
@RedRiderX I actually meant my credit union, but whatever.
@Ullallulloo AFAIK that thing won't actually convert bitcoins for you, it will simply match an offer to buy with an offer to sell.
@Powerlord It was down for like three days cuz of a DDOS.
@badp Which, incidentally, is the same thing eBay does, but eBay works with physical goods rather than math calculations.
@Powerlord eBay as in Paypal?
Well, OK, not exactly the same, but close enough.
@badp You know that eBay is the parent company, right?
@Powerlord That's why I'm asking.
I mean, "match offers to buy to offers to sell" sounds also exactly like, yknow, an auction
hence my asking
@badp Well, the way you phrased it sounded like PayPal owned eBay rather than the other way around.
@badp Don't banks follow money markets to get their conversion prices, albeit in less of a timely fashion?
@RedRiderX well yes.
I mean
Hmm... did TF2 update yet today?
the point is that the bitcoin economy is not one I buy into or want to buy into, because it gives me absolutely no benefit
as far as I'm concerned for all practical purposes it's a scam used to generate worth out of nowhere, a fad with luxury pricing schemes that is very much more like a TF2 unusual than an actual currency with stable, predictable value
you know, stable predictable value being one of the whole design goals and one of the whole points of Bitcoin
where the "currency" has failed very, very miserably with massive amounts of deflation that makes the Zimbabwe Dollar look sane in comparison
Yeesh, Valve... you've known that replay has server-side issues for like a week now and haven't fixed it yet?
@badp Yeah, it seems that the big 'selling point' of it, is that instead of a central bank, its value is tied to... itself?
@Powerlord I don't even bother trying to use replays now, I know that when it's not disabled I'll get "download failed" every single time
Its software?
@badp eventually when all coins are found it will likely stabilize
@BenBrocka in ~2040?
I guess it wants to be digital gold.
And since the "crash" the price has stayed fairly stable and it's still waaaaay higher in value than lots of people seemed to think it would crash to
No, its value will keep rising because there'll be no supply to match the demand
@BenBrocka Which crash? There have been more than one.
It's not like now that we're out of IPv4 addresses, they'll get cheaper
Sure, you can use carrier grade NAT and spread them over multiple users
(aka splitting bitcoins in tens of millionths)
but still, there'll be no supply to match the demand
and the price of IPv4 addresses is only going up, obviously
All I know is that thus far it's performed far better than detractors have said and places have started to accept it as it's own currency, which is IMO the major barrier to it actually being used in any way other than what's basically a stock market
@BenBrocka lol, you mean thousandfold deflation is a good thing?
hooray, let's celebrate
@badp Once most of the world has converted to IPv6, the demand for v4 will drop precipitously.
@fbueckert Ohhhh! Good point! In 2040 we can all switch to Bitcoin 2.0 and have this whole bullshit all over again.
Possibly even sooner than that though.
@badp Easy, dude. I'm not attacking you.
I'm not attacking anything, I was just rolling with what you said.
It was a brand new currency, of course there's a massive correction
I don't get Bitcoin myself; there's a real cost to gaining those coins, and I'm not sure if the cost outweighs what you get.
@BenBrocka Currency is not vanity items, it's something you buy things with
I mean if it hadn't shot up massively what would the sum of all possible bitcoins been worth anyway? About $400 total?
Bitcoins isn't something you buy things with, it's a vanity item
It's a speculative currency right now.
Why buy something with bitcoins today when it's going to be worth many more times in a few months?
Cocaine is one of the most lucrative investments with ROIs of 80% yearly
How much's bitcoin increased since last year by comparison? Threefold?
My problem is the argument against bitcoin seems to change every few months
Keep saying bitcoins, they are said to grow in value each time people discover them
From "no one wants to buy that" to "well it's still worthless" to "hey the price is going up" to what seems to basically be "hey stop that guys I said you don't want it stop buying it"
I'm sure if the deflation settles there will be some new reason
@BenBrocka Well of course the parts where it can be used to dodge paying VAT or launder money (other problems I have with that) are still there, they're just not relevant to what I'm saying right now, or not what the most glaring issue with it is.
I mean, technically you can pay your VAT separately right?
I'm sure people will remember doing that when they do their taxes.
I mean, isn't that another main tenet of the currency? Remaining anonymous in your transfers?
So that The Manâ„¢ doesn't know how much money you have and thus tax you accordingly?
Don't get me wrong, it's something interesting to follow and the discussions that bitcoins almost encourage are always interesting ones
As far as DOING SCIENCE goes, Bitcoin's pretty damn okay
@badp Now if mining Bitcoins was tied into doing something useful, like those folding@home things or something, it could have a really beneficial use.
@fbueckert but it's already bound to solving mathematical problems!
I don't know what kind; I think it's reverse hashing
@badp I thought it was just a cryptographic algorithm, bound to itself.
I have concluded that I would be screwed in any chat.se channel that isn't this one
Is it actually being used to solve a problem not of it's own making?
@kalina This message confuses me, so I'll close it as "confuses badp" by starring it.
@kalina I ate the sour skittles. Now I have skittle mouth.
I regret nothing.
@badp the flag for saying "hello"
oh, that kind of screwed!
(you may now groan)
you are perverted
still, you're male, it happens
Q: Racing profitably with expensive cars in Real Racing 3

KaivosukeltajaI've completed about 50% of Real Racing 3, own 29 cars and my driver level is 72. As I progress towards the series with the really slick (and expensive) cars, I'm starting to notice I'm making hardly enough money to cover repairs after race. Pushing from the 22nd position to the podium in about t...

@badp Dead tree money has the same issue. Stores can simply charge VAT as they currently do, and you still do your taxes as your normally do
@BenBrocka The idea of VAT is that most entities buy things, work on them, then sell them. VAT is applied on every buy/sell transaction along the way; since you bought items with VAT, you want to sell your produce with VAT
After you do that, it'll be as if you paid no VAT. Unless you're the final consumer, who's the one that actually does pay VAT.
(am I missing the point?)
That doesn't change my point; there's nothing different about bitcoin transfers in that regard
@BenBrocka What's the HIB buying from?
I'm not a fan of VAT in the first place, but nothing about bitcoin prevents paying VAT and nothing about other currencies enforce it directly either
Fair. (I like VAT because it's kind of hard to dodge.)
Oh, the Bitcoin discussion again ..
@Ullallulloo I didn't say "what's the HIB buying bitcoins from?", I said "what's the HIB buying the products they sell from?"
@FEichinger Well, HIB now supports Bitcoin :(
@badp Well, you didn't really say either.
@badp So?
@Ullallulloo I thought it was obvious from context. Do I get to tell you "l2context"?
@badp yes
Bitcoin is currency out of thin air, quite literally. Don't buy into it and watch it burn. Move on with your lives.
@FEichinger so HIB bought into it.
I don't know how to feel about it. It might be excessive to boycott them for this, but I don't think more highly of them as a result.
@badp So? Watch them burn as well. Tragic, but I honestly couldn't care less about who supports Bitcoin. It's gonna die eventually, and whoever was dumb enough to join up is gonna get hit. No need to bother doing anything, it's all gonna happen on its very own.
Large amounts of "real" money is out of thin air as well. Currency is (intentionally) rather artificial in value, relevant only because people recognize it as currency
@FEichinger There's actually very little risk in accepting bitcoin if you use a service to convert it to money at the time of sale (almost all businesses that "accept" bitcoin do this)
@BenBrocka Well, theoretically, "real" money still has "real" value backing it. Obviously that real value is a tiny fraction, but it's still there.
@FEichinger They used to be backed by precious metals, but that went away a while ago.
@FEichinger Not really since FDR took us off the gold standard.
It's basically like Bitcoins now.
Heck, British currency is still named after what used to back it.
Actually I wish we've move away from the "real" value backing it; gold has actual practical uses and I hate to see it rotting away as currency when it could be in glorious, corrosion-proof circuits. Similar to diamonds, humans liking shiny things fucks over the advancement of technology by overpricing raw materials
And if we start using silicon to back currency I'm just going to start stabbing economists
@BenBrocka I hate how stupid expensive diamonds are.
Well, I oppose currency in general, simply because it's arbitrary as fuck.
@StrixVaria Not to mention that it isn't rare either.
@StrixVaria a rare shiny rock many people like and few people have
@FEichinger It should be arbitrary as fuck. It's very purpose is to be arbitrary as fuck
You need to have an abstract currency because barter is hilariously impractical on a large scale, much more so in a digital world
@BenBrocka I'm pretty sure that when Ben Franklin invented money, that was his very thought.
@BenBrocka At the time, gold didn't have uses though.
@StrixVaria wat
It was just a rare, pretty metal that was easy to make into coins.
@Ullallulloo yeah, it was just a shiny pretty, reasonably rare metal, easy to make coins and stuff out of too since it's soft. But now it's useful as hell hell but we're stuck with copper for most things
Though fortunately gold plating a wire gives the corrosion protection without the cost of making the whole wire gold, so it's not as bad as it could be
@BenBrocka Its purpose is to be a good like any other - albeit a persistent one, which is why it's used for value.
@FEichinger But still, it's arbitrary, it has to be arbitrary. There is no practical good which has equal value to everyone, so we need money to abstract away that difference
> In addition to explicitly legalizing cell phone unlocking, the Unlocking Technology Act of 2013 also modifies the DMCA to make clear that unlocking copy-protected content is only illegal if it's done in order to "facilitate the infringement of a copyright." If a circumvention technology is "primarily designed or produced for the purpose of facilitating noninfringing uses," that would not be a violation of copyright.
Wow, someone in the US government proposed actually FIXING the DMCA so it sucks less?
@Powerlord where's the catch?
Notice how I didn't say "so it doesn't suck" though?
@Powerlord that's the impression I got from the EFF
ah, it's just a proposal
@badp The catch is that it has to go through both houses yet, and lawmakers like to tack on amendments to bills...
@Powerlord yeah, well, the 70's songs hole is still there
@Powerlord it's not a rewrite of the DMCA, just a fix of one of the clauses
@badp True, but that part wasn't part of the DMCA to begin with, but rather than 1976 update to copyright law
Granted, they could have just as easily fixed that.
@Powerlord doesn't make the DMCA not suck
When I get home, I can't forget to test the force domination sounds plugin
Speaking of which, time to leave!
And Righthaven is finally, completely dead.
@fbueckert linky
@Powerlord ...what does a "force domination sounds" plugin do...?
Do I want to know?
Oh right, I was hoping it was Prenda. Righthaven looked even more screwed than prenda so I'm more eagerly waiting on that one
@BenBrocka There was an update on Prenda on Monday.
will be interested to see how many people actually sign up and pay though
For channels like mine I doubt it'd outpace ad earnings. Wonder if the whole channel is paywalled or you can be like "paid subscribers get access to more videos"
@BenBrocka of course, they're all $unavailable
@badp really? I see prices when I go to the channel page
@BenBrocka "This channel is unavailable in your country. Sorry about that"
Or is it a $HahaRegionNotSupported thing?
I'm not surprised one bit
Indeed the video page for one paid video doesn't say "Pay up", it just says "This video is not available in your country. Sorry about that."
Though come to think of it, I'd think channels should be able to allow global subscriptions, after all it's not the same someone using content ID to prevent X country from seeing Y, they're the one putting the content on youtube
Dunno though, maybe it's a legal pain in the ass. Lots of things are.
meh, none of those channels seems appealing to me
yeah, lots of kid channels for some reason
Ah, Prenda, you keep on giving.
...did someone seriously make a sockpuppet named "Barach Obama" to run in the Math.SE election?
@BenBrocka GayDirect is very much a kid channel, yes.
A defense being made by a Prenda lawyer in Georgia is that Wright's order should not be heeded, and I'm not kidding, "Because California's legalized gay marriage"
But did they legalize gay direct marriage?
@BenBrocka No
Where does Prenda find these people!?
It's like anyone that works for the company gets infected by a crazy bug.
@fbueckert In 2013 Umbrella corporation began research on the Prenda Virus...
@BenBrocka Wouldn't surprise me.
Gotta shoot all infected, for the good of us all.
Time to go buy Peanut Butter M&M's!
LAZERS. That is all.

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