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At any rate, the sidebar gives you Armor Class, EVasion, SHield rating, eXperience Level, STRanth, etc.
Stranth > Strength
The downsite is that you risk pressing 1 but 10 the entire time
@fredley :(
@fredley This is why we can't have nice things.
Pretty sure a TNT party totally sounds like a nice thing.
@fredley What are you TNTing?
@OrigamiRobot Yes
We will have newer, shinier, nicer things, after we have purged the old things with fire
@OrigamiRobot Your base
My base
Everyone's base
@fredley The cows.
@OrigamiRobot Server reset
@Coronus The penguins
Oh, I might play again!
Ain't no party like a TNT party cause a-- loud explosion is heard, then silence
@fredley 1 hour? Dammit!
@OrigamiRobot cc: @kalina If you blow up @OrigamiRobot's stuff he comes and plays with you again
It's okay, you're still going to /give yourself everything and leave others punching trees :P
@badp /gamemode 1 @a
@fredley only because it's you, if I don't log in for 2 days he replaces me
/give @a 46 64
@kalina What a horrible person
@fredley I only stopped because I ran out of things to do.
16 secs ago, by OrigamiRobot
@fredley I only stopped because I ran out of things to do.
@GraceNote sooo what was my hint to where I found those CPU parts again?
@OrigamiRobot You didn't even have a mob-spawner based power generator!
@BenBrocka It was subtle and immediate.
@fredley I didn't wanna do that.
Heh. I forgot that Crawl now even colors enemy names yellow, red or purple if they're a dangerous encounter for you
@OrigamiRobot You have boring thoughts
If too subtle, the answer is the Colosseum.
@fredley I built the power generation I wanted.
You guys did all the fun stuff before I started.
@OrigamiRobot Doesn't mean you can't do it betterer
@fredley I want to progress at the same time as the other people.
I don't want to just play catch up the whole time.
@OrigamiRobot It's not a competition. And did you see what gnovice did?
And I want to contribute to the community stuff.
@GraceNote Oh, probably all the bosses I haven't fought there then
@fredley Everything is a competition.
@fredley I don't know why you're arguing, he said he'd play.
@OrigamiRobot exists to be argued with
@fredley Truth
What kind of base do I want this time?
@badp Huh, I hadn't even noticed that
@OrigamiRobot Towering monolith of power
@SaintWacko I don't honestly know if there's a purple level
@fredley Hard to expand without a lot of upfront planning.
@OrigamiRobot Easy to expand: build up
@fredley What if the footprint isn't big enough?
@fredley Also, I want to progress with people so I can trade things with people.
@OrigamiRobot Build up
@fredley Footprint
@OrigamiRobot YOU LIE
What if my monolith is 10x10 and I later find out i need 15x15 for something.
@OrigamiRobot Build down
@OrigamiRobot That was my issue with bees, I started too late so all the cool things I could do had been dwarfed by the more expensive (but cooler) other stuff.
@fredley "horrible" is too nice in this case, HIS UNKINDNESS DESTROYED MY GOODWILL AND SANITY
@OrigamiRobot Build that part underground
ever since that day I have been setting fire to things
@OrigamiRobot is Emperor, @kalina is Vader?
@kalina After you made my endgame armor, I had nothing left to do.
are you turning my own generosity back against me?
I'm just telling it like it is.
are you suggesting it's MY FAULT?
Oh god
Man the fire hoses
I hope you catch something fatal
...like blaster, or sasser
...or get rootkitted
@kalina ...on fire
@badp in the end I changed the shell
resolved the metro issue
@fredley I think snow fortress is the answer.
@kalina oh? At any rate I'm fairly certain Windows-D would've worked.
@OrigamiRobot See you in another biome
running a bunch of applications to resolve the problem wasn't the solution I wanted
seems to run fine
@fredley Or I'll just be homeless and steal from other players.
my next issue is that I seem to require a wireless mouse
@OrigamiRobot Doing a jeffreylin?
so that'll be my next purchase
@kalina Logitech Performance MX
too many of my games require mouse input for some stuff
@kalina gross
I just played Need for Speed World, had to use VNC for mouse input to get past the menus -.-
@OrigamiRobot don't "gross" at me, you're missing the context so you just look stupid
@kalina I don't need context. Wireless mice are gross.
listen, Wireless mice in this context are not gross
they're certainly not as gross as daisy chaining USB hubs around the room to use a corded mouse
Whatever you're doing that requires a wireless mouse is gross.
@kalina Can't you configure your controller to act as a mouse for simple things like menu?
meh I looked at Xpadder
but chances are I'll be bored of this "project" by the end of the month anyway
That still gives you 3 weeks.
yes but I can return a mouse and gamepad
I can't return software
@fredley Maybe I'll start off with a skybase!
PaperStare @ori Stop staring at yourself!
PaperStare @orig Stop staring at yourself!
@ori Stop staring at yourself!  à² _ಠ
PaperStare @origami Stop staring at yourself!
@fredley I don't know who that is.
@fredley I hope your cicadas burn in hell.
game says "full controller support", really means "must have a keyboard to log in and enter cd key"
Hello Bridge!
@AshleyNunn Should come play FTB with us.
@RonanForman For a second, I thought about messing with bees. Then I remembered how much I hate bees.
There are bees in Minecraft?
Yes, they are dumb.
@AshleyNunn Please tell me to Go the Fuck to Sleep
@GraceNote Ignore @OrigamiRobot bees are awesome.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Pretty sure the ending to that book involves the child not sleeping.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone GTFO!
@RonanForman Except when they're awful and confusing.
@yijiang Go the fuck to sleep!
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Sleep well, Yinternet.
@badp Don't you dare...
@origamirobot if I wasn't about to leave to go see my sister because she got trampled by a pig today I would.
@AshleyNunn It's not just today that we're playing.
@origamirobot than I shall join at some point.
Q: If multiple players perform the same action, does it go faster?

BrysonicWhen performing an action such as opening a safe or disabling an alarm, does it take less time when multiple players are involved?

@GraceNote FTB = Feed The Bees
@fredley Are we starting off with a mining world?
@OrigamiRobot Yes
@fredley But we are manually building the community stuff right?
@OrigamiRobot yarp
I wish I was home to play.
@fredley Should we form a secret alliance against @RonanForman and his bees?
@OrigamiRobot Yes
I'm not sure what an alliance would do.
@fredley! Get out while you can!
Would you be actively hindering me?
Q: How can I run BattleStar Galactica Online on Linux?

NilI am aware that BattleStar Galactica Online requires the Unity 3D browser plug-in to play. It is currently only available to Windows. I installed the windows version of Firefox 20 using Wine 1.4.1. It ran beautifully and smoothly. Then I installed the United 3D browser plugin version 4.1.2f1 usin...

This question has barely anything to do with gaming.
It's about installing the Unity player through Wine.
Aren't both of those gaming related?
@Fluttershy Unity player, definitely.
It's a contrived problem, from what I can tell.
Wine is a Windows emulator; it should function just like Windows, no?
@fbueckert Did you forget what Wine stands for?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I don't even know it's an acronym.
Wine Is Not an Emulator
A recursive acronym at that
Recursive acronyms are the best
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Reciprocating acronyms don't work well.
If it's not an emulator, then what is it?
A banana.
Compatibility layer
Can things be installed through it, just like Windows?
Q: Why does everyone hate Teemo?

AkylNow in the subreddit of LeagueOfLegends everyone hates teemo or despises him. What is the story in why is he hated, despised, and mocked?. His skillets are mediocre and seem the same power level as the rest of the other champions; So that rules out of his kit.

@BoltClock That's off-topic, right?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone If I don't burn it in your retina right before you leave us for $MONTHS, you will forget about us!! :'(
The only LoL character I recognize is the truly outrageous guy and I can't imagine why anyone would play anyone else
Yeah. It's not even a proper question
@Sconibulus Not Constructive.
@Sconibulus Not constructive, at least.
@BoltClock ...why do we keep getting this question?
@GraceNote Because everyone hates Teemo?
Taric is the truly outrageous one : () )
I like Teemo...
he's adorable!
As a sidenote, is installing a Windows-only program into Wine within our expertise?
Everyone hates Tingle, too, yet we don't get questions 'bout him every so often.
@GraceNote Is it the "hate to play against" or "hate to play as" kind of hate?
@badp In Tingle's case, it's neither, since it's from a different game series in which he's just an NPC that for some reason or another, has a very vocal anti-dom.
In Teemo's case, uh, I have no idea.
I think people hate having Teemo on either their team, or the enemy team
but some people have a lot of fun being Teemo
what an unusual experience
sitting on a bean bag playing games
in this house anyway
How big is your TV?
not huge, only 40"
@GraceNote by the by
I realize that's an actual phrase but is it identical in meaning to by the way, or is it different?
@BoltClock It turned into a pig.
@OrigamiRobot What.
@BoltClock It is identical.
@BoltClock When I use it, it's pretty much meaningless fluff that disregards the original meaning, as it were. To wit, I do that kind of padding with a lot of phrases.
@BoltClock A pig, not a fig.
`By-the-bye, what became of the baby?' said the Cat. `I'd nearly forgotten to ask.'

`It turned into a pig,' Alice quietly said, just as if it had come back in a natural way.

`I thought it would,' said the Cat, and vanished again.

Alice waited a little, half expecting to see it again, but it did not appear, and after a minute or two she walked on in the direction in which the March Hare was said to live. `I've seen hatters before,' she said to herself; `the March Hare will be much the most interesting, and perhaps as this is May it won't be raving mad--at least not so mad as it was in Mar
@OrigamiRobot Oh.
@BoltClock I could see this being a question if it's about why is he not picked often, or something. What about his skills make him less viable than other options. That's what I wanted it to be. It was not that.
what a productive day, I even have wifi working again
@kalina You should play FTB.
Come punch trees with us.
I'll mail you some skittles.
Q: Why does everyone hate Teemo?

AkylNow in the subreddit of LeagueOfLegends everyone hates teemo or despises him. What is the story in why is he hated, despised, and mocked?. His skillets are mediocre and seem the same power level as the rest of the other champions; So that rules out of his kit.

Q: What's the purpose of the "Songbird Defense System" statues?

NicholasIn Bioshock Infinite, there is a Comstock statue in her room, that starts playing a tune, and makes Elizabeth realize Songbird is coming back-- we also see these statues later in the game, sometimes they play a tune, sometimes they don't. What are they? Why were they built? What makes them play ...

Lazers has been extremely tardy these days
Is the grumpiness getting to it?
he is grumpy
Thought so
@BoltClock I can't tell if this is an intentional joke...
@BoltClock I do have a project in the back of my mind to implement however much of PubSubNub it takes to replace Lazers with a more timely manual bot
but it's there, in the back of my mind, and I honestly don't know where to host/deploy it or whether or not the Arqade feed DOES support PubSubNub
will an apple device play xvids via dlna or do I need to reencode my entire hard disk as mp4s?
Plus there's the part where Lazers 2.0 technically has to have 20 reputation.
@kalina does vlc get to use its own codecs?
I duno I'm not even using VLC
i shall play around with vlc then
@GrumpyLazers Poor Akyl. Only one of his questions has survived to this point.
@GrumpyLazers How many more "poke the plot hole" questions are we gonna get about Bioshock Infinite? O_o
@Fluttershy We get more the more convoluted the plot is.
Add in time travel and quantum mechanics, and you get a super convoluted plot.
It's more the writers saying, "Look how clever we are!"
Q: The Final Hours of Portal 2 without an iPad

Eric GagnonI was just wondering if The Final Hours of Portal 2 is available somehow for people who don't own an iPad? Thank you! EDIT: It is now possible to get it on Steam : http://store.steampowered.com/app/104600/

what do you think about this one guys
@badp Too localized. No longer a problem.
Leaving for home in 2 days
It's going to be a wild ride
Q: Bukkit Plugin for helping me use lighting to prevent mob spawning

musicwithoutpaperThis is a more specific version of How can I determine where mobs will spawn? I am looking for a good way to know whether I have sufficiently lit an area. I would prefer not to use a mod on my client, as there is more than one client to install on and more than one player per client who could ...

Q: How can I customize vehicles I can't customize?

AubergineI've recently acquired a Crusader tank for my garage: It is very oppressive and white, and I would like to give it a paint job. However, like many authority vehicles it is apparently "not customizable". I'd leave it at that, if I were not previously able to customize a different kind of "not cu...

Q: Targetting heals

newuserAs a cleric, there is a single-target heal spell. I have been able to use it by pointing my mouse over my teammate and pressing the bound key. Is there a way to target this heal other than by pointing at a teammate? I ask this because sometimes there are a lot of teammates standing next to ea...

@GrumpyLazers Yay. Another mod-rec.
is there such a site that streams movies that are currently in the cinema legitimatelly
@kalina Hah! No.
Hollywood would never give up their precious windows.
Wait, that's DVDs.
Realize that these are ancient people older even than Less_Pop and I.
they are afraid of the internet
well fine
they think it steals souls and makes their grandkids pull down their pants and play games with each other.
but by not letting me consume their media when I want to, I'm just going to rip them off
so it's their loss in the end
@kalina move to Switzerland, it's legal there
I would be willing to pay for boxoffice stuff to stream
I live in the middle of nowhere though, so going to the cinema isn't how I want to spend an entire weekend
@kalina Welcome to logic Hollywood does not understand.
There is this though:
@WorldEngineer Ah, Prenda.
You never cease to amuse.
I just love the fact that the judge basically laced the entire thing with Trek references
Google hard booted me out of my accounts
Not a clue, Ive had to relog into everything
ah, my hack attempt was successful
@kalina Jerk
This might be a repost but nice!
Lego Steampunk
Tomb Raider with a gamepad is WEIRD
Q: Jungling Technique

TMPI wish for this question to be as objective as possible, but if it is not enough, please help me with the wording. When I jungle, I normally lag a few levels behind others, for example with lifestealer. I've seen people become very OP with lifestealer after jungling, while I lag behind. My que...

Q: What is a "Special" price in league of legends?

Fredy31I just fell on this while doing arams. So what is it? I can't figure it out.

@GrumpyLazers Tree-fitty
sadface, Jet Set Radio doesn't detect my controller :(
@spugsley good job.
thanks :) I'm still kind of in awe about it. Weirdness
@spugsley BIG GRATS!
@spugsley Woot!
Now you can join the rest of us in the real world.
(^ Don't do it)
@fbueckert well I don't know about that :) I mean, my "real world" is photography :p
In that sense, I'm never in the real world.
It's not sane enough.
@spugsley Congratulations!
@spugsley Grats!
Q: Karliah not showing up at the Ragged Flagon after Hard Answers

DominicAlright so I completed the mission Hard Answers for the Thieves Guild storyline but I think there might be a glitch, Ive seen posts all over the internet with just about the same exact problem... She told me to meet her at the Ragged Flagon but shes not there, shes still at the Snow Veil Sanctum ...

@spugsley Gratz!! :)
@spugsley [This ticket redeemable for one steam game of your choice]
@spugsley Better cash it in for something good!
@Unionhawk @RonanForman @fredley What version do I need?
Q: Are there any games currently out for the PC like Armada for the Dreamcast?

AlexandruArmada was an old Dreamcast game that I loved to play as a kid. It featured awesome battling and seemed to never really end. It had a bird's eye, slightly tilted view of your unit (kind of like Diablo) and the graphics were wonderful. Is there any game like Armada out now for the PC that deliver ...

Q: Mmorpg's where you don't pick a class, and instead you shape your char any way you want through stats/skills?

MmorpgQuestionsI found myself missing old mmorpg's like Helbreath, Ultima, and Lineage2 for the following reasons (each one had some of these): PK or criminals (a player that kills other players, his name becomes red, etc). The last two mmorpg I tried, I realized too late that they didn't have PK's. Games are...

@GrumpyLazers You're a bit late.... they've been closed.
@spugsley Congrats
@James wait what? O-o
@RavenDreamer THANK YOU!
@spugsley I suggest you pick an incredibly expensive game.
@jeffreylin_ railroad tycoon + all DLC
(at least I think that's the one with $2000 worth of DLC)
@spugsley omgomgomg go you!

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