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@kalina I know. Whoda thunk?
@fbueckert Are you high?
You think the sports bro cutting my hair wants to talk about MtG?
@Powerlord Nope.
@OrigamiRobot He might. You never know.
@OrigamiRobot try it, see what happens
And I don't care to find out.
So, I have no classes today and, consequently, have no idea what to do.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Sleep is for people who aren't gamers or college students.
@Yawus Sleep
@Yawus Sleep
@Yawus Monster Hunter.
@OrigamiRobot Actually that might work
If you have to ask, Monster Hunter.
@fbueckert Done deal. I'll get in some Gunner practice.
@OrigamiRobot talk to him about my little pony
and how you always wondered what friendship could be
maybe he can share the magic with you?
I don't know about MLP
@kalina Now that's just creepy.
@OrigamiRobot it could be a big adventure, tons of fun
@badp You are delusional.
@fbueckert friendship is magic, that's not creepy at all
@OrigamiRobot No harm in asking.
@kalina In that context, it sounds like a pickup line.
@OrigamiRobot if I had to think of one geeky topic that could be mainstream enough, that's what I'd come up with
@fbueckert if any guy ever used that on me as a pickup line they'd score
@kalina I just dance with them. Fantastic icebreaker.
@fbueckert anyway less about how we're not socially awkward, and let's get back to helping all of these people who can't even handle small talk
@badp No, that would be video games.
@OrigamiRobot talk about call of duty, that has to work
@OrigamiRobot CoD:bloops doesn't count as geeky
@OrigamiRobot You could always try talking about Call of Duty!
I don't want to talk about call of duty
@kalina great minds...
I don't want to talk at all. I just want my haircut.
Isn't it sad that when we think mainstream video games, we think of games we absolutely hate?
@fbueckert yes, very sad
@fbueckert Hmmmm... that's really not true.
@OrigamiRobot talking is part of getting your hair cut
I mean, Bioshock Infinite will probably be a best seller
@YiJiang'sEvilClone one game doesn't compete against the best part of a decade of call of duties
@fbueckert We aren't the target demographics!!
@kalina That's why I hate haircuts.
@badp I want to murder the target demographics.
@OrigamiRobot shave all your hair off then, problem solved
Maybe I'll wait till I visit my mom this weekend and get her to cut my hair.
Because it would make the world a better place without them in it.
@fbueckert hey, we agree on more, far more frequently, since you took your break from the bridge
@kalina I have been tempted to just go out and get a clipper
@kalina It will grow back. Also, that would look terrible.
Sod whether it looks as good
It's cheaper and involves 0 awkward
@fbueckert in other words @kalina likes it more when you don't speak at all for long periods of time
@badp I didn't say that
Yay awkward silence!
@fredley Except all the inquiries at work about my new hairstyle.
yeah, he banned me for disagreeing with him
100% serious, not joking at all
...well, maybe a little joking
(From arrestedwesteros.com so that you can get the joke.)
suddenly, a wild @LessPop_MoreFizz appears and kills the chat
@YiJiang'sEvilClone 124 people following the tag for the purpose of launching whoever raises a question under it INTO THE SUN
You are delusional
I'm trying to fancy up some forms with ajax animations; can anyone point me at a good reference place I can read?
@kalina It's okay, I'm leaving as suddenly as I appeared.
Q: What is the best companion for a solo PvE Trickster Rogue?

Marco LeblancShould I go for a DPS, tank, or healing companion? Any suggestions for the actual companion? I heard the slyblade kobold is pretty good DPS companion, and that Galeb Duhr is the best tank companion (but he costs 30$ :/ ) I don't know much about the healing companions, and I didn't buy a Hero...

Q: How to be an effective cleric in Aion?

Mike KelloggI just started playing free-to-play Aion through Gameforge on Euro servers and it's pretty fun. I was just wondering if anyone had good builds/strategy to be the most effective cleric in a party.

Q: How are re-roll credits earned?

RapidaIn the ARAM queue that arrived with the Freljord patch you can re-roll a champion you've been given by using a re-roll credit. How fast do you accrue these re-rolls? Is it based on number of games played or number of champions owned?

Q: Bind installed team fortress 2 game to steam

Grigor GevorgyanI've downloaded and installed tf2 from the internet, but it couldn't connect to online servers. So I've also installed steam after that. Now when I want to play tf2 from inside the steam, it doesn't see the existing installation and wants to download tf2 anew. Can I anyway make steam use the alr...

I just found out this place gives you a scalp/neck massage. Aborting the plan.
@kalina The tag doesn't exist. New users can't actually use it.
@GrumpyLazers Dupe.
@LessPop_MoreFizz what? I can't see what you said because of ALL OF THAT SPAM
@OrigamiRobot Touching is the only thing worse than talking.
@fbueckert What does Ajax have to do with animations?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Obviously you want to be requesting each frame with its own request
@YiJiang'sEvilClone he misused ajax in the place of javascript, obviously
god, web developers are even more pedantic than gamers
@YiJiang'sEvilClone ...Doesn't it? I looked up how to do animations inside an UpdatePanel, and it gave me some Ajax extension stuff.
@fredley I'm glad someone understands.
@OrigamiRobot High five. No wait...
@AshleyNunn finally, some sanity, tell all of these boys that talking to your hairdresser is normal behaviour
@fredley We can just nod at each other.
@GrumpyLazers Piracy
@OrigamiRobot Sounds great.
@kalina they don't think it is? Weird.
Which is strange since TF2 is free now.
You make small talk about whatever.
@kalina I don't think it's abnormal, I just hate it.
@AshleyNunn by the looks of it, they're freak out if they had to get their hair washed as well
@AshleyNunn Smalltalk is useless.
In other news, I watched Office Space again over the weekend.
@kalina might be a boy thing.
It has been a while.
@kalina I can wash my own hair thank you very much.
how they'd ever survive a hair colouring I just don't know
But if you've downloaded TF2 without Steam, you've pirated an older version from before it was f2p, since the only ways to download TF2 legitimately requires a Steam account.
@OrigamiRobot You find the kinkiest barbers, man
@origamirobot not really. Learn all sorts of fascinating things if you listen.
@kalina yeah, they would be doomed I think.
"So do you want a haircut with... extra service" snips clippers suggestively
@OrigamiRobot Ideal
@AshleyNunn We must have different definitions of smalltalk.
@origamirobot nah, likely not. Job stuff life stiff the weather trips you are going on family stuff sports etc
@BenBrocka I was given this coupon man, I didn't choose it.
@BenBrocka that is frightening. Just what are they going to do with those clippers....
we need to take it upon ourselves to educate these people so they can successfully re-integrate into society
@AshleyNunn Weather? Useless. Family? I haven't seen them in months. Sports? Awful. Job stuff? Like what?
@kalina me teaching anyone about society is a dangerous prospect. :p
@AshleyNunn well true, same deal with me I guess
I'm really good at setting fire to things though
@AshleyNunn Almost as scary as kalina teaching... yeah
talk about the spread of fire
@kalina don't you... Yeah. That.
that's a good subject
@kalina that would be the greatest awkward conversation ever
@saintwacko at least I just talk about cupcakes
Tips and tricks to not get caught.
actually I'd rather not talk about fire when my hair is covered in highly flammable chemicals
Just start going on and on about how wonderful fire is, how fast it spreads, how much it destroys...
Yeah something tells me that could end badly
@saintwacko fastest haircut ever I would bet
that really is my worst case scenario, I'd have to stay indoors for a year so it could grow back
@OrigamiRobot I can clean, sanitise, suture and bind my own wounds (unless they're in some awkward to reach place). It doesn't mean I won't gladly let some doc do it instead.
@OrigamiRobot how well would you handle a massage, like at a professional place?
@MartinSojka I don't want anyone else washing my hair.
I just get this image that half of the people in here would have issues with that kind of contact
@kalina No. No. Never. No.
@kalina I have no fears of that - losing half my hair (brain surgery! Twice!) makes me care less about what it looks like.
@OrigamiRobot are you SERIOUS? Nothing beats a good massage
@kalina this this this
@kalina No. Ugh, I cringe just thinking about it.
@OrigamiRobot There is something wrong with you
It makes me want to vomit.
@kalina I've been told I'm pretty good at them.
@fbueckert grabby hands
@OrigamiRobot I think you are not a particularly secure individual
Who wants a body massage~
@kalina meaning?
@BenBrocka Oooh yes please! ;)
@BenBrocka me
pick me pick me
Only if @OrigamiRobot has to watch
@kalina no way I said first!
@BenBrocka Watching other people being massaged is... fine.
@OrigamiRobot whatever your worst thought was, that's probably what I meant
@OrigamiRobot Haphephobia sucks, even in a limited case.
@fbueckert Ajax is asynchronous JavaScript and XML. It's used when a website needs to communicate with a server without refreshing. It doesn't have anything to do with animation.
@kalina I don't have any thoughts.
@BenBrocka I don't care about that.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Then why, when I search for "asp.net updatepanel animation", does my first result give me asp.net/ajaxLibrary/AjaxControlToolkitSampleSite/…?
@MartinSojka I'm not afraid of being touched, I just don't like strangers.
Investigate error message > It is actually being caused by a second error message being improperly concatenated
Also the original error message was spelled "an error occuered"
@fbueckert The name of the toolkit is "ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit". It seems like it can also do animation
@YiJiang'sEvilClone So....I reiterate: I need some reference material on how to use it.
@ashley you know what? You should figure out how to express a body massage as a sequence of keystrokes to press on a virtual keyboard on your shoulders
@fbueckert The toolkit, or just animation with JavaScript in general?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I would assume the toolkit.
I can do animations with Javascript.
@badp if only. That could actually work well.
just make sure you agree beforehand on where the P is
@badp Hmmmm, would tfv yhb result in a choke hold?
@badp an important point to consider.
uh, I was thinking QAZ being as high as your neck
like, shoulder blades being QWE and ZXC
That would work.
@AshleyNunn What if you said "Okay" and the other understood "Enter"?
@BenBrocka Yes. MO, SciFi. Leave the red slot empty.
@badp depends if they pressed enter or tried to actually enter something...
Also, anyone who owns a Wii must play Pandora's Tower.
No excuses allowed.
@kalina Uh... huh
@fbueckert working on it! Well, if I wasn't sorta incapacitated at the moment.
@AshleyNunn Is there a difference if the virtual keyboard "wrapped around"?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone seriously the first day this year that I've taken my coat off in the office...
@badp most definitely.
@GraceNote happy new yorking
@GraceNote Hi to New York!
@GraceNote make sure you arrange to meet up with Lesspop
or not.
What sort of temperature are you talking about here?
@GraceNote K. BTW where do you level? I've found being low-mid 70s isn't quite enough to reliably handle some of the tougher risky/whatever foes for the rest of the medals
You recognize him because he's the guy in the Bing car.
@badp isn't he still in Memphis?
@kalina Perhaps, I have no idea.
@BenBrocka I do quests and cry because I'm at the level cap already.
@badp not that I actively memorise the location of people
Last I heard he still had a lot of New York streets to map
@badp I also have no idea, but I also don't think that LessPop is in the vicinity of our brand new office.
@badp wait, @LessPop_MoreFizz works for Microsoft?
@kalina No.
@GraceNote There's DLC to break the level cap now...to an absurd 399 I guess
He is the kind of person that carries around heavy ordinances on his vehicle as he cruises across the nation. Sophisticated targeting and imaging system levels, too.
Most of my remaining quests are "send a billion scouts until you find this risky foe" so I'm just ignoring them
Because I'm already doing that for far better reward with the medals. But the two rarely overlap
@BenBrocka I've avoided paying money on DLC by buying the next installments of the game that inevitably include the previous game's DLC as free content.
@GraceNote wifi sniffing equipment? RFC sniffing equipment?
Also, I just watched Princess Mononoke, and it is the most amazing thing ever
I always knew he was up to no good!
@kalina Large sights and adorable barrels.
The dub is pretty bad though
@GraceNote Kitten cannon?
we need to break @LessPop_MoreFizz and get him to watch My Little Pony
@BenBrocka I have a very distinct trend of killing a Tough Foe and then getting the quest to kill that Tough Foe. That is also partially responsible for my over levelling.
Bridge, that is our goal for 2013
@kalina causing trouble in the neighborhood?
@GraceNote NIS doesn't really do that though
@BenBrocka The paid DLC for the first game were all costume pieces and equipment that were found in the second game. Likewise, the paid DLC in the second game includes the special candidate costumes that are all free in this game.
At least I'm not aware of such a case, especially not in a Neptunia game. Maybe the Vita remake might. But that's not quite the same
Yeah, I miss out on characters, true, but that's something I could invest in.
@GraceNote Not really the same as the level cap break though. And there's stuff in mk2 that's not in V at all
The characters, and the purchasable outfits that weren't just pallet swaps
@BenBrocka Same with 1 -> mk2, but nothing that's enough to inspire me to fork over more cash. Not having any cash in the PSN helps in that department, though.
@BenBrocka If you mean like the maid outfits, the 4 Goddesses Online outfits, and the swimsuits, I reiterate those are, indeed, in V.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to raise MLP questions on movies&tv
I never keep a balance, I just pay on demand with credit cards
@kalina You couldn't even break @fredley
Sure, he watched a couple episodes but did he break?
@badp he's broken, he's already part of the herd
@kalina They're already on SF&F, for some reason
How can I trick him with a Youtube link if all the copies of season 1 episode 1 got yanked from Youtube?
@badp he sang the theme tune in chat while drunk and got starred
@GraceNote well the cheap ones were just lame pallet swaps. I haven't investigated they others because they cost as much money as I've ever earned but their descriptions appear to just be more pallet swaps of the original outfits
@badp Judging by what I saw, he totally was brokeden.
@kalina You just said that with the voice of George W Bush
@YiJiang'sEvilClone well, it's a shame about the crossover
@badp WHAT?
@kalina Ewww, don't remind me of that question
@kalina is George Bush?
@badp I never watched any news, I don't know what you're talking about
@BenBrocka The non-palette swaps were the three sets I just mentioned. I don't know if they're true-ending-only, but I certainly have access to them all already.
@kalina That was when he declared "victory" in his "war on terror" towards the end of his 8 years IIRC
To my knowledge the only thing George Bush accomplished was a weak imitation of Hitler on a different continent, utilising carpet bombing instead of gas chambers
@badp No, it was in 2003 after the invasion of Iraq
@GraceNote Are they in the shop-shop or made with blueprints or what?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Well that's just about as much of a "victory"
Oh, @Ben, while I can't teach you the secrets to leveling, I can teach you the secret to how to print money by the millions.
Which you can do as early as chapter 3.
He made his speech on an aircraft carrier, declaring the end of the war in Iraq.
Also where the crap do you get money? I miss Disgaea's exponential money growth system
The rest, as they say, is history
Why can't I hold all this Hell
@YiJiang'sEvilClone aren't there still American troops in Iraq?
@BenBrocka Invisible Cloth.
@kalina thatsthejoke.gif
or has Iraq run out of oil now, and the troops have since moved to Iran
@GraceNote Oh does that sell well? I noticed I need to farm that if I want some blueprint things. They sounded like lame blueprint things though
This is the famous image
Harvest Invisible Cloth by sending hugely financed Scouts over to Suaho Mountain Range, or by just going there yourself (ideally with Launch on or Drop Rate scout effect). Use the Invisible Cloth to make all the clothing formulae (which are the palette swaps except you retain your original hair color, since it's just the clothes).
Each of these sells for 1.25 million credits apiece.
And it costs 5000 credits to buy the cheapest outfit to modify on any given non-candidate.
@GraceNote wat
You can also get some Invisible Cloth if you're lucky when scouting Castle Chambers but it's easier to do Suaho Mountain Range.
Okay, never would have guessed that, thanks
@BenBrocka Like I said. PRINTING MONEY.
@BenBrocka It's a level 5 Red Idea Chip for Drop Rate. You can get them from HYPERDIMENSION DOGOOS over as a Risky Enemy in Keraga Dimension.
Which you have a quest later on to kill 4 of them.
@GraceNote This game sounds like a lot of fun
@SaintWacko It is.
I have no idea what game is being discussed.
@GraceNote What system is it for?
@GraceNote I'll try and get some of those I guess
@Powerlord Hyperdimension Somethingsomething Victoria
@kalina Also, I'm not accepting this quest. I have my limits, you know
@SaintWacko PS3.
@badp Neptunia.
@badp Hyperdimension Neptunia
Close, though
@GraceNote Bah
@badp Oh, I was going to assumed TF2 MvM. Which has both Scouts and credits.
@badp victory, not victoria
Also Victory, not Victoria, but Ben said that already.
@Powerlord and maid outfits?
@BenBrocka I wouldn't put it past Valve to add misc items like that. After all, Heavy has a Tutu
@BenBrocka Mann vs. Maid!
@Powerlord But it doesn't have little sisters to wear the maid outfits.
@BenBrocka Victory, Victoria, half a dozen of one, sedecim of the other
Speaking of DLC, I hear CapCom is managing to infect Ace Attorney 5 with it.
@Powerlord A 3DS game?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Yup.
It'll have downloadable costumes, of all things.
@Powerlord Bleh.
I could see adding episodic content, as that would work well for the game.
But costumes....really?
@fbueckert You know you want to have Phoenix's new assistant wearing a schoolgirl outfit!
@powerlord that is craptacular.
Also, that is a horrible brain image
Pheonix wright in a sexy bikini
@fbueckert As Ben and I just had a discussion about DLC relating mostly entirely to costumes, I pretty much expect this these days.
@Powerlord I don't even know who his new assistant is.
Why wouldn't it be Maya?
I do hope they explain what happened to Maya... I thought she'd be in the game since she was shown at E3 in the past, but she's not in the trailer I saw.
@GraceNote The DLC's only like 1/5th costumes. But it's mostly garbage so far. looks like overpowered weapons/defense items, some weird headgear and swimsuits. And the free Colosseum thingies I actually did download
@BenBrocka one of those banana hammocks, maybe
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I AM DISAPPOINT
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I was just looking that up.
@AshleyNunn with kitty ears
@BenBrocka Free ones are all the really substantial stuff in the long run.
@kalina I'm sorry, but the MLP canon is too simple. Either that, or the answer will always be "the writers / animators made a mistake"
@GraceNote well, 300 more levels is fairly substantial
Speaking of Phoenix Wright... Level 5, weren't you going to bring Layton vs. Wright over sometime soon?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Ok, that's the new assistant, but that still doesn't answer what happened to Maya.
@BenBrocka Stuff are doable without it.
Maybe soon after the final Layton game?
But if it's anything like mk2 they're completely unnecessary except for some of the final Colosseum stuff

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