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@AshleyNunn You should see the latest Doctor Who episode. It features a really sexy library.
Bridge, what show should I start after I finish season 7 of Supernatural?
@Fluttershy Have you ever watched It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia?
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yep.
If not, watch a few episodes of that and laugh, very very hard.
Oh. Well then.
House of Cards is pretty great.
Alternately, you have a few days less than exactly one month to rewatch all of Arrested Development before new episodes.
Ooh... That's a valid point.
Is it against the etiquette policy to edit your answer to match someone else? I recently put in 15-20 minutes of effort to research a well thought out response, only to have the first responder edit their post with information that I provided.
@CaesiumFarmer It's generally considered poor form, yeah.
Is that something I should flag a post for?
@CaesiumFarmer No, but it's certainly a valid reason to downvote.
@LessPop_MoreFizz alright, I can't downvote yet but it's something to keep in mind. I don't care all that much about rep but I think it's intolerable to have someone with higher rep than me sweep in a poach my answers.
This was the post I was concerned about. I had +2 before the other responder edited their post and then had their response be the accepted answer. If this starts to be the norm I don't really want to stick around to contribute. I don't have any incentive to contribute if my research is going to be poached without any credit given.

@CaesiumFarmer For reference, I accepted the other one because it did include one thing I didn't see in yours (that cities have minimum food/production) and included the implications in that, strategy-wise, into how that affects your choice of city location. It gives more information in general than yours, and is formatted in a more useful way.
Your answer is still good, and I upvoted yours.
That said, I vaguely remember that user doing something suspect in the past (although I don't remember exactly what). It's hard to pick between two answers, as the asker, when they both provide information the other doesn't.
Q: What are the difference between tanks from different countries?

user1337I want to find out what the difference between defensive and offensive "specializations" of tanks in the various trees are. Something like (and this is what I heard a friend mention) "German tanks are heavier armored and have precise guns, French are just bulky and Russians have fast tanks). Bas...

@StrixVaria thank you very much for clarification. I didn't address food because you didn't ask about it, but that's no big deal. The reason I was concerned was that the other user blatantly incorporated my information about hill and river city combat into their answer after I responded but didn't credit me in any way.
@CaesiumFarmer I didn't ask about it because I didn't really know what I was asking about :P That's why I was asking. I spent a good while trying to figure out just how to word my question.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Ahaha. I should do that.
@StrixVaria I can appreciate that. I'll try to comment for clarification more in the future.
Why is lazers grumpy?
@Ktash because he was lazers once and it was awful. :P
Q: How can I keep my Embermage alive?

Jonah BishopThe Embermage class, unlike the other three available classes in Torchlight 2, seems to lack any decent defensive spells: Death's Bounty is arguably the most useful defensive spell, allowing you to recoup health and mana from enemies under this spell's effect Immolation Aura can absorb 5%, 10%,...

@CaesiumFarmer GASP How dare you?! You take that back this instant!
@Ktash oh no, did I just fall into some inside joke trap? :/
Sorry, hold on, got to find it...
lost it, just a sec
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I see. It's all @badp's fault. Should have guessed.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone That font hurts my eyes.
@Ktash Duh. It's always @badp's fault
Sorry, lapse of judgement. I will resume blaming @badp
(Unless the Wheel tells you otherwise. In which case, it's @badp and the person whom the Wheel blames' fault)
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I like it
It's my fault! Wheeee~
Also, the sarcasm mark is copyrighted? I protest!
Apparently this wireless adapter for my 360 throttles the bandwidth. =(
The adapter throttling bandwidth?
Did you tell it to?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Nope.
And, maybe throttling was a bad choice of words. But it doesn't do as well as my laptop does.
Q: Fallout 3 cheat

user47696I've got a problem with my savefiles and lost about one to two hours of gameplay. During this time I travelled to the children village little Lamplight and made my way to the vault, I think it's number 87. While I found the quests to be very interesting, I'm not keen on repeating them and would ...

There's something wrong with this question. I'm reading the FO3 wiki to remind myself what the main quests are, and it seems like the Vault 83 quest comes after the Little Lampshade ones
Which invalidates at least part of the question
What throws me off is why the asker deleted their profile right afer asking. o_o
Yes, that too. And now I can't ask for clarification
Oh, I understand the question now
He's saying that he's already travelling to Vault 83, and since the main quest line requires him to complete the two Little Lampshade quests first he wants to skip those since he doesn't want to go there
"God I hate numbers. Y'know, there's entire cultures that don't have any numbers, and they do just fine."
Veep is a good show.
Shipping is Magic!
Hm... I should've had more water today.
no one is on the bridge
No one is talking on the Bridge
why exactly?
@Fluttershy @Ktash @LessPop_MoreFizz @kalina @ashleynunn where my people at? It's Sunday night....we should be drunk or at least talking about booze
where is everyone?
no one is here lets post ponies
@spugsley So you have to be drunk around me to have a good time?
@Ktash nah...I'm just being honest about the typical Sunday night in the bridge :p
@spugsley I was drunk last night. Where were you?
@spugsley Well, I'm never drunk
Morning -_-
@spyder perl for fun?
we are looking for a room owner
wink wink
@Johann responsibilities?
only prereq is knowledge of perl 5 and or 6
and perhaps some libraries
moose and dancer and such
Stuck in Black Mesa... again.
I think I'm suppose to go back up this ladder, but I can't reach it
@Fluttershy I worked a 14 hour wedding yesterday
There's a ladder in the oxygen supply silo, but the bottom rungs are broken, and as far as I can see there's nothing up there
Wargame AirLand Battle beta is so awesome!
@spugsley Oh? Didja shoot some people?
Also, I need a good frame-by-frame video editor. Anyone know of one?
Preferably free?
@Fluttershy Yes....annnnd they wanted an 'after wedding' shoot. It was....borderline pornographic?
you be the judge.
those are just the tasteful images so take that like....10x further
That's... huh...
@spugsley Ummm... interesting
I wouldn't really call that "borderline". o_o
@Fluttershy right....there are some with more skin
awesome photos but suppppppper weird
That second to last one is very close to showing a bit more than I think she'd want...
@Ktash UM NO. she wanted A LOT and he was like NOT TOO MUCH
@spugsley Heh, well then, she almost got her way lol
@Ktash right lol
1 min ago, by Fluttershy
That's... huh...
they were a fun couple though....and a very expensive wedding....with all the cookies I could eat
yummmm coooooookiesssss
They're a very cute couple
You never brought me my frisco melt. =(
@Ktash they are :)
... how long into the evening did you stay...
@Fluttershy ....I told you it was just too far
@Ktash farther than we should have, but not that far lol
@spugsley haha, did they ask you to step out, or was she looking for more pictures lol
@Ktash lol she wanted waaaaay more pictures and he was like "nope time to go" lololol
Haha, adventurous lady
and we were like "yeah we're leaving"
I like her already
she was freaking awesome
So far I'm sold... too bad she's taken
and my boss lady made a comment like "Good thing these aren't for facebook" and she made the most hilarious face and was like "Who said they weren't for facebook?" And her husband was like "NO."
Hahaha, I really like this lady. What's her name again ;)
@Ktash :p nope
curses, foiled again
tee hee :p
@spugsley you do realize her name is on the website, right? ;)
Well, Bridge, I'm out for the night. Gotta wake up and run tomorrow.
@Ktash lol yes but that's less funny :p and don't be creepin on her
@Fluttershy NO
@spugsley To which part?
@spugsley Haha, I'm weird, not creepy.
@Fluttershy running and sleeping
@Ktash lol
@spugsley Sorry. Both of those are definitely gonna happen. =P
@Fluttershy NO I SAY
Guess you should've brought me that frisco melt...
@spugsley You're the only one I spend time fawning over on the internet, but I don't hide that at all. I'm very up front in my compliments and photo stocking ;)
@Ktash :p don't tell @ashleynunn
Welp... Looks like it's about time for me to be hittin' the old... dusty trail...
lol wtf
@Fluttershy is that a euphemism for masturbation?
@spugsley ... No. No it's not.
@Fluttershy ....okay......if you say so.....
@spugsley Well, her as well. Though she isn't here right now so...
Hi, guy who's back on the site!
@spugsley О_о
@spyder it's a valid question!
there are a lot of euphemisms for monkey wrestling
is that one? I made it up
@spyder O_O OH GOD
@Ktash I fixed it :) thanks
@Krazer You missed the most important one.
@Retrosaur As someone who finds the pony shit pretty damned insufferable, I have to say that this is the wrong way to go about expressing it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Thanks.
The last thing you want to do is feed the pony persecution complex, because it is definitely not worth dealing with.
@spugsley Missed one, in the website field itself ;)
@LessPop_MoreFizz we have a lot of users who like it and while I agree that @YiJiang'sEvilClone shouldn't have spammed it, letting our users talk about it shouldn't be a problem
@Ktash got it! :)
@spugsley Looks all clear :)
@spugsley Right. Like I said, personally, I find it insufferable, but I find that there is a net decrease in annoying pony chat if I don't waste my digital breath complaining about annoying pony chat, and instead just ignore it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz righto
Fair enough, I went over the top there
but you didn't have to attack me over "flagging" others
Even when it was pretty obvious
@spugsley How much digital manipulation do you do on the photos you post on Flickr?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I'm not going to start an argument. I don't spam my photos. I share them periodically when asked.
Eh? That's not what I'm asking about at all
@YiJiang'sEvilClone oh lol sorry, my fault :p
was getting defensive for no reason
@Retrosaur spamming multiple flags in a very short period of time - especially when the hide messages and ignore buttons are both available to you, isn't really appropriate when the messages themselves are individually innocuous. If you must, you can use a direct mod attention flag (click the triangle to the left of the message, and select 'Flag for Moderator'), and type out your complaint for a mod to directly review. Chat flags of the sort you spammed are for truly egregious material.
@spugsley pls shakes head
@YiJiang'sEvilClone It depends on the photo but it's usually moderate amounts to WHOA a lot
@LessPop_MoreFizz I love the word egregious. Gives me shivers
@spugsley ur egregious.
@TimStone I said sorry :(
@LessPop_MoreFizz :( but also :3
@spugsley I know, I just showed up to cause trouble.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone if you ask about a specific photo I could tell you but it's a pretty wide range. I guess that's a better way to put it lol
So how 'bout that Mario Crossover game?
I surprised there hasn't been any cease and decease notices
Q: How do I play against GLaDos in Poker Night 2?

RetrosaurFor some reason, the game's a lot more difficult than the first iteration, and from what I've heard, you can get Glados to join the competition. How is this accomplished? For some reason, the only people I can actually play against are Ash, Brock, CL4P-TP (official designated name), and Max.

Q: Can a well-enhanced Double Jump substitute for Triple Jump?

Paul MarshallIn A Valley Without Wind 2, there are Stratospheric Citadels that, supposedly, you can't complete unless you have Triple Jump. (The Evil Overlord's keep also can't be completed without it, though it can be entered and you can improved mage classes there.) In my current game, I have Double Jump, ...

Q: Code change for changing leader equipment no longer valid?

A.C.M.In The Last Remnant normally it is not possible to change the equipment of a leader besides Rush. However after looking on the internet I saw that if you changed the line bExSettingUseAllMemberEquip=FALSE from FALSE to TRUE it would allow you to control the equipment of your other leaders. Howeve...

Why in the world does Gordon Freeman jump as if he broke his foot
He may have broken his foot.
Nothing which those magical first aid stations can't fix
I hate Mondays
Maybe that environment suit he's wearing is really heavy
@YiJiang'sEvilClone afaik, class 2 NBC suit weight is about 50 kg
Q: Disable or silence DLC ads

kotekzotI like to play games with my own music. Barring the odd terrible console port, this works out very well for me, because most games let me mute the in-game music. Killing Floor has an option to silence in-game music, but the ads you see when joining a server keep blasting their tunes regardless of...

Q: Hide DLC weapons

kotekzotGetting in and out of a shop quickly can be a big thing in Killing Floor. Golden weapons and other cosmetic detritus take up valuable space in the trading screen, meaning I have to spend a little more time looking for the weapon I want to buy. Can these weapons be hidden to speed up my shopping?

Q: What is Hand Win Percentage?

UllallullooOne of my challenges is to "Win a Tournament With a Hand Win Percentage Greater than 25%": What does that mean? Does it refer to the chances of winning a hand that are displayed or is it referring to the overall number of hands you played? If the latter, does it only count the hands that you pa...

Unusually quiet. Where is @kalina ? We need some chaos in this thread :)
@spyder Probably off setting something, or someone, on fire.
whistle I don't want to set the world on fire...
I just want to start a flame in your heart
"The Ink Spots", btw...
Dear god, complexity theory is kicking my ass.
@Yawus it's more ass-kicking than mathematical analysis?
Ugh, I've done 50% of my homework. That's enough for now.
I'm going to sleep.
@Yawus bye :)
Oh wow. It's possible to play "co-op" in SC4 by simply using Dropbox to sync the region files across the different player's computers
Anyone feel like doing this? We could get something like this together I think
@YiJiang'sEvilClone it's like good old TBS with multiplayer via e-mail :)
Yeah, but you don't have to wait for the email, since you're developing different cities in the same region
@YiJiang'sEvilClone How often you need to sync?
Dropbox syncs automatically
Almost real-time game?
No, you're not going to be playing the same city as other players. You're only sharing the region.
No, no. I mean, a region is updated in real-time
No, of course not. SC4 doesn't reload the region files like that.
Well then this is a terrible crutch :)
Not really. It's very elegant, compared to what SimCity offers
s/dropbox/google drive/ for me
I suppose I should ask this when there's more people around, but is anyone interested by the sound of that?
Q: How do I get the Invisible Exploding Fireball Arrows through console commands?

galacticninjaI was reading the UESP wiki's "Skyrim Glitches" article, when I came upon this gem: Invisible Exploding Fireball Arrows These can only be acquired while on the quest Rise in the East, but once you have them, they can be used for the rest of the game. Near the end of the quest, after e...

Q: What effect does dual wielding pistols have?

kotekzotI like dual wielding pistols because it doesn't obscure the center of the screen, but my ability to inflict headshots seems to suffer. What exactly does having two pistols out at the same time do? Is there a hard accuracy penalty for dual wielding, or do I just need to learn to aim without iron s...

Q: What weapons have a flashlight?

kotekzotThe flashlight integrated into the default 9mm pistol is eminently useful, but sometimes you need something with a little extra oomph. Are there any other weapons that have a flashlight?

Indian flatbread and curry for lunch
Well it's suppose to be fish curry, but I honestly can't taste the fish
@YiJiang'sEvilClone you mean SC4?
@Blem picture for ya ;)
The lamb in curry, tomato, spinach, peas, carrots, and onions
Rice tossed with fried onions and peas


Cherry Tomatoes, basil, olives, feta, cucumber

Bulgur salad tossed with curry, cumin, fennel seeds, peas, parsley, roasted almonds and peppers

Baby lettuce, semi dried tomatoes and wasabi peas


Tuna salad with corn

Chicken salad with peas, onion, mushroom and asparagus

Ham salad with red onion, chives and capers

@Blem Is this a recipe poem? :P
Your lunch, today?
Q: What's a good light-weight screen sharing utility that can favor performance over quality?

vertigoelectricI stream gaming online and often would like my friend to provide co-commentary while I play. We chat using a skype call, and usually we attempt to use Skype's built-in screen sharing option so he can watch me play. Unfortunately, the framerate becomes incredibly low or Skype simply crashes (on ...

@YiJiang'sEvilClone todays lunch
Mmmhmmm, sounds tasty. Much better than what I ate.
I hate Mondays :(
Q: How do Fractal of the Mist monsters scale?

FrhayOk we all know that every tier of Fractal level increases agony and this seems the main problem in dealing with high level fractals, but what about monsters? Looking ad a sample Fractal, the dredge one (which by the way is the second most hated by me), I've seen for example at level 2 like 2 mon...

Q: What features are seasonal and can I access them outside the season?

kotekzotIt seems the game has special modes for some events: summer, Christmas, Halloween and maybe more? What content am I missing out on and can I force the game to let me use that seasonal content?

Q: How do you deal with choke points early on in Starcraft?

ColdblackiceHow do you scout/harass/attack/deal with choke points in early->mid game in Starcraft? After some introspection, I've realized the bane of my Starcraft online play -- I wait far too long to attack (and re-scout), because of an unconscious requirement I impose that I can only attack when I have a...

@spugsley :( @fredley made me adopt a new sleeping pattern under the guise of it making me 'feel better' so I was already in bed asleep
I mean, Kalina IS COMING!
@kalina We are even. We have discussed this
@fredley you don't have a pony avatar, we're not even yet
for all I know, you're just pretending
I wonder who's keeping score
So our office is experiencing 80% packet loss today
This is going to be fun
Faulty router?
my office is experiencing 0% packet loss
but my downloads at home are going slow so I won't get to test that for a bit
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Don't know. I've switched over to eduroam, which seems to be ok
@fredley switching loop may be?
@spyder No idea. I have internet, so it's not my problem
Got to shut down the computer to install a hard disk now
@YiJiang'sEvilClone you activated PONIES lastnight?
that does it, screw your sleep pattern @fredley, I miss all the fun because of you.
tbh, adding me into the mix lastnight would have resulted in explosions
we need a pony image with "Hello Retrosaur!" on it
time to find a suitable image
on account of:
in The Android Hell: This Is The Part Where All The Robots Scream At You., 5 hours ago, by Retrosaur
And please, purge all this pony shit. It has nothing to do with Arqade, and never will be
@kalina I have the MLP soundtrack running round my head because of you
@fredley actually, you have the MLP soundtrack in your head because you watched MLP
you watched MLP
you watched MLP
I blame your drinking habit
@fredley That's usually the first sign
Nov 25 '12 at 7:20, by Yi Jiang
I just pulled out and watched the first episode of MLP, and now the theme song is stuck in my head. Dammit.
Oh, and hard disk installed. This computer now has 250GB more storage space

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