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@SaintWacko Whatever it takes to enable tethering on my 3G Nexus 7
Probably going full cyanogen with tablet mode, probably not
My new monitors are supposed to arrive tomorrow.
@Powerlord ...on a Saturday?
I find it weird that Amazon does Saturday deliveries.
@badp CM10 is... pretty much like stock Android, actually
@badp They said April 27th... last I checked, today is April 26th.
@badp Tablet mode is wonderful. I use Paranoid Android, because I had some issues with CM10
@SaintWacko I don't know how well it'll work on a 7' display. It might be really cramped up
@badp It's perfect. I have a Nexus 7, remember?
I don't really care a lot about enabling tablet mode as much as I want to have a working wifi hotspot for the next few days, however
Way easier to use the softkeys when they're in the corner instead of in the middle
@SaintWacko that never gave me trouble honestly
@badp I just have a wifi N7, so I use my phone
@SaintWacko My dumbphone can tether over bluetooth but it craps itself up every 5 minutes and then you have to disassociate and reassociate it back
Ah, that sucks
and my Nexus 7 does HDSPA (-typo)
@badp Are you rooting your phone/tablet?
I use bluetooth to tether my phone to my N7
@OrigamiRobot Likely
But I have an S3, so a bit more designed to work together
I should get around to that.
@OrigamiRobot You'll kind of need to to flash a custom rom :P
Every update adds 5 more undeletable apps that I'll never use.
@SaintWacko I am aware of what is going on.
@OrigamiRobot Sorry, I thought that was @badp that said that
Just noticed it wasn't
But yeah, that's why I rooted my S3. Stupid undeletable carrier apps
I only had trouble when downloading the USB drivers; I went headfirst in the amd64 folder of the zip file and my tunnel vision prevented me from noticing the .inf file I was leaving behind
so that wasn't fun.
Within 10 minutes of getting home with it, it was running CM10
you keep saying N7 - I keep thinking Mass Effect
@badp I'd recommend using the toolkit. Have you looked at that?
@SaintWacko I have not.
This is the first time I'm ever doing this so I'm kind of going slowly and stumbling over the smallest things
@SaintWacko I'm just lazy and don't want to have to redo my settings.
That makes things a lot easier
Does most of the stuff for you
@SaintWacko ..."up to 4.2.1"
Also, flashing firmware is scary.
@badp Should still work
@OrigamiRobot The only scary part is flashing bootloaders
Everything else is recoverable
@OrigamiRobot It's scary only in that in case of problems there's a minute chance you'd brick your device. The actual process is about as exciting as watching paint dry
@YiJiang'sEvilClone And the only chance to brick is during the fraction of a second that it's writing new bootloaders
@YiJiang'sEvilClone You spent at least a day doing that, didn't you.
And unless you're going from 2.3 to 4.0, you don't have to flash bootloaders
@YiJiang'sEvilClone That's what I mean.
@badp Yeah. In my defense that was the most exciting thing happening in the house that day
@SaintWacko Still a pain.
My stomach hasn't been treating me well this past week. Ugh.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I don't treat my stomach well.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone when you stuff things like that KFC into it, I feel it would be fair to say you haven't been treating your stomach well this past week
@OrigamiRobot What was a pain was when I softbricked my Galaxy S Captivate
@kalina That was a mistake which I'm still suffering from
The button combos to get it into download mode quite working, so I had to take a hacksaw to a charging cable, cut it apart, and build a download mode jig to fix it -.-
A hacksaw? To a cable?
Also, @OrigamiRobot, if you use Titanium Backup to backup your apps, you won't have to redo your settings
@kalina Yes
that must be a serious piece of cable
Because I needed the microUSB end of it, and I needed access to the connection points of the usb
@SaintWacko YiJ suggested Carbon because apparently it's the only one that can recover app data (like savefiles) when unroooted
@kalina So I wasn't actually cutting through the cable, but through the middle of the microUSB end of it
@badp I haven't tried that one
When I started flashing and rooting, TiBu was really the only option
@SaintWacko I mean my phone settings, not my app settings.
@badp Carbon is also a lot simpler than Titanium
Titanium's UI is... obtuse
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I'll have to check it out
@YiJiang'sEvilClone It is that
@OrigamiRobot Oh. Well, there are also a lot more settings in CM10/PA, so you'd be going through them anyways :P
@Powerlord Some people think mail running on Saturdays is cray-cray.
@SaintWacko Hence my laziness.
@Fluttershy Including the United States Post Office, which is getting rid of Saturday deliveries later this year.
@Powerlord August, I think?
Also, 3 tries to spell "year" correctly makes Powerlord sad.
@Powerlord Ear... yaer... yare...
@Powerlord What they need to get rid of is all the junk mail.
@Powerlord Not anymore, they were cock-blocked by Congress.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I typoed it as "yaer" then missed fixing the e when I edited it and got "yeer"
Chrome 28 has a few UI changes
The new tab screen now no longer gives you the apps selection; it's just a bunch of tabs
The address bar autocomplete now extends across the whole width of the browser
@Powerlord sounds like too many baers
RPS seems really fond of the new Star Trek game: Star Trek: The Videogame, as it’s so enigmatically titled, is a steaming turd dropped from the ugliest bumhole in the world. It is a quite exceptionally terrible game, from its numbingly dreary repetition, useless broken AI, archaic combat, clumsy construction, and utter nothingness story.
@SaintWacko Apparently I don't need to root my phone to install a custom rom.
@SaintWacko The toolkit is whining because version 4.3.9 of the toolkit is out
Google is coming out empty however
are all versions between 4.0.0 and 4.3.9 donator only or something?
@Sterno In other words, it's an expansion to the Star Trek MMO?
@badp It's kinda sounding like they went that way
(or should be)
@badp Might also take a look at this one, if you have any trouble with that one
Honestly, I'm not sure why the USPS tried to cut Saturday delivery instead of Tuesday delivery, since Tuesday is statistically their slowest day.
@Powerlord Salaries might be higher on Saturdays?
@SaintWacko Let's see how much they're asking for
Hurry, IE10.
Oh, it's pay what you want.
@OrigamiRobot Really? Hm, what do you have?
> The Postal Service has said that while it would not pick up or deliver first-class mail, magazines and direct mail, it would continue to deliver packages and pharmaceutical drugs on Saturdays.
My stomach is blaaaargh
So, for the most part Saturday deliveries are gone.
@Powerlord Ah, good, it will continue to deliver packages and drugs
@SaintWacko Well, they have to (by law) continue to deliver something on Saturdays
@SaintWacko Skyrocket
...because Congress forced them to continue Saturday deliveries but didn't say it had to be actual mail.
Oh well, if the Post Office gets into too much trouble, they could always look for Moist von Lipwig to take over.
@OrigamiRobot Hm, I thought there was something that required root... Maybe the custom recovery?
@Powerlord He'll need golem horses for long range delivery, though
@SaintWacko Removing bloatware
So I'll still be rooting it.
@OrigamiRobot Ah. the most important part, then
woo, a thousand!
@fredley ECSTASY
(btw @SaintWacko if you want in some of that premium juice, just poke me)
@badp The what now?
Poke @badp for "premium juice". Now that's an interesting mental image...
Oh dear...
@badp Just one? Impressive
@badp you only have one eye?
@kalina He can roll them independently
@YiJiang'sEvilClone It's just blueberry juice.
@fredley If I close the other it's as if.
@badp Lies
@YiJiang'sEvilClone No, not that juice.
@fredley Just pretend
@badp I want a refund, this juice is salty
@kalina That's bytes for you
@badp It's dribbling down my chin
@OrigamiRobot Is it premium, organic, 100% pure, sugar and artificial coloring free juice?
The Bridge. A.k.a The Gutter.
It's Friday, isn't that what we do?
Feb 9 at 1:08, by Yi Jiang's Evil Clone
@kalina I suppose. The tone in here is certainly getting down.
@fredley It is Friday.
@OrigamiRobot I just said that, stop copying me
SE hired @Sklivvz
@fredley Noooo clue who that is
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I'd love to have some of @badp's juice!
Juice is delicious.
@Powerlord Skeptics moderator, amongst other things
I wonder if guys would freak out if I started actively referring to it as juice
.oO( time for science )
You guys do the worst kind of science
@BenBrocka She isn't called Gigglewing for nothing
I'm not called Gigglewing though
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I thought it was Gigglewig?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone hey awesome, that name is actually completely unique, I may even start using it
@YiJiang'sEvilClone check this out: google.co.uk/search?q=gigglewing+sparklecheeks
@OrigamiRobot Gigglewing Sparklecheeks
in memory of @YiJiang'sEvilClone falling victim to conscription
@kalina Uh, yay?
@kalina I was actually planing to rename myself that for the duration of the nine weeks
well fine
but that means you can't call me it anymore
Eh, I've got other choices
Major Major Major Major is another one
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Private Sparklecheeks?
Unlocking the Nexus 7
I really hope I don't have to start Earthbound over
@OrigamiRobot Mmhmm, good one. Although... private Sparklecheeks. *giggity*
@kalina has been possessed by Mr. Torgue. This is either horrible or completely badass. Possibly both!
Well that was a worthwhile 5 minutes
@OrigamiRobot Torgue weapons include everything good in the world. Death! Explosions! Quality workmanship! Explosions! A commitment to customer service and the undying FOR FUCK'S SAKE EXPLOSIOOOOONS!
user image
@fredley mmmm blueberry brains
@fredley Should've adjusted the perspective on that
Need a bit more skew
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Yeah, but I'd already done the masks and I couldn't be bothered
@fredley you didn't change the tropicana logos on the top
Oh, you used masks for this. Okay.
or the side
@kalina Fucks sake you do it then!
@kalina THEN SHUT UP
@fredley Also on the side.
33 secs ago, by kalina
or the side
@OrigamiRobot (stop copying me)
Q: Who are the Legendary Seven?

Joe WreschnigIn Hyperdimension Neptunia V there are seven legendary heroes based on famous game developers. I'm fairly sure the first three are Toshiyuki Takahashi, Yuji Horii, and Hironobu Sakaguchi, and the sixth is Shigeru Miyamoto. Who are the other three?

Everyone was doing it. I just want to be popular.
user image
I keep getting a 'timeout' message...
Popping down from the top of the window
@SaintWacko it means you need to take a timeout
@kalina Okay. Naptime
@SaintWacko nn o/
@kalina Zzzzzzzzz
.oO( zzz )
@OrigamiRobot I havent seen FLCL in over 10 years, maybe it is time to see it again
@Blem Yesssssssssssss
Everyone should watch FLCL.
I don't want to.
I don't even know what FLCL is
@badp yes
I support piracy
@kalina Arrrr
there is nothing better in the world that stealing a boat and roaming the sea, stealing other boats
@SaintWacko Arrr
@kalina I actually hijacked a boat once
well aren't you just awesome.
@SaintWacko You need to fix this. The whole series is on Youtube.
@kalina Yes
@badp looks like there is no other way than piracy to watch it in Denmark :(
I eventually had to give it back, though
19 secs ago, by OrigamiRobot
@SaintWacko You need to fix this. The whole series is on Youtube.
@kalina Mr. Torgue is the best anything ever
@Blem it wouldn't surprise me
Okay, so the device bootloader is unlocked, I've rooted the thing, a backup is being made
now I suppose is the time to get that cyanogen mod 10 thing.
Look, there's the first episode.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Accurate.
@SaintWacko which ROM are you using?
Pretty much. I still don't understand the story. At all.
@OrigamiRobot This video is not available. Sorry about that.
@kalina-Torgue is awesome
@badp Paranoid Android
When I used CM10, about once a month my tablet would get just completely borked, and I'd have to wipe it and start over
FLCL involves a lady hitting men with guitars. Should be right up @kalina's alley.
I don't know if that issue is still around, though
@SaintWacko That's interesting. The worst I got was random SODs, which was annoying but tolerable
@YiJiang'sEvilClone That's one of the things that I heard lots of complaints about, but I've only had it happen once
I get it quite frequently, almost one every day. The only consequence is that I have to restart the tablet, which takes about 30 seconds
And anyway the tablet was already experiencing frequent SODs before I switched to CM10
@OrigamiRobot What does that have to do with lighting people on fire?
@Powerlord The 2nd episode is all about fire!
Gotta love documentation
@Powerlord there's a character VERY MUCH to do with setting things on fire
TF2_SetPlayerClass. So which is it, does the weapons argument need to be false in a PlayerSpawn hook or is it ignored?
Oh well, I'm adding a 0.1 second delay before giving them new weapons now anyway to try to fix the Huntsman having 26 arrows instead of 13.
@Mana Where have you been?
are goo.in downloads just really slow for me or..?
dialup slow
@GnomeSlice's site ban ends tonight.
he says it ends tomorrow
@Mana Tomorrow as far as the site is concerned is tonight.
@OrigamiRobot oh
Q: Which dragons can live in the Gemstone Island?

LukeI'm not exactly sure which dragons can live in the Gemstone Island. Can someone enlighten me, please?

@Mana you should cough unban him from chat cough
sorry, bit of a cold coming on I think cough
@YiJiang'sEvilClone are you trying to say that it is nearly tomorrow for you?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Go ask and answer on SO how to make proper date differences with JS
@badp JavaScript's Date object has UTC functions. They just chose not to use them /facepalm
Also, their two pane dropdown menu is busted. Fixing that would take a lot of work, but thankfully Amazon has already done the hard work, and someone has reverse engineered the technique so they can just copy that
On the shoulders of giants.
If you hover over the pink area in the main menu the submenu on the right changes instantly, so the intuitive red path won't get you to where you want
It's pretty confusing, and very annoying
@YiJiang'sEvilClone that is a pretty sweet solution to an ages old dropdown menu problem
Lovely. Amazon is shipping my monitors to me set to arrive tomorrow.
The HDMI cable I ordered for the second monitor? Arrives Monday.

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