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@YiJiang'sEvilClone Meh... It's Friday)
@Patrick based on transcript most of them just went to sleep
Hello morning
that was the best 50 minutes of sleep I've ever had
morning @kalina
been up for about 3h now, maybe I should get some breakfast
Yo pyro. Mmmmmph of the hudda hudda hudda to you too
@badp eh?
the MS Surface pro has been released!
Hudda hudda uh
Time to buy the most expensive portable gaming machine I'll ever own
Meh. Call me when the MS Paint Pro is out
inb4 "How can I optimise Tomb Raider for touch screen controls"
@kalina good morning
"How can I optimise Bioshock Infinite for touch screen controls"
"How can I optimise Quake 3 for touch screen controls"
@kalina RUSE
"You can't you dummy. Please hand in your gamer card for crimes against humanity."
Civilisation 5 already has a "touch screen mode" if it detects you're running Windows 8
@kalina You've won the gold tag badge:
@fredley earned*
@kalina You treat everything like grinding
@fredley how long do I have to sleep these stupid consistent hours before I'm meant to be feel invulnerable?
@kalina You're actually doing it?
you implied that I should
If so: about a week
@kalina If I told you to jump off a cliff etc. etc.
8 hours 45 minutes of sleep per day, starting at 10pm
it's destroying my life
I have 7 TV episodes from 5 different series that I haven't watched due to BEING ASLEEP
@kalina That's a lot of sleep to start out with
and I turned up to work on time
like, two days in a row
in fact, I was 15 minutes early today because I got bored of waiting for it to be 9am
@kalina Impressive.
this is all your fault
@kalina :(
if my energy levels start spiking at 6am, I am going to end up taking a morning run or something
and then I will hunt you down and end you
@kalina O_o
@spyder o_O
I am destroying @kalina, it seems.
seriously though, it's not even 10am and I have excessive quantities of energy
@kalina My eye was twitching because of your words
I prefer my energy to be unleashed at home time
@spyder you read it as aggressive wording, it is intended as playful tongue in cheek
I'm sure @fredley isn't worried/offended/cares at all
especially since this conversation apparently makes him right
(don't tell him that)
@kalina why so serious?) I know that was a joke
@kalina I'm secretly happy, is this bad?
@spyder you are NEW
@fredley I hate you
@kalina Some things never change
I don't like feeling tired at 10pm
@kalina and?..
I don't like turning up to work on time
@kalina It's ok, I didn't hear
I don't like waking up at an hour I previously associated to "bed time" at the weekends
so like, in a week, I can revert to my normal sleeping pattern?
I actually have an app on my iphone which monitors my movements during the night using the accelerometer
previously I used to sleep between 2 hours and 15 hours a night
depending on the day
@kalina No! Have to stick at it. Although I would say the hours you're sleeping are quite long. You could do with less.
and the "quality of sleep" percentage was between 30% and 60%
not sure how quality of sleep is calculated
the last few nights I have slept for literally exactly 8h 45
with a "quality of sleep" of 85-95%
so boring
I know
life should not be so predictable
@kalina Hooray!
I enjoyed sleeping for 15 hours
@fredley I'm serious, if I wake up after 8h 45 minutes this weekend, without an alarm
I like it, because during the day I feel superhuman, compared to how I felt before
you are in serious trouble
@kalina ...which you will
serious trouble...
I will hold you responsible for everything
@kalina You were gullible enough to follow his advice
@kalina I told you in no uncertain terms what would happen
@badp it was meant to prove that he was wrong
@kalina fail
@kalina oh, I'm sorry, special snowflake :P
you know what else is messed up?
"your face"
I am currently so hungry that I feel like I should have eaten breakfast
@kalina Eating breakfast is a good thing to do while waiting to go to work
With all that time in the morning, you can make an epic one
@fredley I'm sorry, I don't want to designate a portion of my day as "waiting to go to work"
13 mins ago, by kalina
in fact, I was 15 minutes early today because I got bored of waiting for it to be 9am
@fredley that doesn't mean I'm happy about it!
Those 15 minutes were breakfast!
in fact, in case it isn't obvious, I'm very unhappy about it
@kalina If you're waiting around in the morning, go to bed a little later and get up a little later
@fredley but she bwoke the wools! She didn't stay perfectly unmoving in bed for 8h45'00"
@badp eh? You're missing something important I think
I think it's better that way
@kalina @badp can't count
Having a clue is boring
@badp I went to bed at 10pm, I listened to the sound of waterfalls until I passed out - which literally took 30 seconds, I have never fallen asleep like that before, I slept for 8 hours 45 minutes until 6:45am
@kalina oh then that's just poor planning
no actually, it was a tweak over the night before
the night before I went to bed at 9:30pm and woke up at 6:15
went "wtf?!" and smoked a joint and went back to bed
...but I guess it was fair to expect that you were going to just roll around the bed, unable to sleep, for three hours or four to start with
I don't normally fall asleep like that, no
@kalina happens when you try and radically change sleep patterns
@kalina I've got my pre-sleep tossing down from 2 hours to 15 minutes
normally I will go to bed at 1am, watch tv shows until 2am, try feebly to sleep until 3am and then fall asleep
16 secs ago, by fredley
@kalina I've got my pre-sleep tossing down from 2 hours to 15 minutes
you can't back out of it now
@kalina True
2h15 is quite impressive for self stimulation
Unlike you, I don't delete things other people have starred
hands @fredley a "free out of jail mod abuse" card, expired.
@kalina Stamina
@badp \o/
screenshots have been taken, MOD ABUSE ALL YOU WANT
@kalina photoshopped
@badp It's easier to modify the HTML of the page than Photoshop
@fredley (but that requires more effort to type out!)
@badp ....
"browser inspected!" doesn't sound quite the same
@badp yes, "faked" is really hard to type
@kalina but then I don't get to make silly remarks like "the reflections are all wrong"
the reflections?
@kalina and the light sources are all inconsistent
@badp This part of the crowd is just a clone of that part of the crowd
@fredley the edges are unnaturally hard
@badp I can tell by the @pixel's
@kalina of interest?
@fredley doesn't look tall enough to accommodate my interests
@kalina Ha. Why is the tallness of the thing itself an issue?
Q: How do you harass early game as Warlock

BlueTrinI often read that Warlock is a good early babysitter and harasser. Can anyone explain how to build and play a Warlock in early game to harass an enemy carry such as Anti-Mage ? What skills/items should I take early on ?

@fredley the reason!
@kalina Surely the height of your ceilings is the issue?
yes, I didn't look at it properly
great, so not only do I have to wake up early with loads of energy, but now today the shit is going to hit the fan and I'm going to be expected to work
@kalina aw
Just realised the article I'm reading about performing a certain database migration is on a site called "Ponytech - Technology for ponies". FML
I just got accused of being "too bouncy today", while being stared at by people
accidentally a word -.-
@kalina It's Friday you freak!! You're supposed to feel shitty and miserable and counting the seconds to 5pm.
@kalina You are getting down, which is the appropriate action for this time of week.
...if you're the owner of the most disliked video on Youtube anyway
@fredley this is all your fault
@badp my "freak" remains locked up until very specific conditions are met
@Ponytech is to blame!
so not clicking that link
@badp why not?
@badp It's a SO user profile, what's the worst that could happen?
@badp that's an Arqade user
@badp Quite. That't the worst that could happen, and you created it!
@kalina so there's at least some expectation of sanity
On SO all bets are off!
It could get me to push myself through the edge and even best that masterwork of mine
I'm bored
I have somehow completed all of my work for today
I normally leave that until the end of the day -.-
@kalina Rollback everything, quick, before they bust you!
@badp Why must that be the last thing I see when I go to bed, and the first thing I see when I come back home?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone this time it was in context, I swear!
Also, today I got a taste of Coronary Heart Failure in a box!
KFC's double down burger. It was absolutely disgusting.
"double down" ?
Take your normal KFC burger, replace the deep fried chicken in the middle with hash brown and bacon, and the buns with deep fried chicken
I just got asked if I'm on drugs!
@kalina Well... you are, aren't you?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone NO!
@YiJiang'sEvilClone No, it's worse. Tonight she's gone to sleep like one's supposed to.
read up all messages since 9 for context
oh, 9 my time
@kalina Is BST UTC+1 or -1?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone this does look like a heart attack in a bun
She's gone to sleep... at 10pm thunderstorm and lightning
@YiJiang'sEvilClone +1
@YiJiang'sEvilClone seriously, it's easy, "from where I started hating on @fredley"
@kalina This was a very long time ago now
@fredley no, I thought you were really cool right up until the point where you destroyed my life
it's a clever way of getting me to come to London in August
specifically so I can set fire to you
@kalina \o/
how much I hate you right now won't compare to the amount of hatred you will receive if eating an additional time per day results in me gaining weight
I suddenly realized that I can't attend the London meetup because... uhhhh... my cat farted and I need to keep a tight control on her food for the next 10 years
@kalina eating a good breakfast helps you lose weight
sounds plausible yes
@fredley I have just eaten, I still feel starving
The sooner your metabolic system kicks into action, the sooner it'll start burning calories for you
pssst: good breakfast = milk + coffee (+ optionally biscuits).
I just ate bacon and eggs in a bread roll!
By not eating in the morning your body thinks shit I'm starving, better lay down some flab
I say ate
no, I won't go there
and I can't sit still
I'm going to go and scare everybody and ask if they need any help with their work
What have I created?
@kalina I'm sure that if you started doing pushups the rest of the office would agree that you need to go home earlier today. then post creepy things on Facebook about it.
@fredley There's a reason why The Man keeps us starved for sleep man!
@kalina You're actually asking for more work? Where is @kalina and what did you do to her?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone @kalina is still in bed. I don't know who this person is.
@fredley Must be another evil clone
@fredley Don't try to claim ignorance. I'm afraid I have to ban you
for unleashing this monstrosity onto London
I mean, you've seen Hellgate: London, right? That was bloody terrible.
@badp I think you're missing some pieces of information here, they'd all record it and upload it to youtube
I now have 5 support cases to look at!
yay, overpaid for support work
@kalina How else would they post creepy things about it on Facebook?
creepy from my context, I don't think they'd think it was creepy
what they think is creepy is that I've just taken a bunch of cases off them
It's all in the camera angle
they basically just said this:
3 mins ago, by Yi Jiang's Evil Clone
@kalina You're actually asking for more work? Where is @kalina and what did you do to her?
argh what happened to my sound
@kalina must have stolen it
nooo not me
little angel over here, wouldn't steal anything
you certainly wouldn't ever catch me if I did
Failed to play test tone.
Showing this message box played a tone.
Windows is truly best operative system
operative system?
the first one in two years
Special Agent Windows-7 reporting for duty
incidentally I've been here two years
so... yeah
@kalina is helping people, what is the world coming to?
@fredley because of you a dangerous precedent has been set today
@kalina Remember that the prize for digging a hole is a bigger shovel
(Jamie Hyneman Tests the Oculus Rift Virtual Reality Goggles)
@kalina These things would be so awesome for Minecraft
If only it didn't take a few second for the world to load when you turn around...
Ah, Latin languages
@fredley We say in such situations, "Initiative beats initiator"
something about that is just so direct and genuine and colorful and lively
damn business grey, boring English
Like, you can't translate that to English without draining it of its immediacy and imagery and you don't even need to know Spanish to understand that.
@badp You can make it much more floral though.
I don't get what is so difficult, I have just resolved and closed all five of these cases
I've learned my lesson and am not asking for more though
@kalina no! damn. You should've waited till the end of the work day
You're doing this all wrong
did I say closed? I mean I queued up the emails to send at 4pm
@kalina Evil
that still leaves you with one hour though
administrative work to close the cases obviously
@fredley british scientists?
> a threshold of density and distribution may be necessary for beards to function as an attractive signal.
@spyder Australian
Oww my stomach. I really shouldn't have eaten that...
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Better be hungry than eat whatever food)
Why do you end your sentences with a right parentheses?
@YiJiang'sEvilClone unaccustomed keyboard on my new Android. Hit a wrong keys sometimes. My old phone uses WM6.5
no... energy is depleting
@kalina welcome back to humanhood
this is normally the time that my energy starts rising
it's weird
@kalina uh, you can be an early bird or a late owl but I don't think you can be both :P
nocturnal please
nocturnal people don't go to bed at 10pm
tell me about it
10pm is when all the US people start getting online and the internet really wakes up!
(Sorry Australia, your bunch isn't internetty enough)
@badp Australia internet is dial-up speed anyway. Even with them all online it's the equivalent of one US/European city's bandwidth
USA internet is not so fast, btw
As far as I know
In other news, Arqade turns 1,024 days old in a few hours!
@badp That's a number
@fredley What's all this about a SkyBlock server?
@OrigamiRobot No idea
It just came out of nowhere.
Is it safe to assume that Ian Carroll is Evan Carroll's evil twin?
@Fluttershy @FAE yo
Q: How do I install Too Many Items on a Mac?

user47585I have downloaded Too Many Items mod but I don't know how to apply it. What are the steps for doing this on my Mac?

I am going to spend the rest of my day speccing up a pc to take to i49
so, um, this is a good moment to figure out how to flash Cyanogen in my Nexus 7 :/
you make it sound like you don't mean that
I don't want to do it
but I'll be really needing the hotspot feature that is locked out of the stock firmware for no good reason in the next few days as this household changes telephony and ADSL operators
I should be getting my new phone soon
it should actually be here already but it isn't
I was so looking forward to fucking about with it all day
but alas, no phone
and no by "fucking about with" I don't mean "testing the vibration settings"
I'm bored
It feels strange having achieved everything I needed to do hours ago
@kalina You said that.
@badp actually I am just repeating something that one of my colleagues said
No matter, nobody here suggested that
"you are looking forward to this new phone quite a bit aren't you?" "yes she can't wait to test out the vibrate settings"
@kalina You must be consuming a lot of flamethrower ammo at work
I'm surprised you have enough for the rest of the internet
@badp yes, I do
@badp no, RPO Shmel
several of them are being nicer to me than normal, on account of me doing their work for them
it won't last though
@kalina Sue for millions, never work again
@fredley I can't sue them for that
@kalina Sexual harassment? Pretty sure this fits the bill.
@fredley you would call that sexual harassment?
@kalina Yup
I'm not that easily offended
if I started complaining about that, they'd probably bring up how I browsed to penisland.net on every PC that was left unlocked the last time they went into a meeting
@kalina Well done.
what? I'm immature, this isn't new information
on all the cards that supported it I also made their display invert and appear upside down
and swapped the left/right clicks around
@kalina You are evil
along with writing an email to the CEO stating "you suck, I quit" and leaving the mouse hovering over send
I am not "evil" as such, I just enjoy having fun
and teaching silly support people to lock their PC via demonstration is the best way of teaching
Someone tell me to get dressed and go to work.
@OrigamiRobot Stay naked and in bed
@kalina so you find out sooner than I do
@OrigamiRobot Robots don't wear clothes
You cannot back up application data (like progress in games) of Android apps unless you root your device
@fredley I can't. I need to work 6 hours today.
rooting it requires you to wipe your device
@Blem I'm trying to fool the humans.
Rooting it might also void your warranty
@OrigamiRobot there's loads of day left for that to happen
@badp I will keep this in mind
@badp I don't care about warranty
I'd expect this kind of shit sandwich to come from iOS, not Android, but...
my love affair with iOS is so over.
@badp I think Carbon doesn't require rooting
I wouldn't really use the word "love" either
@badp Why? Allowing applications to interfere with each others data is a terrible idea
@fredley okay but I want to keep my save data
Making this a permission doesn't solve the problem - users are dumb
@fredley If I don't work, I don't get as much human currency.
@badp Rooting does not void your warranty, as it is reversible
@OrigamiRobot What does a robot want with human currency?
batteries are expensive...
and he probably needs paper for repairs occasionally
I guess all I can do is plug it in my computer, copy paste everything to my hard drive, reinstall everything then copy paste it back into "Internal storage"
still... sigh
@badp Root, install root file explorer, be happy
@fredley I don't have root!
@badp Get root!
@fredley I must first unlock the bootloader!
@badp No you musn't!
Phone model?
So how do I do that with a stock Nexus 7?
Android version 4.2.2
@fredley I have to keep up the facade
> Backup the important data and settings on the tablet using one of the recommended custom recovery tools such as ClockworkMod (CWM) or TWRP, as it creates a complete image of the existing tablet set up. Avoid using either Samsung KIES or ROM manager for data backup, as they lack flexible options.
so first I need to back up my data!
(I'm being only partially facetious here)
Eh, have you tried Carbon? I do think it works without root, by the way of a Windows app
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I'll try that.
uh, so the Google ADB drivers are just three .dll files
do I just dump them into System32 or something?
(come on Carbon setup start working)

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