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@kalina I have to wait 48 hours. =( I'm not 20k yet. Go upvote my stuff!
Q: What does whether or not the hit icon is filled mean?

UllallullooWhen you hit someone, a little icon pops up to indicate it. Sometimes it's filled in though, and sometimes it isn't. What does that signify?

Q: What's with the capes?

RainI've seen some people with capes on their Minecraft characters but I don't know where they got them. Can someone explain how to get them.. or make them.. or whatever?

@Fluttershy eugh, I can't give you 8k of upvotes, I'll get accused of being your sock puppet
@kalina lol "Accused." ;)
if you had like 19.9k, I would have happily given you 10 upvotes over the next hour
@kalina No, needs more spam flags.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I guess we'll have to go down the spam flags route due to the lack of active 20k+ people!
please somebody make me stop sneezing
so much goo
@kalina Can you still get wonderful wonderful pseudoephedrine in your country, or have methheads ruined it?
apparently there is some as an ingredient of ibuprofen and paracetamol
of which I have shitloads stacked in front of me
@kalina Pseudoephedrine is quite handy and useful and good at stopping sneezing.
But the problem is that it is also an ingredient in meth so it gets restricted quite a bit.
I don't have any meth-amphetamines handy
saying that I do have some mdma
but that would be retarded an hour before bedtime
@kalina I don't think MDMA will make you not sneeze.
maybe that's why I'm sneezing
I hate you
@kalina hm?
starring me!
one of you is guilty
@kalina Wasn't me.
I am smart enough to wait for the edit/delete timer to run out.
soon enough everybody will be
it will be such a sad day
I just sneezed and drove my mako off a cliff
poor shepard
I want an Otter. :(
so much goo... put me out of my misery
@Lazers VTC as dupe. This is the second such question recently.
Oh, it's from the same guy, that's why
@MBraedley He's expending so much effort, he could just build his own enterprise.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I don't even think that version even has pistons, so there aren't any doors other than iron doors.
Q: How can I restart the VI core on Noveria?

kalinaOn my previous playthroughs I have essentially 'skipped' this puzzle by using 100 omni-gel; on this playthrough however I do not have 100 omni-gel so I need to solve the puzzle. The on screen prompt simply states that I need to manually reconfigure the data banks and must transfer the module s...

@LessPop_MoreFizz Well, he didn't lie, importing it as a schematic doesn't work. It's still a dupe, but the answer about MCEdit working is wrong.
Q: Stuck on a lift on Noveria!

kalinaI appear to be stuck on a lift. After re-establishing landline communications, I got back into the lift to return back inside the facility, and after the lift came to a stop and the doors open I found myself unable to move. The game is still responding because I'm still getting Mira's voice over...

So I ended up not even launching GW2 this weekend because it would've required getting into virtual face punching range of kalina's to make it interesting and that's suicidal
wouldn't have really, I didn't play
I could've asked but you would've either denied or, worse, wished you denied
if you had asked, I would have taken a break from being bored to come and play games with you
That's what they all say after the fact
nah, being serious
I'm completely tolerable to play games with
but am I?
you are soft and squishy, I don't fear you
puny human
my brain feels like it has liquidated and is sloshing around in my head
You don't need to be feared to be boring
I played games with the robot, I can deal with boring
@origamirob is just differently interesting
@badp ಠ_ಠ
eugh well I'm going to go and die in bed
if you never see me again it's because I choked to death on goo
Enjoy your afterlife
I always prefered chora's den
Is it a metaphor for purgatory?
I suppose it beats a cow's life
...I mean you don't run the risk of being one of the few dozen virgins allocated to a martyr, so there's at least that.
Q: What happend to my feed the beast server

ben harrisso recently my freind got his computer fixed and he was finally able to come on my server he was lagging a bit a first but then he fixed it and i added another GB of ram to my server using this code: java -Xmx2048M -Xms2048M -jar minecraft_server.jar nogui but then it all went to hell. another on...

Q: run starcraft in windowed mode

chrisis there a way to run starcraft/brood war in windowed mode offline? i dont play any games online, i only play offline for passing the time, and i need to run in windowed mode to see the taskbar and chat and stuff. easy to say just escape it or alt tab it or alt+enter or hit the windows key, but...

@badp Well, noone ever said those virgins were human either. So much for the cow's life.
@FEichinger You have been granted - three hundred bottles of extra virgin olive oil for your sacrifice! Congratulations!
Crazy thought on that ... Does your virginity, like, "reset" when you die?

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