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@GraceNote I was fairly certain it was "set us up the bomb", "set up" would be actually correct
For 1.6 (and its snapshots), you *will* need the new launcher to play it. The old launcher will never have 1.6 pushed to it.
@badp A quick scan of places says "up us"
@FEichinger I wonder why
@GraceNote I was fairly certain. I admit defeat
I'm too lazy to go to zanyvg just for confirmation.
@fredley Say hello to the first set of anti-piracy measures from Mojang. <-- assumption
@badp It ain't defeat...
anyway, it's sunny and 5ish, so I'm outta here
@FEichinger Does the launcher update itself?
@Ullallulloo Apparently not, from what the rest of DB's feed says.
It will have a link, but that's it.
@FEichinger I don't think Mojang worries about piracy, given that they make hundreds of millions off their product every year
@FEichinger Realms
@fredley have fun in the sun!
When 1.6 comes out, the game will have a big red "1.6 is out, click here to download it!". So until then, don't worry and let's cuddle!
I'm glad the discussion on the proper way for all of one's base to belong to another went on as long as it did.
@fredley Indeed. It's all part of a direction I don't really like, at any rate.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I wouldn't call it "worry", but they're definitely trying to make it a little more inconvenient recently. Might be coincidence, but it sure looks a lot like it.
@FEichinger What have they done recently?
@RonanForman Realms, for one. Direct integration of a centralized online feature smells bad for the pirated versions.
@FEichinger They haven't done that yet, and they have said it won't be replacing standard multiplayer.
@RonanForman That's not what I've said either.
@FEichinger I don't understand your issue.
@RonanForman My issue is that, to me at least, integrating Realms as a separate module, rather than using the existing multiplayer, seems fishy - given that it has to connect to Mojang on startup for that feature.
It seems fishy, I don't like fishy, is all.
Well I don't know how you're going to log into a Mojang run server without connecting to Mojang.
Huh, I thought that guy who kept spamming LMFAO-BOX 1.4 Free and Awesome on TF2 the other day was just some free-to-play user raging in pub servers
Turns out it's the name of a real hack which people use
And without any way to mute a user in text chat, it gets old pretty quickly
@Ullallulloo that's kind of a mess, you need Steam, Desura and origin to get all the PC games (plus android for one of them)
Also some devs were complaining about some profits from this bundle going to some politician or something, not sure what that's about
<-- is glad he got a retail version of ME2 before Origin came about.
They don't seem to link to any such thing on the bundle page
@BenBrocka "Help rebuild Vancouver's Game Industry." perhaps?
Yeah but it doesn't link to how/who/why
I think it does, at the end.
Or, well, in the middle. After that whole fancy games stuff.
"The Matt Toner Campaign"
Oh, after the mailing list stuff, never scrolled below that
90 seconds until hometime... not clockwatching much
I wish I was home :(
@Wipqozn @OrigamiRobot ^
Now just get Capcom to release it in America. :(
in Monster Hunter 3U, 9 mins ago, by Wipqozn
Either way, I don't we'll see it in NA.
@OrigamiRobot How was I supposed to see that in a different room with a different video?
Made by the owners of League of Legends.
I like how this interpretation of copyright law basically means that downloading anything ever is a copyright violation. The copy of a song iTunes gives you is illegal. By that reading, it is logistically impossible to do legally do anything with digital goods, because by downloading them you are infringing
@BenBrocka Technically, yes. That's what licenses are for.
Friggin iTunes and Steam, clearly the content owners need to shut down these illegal operations
@FEichinger I don't think you understand; they imply that the license doesn't apply to any "copy" of the data that traveled over the internet. That would include anything downloaded from the original source as well
@BenBrocka The suit, however, was about resale.
What you get from iTunes and steam is a "reproduction", especially since you can download the same item multiple times. If they're going for the "laws of physics" there is no difference between the initial download and the resold copy
Which isn't covered by the license.
> This understanding is, of course, confirmed by the laws of physics. It is simply impossible that the same “material object” can be transferred over the Internet. Thus, logically,… the Internet transfer of a file results in a material object being “created elsewhere at its finish.”
but... there is no material object...
The license you receive when purchasing digital content allows you to use the copy - and further copies - you download from this source authorizing it. (That is, that's how the license should be worded).
it's a pattern of zones of probability
Resale of digital content, isn't covered by the license, and as such does constitute illegally creating a copy - which is technically valid.
You know, Steam is maybe the only platform on which you could consider resale
mostly because games are the place where DRM is the most aggressive and Steam DRM can be easily circumvented (with loss of functionality) and yet (okay) enough people don't do that.
@badp Well, that's a whole different topic. Steam - since it is the distributor itself - isn't a third party here, other than ReDigi. For it to perform a resale, it would revoke the license and then grant it to someone else. That's doable.
I was honestly rather thinking of it in terms of technical feasibility to be honest
It's feasible for any distributor.
It would probably still be an economical nightmare, because the trading value of so many titles would be very much lower than their retail price.
It's just not controllable.
The Indie Gala Mass Effect now with ME2 and some other games!
Say, for example, Duke Nukem Forever.
Revoking the license to an iTunes-downloaded song, for instance, doesn't "destroy" the copy, other than Steam's access control could.
@badp This is the most important part about it, I'd say.
And, quite frankly, I agree with it.
@FEichinger On the other hand... consider TF2 keys, which are rather desirable
The "official gray market" price for them is pretty much the same as the official market price minus $.10
@badp The problem is that we'd run into price dumping. Putting something that doesn't degrade at all - and technically cost nothing to produce - to a global free market means the original distributors would have to compete with public pricing.
Much like games, keys can only originate by buying them full price
(Unlike games however, you can have as many as you want)
@FEichinger You can offset that. Make it so a game can't pass hands faster than 6 months
In the meantime, you'll probably already have offered the game at discount
@badp Which is why I qualified it as "free market". Regulating it would obviously fix a lot of issues about it.
...in a way you can turn the thing on its own head and force the free market to at least match the lowest discounted price the game ever got
because, well, if it's more than that and I've already waited 6 months
@badp Isn't all that free anymore then, is it? :P
I'll just wait some more until it goes back to that price
@FEichinger if it was free then you'd get no money from resale, why bother then
@badp "free" as in "freedom". free market meaning no regulations.
@FEichinger Steam won't do that, we can simply exclude that right out
Which is the whole idea behind digital resale. And is pretty damn dangerous.
@BenBrocka ... I don't know how much tattoos cost, but it's gotta be more than $50
There's a reason I said Steam is probably the only company that can get this done and make it sort of work
@OrigamiRobot Yeah I'd assume that at best they might have covered their cost
@OrigamiRobot Text only? Could actually be pretty cheap.
1. Deep discounts cut on resale profits
2. Full control of the platform
3. They already have the platform in place
4. They can share a cut with developers
5. _They can share a cut with developers_
@StrixVaria How much did you back Chasm at?
@FEichinger With a font as intricate as Comic Sans?!
Also. Who at Microsoft thought this would be a good idea?
@BenBrocka Sarcasm?
(This is the only orientation Skype works in.)
I would guess he is a tattoo artist and hopfully already got a cover tattoo planed
@Blem I'd keep it, depending on the spot. It's actually pretty witty.
You can always go with the story "Well, I wanted to get a tribal, but then hipsters happened, so ... yeh."
@BenBrocka Well, no, because that original copy created on your computer is what you paid for. Not only that, but many places let you redownload (that is, make new copies) on other devices you own. Or the same device again after deleting the original. It really depends on the licensing agreements.
That guy's wife is going to chew him out when he gets home and the kid tattles.
@Sterno I feel sorry for the kid
he sounded terrified
@badp you have a windows device?
@kalina That's Android
@YiJiang'sEvilClone wow
well, its not iOS
that's my area of knowledge wiped out
The bottom bar is a dead giveaway
I assume that's the stock keyboard
the bottom bar is what made me think it was windows -.-
Metro's charms bar is on the right
I am going to be so lost for ages when my new phone arrives it seems
@kalina Yeah, but he/she gets to be a badass at school the next day.
@Sterno hearing damage is no joke though
@kalina The guy who filmed this did an interview. Kid's okay now.
well that's ok then!
Every time I see I.M.F. in the news I think "Impossible Mission Force".
@Sterno Another visitor... stay a while... stay forever!
Hey all I just got myself a Dedicated Server for running game servers
Anyone have any experience with this, any links or guides to make my server secure and fast?
@loosebruce Ping @RonanForman @Marco
@loosebruce What OS and hardware are you running?
Server 2008 R2 , Core i7 920, 24GB RAM, 1.5TB RAID 1
Wow, that's quite a lot of hardware. I assume if you need to run any Linux software packages you'd need virtual machines
@loosebruce what are you intending to run on it?
Its a game called ArmA 3, its very processor intensive
hence the spec
I need it for my clan as we have about 30-40 people during our missions
"!votescramble" "!votescramble" "!votescramble" "!votescramble" "Teams are fine lol" "Teams have been scrambled!" "rtv" "rtv" "rtv" "rtv" "rtv"
@Ullallulloo but is Guns of Icarus any good?
@loosebruce No experience with either Windows server or running an ArmA server, unfortunately
@YiJiang'sEvilClone ; its not that part. I hear there is cool software you can get for doing remote control stuff. Someone mentioned TCAadmin
I was wondering if you have experience with any of this stuff
@Blem It has a 66 on Metacritic, with most of the reviews saying that bugs are the major downsides.
I would block all ports and then open the needed ports for the game
I hear there is another thing called RCON
I don't know if they've been fixed, but it's had five months.
@badp Heh. The best is still last round of the map "Scramble teams?"
Sadly ArmA 3 is a Steam only game so I have installed that on my server, was hoping I could somehow program the server when I type comands through Steam chat to its account
Also need to find out about batch scripts that restart the game server if it crashes
@Unionhawk "The current map has been extended!"
@loosebruce doesn't look like RCON is available for Arma 3 yet
(also I'm of the opinion that you should scramble early and scramble often)
@loosebruce I'm not sure if Steam itself is amendable to that sort of modding. Surely there are better ways to communicating with the server than trying to hack Steam chat?
@badp Yeah, scrambles are often good. I never really have fun when I'm on either extreme of the team balance
I guess it will be good the server having a steam account, if it goes down then I will see it loggin off
@loosebruce most dedicated servers don't require a steam account, even if the game client does. (all of valve's dedicated servers don't require steam accounts, for instance)
it looks like you need to be logged into steam to download the files, but then the dedicated server itself can be run with steam in offline mode
(if this guide is to be believed - ofcrav2.org/forum/index.php?topic=1621.0)
are you on windows or linux?
@agent86 He said Windows Server 2008 R2
Yay, meeting canceled!
Is Arma 3 even out yet?
crap, I can't remember the free one we used to use on windows...
@Powerlord alpha/pre-release on steam
@loosebruce the "paid" one we used on windows was firedaemon - firedaemon.com it has some neat features, like the ability to log into a web control panel and shutdown/startup server(s)
you can't RCON with it, but you can do basic management tasks
Does it use steamcmd to update its server? If so, it'd be nice to have its appid on the master list.
most of the admins would log in with remote desktop to do anything more intensive than that
@Powerlord from what I can see, the server is currently just the client with a command line option. don't think there's anything sophisticated yet
@agent86 That's silly. :O
Sorry back from having pizza
Is it a boy or girl?
@BenBrocka tree
Tree is a terrible flavor of pizza
Says you.
Q: Will there be an Assassin's Creed 4 Collector's Edition?

Jesse BroussardI'm just curios if there is any information on whether there will be a collector's edition of AC4, what will it contain, etc? I know there is still a lot of time till release, but I would like to take a look at it as soon as possible.

@Lazers Too localized?
Quick, I need reasons to miss my 3pm meeting
bacon explosion
@Powerlord "My dog has halitosis."
4 hours ago, by OrigamiRobot
40 mins ago, by OrigamiRobot
Try putting ice cream in the optical drive.
Closed as dog halitosis
The meeting got closed too localized
I will VTC anyone's meeting if they pay me.
I wish I could vote to close meetings.
just stand up, state "this meeting is a waste of my life" and walk out
@kalina Needs four more votes to pass.
@OrigamiRobot $25
I should play the demo.
It wont be out for a year though :(
@Powerlord You don't have the reputation
You know what's funny about reading the AMXModX forums? People who claim there's some "new exploit" out there, but it only affects non-updated servers and specifically the ones using dproto (a tool that allows non-Steam users to connect to Steam servers).
I can't imagine why running a tool that undermines your authentication protocol makes it so people can take over your server!!!
@kalina Windows Phone also has a bunch of buttons at the bottom, but they're usually not software buttons.
@badp mk
They're back, home (Windows logo) and search if I'm not mistaken
Windows Phone also typically features much more typography with words cutting off on the edges
I'm sure you've seen the pictures.
My meeting got closed :D
@SaintWacko Stop making me jealous
Speaking of which, meeting for me in 7ish minutes
@Powerlord I haven't had a meeting in months
I should get going, since I have a stop to make before there.
@OrigamiRobot I'm sorry to hear that you left your job.
Anyway.... bbl
And my meetings basically go, "So we all agree that this is fucked and there's nothing we can do about it, right?"
user image
Q: File not found error in ME2

VaishaliI was playing ME2 fine till last night. This morning I received a strange error as shown below. Before it was about new7_en.jpg. I have not changed any settings etc betweem last night and tonight. Once I click on OK it goes away. Still if someone could provide a resolution would be much appreci...

Q: Where to find Mp3 of Dwarf Fortress music?

user46556Does anyone know where to find an MP3 of the Dwarf Fortress theme music/music that plays in the background during play? I know you can go into the files and find the song_game.ogg file, but I just want an Mp3 version to move around on different PCs and devices. I'd prefer a longer version than ju...

@OrigamiRobot Didn't realize you worked for Blackberry
@BenBrocka Most of my work problems come from inadequate documentation on the part of the client. I can't make them keep their drawings up to date.
"We would like you to do an evaluation of our electrical system. By the way, we have no drawings and you aren't allowed to open anything up."
@OrigamiRobot import magic
to dominos or not to dominos
that is the question
@badp The best we can do is say "We are assuming all your conductors are properly sized"
@OrigamiRobot who made that?
@Blem The guy's name is on it. I just stumbled on it
well it says "/ 9GAG" so i thought it was just another collection of other peoples work that someoen collected and put there name on it to get likes
@Blem I think it's by National Geographic for April Fools.
PaperStare @Rob
@Rob  ಠ_ಠ
@Ullallulloo yea laughingsquid.com/…
@OrigamiRobot Are you allowed to subject it to more and more rediculous conditions until it explodes?
@Sconibulus I wish.
so, basically, no forms of testing at all?
"apply dog vision" is a thing?
Yes. It doesn't work for many things though
for whatever reason mostly just animals
Much to my dismay "your mom" doesn't work
@OrigamiRobot ew they look like flat pickles
@BenBrocka Oh, she works all right. wink wink nudge nudge
ew... doggy bacon looks awful
user image
@Sconibulus If there were a way to overlay how they smell it as a visual layer, that would be the most awesome image ever.
it's one of those allergens from the commercials!
@OrigamiRobot huh
@BenBrocka Apparently it translates "ben brocka" as "old ben"
It seems to have issues with two-word names/animals
Like "green bowl on grass" = "Al Green".
hey it worked for Dog Food
> apply cat vision to an image of birds
Using closest Wolfram|Alpha interpretation: image of birds
yeah it doesn't do cat vision
If the rumors are true Windows Blue actually sounds like a pretty solid move
@BenBrocka What are the rumours? Last I heard Windows Blue was rumoured to have a Metro Settings screen that doesn't suck
...and that was the only difference
Latest has been buzz about putting the start button back in and allowing boot-to-desktop. More or less cutting out the start screen if people don't want it
Almost all of my complaints about windows 8 involve anything that put me on the start screen other than looking for a Metro app (which I never did)
"putting the start screen back in and allowing boot-to-desktop" wat
Allow people to bypass the start screen and put it back in after it's been removed when?
That doesn't compute
We now have a target date of the weekend of 4th/5th May for the release of #Debian 7.0 wheezy: http://deb.li/O8h0
@badp Metro is becoming optional, apparently.
Also they should bring back freaking pinch-to-zoom for multitouch on Desktop; I have zero idea why that no longer works when it worked in 7
@FEichinger ...so they're putting back in the start menu?
@badp Well, no. At least we have no confirmation of that.
(And I honestly can't imagine them doing it)
Yeah, I hope they don't do that
@badp putting the start button back in
^ Bring back this screen
@BenBrocka oh. meh. of all the things.
@badp Wha-- Why?
All of my mehs.
@OrigamiRobot Is that not the Start screen? That's what the Start screen says to me
@OrigamiRobot I still have a computer that shows this screen.
It has font memories.
@FEichinger Bigger icons are easier to click. It's maths. You should instead ask yourself why you are clicking to begin with
@OrigamiRobot Wasn't that screen typeset in Franklin Gothic?
@badp I don't know. I did a book report on Franklin County in grade school. Does that help?
Goddamn. Google Images sucks at Windows 95 screenies
I can't help but see this as a 100% good thing.
Well it's time to boot this virtual machine up again
...sigh, Virtual PC is no longer a thing for Windows 8 and my CPU doesn't have the right extensions for the inbuilt software
VirtualFailInABox it is then.
(Did I mention I don't like VirtualBox?)
Zoomba Raven Cat Tiny Duck Chase?
@BenBrocka [insert jaws tune]
brb, moving to Utah
Lucky SOBs
I'm pretty certain that moving to Utah will require a bit more time than is allowed by "right back".
I am a robot.
I want it to come to me in Canada. That would be appreciated.
@AshleyNunn That's gonna take forever.
My city seems like it would be a good candidate, but we just got some state grant to make our own high-speed internet that has roughly no chance of reaching me.
oh, jesus, what a thumbnail.
@tombull89 sigh, those comments.
@AshleyNunn Fiber isn't made out of maple syrup so I'm not sure how practical that is
> fake
> fale
> OMG fake
@Ullallulloo Thought you were going to finish with "cake".
Sadly, disappointed.
@BenBrocka I suppose not but I would like it anyhow. I am sure we can adapt
There has to be a maple syrup conversion system somewhere
@AshleyNunn It's so much less transparent than fiber optics.
There would have to be a signal repeater every foot or two.
@Ullallulloo sorry but that is just how Canada works
@AshleyNunn Have you considered transporting your internet packets via moose?
Would be cheaper.
@Ullallulloo you know, that just might work
@YiJiang'sEvilClone pong
I see your frothing at the mouth for some Google Fiber and snicker, silently
@AshleyNunn It might not be ideal for chat
Pidgeons are probably still superior there
@badp :(
@badp Didn't those die though? :(
@badp point taken. I shall hold onto my pigeons for now then.
@Ullallulloo Keep dreaming, yankee.
haha not-google-fiber-city-living losers!
we still haven't banned @agent86 forever?
enjoy your not-google-fiber having lives
@badp you tried, but were thwarted by my awesomeness
@agent86 Wait, you live in Austin?
@agent86 Your days are numbered you son of a OOOOOOOOOH SHINY
- Added a new ConVar cl_first_person_uses_world_model to allow this mode to be used outside of VR mode
@Ullallulloo the general area, yeah.
I don't live downtown, so I won't see this for several years yet, no doubt

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