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@fredley Is that correct?
@RonanForman Yes, not sure how it works
Does chat onebox svgs I wonder...
Aaaaw, not animated
@fredley TO META!
@RonanForman You make a valid point
Q: Page Not Found error after reviewing an answer

galacticninjaAfter reviewing this answer in the 'Low Quality Post' queue, and then clicking on 'Recommend Deletion' selecting a comment, I get to this URL: http://gaming.stackexchange.com/posts/112855/recommend-delete?delete-main=&fkey=40ef87016c8df76d1946073ffd62e27f This is the screenshot of the page I get...

Q: mobile access layout request

MichelThe site doesn’t show some menus, like the "review" and "meta". So to use it I typed in the url. Also the suggested questions that appear when you are creating a question didn't show either. And the tags are having the same problem, no auto complete and even after I write down they doesn't app...

Q: What websites can we go to, to ask about shopping questions?

Keegan McCarthySince questions about shopping are prohibited on Arqade can someone please point me in the direction of a website where it would be appropriate for me to ask such a question?

Q: Can someone tell why this question was closed as off topic?

DJTripleThreatSince I have no idea how to message moderators on this site (there doesn't seem to be a way to do this. why is that?) I'll post my question here. Here the question I asked: Is there an app that generates chunks for Minecraft maps using a command line? I read the FAQ like the message asked me to...

Q: Should answers on questions that ask for spoiler information be put in spoiler markup or not?

galacticninjaNote: I'm asking about spoiler markup on answers, not questions. I would like to start a discussion on this due to the recent number of spoiler answers on plot-related questions that ask for spoiler info in bioshock-infinite. Since it is not sure what the policy on this is (some answers in t...

@fredley I see animation on your SVG, don't you?
@M'vy In chat?
The Frog one
@M'vy Brower/os?
Firefox / Win7
Q: Animated SVGs don't animate when oneboxed in chat

fredleyIf I post a lovely animated SVG here, it will animate: Beautiful, but the same does not happen in chat for me (Chrome, Mac OS): This is a serious bug which needs fixing immedia-- ALL GLORY TO THE HYPNOTOAD

@M'vy Oh yeah, so it does.
Chrome / Win 7 working too
Chrome Mac OS not working, although it does animate elsewhere. This is clearly SE's fault.
@M'vy Not for me.
Not for me either, FF20 on Win7.
fine on FF...<checks what version is now>19.0.2 from source on Linux.
@fredley You are too fast.
anyone see the animated ball on here?
When I refreshed the page, it animated.
A: Formatting Sandbox

Nathan Osman ^---- Animated SVG! Chrome's throbbers: Formatting you possibly didn't know about: [meta-tag:status-declined] = status-declined

@StrixVaria ?
Now that I refreshed chat, the hypnotoad here is animated too :)
So it doesn't animate on first load, but it does thereafter.
Q: Can I improve the performance of Shank 2?

hunter2I got Shank 2 through Humble Bundle, and the performance is pretty awful. Have any patches been released? Shank 1 had a similar problem that was helped by a patch posted on Icculus (but not shown on the main HB site, or the support site - or anywhere else, AFAIK). Yes, I'm on integrated grap...

Opera / Win7 is working too, although the image is cropped
FF20 - chat - okay. FF20 - site - okay. IE9 - chat - not okay. IE9 - site - not okay.
must resist trolling....
Ah, so if I refresh, the chat one does work, but when it's injected into the page by the oneboxing script it fails to start the animation
@tombull89 Trident doesn't support animated SVGs as far as I know.
@fredley So it does, interesting.
The following tables compare SVG compatibility and support for a number of layout engines. Please see the individual products' articles for further information. This article is not all-inclusive or necessarily up-to-date. Unless otherwise specified in footnotes, comparisons are based on the stable versions without any add-ons, extensions or external programs. [http://www.adobe.com/svg/viewer/install/ Adobe SVG Viewer], Batik, eSVG and Renesis are SVG-Plugins. SVG version support {| class="wikitable" style="text-align: center; width: 95%;" ! colspan="3" | ! style="width: 9%" | Trident...
Trident is a no for animated SVGs, WebKit is partial, Presto and Gecko are up2date.
Just the usual Gecko bugs every now and then. There's probably one related to the "gotta reload" thingy as well.
Is it over....?
Dr Who time!
The doctor mentioned it again
"The infomation that cannot be spoken"
@Wipqozn That depends on what "it" is.
@FEichinger Come now you silly goose.
@Wipqozn I'm not a goose. I may be silly, but I'm no goose!
@OrigamiRobot Data request: @FEichinger.isGoose()
Maybe later.
@OrigamiRobot Only accepts asynchronous requests.
if ($answer le satisfactory) {
my $@FEichinger = "goose";
so does anybody know if there will be a bioshock 4
I liked the underwater setting better
It was so much more dark and less open
I found Rapture too gloomy :( I liked Columbia though.
bioshock 1 was trying to be scary, but yeah it basically just creeps you out
and theres so much suspension of disbelief
@Johann In what ways?
a city on the sea floor
machine turrets that can recognize you
with 1920s technology
You don't really seem to have gotten the point of Bioshock.
@Johann Here's the inspiration for them:
Quite sure the first Bioshock took place in the 60s
is there a point
The Turk, also known as the Mechanical Turk or Automaton Chess Player (, "chess Turk"' ), was a fake chess-playing machine constructed in the late 18th century. From 1770 until its destruction by fire in 1854, it was exhibited by various owners as an automaton, though it was exposed in the early 1820s as an elaborate hoax. Constructed and unveiled in 1770 by Wolfgang von Kempelen (1734–1804) to impress the Empress Maria Theresa of Austria, the mechanism appeared to be able to play a strong game of chess against a human opponent, as well as perform the knight's tour, a puzzle that requir...
the point is the turk
@Johann Yes, there is a point. Bioshock is a lot deeper.
No. It's an alternative-universe Earth where The Turk wasn't a fake.
I've yet to play Bioshock.
I keep meaning to do that.
ill tell you it is quite deep on the sea floor
@Johann You're connecting different things said by two different people together
and I heard in the sequel the plot really tanked
I dont see how there is a violent distopia and then you arrive 10 years after it collapsed and its the exact same state
everyone would be dead
@Johann Well, almost everyone is dead, or turned to monsters
@Johann You really don't get the point, do you?
yeah but they kill each other
the point is that you are on the sea floor
and dont mess with genes
and something about communism
@Johann @FEichinger I don't think he does, no.
you guys take on it
@YiJiang'sEvilClone sigh
@YiJiang'sEvilClone I've never played it, and I sort of know the point.
@RonanForman It's hard not to. The game and it's plot/theme is really quite famous.
Anyway, I sent @AshleyNunn something today. First time shipping stuff overseas, so it's rather exciting.
Q: Does a monster's size have any effect on resources?

OrigamiRobotEvery time I kill a big monster, the game reports its size and keeps track of the smallest and largest of that species. Do these sizes have any effect besides just a statistic?

is lazers a bot
@Johann It is, yes.
so what is your take on the meaning of bioshock @YiJiang'sEvilClone
@Johann He periodically posts questions from meta and the main site. We've also got a bot that posts topics from non-gaming sites which are about gaming.
Ooh, £30 for bioshock 1 and 2, might get them.
I am also a robot.
The stars list tells a dismal, dismal tale.
@RonanForman I've seen them on sale on Amazon for $10
@YiJiang'sEvilClone That's for the heads up.
@Johann You can try familiarising yourself with Bioshock's plot and setting by reading it's Wikipedia page before initiating this discussion
I played the game twice and listened to all the tape recordinds
you can't talk about bioshocks without spoilers :<
you just can't.
Someone says that phrase and blam
retro im guessing
@RonanForman Technically speaking Amazon digital downloads are for US only, but it doesn't enforce this in anyway other than asking for an US address, which it does not verify in any way
so how is retro at one rep
@Johann And yet you got both its setting and the basic theme wrong. Perhaps you need a refresher.
The philosophy that underpins Rapture is Objectivism, not Communism.
game 2 is about communism
and i played 1 a couple weeks ago
im not an idiod
Really weird, bioshock 2 is cheaper than 1...
2 is worse apparently
@RonanForman The second game was received less favorably than the first
I'd agree it's not as good as the first
but it's still a dang good game
i second
I miss @gnomeslice.
@Sterno I don't think we need more than one village idiot
Bioshock 2 was made by a different dev. It's not up to the same standard.
BioShock 2 was awful as part of the franchise. On it's own, it was great, but it doesn't fit in.
@FEichinger yeah I think you naiuled it
BioShock 2 wouldn't have been all that bad if it didn't seem like a clone of Bioshock 1.
but I've not played infinate yet :<
also the end game kinda sucked
Combat feels a lot better in Infinite than the previous two.
Just waiting for Infinite to get cheap.
I don't expect to ever finish it.
I never finish single-player games any more :(
I'm clocked at 140+hr on star ocean so far.
@GraceNote will be proud ;D
@StrixVaria Took about 12 hours on Hard. Not a terribly long game.
Unlike previous Bioshocks, I actually wanted to play it more as I got deeper in, instead of less, too. :P
@StrixVaria Did you try Minesweeper?
On that note, I think I'm gonna download Bioshock again.
Q: How to remove all unlocked missions in campaign mode?

Angelo TanBasically I want to end-up with kind of a fresh or newly purchased game wherein none of the missions are unlocked. This may seem an odd question but I want to play WC3 again and having all those missions readily exposed or available ruins the experience for me.

@djsmiley2k It depends on if this is "140 hours and still haven't beaten it yet" versus "Done and now 140 hours in".
Most-played steam game of mine is Just Cause 2 with 89 hours.
Bioshock Infinite took 8 hours on normal for me.
@GraceNote by beaten it we are talking all the achivements, not a chance.
30% of BT done tho.
unlocked level cap removal on baccus and working on myria now
I meant cleared through the main story.
Notl ooking forward to lymle :<
Oh, thats about 20 hours :P
Okay, good.
I haven't been on it a lot in the last few weeks due to redoing my whole office at home which meant no xbox for a few days + when I have been on it's been for like an hour at a time and i kept getintg pulled into games on halo, However that's got very boring now :/
Q: I am looking for a game I once played

ShorelineI don't know the name of this game. I played it some years ago and I would like to play it again. I do remember the following distinguishing features: It was a real-time strategy, It was flash-based, It was 2D, It was space-themed, The gameplay consisted of sending ships between planets to conq...

@Lazers Missed my chance to VTC. Sad.
@Sterno You can always flag @Lazers for even posting an ITG question. That'll teach that silly robut.
What would happen if @Lazers got chatbanned?
@StrixVaria It can't
@StrixVaria Not sure if bots can even be suspended from chat
Only one way to find out...
What does happen if it is flagged, though?
Hmm, I see the option to suspend it
We already know the answer
@FEichinger The post gets deleted, but it'll keep on posting
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Stop being so helpful! This is an opportunity for us to mass flag a robot and have 10k users across the network come yell at us!
@DaveMcClelland NO FUN ALLOWED
It's 1pm system time and I have hit my star cap ... crap.
@FEichinger Clearly, you undervalue your stars.
I save all my stars for complaints about ponies.
I wish someone would give me a star. I love stars.
wait, what? Why is my account hooked up to the movies site?
better movies than area51
@Wipqozn How about a flag instead? I love giving you flags.
@DaveMcClelland I guess that would be okay...
@Wipqozn It's consolation, at least
Dammit UHC, I need to be productive for a few weeks if you don't mind
@shoreline try googling for "Galcon", it's a good place to start.
@GraceNote I guess I was a chapter farther ahead of you than I thought, on chapter 9 now
@Oak Who are you talking to?
@BenBrocka I didn't get to play last night so my progress remains identical to yesterday.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Someone who can't talk back, I'm afraid, the author of this. But I just couldn't resist saying something
@GraceNote there are apparently items necessary to get a better ending. You'd also have to be amazingly unobservant to not collect them (with the big purple EVENTs and all)
fire alarm fun
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Could you provide some background...?
@Wipqozn Singapore has a problem with immigrants. On the one hand, it's economic success is built upon importing large amount of relatively cheap labor from other Asian countries like China and India. On the other hand this importing creates social tension, since it drives down unskilled labor salaries, and some locals are uncomfortable living in a society where the majority of the population are not citizens / born locally
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Oh, okay.
Singaporean politicians are known to be pragmatic. Sometimes, a little too pragmatic.
Now I understand the problem. Without the background I thought they were just making additional housing due to a lack of space in singapore. Turns out it's just hating immigrants.
@Wipqozn Well, it's not simply xenophobia, though I don't doubt that plays a part
So would foreign workers be forced to live there?
They stay here for the duration of their contracts. It's closely regulated, and once their job they have to go back to where they came from
Right now they're usually housed in dormitories that do not exactly provide fantastic living conditions
Morning, Bridge
I'm definitely going to have to keep an eye out for a good deal on a Wii U
I had forgotten how much fun Monster Hunter is
Q: Is there any Action Replay add-in to play emulated PSONE games on my computer?

CindytrofordI would like to know whether there's any Action Replay available for PS1 games that my computer (Windows) emulates. In fact I would like to play games I used to play when I was younger, such as Final Fantasy VIII... but I dont wanna farm and undergo hours of getting experience. Codes would enable...

@SaintWacko Don't you own it for the 3DS?
@Wipqozn No
Nor do I own a 3DS
@BenBrocka So I've been told.
@Wipqozn Yeah, that one's not too bad
Best I've seen was that bundle + a $50 gift card
For $350
There are currently 5 bridge members with MH3U for the WiiU.
cc @BenBrocka
I wonder if Sam's Club has it cheap...
@SaintWacko You should find a good deal pretty soon. Wii U sales have been abyssmal.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Yeah, apparently there are some pretty sweet deals in the UK
@LessPop_MoreFizz Since I've gotten a Wii U, everyone I've told has responded with, "What's that?" I think that might be part of the problem.
The lack of games is probably another part.
Yes, that is also annoying.
lol nintendo.
That all is.
And it just seems so similar to the Wii, which tons of people already have
@SaintWacko and don't play
I play with my Wii...
@SaintWacko It physically looks like a Wii, but that's about it.
@djsmiley2k Don't play alone
It's an excellent party console
wait, I'm meant to have friends?
@SaintWacko hmmmm
we did play it, for about 3 months
then rapidly got bored of it and realised lips was more fun
it needs more better games
@LessPop_MoreFizz Ooh, ouch
Madden for the Vita is outselling Madden for Wii U.
haven't Ninendo's sports games always sucked though?
A: What happens to caged animals in an abandoned fortress?

SamthereTo investigate this question, I sent out a team of seven dwarven scientists just beyond the boundaries of their home halls, with a set of cages and a great variety of beasts in breeding pairs. They caged a selection of the animals, asked the rest to politely remain in their designated pastures, a...

Yay, I got a !!SCIENCE!! answer!
@LessPop_MoreFizz Ever since the Wii, sports games have been going down on Nintendo consoles
I don't remember the gamecube ones being worth anything either
Wii Sports was kinda fun though
@Sconibulus I mean, at least they were analogous to the other console versions.
@Sconibulus Madden isn't Nintendo's sports game though. :P
@Unionhawk Yeah, but you'd still expect madden on a new console to outsell iton the Vita, but said new console just ins't selling.
It's a worrying number for Nintendo.
Sadly, they've got my brother locked in on getting a Wii U...
And I'm reluctant
The thing I'm concerned with is the screen. I mean, is it a console, or is it a handheld?
I may get one when I move into my own place
Although I already have a 360, and I'll probably take the Gamecube
@Unionhawk The gamepad's screen is used for supplementary information (at least in MH3U)
Contrary to it's name Burger King doesn't serve excellent burgers
Also, the onion rings are rubbish
@OrigamiRobot So the Wii U is, essentially, a giant Nintendo DS, at least for first player. Yes?
@OrigamiRobot it can also be used as a replacement (or just the controller, or both) so you can play just on the controller
My main problem with how the controller works is the range is very small for it to be really "portable", after about 1 room's distance it starts to cut out in my house
Sometimes memes are very fitting :P
that seems like a terrible idea to me
@SaintWacko Well, to be honest I was expecting something better. The burger I got was incredibly mediocre
@Sconibulus Why?
@Unionhawk Not really, though it has the potential to do some similar second screen things
@YiJiang'sEvilClone It's fast food. Not just that, but pretty much the lowest tier of fast food
@BenBrocka PS4's technology for its connection with the Vita is the same kind of thing too, I think.
@SaintWacko 3 words. Long. John. Silver's.
@FAE I prefer them over burger king. Although I haven't been to either in a very long time
@SaintWacko Ah, but fast food here isn't the cheapest tier of food available here
And I have no intention of ever going to that type of fast food restaurant again
@SaintWacko I don't really like seafood, but fast food seafood is the worst out of all seafood.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Same here in the Netherlands.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Ah, okay. That's right, I remember hearing that overseas, a lot of those fast food places were higher quality than they are here
@FAE Long John Silvers is a restaurant fast food place that has always struck me as odd. There's no difference in taste between any of the dishes served there - they're all basically fried dough that taste slightly fishy
Bah, I fail at markdown
@DaveMcClelland gg
@SaintWacko They should be - they have competition.
@DaveMcClelland need the triple dashes
KFC in China serves excellent rice dishes
@FAE Yay, thanks!
@SaintWacko I'd call Burger King's burgers better than most fast food places.
@DaveMcClelland Haha, no prob. And I agree on the varied fried dough assertion, from what I remember of eating there in my childhood, before I was old enough to protest.
Long John Silvers does have great fries, and those weird fritters things. Other than that, meh.
KFC here also serves rice, but I haven't dared try it yet
The problem is the rice. Fast food rice is terrible. Unless you're in China.
Fast food rice is such a crazy concept to me. Around here we have fast food poutine, which is often terrible.
@YiJiang'sEvilClone Hush puppies?
@Fluttershy The only Hush Puppies here is the brand of shoes
@Fluttershy Do you miss being a room owner?
I'm speechless. slant.co managed to make Skolar, the font, look bad. Ugh.
A hushpuppy (or cornbread ball) is a savory, starch-based food made from cornmeal batter that is deep fried or baked in small ball or sphere shapes, or occasionally oblong shapes. Hushpuppies are frequently served as a side dish, usually at seafood restaurants. History Native Americans were using ground corn for cooking long before European explorers arrived in the New World. Southern Native American culture (Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek) is the "cornerstone" of Southern cuisine. From their culture came one of the main staples of the Southern diet: corn (maize), either ground i...
And with that, I must leave for an interview.
@Wipqozn You should add me to make him feel worse
@OrigamiRobot I was actually going to be a really nice guy and give him back the ownership LEsspop took away.
But if he's going to ignore me like some rude pony, I won't.
@Wipqozn The same thing happened to me!
@OrigamiRobot you're a robot though. robots don't have feelings.
LPMF is a room owner tyrant when he's drunk.
@OrigamiRobot being forced to split attention between two screens showing different information by one process seems like a bad idea
Which is why he's awesome as a room owner. He's hilarious.
@Wipqozn Feelings are not required to be a room owner.
@LessPop_MoreFizz is also the best room owner at pinning awesome things.
Oh dear god what where they thinking murdering the kerning with letter-spacing: 1px and text-transform: uppercase
@Sconibulus In most situations, the info on the small screen isn't necessary, but more like extra info
Q: Does a great work bring benefits to the entire region or just to the 4 cities which built it?

PopoIn a big region of 16 cities there are 4 great works to build but not every city can built them, just the four which sorround them. Will the Great work bring benefits to the entire region or only to the cities sorrounding them. Peace

the two screen things is one of the bigger reasons I never got a DS
It makes me want to cry
@Sconibulus It really works pretty well on a DS
@Fluttershy We don't have that here, no
Something I can't even decide what to flag it as ...
How the fuck did that get to +15 that fast
@LessPop_MoreFizz 21 upvotes
@FEichinger Let me know if you decide...
@LessPop_MoreFizz Look at the top answer's score...
@SaintWacko It's a youtube embed. It's not that good an answer.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I missed a word there :P
@OrigamiRobot I have no idea how that question became so damn popular. That's now my highest rated answer and I didn't even think it was a very good one
The question reeks of NC
...wireless... time travel... cloud...?
@OrigamiRobot I disagree. I think it's off-topic, but not NC.
I love how my answer gets comparatively low votes, just because I don't use pretty pictures.
@Wipqozn I think it's asking for a discussion.
Is there a way to benchmark BioShock Infinite? I had my game running on "High" but I bumped it up to "Very High" and then "Ultra" and couldn't really tell the difference...
@FEichinger To be fair, I didn't read or vote on any of the answers because I think the question is stupid.
I don't like that question, but for the life of me I can't figure out what's wrong with it...
@tombull89 Every time I launch it asks me if I want to play or benchmark on the steam version
@FEichinger You'll eventually learn that users love pictures :) But FWIW, I thought your answer was good and upvoted it
I also think it's baiting people into arguing about PC vs console etc
@StrixVaria I downvoted the list answer for its format and upvoted Dave's for ninja'ing me with the same post, essentially.
@DaveMcClelland We were pretty much posting the same thing in a couple of seconds.
@OrigamiRobot I don't get that sense. It seems to me like he is actually curious why it's still able to play modern games despite the technology being 8-years old.
@Unionhawk oh balls...I disabled that popup and launched the game straight from the EXE because it was annoying me. Derp.
There's humor in the fact that, were the technology real, then "It's not magic, it's the future" is very literally true.
@Wipqozn That'w what I get from it
Either way though, it's off-topic for us, and gamedev has a near identical question which answers it.
@Wipqozn Maybe I'm just being a grumpy old man robot, but I see it as trying to start a discussion/argument.
@OrigamiRobot Probably due to lack of MH.
@OrigamiRobot Hey, no grumping! That's @kalina's job!
huh, can you not lose the free 100 rep you get from association?
So much TV to watch. Good thing I'm (cough cough) sick
I just noticed he has 101 with that -4 answer as his only activity
@Sconibulus +1/-6 => +10 rep, - 12 rep => 99 rep that he currently has.
Does something like that with a "'s" at the end still ping the person?
@SaintWackos Lets find out
@DaveMcClelland That didn't work. Try it with 's
@SaintWacko's a jerk
ahh, alright
@DaveMcClelland Hey, that worked!
@SaintWacko Ping needs the target to have a complete stop.
Alright, good
I'm amazed someone +1d that
@GraceNote OR an apostrophe, apparently
So, punctuation or spaces. That's why, back when FAE was FallenAngelEyes, I'd do things like @Fall Semester
@Sconibulus kneejerk upvotes are quite common.
@SaintWacko Apostrophe is categorically a complete stop. Even if it isn't.
@GraceNote Oh, okay
@GraceNote Since its regex I'd say word boundaries
Regex. Stupid autocorrect
@GraceNote did you get my ping in the blogging editors room?
@MBraedley That room still exists...?
@FAE I seriously doubt it, even the PSP allowed it to connect over the internet, not internal wireless
@Wipqozn Yeah, how do you think stuff still gets posted?
@MBraedley I didn't even realize the blog has had any new posts in the past few months.
@Wipqozn Well besides the SC2:HotS post, there hasn't been much
@MBraedley There was a HOTS post? What?
@BenBrocka During the Sony announcement thing, they said that they were "sending" the game to the Vita to be played, so I dunno.
Grace Note on March 12, 2013

You’ve been waiting for it for three years, and now it’s finally here: StarCraft II: Heart of the Swarm has arrived. Join Sarah Kerrigan on her quest to assume leadership of the various rival broods of the fractured Swarm and exact her revenge on the Dominion.

You also get to win cool stuff from Arqade! The top prize this time is a sweet graphics card, and we have plush toys and peripherals up for grabs as well.

When you ask and answer questions about SCII: HOTS during the first ten days after launch, you’ll start working your way up through the leagues of AnswerSwarm. Anyone who chooses to participate will be featured in the leaderboards. …

And there's a LoL post after that, and a Crysis 3 post before.
@FAE That almost makes it sounds like the Vita is doing some of the processing. Either way, the Vita and PSP both connect to the PS3 over a real network, not low-quality proprietary junk inside the console. That's the problem with the WiiU
@BenBrocka Don't discriminate against non-standard protocols!
@BenBrocka I'm fairly confident that it's remote play. There might be some local stuff to reduce apparent lag, but the majority of the processing will still be done on the PS4
The proprietary junk is fine as an option; not everyone has wireless. But letting me run it over the wireless network instead would greatly improve it's range. Or they could have used better wireless hardware...
@MBraedley that's what I've assumed as well, but I hope it's a bit more streamlined
Also I hope they finally do away with this manually syncing save files between consoles garbage. I should be able to pick up on my PS3/4's last save on my Vita with zero effort if they're serious about this cross play stuff
@SaintWacko I'm not so grump! And we're the game grumps!
Granted it's better than the Monster Hunter U silliness with dedicated apps per-game and local transfers...
Q: How to get new weapons in Far Cry 3 Coop?

SeptagramI've been playing coop with a friend for a half about an hour. We both have levelled a little, but both can't figure out how to get our new weapons. Things are made worse by this: Change loadout screen hangs about only for 15 seconds Change loadout screen appears only on checkpoints The change ...

@Wipqozn I think you just categorically ignore anything I'm involved in.
@SaintWacko Want "damascus" dice for $160?
@agent86 ...no...never...

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