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Q: is support ashe viable?

R TO WINadc and support have near the same level of tankiness.Would ashe work as a good support considering she would have a utility slow which can be buffed by her q,frozen mallet and rylais crystal scepter as well as her ult?

A: How do you plan to build a community of "interdisciplinar" experts?

XaqronExperts already has their communities all over the world and asking interdisciplinary questions is not so easy. That's because such question are not about details but analogies to what domain they know. Also such questions sometimes may sounds silly if asked in a particular domain. Some discipli...

Ping LessPop_MoreFizz
Not a lot of people here... if you are here say I
LessPop_MoreFizz: so did my account get a strike or some sort of warning from earlier? since your name is in italics I am guessing you're a mod.
@YouDoNotExist He is an owner of this room
@jeffreylin_ The technical term is owner, not administrator.
All it really means is I can pin things over on the right hand column, and change the room description.
@LessPop_MoreFizz Well I was here to see if I got a strike (or however the warning system on SE works) for this: chat.stackexchange.com/messages/8852999/history
@YouDoNotExist That said, I know enough to tell you that chat bans are pretty harmless, so long as you don't run around getting them on a daily basis.
It's a 30 minute timeout. Nothing more, nothing less.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I am not a North Korean spy
I've eaten my share of them.
I've eaten one.
Well I felt bad for insulting FEichinger and others.
@jeffreylin_ SO YOU SAY. I think we should waterboard you. Just to be sure.
I was going to apologize to him (or her?), but I am on his/her ignore list so not much I can do now.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I am not North Korean.
@YouDoNotExist Apology accepted on my part. :)
Well someone (I forget who, but someone did) relayed my apology to him/her so I'll see how that goes over whenever they log back on.
@YouDoNotExist As much as anything, it comes down to him not being around right now as having you on ignore. I'm sure @FEichinger will be happy to take you off ignore when he's actually here.
@LessPop_MoreFizz That's good to read.
@jeffreylin_ This does not preclude working in their employ.
@LessPop_MoreFizz ._.
@jeffreylin_ I mean, I suppose you could be an Iranian spy.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'M NOT A SPY!!!
Without an adequate supply of coke and mentos, it'll take the North months to get a single rocket off the ground. - Jesse Lockhart
^ lolz
@jeffreylin_ Such fervent denials. Your masters trained you well. I guess we'll have to resort to torture.
It's the top comment with over 2k upvotes.
'Murica: bomb first ask questions later XD.
@LessPop_MoreFizz If I were a spy, do you think I would be announcing that all over Arqade? So that you can call the cops?
@jeffreylin_ Well, yes.
> Additionally, Judge Carol Amon prohibited the shops, which operate on the Poospatuck Reservation in Mastic, from ever selling untaxed cigarettes again.
@jeffreylin_ Who the hell calls the cops on a spy? you have to back stab them.
Totally read that as 'Poopastuck' and giggled like a 6 year old.
So how did Stack Exchange start?
^ If I could upvote that I totally would.
Stack Exchange seems like a much better version of Yahoo Answers.
@jeffreylin_ You can star it.
Does the star function do anything useful?
@YouDoNotExist Stars dictate who is superior. If you have more stars, you are a better human.
It unlocks a certain thingamabob
@YouDoNotExist Short version: Jeff Atwood didn't like the quality of content on Experts Exchange, a programmer-centric Q&A site, so they made StackOverflow. They then expanded to ServerFault and SuperUser. They then created Area51 to develop other topic-specific StackExchange sites.
who let the new people in here
Well judging from their site apparently it is a premium site? meh.
@kalina I'm not entirely sure, but I think one of them is a spy.
@kalina The internet.
@YouDoNotExist not really 'premium', that would indicate it is good
@LessPop_MoreFizz this sounds about right
so, while messing around yesterday I somehow injured my foot
however, when I woke up this... afternoon...
it has a bright red line going across it and it hurts to put any pressure on it
So is "kalina" one of those bots?
yes I am a bot
The ones that are triggered by certain phrases. Those are always fun.
not just certain phrases, I am a fully functioning synthetic intelligence
@YouDoNotExist Oh, you mean like @OrigamiRob
@LessPop_MoreFizz ಠ_ಠ
@kalina So you're basically a human? that is pretty boring then.
I wouldn't say "basically", there is nothing "basic" about this.
@kalina This is some high level shit.
Only the highest level of intelligent life forms are allowed on "The Bridge".
how did you get here then?
@kalina For that matter, how did most of us get here?
@kalina Flagged.
@YouDoNotExist I am no stranger to being flagged, plus, you forget that if you actually had I would see it
@LessPop_MoreFizz From a one night stand or too many beers.
@YouDoNotExist Let's start from the very beginning. There was a big exploshion, and then everything started exploding. Then, the earth formed. It was a big piece of lava and crap. Then, it started cooling. An asteroid hit the earth and it became the moon. It starting controlling the tides. Then, the dinosaur age. After they died due to unknown reasons, there were monkeys. Monkeys slowly evolved into humans and they started becoming awesome. Because they were so awesome they started....
@YouDoNotExist ....conquering everything. They studied mathematics, scientific stuff, history, and the literal arts. Fast foward to 2012. Everybody panics becuase the Mayans were ***holes. Fast foward to today, when you are asking this question and I am answering it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz well, I started using this site, got into an argument with one dude about a diablo 3 question and then ended up in chat
@kalina That sounds more or less right.
@LessPop_MoreFizz I'm being bullied. Do something.
@LessPop_MoreFizz said "dude" was you, therefore you take full responsibility for every single one of my actions
@kalina Was it?
yeah, about DPS calculations
I started watching that silly TV show you suggested
it's really good for making me fall asleep so I watch it in bed
LessPop_MoreFizz aren't you going to help? :/
@kalina Have you seen Charlie Has Cancer yet?
I duno I don't pay attention to the episode names
I've only seen 5 or so episodes so far
@YouDoNotExist I don't have any power to intercede. Like I said, my powers as room owner amount to pinning things to the top of the starred list, and changing the room description.
@kalina You don't need to know the episode name to know if you've seen Charlie Has Cancer.
It's the only episode in which Charlie gets cancer.
you mean he doesn't get cancer more than once?
@LessPop_MoreFizz You (or someone) temporarily kicked me earlier so clearly you have more control than that.
@YouDoNotExist moderators
I guess nobody likes Exphloshions.
@YouDoNotExist No, chat bans are more or less automated.
unless you mean chat bans
I got a message saying "please wait 30 minutes" or something along those lines.
I got one of those too!
@YouDoNotExist Quick primer on chat moderation: When someone says something offensive you can flag it. That flag is shown to moderators, and users with more than 10k reputation in any chat room. If enough of them "approve" the flag, you are banned for 30 minutes. If enough decline it, it goes away.
It's been at least a week since I got one of those
I was banned for spamming.
@kalina What were you banned for?
@kalina It must be a month since mine already. I'm slipping.
@jeffreylin_ Probably saying something rude.
@jeffreylin_ I duno, pick a reason, I've had all of them
You can be rude here?
@LessPop_MoreFizz all I did was make a smug remark (here: chat.stackexchange.com/messages/8852999/history ) and boom temp. banned.
@YouDoNotExist Um, Page Not Found
@YouDoNotExist Because somebody flagged it. And people approved the flag.
@YouDoNotExist Which means someone (anyone) flagged it, and enough high rep users/mods agreed.
I'll admit I was being a dick, but still.
@YouDoNotExist that's definitely the first stage to getting banned
you should always deny everything
@jeffreylin_ Because your rep isn't high enough to see deleted posts. I can see it just fine, as can @YouDoNotExist because he wrote it.
@LessPop_MoreFizz room owner, not rep
@LessPop_MoreFizz Aw..
@kalina Oh is that where that power comes from.
Well then. I must hoard it like the precious gold it is.
if it were rep, I'd be able to see it

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